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�. -- <br />. <br /> , �.<. <br /> �m <br /> � ( <br /> _ <br /> .. <br /> ,� -�� _ . _ . .,,:,: � <br /> STATE OF NEBRA$S�, County o4 ..............................................: <br /> Filed far record nnd entered in Numericnl Indea <br /> on .... ............................ ..nt...........,.... o', <br /> ........ ......... ....... <br /> nndreeorded in Deed Record...............................Pn�e...,.......................... <br /> .......,. ................................. By ........................................................... <br /> "y; County Clerk or Deputy County Clerk or <br /> ' Register of Deeds Deputy Regiater of Deeds <br /> r <br /> �� : 76-00 7 U 1? WARRANTY DEED <br /> ;;, <br /> ' � Jack E: Rasmussen and Joanne L. Rasmussen, husband and wife, <br /> � each in his own right and as spouse of the other, ------------------- <br /> � -------------------------------------, herein called the grantor whether one or teare� � <br /> _; <br /> '� in eons;deration of exchange of property of 1 i ke val ue -------------------- ` `• <br /> � ' recetved irom grantee, does grant, bargaln, sell, convey nnd confirm unto T h e l ma E. R a s m u s s e n, <br /> 1 a single person ------------------------------------------------------ `�'•: <br /> �'x: <br /> "'� herein enlled the grnntee whether one or more, the follo�ring described real property in <br /> .r- . .. ,.: �.,, <br /> ��" Hdl l ...... County, Nebrnska: ' • '-. = <br /> ,� .. ... ................................ <br /> � <br /> � Lot Four (4), in R.W. Rasmussen Subdivision in ' <br /> � the City of Grand Island, Hall County, �debraska. <br /> � _ NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY <br /> � STAMP TAX <br /> � � <br /> �' DEC 6 1976 <br /> � '�'*A7c <br /> ��� � � � MFN� A'171��{{� . . <br /> y�.� . � . . �' .,!»r ".BY � <br /> '� 'Co Lnve mid to hold the nbove described premises together with nll tenements, he�di � enta <br /> �- nnd appurtennnces tUcreto belouging unto the grantee nnd to grnntee's heirs nnd assigns fore�•er. ; <br /> and tlie grautor does hcreUy covennnt�cith the gmntee and �cith grantec's heirs aud assignn ` ' <br /> tliat grantor is Inwfully seised of snid precuises; thnt tlie,v are free from encnmbravice <br /> �` <br /> . ., <br /> ; . <br /> � � <br /> � thi�t grnntor has good right und la�vful nutliority to convey the same; nnd that grnntor warrants and will <br /> y defend the title to snid premises nguinst thc lan�ful claims of all persons�vhomsoever. <br /> , <br /> t <br /> � Dated tlovember 22 19 76 _�,� �•� <br /> u , -� / , <br /> { .''� / <br /> a �}/�� <br /> .�� ................................................................................... C---"`-�..�;�:--� /�7.�f.� ............. <br /> � ' .�..... ......:. ....G.� .................. � <br /> 3 Jack E Rasmussen <br /> � � � <br /> ; // A <br /> 5 . � � .................................................................................... .. 16:t:t?:.�:.�....?.:...J.�CL.2..r.f'.�:�.:zv..C..rx...,r:.. � � � <br /> ' / Joanne L. Rasmussen <br /> ; ; <br /> � s1���rr•,or ar�Brtnsrce,County of.............N d l.�..................................: <br /> ,f <br /> , <br /> f Beforc mc, n notnry public qualified fbr said couutc, personnll}�cnme <br /> ' � :i � � <br /> ' Jack E. Rasmussen and Joanne L. Rasmussen, husband <br /> ; <br /> ; r . <br /> � and wife, each in his own right and as spouse of <br /> '; the other ---------------------------------------- <br /> � kno��•n to me to Le the identicnl person or persons ticho signed the <br /> ; foregoing instrument and nekuo«9edged the esecution thercof to bc his, �,..4 , <br /> ' l�er or their voluntnry net nnd decd. � • <br /> � - ,. <br /> 1 ,; . . � � . .. _ . . . . � : � �F : <br /> ` �'PiEness m hand'und notarinl senlq¢ � t� <br /> I` Y � //�;��..Y.�.m.b.e.r...............,...J..97.6............ � Fk <br /> ' ,. <br /> L, �jr� • ,,�f . <br /> WILUAM G.�LACKBURN 'f.f"'G�l��l.,..Q'..1.t:f...`r:':`� . . ......... .../................ � tary Publie I"+ E�� <br /> {�. ' � GENERAL NOTARY•State of IVebr.� � � i / / 7� � • � <br /> e �� �ay Cnmm!sslon Explres 1f�- commission ezpires l�f.'.�!U:.'?.11.r� (......, 1�J ',/ �i. <br /> ..... ......... ... ...�.. , <br /> Nuvcmber 1,1977 " � <br /> Form 2.2 Approved by Nebraskn State Bar Assoclation edwn�wo�t w.,uooaa x�br. <br />_ �.,�,.. � � <br />� <br />.�-: <br />� <br />