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?,'p � ...'Y.�r•. <br />:Y:�� � � <br />�,�� <br />��;��� <br />�T�:. ��- c,n���;�� <br />� .. <br />��.�. <br />'�''��^ AtORTGAff; <br />: � _ ------ —-i----- --------=_—_--L 22,445 --_ <br /> ��oitrcnc,is t onu�o. .__ . <br /> `j"� �.�o�ti�nL�n�i:niivTlII:51:YRL51iNTS:'fhat Steven S. SmiCheram and Patti J. Smitheram each in his <br /> � r <br /> and her own right and as spouse of each other <br />� =� �tortgagor,whedier une or uwre,in cunsidcratiun uf thc sum uf � <br /> ` Four Thousand Four Hundred and No/100---------------------------------------------no�[.nits <br /> � � IU:IIIC(I lU 5811I IIIOfIFl�.Of�}�'Chc liyuitablc Iluilding anJ Luan Associatiun uf G�and tsland.Nebraska,Alurtgagec.upun 44 shares of swck oi . <br /> � said ASSOCIATION.Cerliflcatr No.L 22�q4� ,du heceby g�ant,rut�vey and mortg�ge unro ihe said ASSOGAI�ION thc fulluwing . <br /> �. described real esiale,situated iu II�U Count�.\e,raska: . . <br /> LOTS SEVEN (7) AND EIGHT (8) IN aLOCK FIVE <br /> (5) IN PACKER R QARR'S ADDITION TO THE <br />� k <br />, ;'. <br /> CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA. <br /> �� toge�her �vith :+I] ihe tenemews,hereditamcnts and appm�enances thercwuu,including auachad Ilour corerings,all�rinJu�v scrcens, . <br /> � «�inJuw sh�des.�IinJs,stunu a�indn�rs.;�wnincs,liialine.�n i�mJitianing.�nd plumhing�nd�vatc�cyuipment and acccssories theretu.pumps,stuves, <br /> - � rcfriccralots.�nd uthc�tistutcs and cyuipmcnt nuw•un c��caltcr attached t�i ur uscd in cmwcniun�clih said«;d cstatc. <br /> And whereas the UiJ murtgagor hus agrecd aud dues hereby agree�hai �he nw�ig�gvr ah�ll and a�ill pay all tases and assesvnents Ievied or � <br /> - asxsseJ upun s�id picmiscs�nd upun this mong�gc�nd thc bund scciucd thcicb�'6eiure ihc s:une shall l+ccome dolinyuent;tu lurnisl��pproced <br /> insmancc upon Ihe huildinEs'un<�id premiscs simat�d in Ihc sum ul 5 Q�GQQ.QQ pa)':ihlc tu c:�id ASSOCIA710N anJ lo delirer to said <br /> � :1SSOCI:17'ION tlie policirs fur s�id iusurance:and nut�u cummit u�pznnit auq a�asic on ur a6uut said prcmises � <br /> � In cax ot delauh in Uic pedonnance oi am�uf thc lenus and cunJitiuns ul ih�s mun�;agr ur d�e bund srcurrd hreehy,the mortgagee ShalL � . <br /> {; � � an dcmanJ,6c cmitloJ In inuncdiatc posscssion ol thc moncaged prcnuscs and �h: mottg�gun c�reby a�signs. ttansli•rs �nJ scls u�'cr to �hc . . <br /> . munEagee all thr rems.�evcnucs and inrome tu be decivcd(rom Ihe mnrt�;:ige;l premises durinc such lime as the nwngsge in;le6tednrss shall remam <br /> unpaid:aud t�ic mong�gcc shall havc dic po«�cr m appuint anp aµm or accnts fl may dusirc ti�r thc purpuxc u(rcpairing said premiscs anJ rcnting , � <br /> � the same anJ cullecling Ihe«nls,tevrnurs and inconte,and it ntoy p:ry�nrt el'<�iJ incon:r �II ex�xnses ol rap�iring ssid premises anJ necess�q. . <br /> - cumtnissiun��nd rsprnses inc�u�ed in�enting�nJ I17J11l�IIt�;IIIC same and nl r�illtcU:!g rentals therefronr, Uie balantt remaininK.i(�nq,tu Le <br /> � .ipplird ta��vrd thc disthatgc o(5:11,I17UIl�!:l�!C IIIIIC�)IClIpCSS.IIIPSC f14I115 U�l�lC IIIUfl�B�;l'C Ill:l\'I1C l'\ClIISI'�I 8�811�'IIIllC�IUfIf14IIlC CXIS�CiII'P O�SHCII <br /> de(aull,irtespcetirc uf an}'iempunn'wan�cr ui Ihc same. <br /> . "(hcsc�cecei.ate Il�)UII IIIC 1�U111I1UU11.I Il:1l I�lltC SeIII�IVIIE:I�UI SI1dII rcpa���eid!o:�n on or bclotc tt�c maiunty ul said sh��cs b�� <br /> �1J\'I17fIli.�)�\'p1l1IlIIlI\'t�)S81tI:�SSOCLV IO���f tl�e wm specuicd in�he IlonJ scrwed i�,ci�b�'as ir.le�r�t�nJ prtncipal un said Inan.un ur Fe(orc <br /> . I�lt'Tk'Cllllil�l l��\'I+I l':IIII:IIIII�1't'f\"IIItlI11Ii.UIIIII 1;11�I��:III I>�1IIIl'��:IIII:(�:S\':III I:1\l'S:IIIII:1:'�S�tiSlllil111 IP��ICII:il:llllll S:IIII�)Il'i1111t5 311t�illl IIIIS��Uf��';I�C <br /> and Ihe Hund srcured therehp,hetiirr delinyurncy:luuush appiu�rd inswance upun�hc huildin�;s thrreun in�he_uro uf 5 4 e400•�� pa��nLlr <br /> � �u said ASti0CI:1TI0N:repay to r.�id;15SOCIA'Il(1\upnn dencwJ all munec bc it p;iid(ur stith iases,a�sessmenu�nd iusw�ntt�sith uveres�at <br /> IIIC 111]Sllllllilt If�;]I GIIC IIICICUII�fUlll II�IB ol p:rcmcm:dl�)I\YI11iY1�IUIl�B�'Uf IItICI)`:JL'fCCSIU�Cly':�`L'fillll IlU N'851C UIl SAI��)ffI111SCti:I�Cl�1]I7(I L'Jtl1�1I1' . <br /> t\9�I1 8II IIIC:1lfCl'i11CI1I5I1111I 1�111�1h�)Iiti UI III[Boitd(ur 5 ��400.�� this Jap ci�rn lip�he s:ud\lorlgagur io c�id,\SSOCI,ITIOV.and cumply <br /> ���ith all Ihr iequitcmcnts uf ihc Cuns't�tution and lty-I.a�cs ul saiJ ASSOCIAIIOti:then tiicsc picscnts shail bt,:ur,re null�nd cuid,othcn�'ise thcy <br /> � sh�ll�emain in full fmce and may be�bredosed:it the np�iun��I the said :\SSOCIATlO\ :dlc� (ailure lor lhrec mouths tu m�ke any u�said <br /> ' pa}'mcnU�v I�l'IV1fCC I11UI11I7S 111'Jitl':1fS III p7Jlilil�:SJItI IllUI11IlI\'�)A)'i11Ci115,Of lU kccp and cumpll'tillll flll'BFICc'lI1C17lS:lOtI i011tI11 W(1S UY SdItI I)00�: <br /> i i an�Voilc�gur ngrcrti tu hai�c a icccivcr appuintcd Fnr�h�cnh in such(un•rlu�urc piuiccdin�:ti. <br /> if Ihc�c is any dianEc in�n�•ncrship�d thc rr.d cstatc mongagcd hcrrin.b��vlc or uthcnvisc,then d�c entrtc �rmaining indcbtedness hc�e6y <br /> >t'iUfCl�Sfl:l��.A1 I�IC�t�tllUll UI�t�ll`I'.t�1111A�I1'I)111I1I111�,Ai1tI Lt)811 r�SSUCIAIlUf1 u�(�I:111�ISI;Iii�.��'I1f85I:1.Ll'l'Utlll'IIIII17Ctlldll'IV IIUI':IIIII�)81'�hIC 1\'lIIIUUI <br /> �IIII�IC( IlUlltt'.:If1tI �Il�':IlllUlllll fCI71:11111i1�!(�lll` llfil�Cf i:I1lI I�UI1lI.JI1lI:IIIY 111�ICf L�u11tI(l)!di71'JtIlI1l1U118I:III\']I1�CS I11:IlIl'I�1CfCU11l�Cf.fI18II.ilUlll tfl2 <br /> t�:lil'U�l'%CIlI3C tII):IiII 0F)�1tt11.IJC;1!IIIIC�fSI:II�IIC 1118XIII711177ICF:II(AIC.1IllI lII1S IIIUfIfJl:l'I1181'l�lCll�C IUfCI'IU1C��l S:IIIS�\'Illt 3171t)Ilill�IIC ltil S:I�S <br /> - �)tlllt�.ell�:IIIY�tII1Cf I)U111I�Uf etl�I110118I J�1':Illil'S.I�IECIIII`!\l'IIII:III Y11i115 r:111I I�\'�:il,�I Ill`�'t{11118�1�C fiuilding and L��an i�55J1'I:Il1Uf1 U�(rf:111��S��III�, <br /> � I�PI)f�1I:8 1UI 111111f:lilll'.1;1\t'):IIItI JVSI'S1llil'i1(S.JIIII:1I1511]�'11I1�;C\IL'1I51UI1 lll:lf�;l'S. \1'IIII II1f2IC}l I�1ffCOii. Illltll l�7lC U� �)8Vi11C1i1 3l l{Il`Ii1:ICIfI111ii1 <br /> s ��'�;BI(�IL`. <br />,,��� f�ti 1fUYlt�l't�111 I�IC��i�ill�Sl'ClllCl��1CiC�t\'.��'�II�C I�IiS Illtlfi'�l ICIII:IIIIti 111 Cllflt ��lt•Illtttl�ll Il1�V IICtC;11�Cf JII�'�Il�f J�IIiIWI1;lI SIlII1S lU I�ll` <br /> k i� { b F' P F., <br /> � m�kers u(S011I BUII(I.lI1Cl(JSfI�'IIS��I fl1CCl'SSUIS III II1ICICSI.\Cllll'II S11I11)SIIJII hC wi�hin thc secuntp ul this nwttgagc Ihe s�me as tlie lun�s uriginally <br /> til'Lllll'tI IIICfL`I1V.Illl'lDC1I 811WIllll V��RIIIII��JI�l`Fl�I1V��U l'XCl'Cl�HI'Jfl}'Illtll'II1C OII�;IIIUI 81llU11111 nf Ihis murtgagr. <br />��� ,���J�l'���IIS i ' � I t�:l\�I� ��. . ,-..II' � (�� i . :�.�1..��.� �6 <br />' �'-�l�l`IJ �n4 �����.�(l��r,l <br /> Steyen 5..,.$mit eram � <br />�� 'l._���.�/ �;,1".�,r.:fj`-:,. <br /> '�;' PattT J.Ttheram <br /> a��..'r� <br /> s�rnTe or neutznshn. <br />'.'��p es. Onthis iSt a�y„r December 1��76 .b.fureme, <br />��� COUNTY OF IIAI.L <br /> �� thc undcrsigncd,a Notar}'Pu61ic in und for said County,persnnallY catne '•I ��=' � <br />:Y'"��. . �.�• <br />=�� Steven S. Smitheram and Patti J. Smitheram each in his and her own t•ight and as s�o�se of `N-.... <br />�;: �c tu persmr ly nuwn[u <br />�.��� � each in his and her own right and as spouse of each other are � ' <br />�y�c` mc lo bc the idcntical pcaons a�hom namc5 dpe affixcd�u thc abuvc instrumem ns�»wrcgogorg aud theY uveially � . <br />��.:3 d: <br />��,-'z^ atknowledged�he said instrument to be thei r culuntary act and deed. � � n.�.�' <br />�� Ni'ftilSS my hand anJ Notarial Scal thc datc a(ures�id. � / _ -� i � <br /> � My('ommnslun cxpi�cs - ��_���� � <br /> � .. ....... .,_.` . .. <br /> .f' .. �'/ -- lolarpl'ubli��� <br /> '� e.�.zntiti _ `'^�„ -C. G_r' •, ',� '7.:I <br /> `"� �,a1—'__ . J <br /> L_ <br />-.: 6. <br />- t <br />' f <br /> . � <br /> i <br /> f <br /> C <br /> t <br /> t <br />