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<br />'��. � 4.1—SURVIVORSNIp WARRANTY DE[� F�Icon G Wolf Compa�y�Lincoln�Nubr. � � � �
<br /> t)OS989
<br /> " 1: Clara B. Gath, A Single Person
<br /> , licrein called the gruntor�chether one or more,
<br /> `� in uousiderution of Pive Thousand Pive fiundred and No/100 Dollars ($5,500.00)
<br /> �,
<br /> received from grantees, does grunt, Uurgaiu, sell convey nnd confirm unto
<br /> Steven S. Smitheram and Patti J. Smitheram, Husband and SJife,
<br /> ti' �s joint tennuts �vith right of euivi��orsliip, nvd noC as tennnta in cmnmon, the followiag deacribed renl
<br /> ; :'
<br /> c ,
<br /> , property in Hall ...... Coimty,NeLrueka:
<br />' �;. ' NEBRASKA DOCUft4EMTARY �
<br /> STAMP TAX
<br /> �; Lot Seven (7), I31ock Five (S) in DEC 3 �976
<br /> �: Packer and Barr's Addition to the �
<br /> � : City of Grand Island, llall County, ��,p S BY—�
<br /> Nebraska.
<br /> 'Y. _
<br /> � ; '
<br /> 'CTA7EMENf 117TACfic'7d�
<br /> i;'
<br /> - To ]�a��e und to hold tl�� abo��e described premises t.uqether �cith all tenemcuts, l�creditamentis
<br /> utid uppurteunvices thereto belonging unlo Uic grnntees ❑ud to tlieir assigns, or to the Ueii•s �nd ussigns
<br /> ot Uie sur�•ivor of tLem Ibret•er.
<br /> �nd grnntor does hereby covenant u•ith the �rantees and with their ussigns und �cith the heirs
<br /> nnd us�igns ut the survivor of them tlmt qrantor is]ai�cfully seised of said premises;that thcy are free from
<br /> � z� encum6rt�nee �
<br /> tl�nt grantor Lns good right and la�cful autl�orit}' to cnn��ey the sfuuc; aiid t}ittt grautor �rarriuits a�td n•ill
<br /> - defevd tlie title to suid prenuses ugui�ist the la�cfnl claitus of all persons��•}�musocver. �
<br /> � � It is thc intention of ull pai•ties hercto tl�nt i�i tlie eveiit of the deutti ni eitlier of tlic br���tees, �
<br /> ;}, the cutirc fce simple title tu the reul estate shall vest in thc sur�icin� �;rnntec.
<br />, ;
<br /> z Dated �P v��n L3EiP `�1 1�J 7�
<br /> � �. �
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<br /> : ; STdT� OF Nebraska............................ Cuuut� ��I' Hall
<br /> , _......
<br /> t,; ................................. , .................................................._........ i -
<br /> Befora me,n notnry public qualiFicd for anid comity, persouvll�� camc ,. "
<br /> a; /� �r''
<br /> ' Clara B. Gath, A Single Person, �`
<br /> � - ,`�
<br /> ;
<br /> � � :
<br /> � � :
<br /> kno�cti to me to be tlic identicnl person or persons�cho sigticd t}�e forrFoing instrt�tnent nnd acknowled�ed
<br />��+ I the esecution thcreoF to Ue his,her or thcir��olm�tnry acL and deed. 1�7� I a
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