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;=� ' . <br />'$�� ' t: ..4k�'J <br />�� � . � <br />�:i;;: ��U- UU�i��iu� <br />��� <br />��� <br /> � CI?R7'iPICA'I'E OF COAiPLE'fION <br /> � Lot Pour (<<), in Slock Eleven (11) in LamUert's AddiL-ion l-o the <br /> ��' kE: CiL-y oP Grand Is1And, Hall Comrty, NeUraska - See Attachment "A" <br />= � r <br /> � WFiEREAS, under the terms of a certain contr.act enCilled CON'PRACT FOR SALE <br /> OF LAND FOF. PRIVATE IZfDi'sVETAPP�:NT daCed April i, 1976 and recorded in <br /> �= the Office of the Register of Deeds, }lall County, Nebraska as documenh No. <br /> r: <br /> 76-006726 �ahich conCracC provided for the s11e by Che Conununity <br /> Development Agency of the City of Grand Island, nebraska Co Delbert D. and <br /> Lois A. 'Itieasmever as purchaser, it was provided t:hat ;;;iid purdtaser (consCruct) <br /> (rehabilitaLe) certain impruvements an die land <br /> � WHEFEAS, pursuanc Co tl�e Contract, ;t certain deed w;�s f;iven dated A�ril 30� <br /> ? 197G .�nd recorded as document No. 76-D02398 in Che Ol:fi.ce of <br /> � [he RegisCer of Deeds, Hall County, �ebra,lca and said deed was subject co Che <br /> ', <br /> ; covenants, conditi-ons and resCricCions contained in said Cont:r�ct, and <br /> ' W}tF.REAS, Che said contract provides Chat upon completion oi the (construction) <br /> (rchabili.tati.on) uf the. improvr.ments the Authori.ty wi.11 furnish the pnrchascr with <br /> a certificate of comFletion, and <br /> ldHl:hrAS, Lhc purchaser lias co:npleCed l:he (construction)(rehabi.liCation) of <br /> [he improvcments called f.ur in said conCract, nnd <br /> ' IdIll;F�AS, '1'13F. C0:�fll,7t7'1 DrVIiI.OP;4iN'P ACENCY, of thc CiCy of Grand Tsl;tnd, <br /> % lvebraska, Las comp]eted r�ll of its obligai:ions conLained in said contract as <br /> ? seller. <br /> , <br /> � NOW, 7'll[:REFORE, d�e Cominunity llcvclopn�cut A�ency oi che CiCy uf. Grand lslaud, � <br /> Nebraska, lir_i-oby certi.fics chst the said purch:�ser h:�s cempleted Che (coitsCruction) <br /> � (rehcibiliCaCi.on) of tlie improvcments c,�11ed for in the said contract. 'fhis cer- <br /> Ci.ficate cunstit:uCes a conclu,ive deCcrminaCion of [he saCisfact.ion :md termination <br /> of the covenants and agrecments in sai.d contract and deed with resnect [o the <br /> ° oblibations of the purchaser to complete che (construction) (reha6i.liLaCion) of <br /> � the i.mprovements called far in said contr�ct.... <br /> 7N ldl'i'NL•'SS l;liF:R1:OF, Che Coucnunity Develup�r.c�nt ,lgcncy oi fhe CiCI' of Grand <br /> Island, ;debraska, l�as c.iused this Certitic;�Ce of ('uripletion Lo be duly execuLed <br /> on iCs Ueh�lf by its Dirc�cYor [his =?C:��_ d:iy of _L�c%�'P-rrt�:_iJc.' , 19 ;��j , <br /> CO;t:�lUNi17 DF.PF:I.OPr�t;!��r �+.GEI�CY of <br /> 1'I1L•' CI'IY OF GF�WD 151u\ivD, �:I?HhASl:A <br /> s �'�:'� � � /� <br /> � � �—.�— -- <br /> � IhI:C'I'Ofi <br /> S']'A1'E OF I�I:i3ftASI:A ) <br /> � SS: <br /> COUNTI OF iIALL ) <br /> t�. <br /> On this c�� day of �)-��Ch.�✓vt,l�G.ti� , 19 %�: �l�c ttirc iic, i < t�ry <br />�r; Public in :�nd for t-he s:iid CumiY} personnal ly ;�ppcai e di��lIL.L�% ,(!�����et�� <br /> Lo me personally lutuwn �.�ho boin" lirst dul}' ��;orn ilid sr�y tlwlt he is�i[he�bir�ctor <br /> ;' � of the C�,�.n;iunitp Development Ar,ency cf Lhu Cil� ,f Gr.�nd ls7t�nd, ��l,i,!_:k,�, ��.r��aLr_d <br />�' :;nd e�islin�; undcr Lhc la�as uf thc tiLaCe ��f ;��.1,� isk:i, :�nd th.iC ;;aid cerLific:itc <br /> wns :;igned in h��half and on bchalt of �id Co.:...u�iity Dc����loj�ncnt A,�rncy hy Lhc <br /> :iuCLority of iL; rin.ihcrs ,ind �.hr said Directul acicnowli�dt;cd fhc iii::trua�enL lo � <br />� bc Che volimCary .�cL nnd dcrd u( [lic :. tid Co,,,�niiCy D��•1�lu��r,nC At,�ncy uf the ' .-„''' <br />� Cily oi Gr�nd I:;land, Nobr:iska. ' N <br />��� � .. <br />��� ( I jQ CF 'R�I �;7Y•St�cetL'cbc / � <br />�� �" iE;erti �.cnrtFou�rc ��Lu' �r t, � ``'� a <br /> n� r"���„�( F�;..� .L 23.I773 � �-1 �,���<! `�f cGl�c%� f� <br />'�� ;, , - octi� Inbl�c �4i :�nd'f' r II,�Ll (uunLv � <br />...�:��p�. . . .._�...... .._"_-.. � <br />.`-'."=`k tiL;il:C U1 i.L`?)1':1!:1C1 , <br /> :f N (, <br /> :� ''t)' C i:,�.inn r.•:piros`.�l,�11cL^����'*% Y�C�� �'�f/ <br /> � � -- <br />�� �— <br /> '-i .._ � <br />,, t <br />_-.E <br /> -� <br /> ,-t <br /> � <br /> 't <br />