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C2' T+. ' • .,...y� <br /> i�'�a,F�N �(� � <br />^�, � <br />''�' Y fb-UQss6ti <br />,�� I�.�.p.c�y.c-f.�... <br /> U< < <br />�• , <br />�^ \tORTCAGC /���D/'�I�if I"Pi�'!PA �"U S�.�a� �7 p'�li:c/ f�'Cr� <br /> n+oK�rc,�cr:�on�.vo. L 22,436 <br /> � K.NOW ALL AiBN(3Y��iir:sr:t�xeseNTs:Tnu� Di ck D. Nel son and Lei 1 a M. Nel son, each i n hi s and� � - � � <br /> _ � her rnun right and as spouse of each other, <br /> i� � _____-___Mortgagor,whethcr one or more,in considerution of the sum ol <br /> fifteen Thousand and No/100--------------- u�L�.�as <br /> luaneJ tu said morfgagor by The Equitabic Uuilding and Luan Associ�tion of Gr�nd fsland.Nebraska,hiort¢agee,upon �r�� �t�ares of stock oC <br /> g��, . saiJ ASSOCIATION,Certificate No.L 22,436 ������ereliy grant,conve�� and mortgege unto the said ASSOCIATION the(ollowing . � � <br /> d- describad real estatc,situated in Ilall County,Nebraska: <br /> ;;' LOT.1 EBERL SUBDIUISION, GRAND ISLlUJD, NEBRASKA COt4PRISING ALL OF LOT <br /> SEVEN (7) AND LOT SIX (6) EXCEPT THE SOUTH EIGHTY AND SIXTY HUNDREDTHS <br /> (80.60) FEET OF THE WES? ONE HUNDRED FIFTY APJD NO HUN�REDTHS (150.00) <br /> fEET Of SAID LOT SIX (6), BEING A PART OF GARDEN PLACE SUQDIVISION, <br /> z- LOCATED IN TNE NORTH'�JEST QUARTER (NW;) OF SECTION THREE (3) TOWNSHIP <br /> �. ELEVEN (11) NORTH, RAP16E NINE (9) t•JEST OF THE 6TH P.M., HALL COUNTY, <br /> °; NEBRASKA, SAID TRACT COPlTAINING 23.54 ACRES tdORE OR LESS, OF WNICH <br /> 0.52 ACRE 140RE OR LESS IS COUIJTY RIGHT-OF-WAY� IN HALL COUt�TY, NEBRASKA. <br /> 3. <br /> � togzther with all the ienements,heredit�ments and appurten�nces thereumo beluncinc.indudine attached f7oor cu��znngs,all w'indou•screrns, <br /> . windou�shades,hlinds,stunn�cindo�es,�wniues,hr.ninc,air conditiunine,and plumbing xnd�ca�er eyuipment and accessunes therero,pumps,stoves, <br /> , rtlrigerators,and other fixtures and cuuipment no��•ur herea(ter attached to or ustd in conr.ection wi�h said real estate. <br /> ._ And���hereas the s�id mortgapor h�s acreed and does hcreby aerce that the utortg��:or shall and will pay�11 taxes�nd assrs:ments letied or � <br /> assessrd apon ssid premisrs and upon this mortG�ge�nd the band secured thereby before the samr shall become detinquent:to Cumi:h�ppru�ed � <br /> insuranct upem the buildings on said premises situated in the sum of S�5 OOO.�O F�>'�ble iu s�id ASSOCIA710\ snS to deli�a w said <br /> ' ASSOCL4T10\the policies for said insuiance;�nd not to cummit ur permit any was[e on or a6out said premises; . <br /> i� � In case uf de(ault in thc pedormance of any ot the terms and eonditions of this mencaec ur thr bond secured hereby,the mon�gre shall, <br /> on dem�nd,be entitlad to immediate povession oi�Ite mong�gcd prcmiscs and tLe nwrigagur herebp auigns, transCers �nd sets uver to the � � <br /> t - mortgaeee�lt thc rents,�evenues and inmme w be deric:d imm the murteaecd premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall mmain � <br /> - ; unpaid:and the mungacee shall 1is��e the potvcr to;�ppoint am�agcnt or acents it m�p desire ior the purpose of�epaving said premises and rcntir.g � <br /> the same anS cullactine the rents,re��ermei snd incnme,and it mae pay out o(��iJ income ail expenses oi repai�in;mid prer.iises snd nettssaq• -� � � � <br /> . rommissions and expenses mcurred in renting and manaeing Aic;ame and ot collaaing remsls dteteGom; the balunce remaining,il'any,to 6a <br /> : appliad tuward die dizcha�ge o(s�id nwrtcace inde6tedne�s;these ri.hts of die mort¢acee may be axetcised at�ny time during the e.�ciscenc:ut such <br /> _ � Jc(ault,i�resprciire o(an}�tempuraq��vniver oi the same. . <br /> Thcse Prescnu,howzrer,are upon th:Cundition.That iC the s�id\lurtgagor sh�ll repar;�id fosn on or beiorc;he maturiey of s�id shsces by <br /> : p�ymem:p�y mumhly to<aid ASSO('IATIOV uf ihe su:n speciiied in�he 13ond sacured Imreby as imerest and principal un vid lu�n,on or beiore <br /> �� . the Twrnti;il�d�y o(each and e�-rq•month,until s�id losn is fully paid;pay�II ta�ts and usses�n;cnts la��ied acainsi said premis,s and un this�lort;aee <br /> �i <br /> - �nd�he tiond secured therr6y,be(ore drlmyuencr:lumish�pproved insu�ance upon�h�buildines thrreun in the sum ui 5 15����.�� p�yabie . <br /> � to ssid ASSOCLITION:rrpay to s:wid ASSOCI:\TIOti uf�an demand all muney 6y it paiS Cor such tazes,asse�sments snd insurance witlt ineercst at <br /> . thz masimum legal nie thercon from date ot pay�mert all o(which llur[g�eur hereb}�aerees to pay:f+ermit no w�;ee on uid pcemises:kerp and comp(y <br /> ��� with all thc aerenmcros and mnditions o(tbe 13und(o�S �5 �QO.00 this Sa�•ei�'en 6a ihe sai�1lurteagor tu s:iid,1SSOCIATIOV,and comply <br /> � with atl the requirements uf the Constitution and B��-L�W's u!s'��dASS(X'I 1TION:then tliese presenes sliall become null and coid,ethen�'i«the�� . <br /> . shall rcmain in lull forec and ma}�be forecloYd ai thr up[wn uf ihe vid ASSOCIATIOV �fcer Cadure iur three momhs tu m�.la anv u(sziei <br /> . payments ur Lc thrce months in arresrs in makinc s�id monthly pa}�ments,ur tu keep and�omply with thc a�rer�;;nts and�unditi«ns oi s3id[3und; <br /> and\fongagor agraes to have a�eceieer appummd forthµith in suth foreciusure proceedines. <br /> �� I f there is any.hange in owne�ship oi the real cs�ate nwrtgaeed herein,b��sile u� uther���ise,then�I:r entim�anaining indebtedneu hcceby <br /> � sccueed shall,at the uptiun o(The Equit�ble Building snd Luan Assuciation ut Grand Isl�id.Sebras4:a,becomc immediately due and payable+��ithou[ <br />� ;, further nutice.�nd die amount remaining du:under s�id 6ond,and any od�er bund(or an}��Jditional advancee made thereunder,shaU,from the <br /> dxte ui exercise of saiJ uption,brar imcrest�t the maximum legal ratc,and this monesee m�r thrn be�omclured to satisfy the amount due on eaid <br /> bond,and any nther bond for additional ad��ances,tocether with xll sums p�id b}�s�id Tlie Lquitable Building and Luan:lssociauon of Grand Island, <br /> \ebra:ka fur insurancc,tascs and assessmants,and abstractinG cxtensiun charges,with intercst thereon, irum date oi paymrnt at the maaimum <br /> lecil ratc. <br /> As provided in the[3ond secwed;�ereby,while this mung�ge remains in efiect the murtgecce m�y hereatter�dtanca�dditional sums tu the <br /> makers u1 said llond,thair assiens ur succe:wrs in interest,�chich surns shsll be�aithin the security of this murtgage the s�me as the fund>originslh� <br /> ' . secured thereby,the total amoum oi principal debt nut to excecd a�any time the original amount o(this moncage. <br /> , <br /> _ � Dated this 23rd c1a5'�'� P�ovember ������•�`i 76 <br /> ,�. .. .L`i./is ,�� i%i i1.fTl If.:� ,�n �/. �', :r <br /> Dick D. Nelson Leila M. Nelson <br /> STATti OF\f.BR.1SR.A, si. On�his 23rd day of November 1 J�6 .6efora me, <br /> COUNTY OF HALL} i <br /> the undersicned,a W�an�PubGc in and for said Counn•,peruinallycame <br />��°" Dick D. Nelson and Leila M. Nelson, each in his and her o���n rignt and as spouse of each 'N ., <br /> '' Other� "h0 are F�rwnally known to ' y . <br />}'� � <br />:�.� me to be the identical person S ��'hose name s a re affixcd to the abure inserument asinert gor5 and tney v��erall�• <br /> ti-� � �,: �. <br />�� � acknowiedged tlu said instrument to be thei r voluntary act and deed. � ��'�l .n �. <br />�� : _ i �SS-int.lund and Notarial Seal tha d�te aforesaid. ' .,/ � . <br /> 1` �U�Commasion e�Cpires - - �`-j <br />� � � � -�l;�z-t-ft=� �� � _�cz,� � <br />�-� "�� _ ._'���r ) ' / .^ —_ tiotan•Public <br /> ._.-6.1:.M RI - .��.. /. � /c' �. <br />�� / <br /> � � <br />:`t �— <br /> sa t <br />',��. <br /> � <br /> 's <br /> i <br /> c <br />