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� j �� <br />...� � <br />,�';a � <br /> tiU^�� <br />�,>� { <br />"� 76- C?Of.i9Ei8 <br />�,:. <br />��-.. <br />�J� <br /> n�oiiT�cnce <br /> — --------------n�o�ircn�,i:t.o,���:o._L_22,435 ---_._ <br /> nno��'�U.L111iNN1'1'HGSG}'RIiSI;NI'S:That James E. Cornetius, a single pe��son <br /> r <br /> . �1urtgagor,whether une or mure,im m�side�ation of the sum u( � <br /> ^ SeY�ntee� Thous�nd ��SLlQ2.-_.-------=_=__'—_'____----------------------_txn.i.nizs <br /> � � loaned�o said mortgagur l�y'T'he[yuiWble Iluilding and Luan ASsuclatiun of(:iand Island,�ebra�ka,?�turt�agce,upon ��� shares u(s�uck ol �. � � <br /> � said .155(X'IAIION,Certiilcate \n.L. 22 435 ,do hrreb��Frant.cum�e�� and muitFage unto�he sxil;\55(X'IATION�he fuiluwing . . <br /> . des�ritted ra;d eslate,situa�ed in Ilall Giunty,�eb�asAa: � : . � <br /> '' LOT TlJO (2), IN I3LOCK "U" OF I30EHM'S SUl3DTVTSInN OF LOT SIXT[C-N (16) <br /> ,;: <br /> {: ; <br /> OF TNE COUNTY SUQDIVISION OF THE SOUTH HA�( Of 71�E SOUTHEAST QUARTER <br /> ` (S'ZSE;) Of SECTION SIXTEEN (16), AND PART OF THE NORTHIJEST QUARTER <br /> OF TNE NORTHEAST QUARTCR (Nid',NE;) 01" SECTION TWENTY-ONE (21), ALL <br /> r IN TOWN$HIP ELCVEN (11) NORTH� RM1GE NINE (9)� WLST OF 1'NE 6TH P.M. <br /> � <br /> togrUizr �ei�h all tlu ieneinems,heieJitaments and :q�panensnces ihe�eunia hzlecev��;,indudiny att�ched Iluo�cu�tirings,all�rindo�c sereens, � . <br /> ��. �cinJ�i���xliaJes,biind�.��uim���md���vs,awnin�s,hea� eandiii.�nine,anu plumbin��and�ca�ei equi��iuem and acressunes thereln.pump�,stu�es, . . . <br /> " �. �et:iFc�ati,�s,and other fi�uires and c,uipmcnt nu�e or licn:�tiur auaclitd to ur usc�i in cnnncctwn�ci�h said real es�ate. � . <br /> �: . .\nd w�hcicas Ihc said moctgag���has agree�i anii docs heicb�aeice ihai �h� mort�,i�;os shall and�vill pa��all taxes snd aeszssmrnts le�4rd or � . <br /> � :�c�¢sscd up��n saiu�.nmues.and u��un ilii5 munEa�t�and the Lund src��rcJ �hrnl.� belorc Uic samc si�ail Leeume delinyuant:tu furnish aFprueed � <br /> � in�mancc upon ihr tnuldings �n c�iJ premi��situated m�he sum uf���.���.00 pacablr to iid -155(A'I,\110\ and to deli��ar lu said � . <br /> ,1550CIA710\thc pahcic�lur aid inswan��.�nJ mn ro cummit ri permit an���v,ntc on or zlout sa�d pr�im�es: . � . <br /> . In e:ixe of del'ault in U�c prif�xmana�ut any of the tenns and mnditiors ot d�is niortgaFe oi �hr bund sz vred hnel•c,the nm�igagee shall. . � . <br /> . on Jemaud,hc cnutliJ iu immedia�e pus-ssion ol�he mort�±aFed pr mi:es mvJ �hc m�.ngaFor he� br avsigns. tiansf�ers and rru o�er m the . <br /> n�unKaece all Ih•_rems.�crenue�and Le dmi�ed I�rum th�m<<i�a�ed premises dunn�;sueh uutc as ihe mmtea@e inSebtadness sitall remaiu � . . <br /> � unpaid::�nd thi mo�t�a�ce shall hacc d�c po�aer i��appoim am��aeent or a�ems it ma<desire �in�he purpose uE repairink saiS premises and rrnting . <br /> - �he snme anJ�olieciink tlic�cnues and ina•me.,�nd ii ma�p�v nut ol said mcume nll etp�utes u[repainnq said{vemiats anJ necei:ap' . . . � <br /> mmmi.xi�,n�and c�pcuses m vned in irntmc and mauaemF tlie same and of �aticeun:; �an�al� theref�um: �he balznee rcmainins.i(anv.w i•e <br /> � appl�ed t�ia�:ud ih•.disih:iiEc��f�aiJ mon�aKe indrb�edness:thesr iiehtti ot ihr monex�cr mav I�e cr�•icisrd at auy time dmine the rsisteuce of eud� <br /> � dclimit.irtcspccd�c of am'icmpnra�c waicci af ihr samc. , . <br />� . Th�ce Pieu:nu,ho�ven� �.uc upon tha lbndition.That i�ih�•saiJ\I��ng:y:or,hall iep�v�,ud I�rzn on vr beli�re Iht maunrtv��I said sl!ates[•�t� <br /> :S paymenL pa��muntl�h to sai I 1\ti0l'I.\l i(1\���iln� um peeilitd m th��IinnJ - �a�t�!hn i c �-intu•st 2nd pri�iupal on caid loan,on ur I�elurc <br /> � � ihc da��ui�aeh and u�.n�v�,�,mh.unid;iid loan i:tullc�all t.�a��n�f a=. ..s.nrnts Ic�ird a��airis�sa�d preimses and un�hi�11unr.+�e <br /> and thc B��nd,ecur.d ih�rch�� 1�I��re d��linuu�ncc:liuni.h appio�ed mvu.wi�e upon ih�•hui�dii_s�h,:re m in dic sum�I S. ���QQQ.�n I.,q�aLlr <br /> �n�;iiJ \SSO�'I.Ulfl\:iepar t .aid AtiS!N.1:\Il0\�q.�.n dam�nd ell nto�ie��Lc i���aid I u wch c.t�is.�-ses�ment�and instuance�ri}�interest at <br /> �'- �he m;��im�.im lecal i.ttc thtieon finni,L�Ic�d pa�mcm;�II�,i��hich U��iteae�,i Lutl,e;�erees in pae:permit no�ras�e�m r:�i�prenu�e�.ktep and cmnplc <br /> �ruh all thc:�crecmcnls and eonditu�ns ot Ihc IInuJ lo�5�����Q.00 ih�s d�)�C�cen I�r ihc�:uJ\Inn}aEur iu sai�l:1Sti0C1;111(?\,and�Y�mF�ly <br /> ���ith all the reyvitcmcntc uf th�t l'unnitwiun nnd lic-La���<<+(s:�id;\tiSfA'IA170\:thcn thtsc p�csenls shall I�ecoiu��null and �i�id,od�rncise the�� <br />: [. ihall itnt;+in in fnll I�ver:�nd m:n-I•�c I�,ircl��ud at d�r nption�.�I ihc>�iJ ;�55(x�i.\Il0\ :ilirr I�.ulutc lin llvei' m��nlhs ro m�lr zm�rl said <br /> pa)�ments�n h.•thtec m�rn�hs in�vir:ns m makinc.:iid mnntlilc paana�nu�.��r t��A��ep 2n�i e„nq�l}nith ihe�ewements and conSitinns�,�xatd 13�md: <br /> :ind 1innFae�n n;:ict�l0 6ace a iecein�i a��pnm�rd�brtli��itli m su�h Imrelotw�•pi���eedines. <br /> II-iheic i�am�chanFc in u��ncidup nl��he re,il es�atc ino�h�:�pcd hcicin.b��tulc m olhencise,tl�en�I�t enlire ic�u:tmine uidcl!ICt�lIc55 hrieb}- <br /> � �ecwcd� Ihe��pti��n ol ll�c I���uilahle liuildin��and L��an Aszuiiau�m ot(;iand IslanJ.�cl�ia�k:�,beti+me immed�atel��d��e and raeablr w�i�hnul <br /> In�lhe� n�nicr,and �he amuum iemainin�due undri <:�id I�and.and:mc��die�l,und for anc additiun,il aJ��an�rc m:+J[(Il<fY110tIPf.SIl➢II,�f011l 1I12 <br /> date�il r�errnc ol s;iid��phnn.l+car niiciesi at the ntaxunum IiRAI cuc.nnd Ihis mo�ieace inac then I�e loiec!osed tu c�tisf�v thr antum�l dm�UII 5311� <br /> bond.�mJ anc u�ha�b��nd f�o�additiun2l;idcanccs.ii��clhci���ith ail�ums��sid I���s:�id 1 hc I�.U.uit3llc BuilJine and L ran,is;ocistiim u(l;iznd Isl;titd. <br /> Kehrn�ka Ini imw�nce,tase>anJ as�e}�m nls.and�L�uaeiinR�'Ven.ion ch�a��:es. �cnh inteicst thrieen. liem da�e ,•� ��apmem al ihe maxinmm <br /> . Irgal ta�c. <br /> Ac�nociJrd in ihi HonJ s�•oucd heicLr.��iiilc thic in�.it�a�!c ieinaini in rlli�el �he muitCaece mar hrrra!irr advanee�Jditional smns tn d�e <br /> ncikcr..t xaid Dnnd.thcn�x�i�ns �r cura�_ms in m�ci sl ��iwh�umc�h.iil I�i•���thin lue •.mil� �d thia m.npace�I�c�anu:+a d�c(und�uriain�ll�� <br />�'.� serund th•�cl��.Ific inLil�nt ront (piinupal dehi nnt tn�tiecd ai am iunr ih�.�iieinal am��uni��I tlus mnrtpape <br />��'� <br />.,�:. .Ih�id�liic Ja����( .t.h..I'�— <br /> 2?�id November iG <br />�; ' ames .E—�orneT i us -(-''� ------- <br /> ti�':' <br />�� <br /> y�t`. srn�e or tict.iitnssn. <br />�'_e' .�. Un ihis 72nd dnv ol November i� ��t .betore nrc, <br />���y, c ot��rt•��r nn�� <br />�5'r �he imdersiened,a Nutun�Public in snd far=.niJ Cauntc. isnnall��rnme I . <br /> �,,. <br />�p� Jan�es E. Cornelius, a single pei�son ^"' <br /> y�-��� ���hu 1 5 pers�mally knu«�n w �''1 �' <br />�i��� , . . . � . <br /> s.� � ❑ie ro L•e thc idenlical pe�sun �CIIUSf 118171C -�S . ����MI�0�Ill'Bltpll•Iil)ftlli➢l`III 85 IIIUfIQ7YUf and h2 �(f4rl;t4n�X . <br /> � �)1 S <br />,'-,;.;i���vledged thc said instrumcnt�n Ue :�w.,ldnlai��ad and dced. �< ..� <br /> r� <br />=':t" 111TNIi5S m}�hand anJ 1utn�ial Sial Ilm Jatc alivr<aid. � :: � <br /> � <br /> � Vly'C��nvnisswnc!tpirea i,7 '>._,],��_ . �( . '! i :� j; <br /> ,;� _'r� :i1��i_Ls �-- _'—i� f��'_ — --- <br />-;;�� r,.i snt ia� . . _ �.� i ur I'ullic <br /> � �� � � J <br /> A <br /> C <br /> Z <br /> � <br />