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'`.�:". i�..f. <br />�^;r . . � .. _...,Yr, . <br />`�� p. <br /> u:Ra. <br />�. <br />�;;� 51'A1'li OP NI.131t:�SI{A, Cowity' ui' ...................................................:: <br />�Tbi�i <br />,_,�"r'•� I�iled for record on ................................. 1;)........At............................ U plac)c Jt. <br />�k. ........................ <br /> t and recorded in Ihe Ueed Reoard .....................:........... l'�a�e ............................. <br />� .r�.��: . . � . <br /> ......................................�,.....:........,.. .............,. 13y ......................................................................................,... <br /> � Hc ieLer of lle�.rin llepnty ]tegister uf Uzede � � � <br /> � ��'' �(3 6y 6� SURVIVORSI-iII' W�RR�N1'Y �I+�ET3 <br /> .Tames }�. I<iint�rough and Marilyu i{. i�imbrotigh, Iausband aud \1'ife, each i�i his <br /> aiid hei• o�an ri�?ht and as spuuse ot each otlie�;herein called Lhe gt�airior n6ether one or m�ir„ <br /> S��'. � . � � . � . <br /> iu ennaideratimi nP 1'hirty-nine Tliuusand, 1�ive Iiundre.d and No/100 ($;39; 500,UO) Dollars <br /> z', ' <br /> t rrceiecd firom qrentees, dues �rnnt, h�rgnin, scll coure}• nnd r.onfirm hnto <br /> ltichgrd L. Dubbs and Kristi i,. ])ubbs <br /> f xs joini tenants n•ith right of sw•�•i�•ntreliip, aud iwt a�; tenanls in cunuuon, the fnllo�sing described real <br /> c' !' pr��prrty i�i ]iall.......................................... Coiuit��,\ebeasicn: <br /> i <br /> y ' I,oC tiine (y), Slocic ti�vo (2}, i�1 "Capitial ITei};lits 5er.ond `iubdivisio�i", beiiig a <br /> part of lhe South�t�est quarCer (S\5'1/4) of eec:tion t�vo (Z), 1'o�vnsl�ip eleven (I I) <br /> North, ran�e ten (10) \Vest o(the sixtlt principal �neridiaii i�i Hall Co�intv. <br /> s Nebraska. _ .. _ <br /> ` �� NEUI�A51(A��)l;l)AiEfaTARY � � <br /> 517�A1P (AX <br /> .,��.��' pLC 2 �976 <br /> �����`���V. ��7�y� � ._..�� � . . �. <br /> '3 g; 7;�=4" l31'�.�Z6--- <br /> .___._-------- <br /> q'n lini•r, aud to ]told tlie nbu�e de�cril�,d nreiniscs tuqel.lter tcith �tli teuementa, hecedalturie�it� � <br /> and n�, t.horeto bcloncin� untn ihe �rrniit�,ea suid tu nssiGus, ur to thu lieirs aud n �icua � <br /> � of tlte etu•cicur r�[ t!icm forc��rr. � <br /> And grnutur dnra lierrhi� cu�ennul ��•i�li thr, Rrnutrea �md tritl� tlieir s�rvi�±ns nnd ��itJt tBe hci�•3 <br /> � nnd aP�3iRne of thc hur�•i��or of them i�.hnt�ruHor is la���Cull}�",{ar�i ��l'�.t�d��reiuis��s: N�nt ti�ey-arr,Crr,�� Ircr,i <br /> eitewubraciee ease�t�etits and restrictious oC reco��d <br /> Ih�il �!rnntor haa Rovd ri}�h; nn�l I�t��ful aufhnrif;c tu �•nnc��� thr :;nur; nuJ ih,it tn•ruitnr ���n•rantc nml ��ill � <br /> `; �lnf��nd 1.Iin tifle t�� �ni�l ��remis„s o�,tiu�f ihr lu��I'ul cliiimv nf ;ill prr�nu; �clwm:or�rr. <br /> 1t is thn ititentiou uf �ill ��;uticv h�,rctn that. iu tlie e��ent o[ th�, denlh �if eiUicc uS' 1J�r ¢ritutr-��s. <br /> th�� ��uiirr fre litic lo ihis rr�tl prn�n�rl�� -:li;ill ",�f in ih�� v�n•ci�ink Ki^in��t��. <br /> I)ated No��ember L? tn i G , <br /> � � ,. <br /> ........... ,,� , , t� ��, { � <br /> t .:..r, <br /> 4 ; ........... .. ................................................... �. � � ...... <br /> ..... .,.i..... � ....... <br /> �, Tames I.. fvru6,nu�;h <br /> : . �, <br /> � :.:..� � � � ! � r �..� . <br /> .................................................................... . ....,, ...... ........ ..... . <br /> � Rlaril�n IC. ��_n�ibrou�h <br /> ' ;t'I'A7'1; 01� ................Nelaraslca......................, �'u�uu�� ui' .........1.!att.........................................: <br /> 1Sefore me, u uolar}• pu6lic yu;�lified for sui�l rnnnl}�, I�ereou��ll)' cume <br /> ,Tames L. Kimbrou�h and n�larilyu 1�. Kinil�rou�,h. l�usbaud aud \Vife, each in his <br /> pand her own right ancl as apouse oC eacti other <br /> kiio�cu to nut to Ue thr, ident.icnl pnr�au nr ��ereuns«•lu� Si�nr�l Ihe fnr��t���ine inslr�uuent nnd neknoa�ledg��d ( <br /> Ihr esecutimi t:herraf tn be Lis.her ur their��olimtncr ❑cl nnd d��e�L <br /> .:.c . <br /> �, �y , <br /> � \1'iluese mt• hmtd and notnrinl ecal �m ........:,�ii�+Y::t��'�t'......*%` ....., lU..r.:.;........ I � <br /> 4• ... <br /> If� uEI.G��.FIItTE �� � � � '�` <br /> . � CfBEN1.flOTAnt . ..................•i (a .....�r ,t�;��f.............. Noti�rt• 1'ublir t�- <br /> a�� . I '� � �Y! <br />�. t��� S1IIL!OI Nl4RSka , � . <br />�� <br /> ��.�. A1vCorunlestonERtiies 91t• romntiesi�in nipirrs . ��.i�.�L.. T:':....�.:........... 1'� :......_.. <br />�t' t:.;1. i . <br /> �i; Pi�rm 1 ' 'I'u hr u��lt'�i�n�l li1'��\�hri=Ic;i Nlnlr 11��r A�curinfin❑ �-.u.,�r,�is�ariN,�.or.,i�,.!���,.. <br /> �,� �ni . � .. � <br />- t <br /> � <br /> < <br /> r <br />