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.��,� . . � .,_«,�v,Xwr <br /> r�. � <br />'4�`TM`� �. .. <br /> Irc_. <br />,_.r <br />'^°�-`-iy. . <br /> ��. . STATli OP IQliI�1tASKt1, Cuuuty of ................ ....................................: <br /> �4 Piled fbr record aiid entered in A'umericul Iu1ex __—_-.-- - --�-- ----� <br />' on .................. ................................... t�t.........,...... n'alnck 31., f�1LEl;i\SI(f1 f�(`l,i!f,(�_IdT,�;�'( <br />„ . ... . ....................... �...,,.,. <br />�?-�, nnd recurded in 1)ced Record ............................. Pn+e �l�i�:u �A% <br /> R ...........:......... <br /> �� DEC 31976 <br /> ............................................................ I3y .....................................................,...... <br />� ����� Counh� Ularlc or Dcput.y C'oimt}� Clerk or � <br /> � }?ogister of Deeds Deput�� He�;ister of Deede �(�CiY�� <br /> "�' 76- :�0'�ppc� QUITCLAIM DEED . . <br /> d� ,r,Yt'�s�hr r:rrpriE7� � �� � <br /> "y � <br /> 'l. <br />_ RUTH ANN CFIRISTENSON, Guar•dian o/'I'ItANCES 0. ICUESTER, nn incompetent, <br /> . hercin called the gruntor whether one or more, <br /> u� co��sideration of One-lialf in[e��est in the Conditional Sales Contruct dated June 10, 1974, <br /> receiec3 frow ertuitce, does quitclaiw, grt�rit, bnrgain,s�ll,convep and confirm tmto � <br /> �. : ART IiRAFT SIGNS, INC., A Corporation, <br /> herciu called tl�e grantee whether one or ruore, the follo���ing described real propertp in � <br /> i <br /> , ..............Flull............................................ Co�mty, Nebraskn: <br /> The Southerly One tlundred Nineteen urid Nine-tenths (119.9) <br /> Feet o/'Lots Nine (9) and Ten (10), in Block Three (3), in <br /> "South Park"Addition to the City oj'Gr�and Island, tlall County, <br /> ' Nebraska. <br /> 7'o hnce nud to liold the nhot�e described prcmise, tu�etlicr nith all tenemettts, hcreditnments <br /> ,iud appnrtenauces thereto betonging unto tlie gruutec ��ud tu �raiitec's iicirs aud assigns forever. <br /> Dnted November ly/�, l� 74. � <br /> , � <br />+ � .:_��-/ :.. ! � - <br /> ' ,.., i ...XT�....t� ti c......��:......1�.+�, <br /> , / <br /> .. ..................................... .... ................ .. ' �RUTfl ANN CNRISTE.NSON, Gttardian <br /> oJ'PRANCES 0. KUESTER, An Incompe- <br /> : .................................................................................... tenh:....................................................................... <br />, `: <br /> �" S'I':1'1'l UI'\1:I31tA�I�A,Couut} nf........................_11.U1.1........................: <br /> ISefurr me, u uutar�� public quulified for said cuwuc. pcisunaily c;i�ue <br /> RUTH ANN CHRISTENSON, Guardian of PRANCES 0. KUESTER, <br /> An Incompetent, <br />�.� <br />�� <br />�' knu�cu to me to be the iden�icnl person or per.sons �cho si�ued the i <br />��� foregoing iustrumeut and ncic»un9eciRed tl�e esccution thercof to Uc his, <br /> her or their vohti�tar act tmd dced. ` ev � <br /> _,a� 3 ._ <br />�� L ____ � � <br />� JAN[LLE LE�d�URq+�it icss my linnil nud-� otat�nl scal on'......../.y.......��.7a.......... ,�,. � <br />`' .. . GENERAL NOTARY , !;q - ' . - <br /> 6tate of Nebnska � // ��'��� `� � <br />' � � �,LGl�G:�r; ' C::�,:..r:�:........ Notnry Public � <br /> MY Commisslon Fxpinf ..... ::.�-- '... � <br /> _ ^ lD <br />�� ^ Jun� 1, 1976 ��� , <br />':`�' 11I corim�ission et�ires i:.�..?.k�....�'?..�.. � <br />�'-' Y { ............... , 1.1...7.G.... <br /> n=�� <br />-.`,g Form 1.2 Approved by Nebrusku State Ttar �lssoeiatiun e,aw„A Wolf pr.,I.Inculn,NcLc <br />�; � � I <br />-'_-���� � `� J <br />' G. <br />`� <br /> [ <br /> k <br /> i <br />