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<br />�' �6- (�0 Ei;l;}�� MC)RTGAGE
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<br /> � TIiiS INDENl'UAE, mude th14._._�`'�)ttl _da uf �i)Ve111bC!' '!f� .
<br /> 1' -- _—.19..__.hp and belween
<br /> p � CHARLFS E. UELARM �1'VO UN�A `.i, �7CLA('vh1, NUSf3AiVi) AND �VIFf_, �1'vU NOR'��'APi j. �ANTQ'�Si)N ANO �
<br /> �j i)O(�OTHY E: AN'fONSON, HUSGAN(") ;1NU tV�FE, EACI�I IN H1:= ANU IIER �7WN �ili;d{�; :qP�U AS gpOUSE� OF � � �
<br /> e �, ��� ���� . . �
<br /> . � ��I--.'-------f{��I __Cuunt Nebraeka,an mort '' � � � .
<br /> . Y. qaqor_,and Horoe Pederal:wrfnqe und Lenn Aeaoctation e[Ctnnd Idand,� � .
<br /> � � o coiporutwn orqonf:ed und eaiatinq under thn law* ot Nebwelm Mlh Ile ptin�ipnl oflite and ploce ot t:uninens at Crunfl leland,NeLmtkv, � �
<br /> t: . ae mmtqaqee; � . . � .
<br /> ' WITNE"uSLiH: 7hat emd mortgagor �'_, Iur and 6i nneiderution ol Ihe ewn ot ._.._ � � �
<br /> h'I��L Tli0U5A�D f"I\'I- NUN13FtL:D ;1ND NO/I 00---------------------------- ^ `>,`iOL.i)0
<br /> __-- ----..----------- ------ - - -- - TM�ua�� �s --- ),
<br /> � Ihe rnrnfpt o(�ivh�ch ie hereby acknowle.iped,do__ U}• theec prenente mo�tyaue vnd wmrnnl unto emd meclqaqe. i�n �ucreraore and i �
<br /> ; �
<br /> '> � aeeiqnn. forevet,all Iha toL'awing dee<ribod real eelate. eiluated in the counly oL___'_ ��{_;�(___.._._'____'__,'.,__'____.___ .
<br /> . ond 51a1e of Nebiaaka,to�wit: � �� � � �
<br /> ��. . �... � .
<br /> S
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<br /> r. J 1�FiF tSORTHFI2LY THIRTY F�CUI2 Aidf) [IiN�i�-Tf=NTiiS (,�9 4) t'EE7 �P 1l�iE �YESTf_��!_1' � �
<br /> �" j+ F
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<br /> a- � Fi1RT1'-1'I�UR C�1d) (l�C-T 0( Lbi ``I\f. (�), LiL(?t.l� TI�II�TY-lid� i=i;), ORI�IN.AI # � � �
<br /> �
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<br /> � # � T�WN, iJGI� EITI' t�l GI�:AND I51_Av�, '�C('R,45tf;A. $ �
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<br /> � ;� +}�
<br /> �f Toqnlhrr wH1h ulI houlinv, livhlina. and pl�m6inq equfpment nnd lixlmee,Indudiny efekere and L•wnr�e.ezeene.�w•n{nae,elo�ma•indowe Ff �
<br /> ;{ and doere,and m�fndow nhndee or 6iinda. ueed on er im m�necHon n•ult nnid prcpe�ty,whe�her Ihe e¢me aro nn�-�ecuted Un eoid pro�r.tty jt
<br /> � er he:ealter placed therecn. �� - � �
<br /> �S t {
<br /> 70 HAV£. AND TO 1iOLD 71iG SADtI:, toce�he� wilh �It and einyulnr the tenements,he�edltamnnte and apputlenanrnn lhereunto belonq- � �
<br /> $f Inc. r n nnyw�lee appn�lainina,loreve�,und n-a�mnt the litte In Ihe name. S�id mrntaaqcr__.herebp«o��enant__ wi�h euid metlq�qee i�
<br /> � �
<br /> ; : S� Uinl ..� ho�-._._ �l 4'___.nt tlu delieery hn�cot.the laH�htl ewnrr�` nt ihc p�emieee abo�-a conveped and d�ec�i6ed.and_`?�'= �
<br /> S�� �� aeixvA ol o gcod ond indeleasible eetate of Inherllancv tharem, Irrn�����{��lea�cl nll nn�vmL•rancce,ond ihat._�_.he�_._Fftl wvrranl and j
<br /> $+� dclrnd Ihc litle ihercro lorevn,r iiqainal IhA clufm��nd �lnmande nl ❑11��en<me w'humeeover. � ;
<br /> tt S I
<br /> j� IflUUf�ED ALWAI'S. and Ihla metrumenl is r cut.d nd delne��d Io sMu��the pnyment e1 Ihe num nt -__= i
<br /> � P 11 L THOUa_1ND I�I VF I Il�iJl1R�[? ;1^JD U�i I�i-- ----------- ----_Sh�11a�e c �:�0_�?J !. 1
<br /> �rdh i trrenl�Ihmron.Ieqrlh�r with nucl� chotyr.e und ndcmicne is .nnp F� due nnd �.vynl•le lo eirid morlvoqee under Ihe lerma nnA �
<br /> i
<br /> � �; cvnd�Uane el Ihe ptem�eeor}• nale cl even dnle hernw�th nnd xecured}�e�e6p,executed by.aid moNyaqur -_�o euid menyauee,�yable i
<br /> � #j oa e,�prtaeed in n�id ncln,nnd tu ercure ihc petlrnmonce ot ull the�e�me mid rnmiilionm m�toined Ihcrein. The lemu al soid note �re }t
<br /> r; hete6y inmrporvleA herein bp Ihln rrlerence. (F
<br /> �jjj ❑fn Ihe Intenlien and ay�cemenl cl Ihe pnrtica h<reto Ihul lhia mnrtuaqr shall �ilao eecuce nnp h�luie od�•uncee mudn le nuid �Z
<br /> 5, j� mn��yursar.l;._ hy nafd mm�aoqee. and an} and ali indebtedneee in additlnn to Iho amounl nhovv elnlnd �F�hid� eald meHuaqorn, cr enp ��
<br /> � el ihem, maq awro lu eaid mo�lqagee, hon�erer rcidenrnd whelher ly notr.buo4 acccwit w othe�n�iee, Thfe mcrlcnqn ehall�rmvin 1n Intl
<br /> ij lorc��nd cllecl L•ei�reen thn pattlee hereto and ihnir heftn. pe�nonol �aPreeeNotiven, eucreeeo�n �md �naiqne. imul all emcuntn encured �
<br /> � heteunder.InduJing lufure ad�vncee.Rre paid in lull with Inlereet. �
<br /> � The monqayor=hemby ae�iqti_lo u�id mectqaqee all renh urtd Inn�m.. urieinQ ul unp and�II tiroe� Irom euid prcpe[tq ond �
<br /> h�reh�• mdhorize eald morigaqee o[ ite�qenl, ut Ile eption, upon doloull,lo luke chn�qo cl nnid prepe�ty and cellecl�ill�enla ond lnceme j
<br /> � Iherehem nnd�pply Ihe amm�te Ih�poyment ul Inlereet,pHncipal,ineu�ance pnamiume,W:ee.ueee�ementn, repaire e� impraremnnls nerne• �
<br /> ;�' anry m kcep rnld propc�ty h� innanlnblo condlllon,cr lo clher chotqen or poqtnenle pcovlded Icr ho�cin or In Ihe nole Lerebp aeoired, flJ�
<br /> .. tt eenl aen�Unmenl nhall canlinun In Icrce unlil Iho unpuid Iwlmmn ul �aW ncle la Iullp pold. The Inkinq o!pe.Fneviun hemunder nhrill In nu
<br /> � S munner p�evenl or�elatd�ald menqaocn fn Ihe�rollecllon ol naid eiunn L•y Ic�ecloew?m�+Iherwfea. ;
<br /> � ;
<br /> � 't The lullum nl Ihe morlgaqee to oeae[I any cl Ita tiuhie heteunder ut any tlme eholl net le<rnehued na a w•airer ol He d�hl to aen.tt j
<br />���i � Ihe same nl any laler�imv.and to luetel upon and eulomn�tcfcl compliancv! ��Nh ull ILe le�ma nnd ptccielons ol e��ld note and ol Ih1e t
<br /> � modyvae. �
<br />. �t S� ❑ eaid modqagor'L_�hall caune ta L•e pold to euld mcrtqvqoo Ihe onthe amvuN duc il hcreundeG and undef Iha lnune and pmvinicn� �
<br />� j nl ea�d nole herebp necured.Includlug luturo advancee,and any ex�anelvne ur reneanl� �hereof In accoedonce with �he terme ond pravf�lona
<br /> K� ?�
<br />- '� f Iheroo�.and II�aid matlqaqor_i_ehall comply with all Iho pto�ielone ol�ald nole nnd ot lhle mortyvqn.Ihen IIlP�9 preeenu ehal!Le<oid: �
<br />. � t oihcrw�.e.ro remaln�in.Wl1 lcrca and ellec6 and eafd modaa9ee ehatl be entltlnJ�o ihe peweeeion ol all ol euld propetty.and may,at 11�
<br />� � � �� opllon,doclaro Iha whole ol eaid nola und�I(Indnblednee�teprneentad�hetebp lo be immedlalely due und Fnpo6le•and mvy lornclwe Oil� , j
<br />�� moriqage er iake anq ot6at leqal ncNan la pmiocl IIe Hght, ond !mm�he dale el euch delnult ull Iteme el Indablecinm �ecured hereby � �
<br /> ehall draw Intetn�t at 9%per annum, Appmisemenl walred. 'N�,
<br />�.� q g g pon and �hall enuro lo Ih� b�nelll el Ihe h�h�.e:xuton,adenlnl�lrntme. �vcca�mn and uneiqm d J �J ��
<br /> ti�� � �( 7hle morl v a e1�vU he 64xlln u ,
<br /> � � �he reepea�re pnNls�heteto. � � yg
<br />�'� tt ve iheir ,, �'
<br />�r1;• �� IN W17NFS$ �y1iE(tEOF. �ald hlatlqaqor'�._Aa_ heteunm �sl_ und'_the dQy nnd�•n�c Ihnl aLv�e r.
<br /> f7} � wrltlen� /
<br /> S�� _ ( f�,,.,��,��, fn q k �>/�� �,r7:/ _ J�/�-t:s��e' f•. . . �.
<br />,,y� l.h.]f 1CS l. LC di.lil� T�.u�� �:ii� � i""'-1iTi'�i'`—`- --` -
<br /> ;'� `tL��`=1�'Ct3i�'trt-' L \'p"',l �,� /jiti�i�.�Y�iT'-'--�;'141'-c�t'^`.;-t1=1.`'( ----
<br /> ,� j��....�...`.............�........... _w�. __._..._.�..���:....`...�.`....�__...�..._._...��..`..w._...�. �
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