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,; ` ' ' <br /> .: <br /> . .... ;� . ... �* 6�� <br /> � �, . � � � <br /> :�:: <br /> : � <br />,_�.,,,F <br />�,,.�� <br />' `i"'� IIECEIVED FROM �•�l�;n� �!�nnl�ardc <br />;•:;.u.,� ........... .................................................................... .................................................... ......................:..........�.,.... <br /> ................................... <br />,,:Y_'z;v thc sum of I' 11u�tdree!..sitcl no/ ]:Ot7 t �i) ( L . . . . ... .) poll.�rs <br /> .,.. ...... ... . . ...... . . . ... � . ... .... . . .. .. ... , ... ... <br /> . .... . ....... . ..... .............................. <br />�,y:ai� .. . . .. ........... . . . . .. . . . . . . ............ ( S... .:.......r....... <br />;c.��y. to apPly ort the purchasc price of thc ��6ove descriUcd prnperty on tcrms and condilions as stated ]urein. it bcin� licreby �grced <br />�z�9�.�� nnd understood thut in lhe evenl the nUuve otter is nut nccepted by the owner nf suid pruperty �eitl�iti the time hereinuRer speci- <br /> p�".4<� : ficd, or that ic� the event there are uny defects in the tille which c:u�nut be ctu�ed as specdicd abo�•e, ihe money hereby poid is to bc <br />;j„"1?�'�f'e. re(unded. In the event ot rMusal or fa�lure o[ lhe Yurchxscr to consummute thc purchase, the uwner may at his optiun, retaui the <br />��;,i � snid inuney hereUy paid, as liquidattti dumages fur such taSlure to carry out said agr��cment u[ sule. <br />�-.. p <br />?',�5,'_�y�.",�. r 'This receipt is not un ucceptnnce of tLe abuve uffer, it being understi�od thut [he u6ove proposition is taken subject lo the <br />�,.; wrilten approvul and ¢cceptance by the owner an or befure ........ ����:.� •� �' 1�„� � ��. <br />��h'A` . .................. ..� . <br /> „�c�y ......... i0 ; 'i5'CnG�1.. �?��'�:I:.l� It:�:............ � At;en! <br /> ; � , <br /> , <br /> "� '` B�. i ' ' ..,.:��!.:._�.....�':�`:.......................... <br /> .�...�................. <br /> ! . � , <br /> i : <br /> o` <br /> ;. <br />,� � 1 ... Cuntinr,enC on .`lr . 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Deed Co be helei i.n escro��+..until_.iai� in Eullr... iinel . l':scr. oui.. l:l:pe.nsee... t °... be...... ............... <br /> ............ ......................................................... . . ................ <br /> .............................................i�t�t.LC;f�...��,f.k�:-.�::l,k.kY....�?.4�5;1�'S'.4;P ��4X.t.r.. ind Sc; l,lers . <br /> . <br /> �• <br /> ` . .......... ............................................................................................ <br /> • � � ..................................:3........:T.a�,..!iu.X.c:z'...�i�.1.7....p.x�lti:itl�:...CA...[k1r.L..�Ss:,l.1.s:.r„�....1�;9,c.r,...{'i3.7,.Y.C.Xu...(.V..4:...1:.1?�'...�QF}.�.kF..}ic.4.igc.i..................... <br /> ............................................v f....Cll.c...l�.u.x�,d.�,�a�.:..................... .... ........ . ... . ...�... . . .. .........�............ ........... . <br /> ........ .... ... ...................... <br /> ' .. �............... ............ r . '1'l�al I,anu I:onLracL' r,ay....'..c. »aid. iii iiilY� a;i�� tir.ic :il:tcr J3n . 7.,...1 3�. tli <br /> '? 77 �.� <br /> . ............................................................ . . ...... ........................:..................................................................................................... <br /> . ;; ............................................ no �rc- iaYr.icnt � enal. tv . <br /> :: ....I..........i....................i............................................................. <br /> , . . ............. ... .. <br /> , s � . If I :and ronlract is dr:i�rn up l; u^cr and Scllcrs a �� rcc ..c�:nensee: ... . .... .. ....... <br /> ... ... . <br /> ;. .................................................................................................................... ........................................................ .................................................................................... <br /> ` ecuzll <br /> . • <br />. r: ..............................................1...........k.�....................................... .................................................. ......................................................................................................... <br />, � � o ............................................................................................................................................. . ....... ..... ........................................................................................................ <br /> % Z <br /> ._ . ..�.n...... ... .. ...{......:,� <br /> . ,.. � T ,. : � ... . ... . ....... ..............._................................................................................................ <br /> ` � �- ' �� � 'i .-, . <br /> E ' <br /> , • <br />� ' ❑ ' - ' .: ^ <br /> ; u (3 � � , Gt ziui...lslaad... ... 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Sellcr <br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA <br /> ; ; ' Ii11 <br /> r �'; COUNTY OF ..........:..:.................................... sy. <br /> 1 "� � Oti thir � � da • of _ � 'c � oLcr AD 19 � � � b�lorc mc . �oit ;il � l ' , � � <br /> , . ................ y .........................., ..� � . .. ... .. .. . ...... � t in ?. . . . . ......... . , a Notar�• I ublic <br /> . . . ... <br /> . .. . . <br /> ... .. ...... . . . . <br /> ' �� in aiid for said countR PeiSi»�ally cnmc 1 � d -�.' rli; " . , ' c 1 , i, ' � , � � ,• hr (n �•. . ' � ! �_n ' . �' ir ; r:�1�a�� rn , an � . <br /> : ...............................................__.............................................................................................................................. <br />� ' ,' ......`:1:�.: �;cC ';: . ...::i!:ii5:iilitucon <br /> , ! , ......................................................................................._............................................... <br /> � ........................................................................................._.........................._.. <br /> cu; � ..................................................................._. <br /> . ........................................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> x , to mc personnll known to bc thc identical <br /> � Y perswL... whusc namc ......................................................................................................... aftixc�i lo <br />� • , � `,'. lhe within instrument t�s oau�r�;ir.:::::.,.. and ........................................................................................................... ucknawledGiY3 lhe execution <br /> 5 � ��: of the satne to be ..........��.i.;..:� voluntary'�t and dc�� far tl�c purpusc lhcrein expresscd. <br /> ,. . . . , , ., . <br /> � � IN �VITNESS WIjEREQ$' I ha�•e h�rc�ttito sub;cri6ed my name and uftixed m} scal �t .., Nebraska <br /> a'�� : on the dar last ubov . wri}4.A. � . . : ;� / ; ' , ' <br /> S .. "� � <br /> F : <br /> . f . . .....;...i.... .:..i...: �, .. s......� r <br /> y��� . S�ul � . : `' NoG • f'ut��c . .. .... .......................... <br /> � � <br />;y��. � . <br /> r��, � <br /> i , <br />��^ �� r <br />+,t,,�` PURCFiASER PLEASE NOiCE, :__ _ - . c " <br />.�^"�..sF•} . In closing your purchasq we,-';is agents, are required to have cash, or its eyui�•alent, upon cm�veyunce uf tille. Plcase bring c;�sh, <br />"� ' � certified check or cushier's check fot the balunce ot your payment. '1'tiis �eill permit us tu deliver p;�pers promptly. <br /> � <br />, in. . . Purchnsers adcnowledge receipi of ;iccepted r�;reement lhis �.. � I 1 d pfnf f L � � . ... . . . . . _. 1�7 �,� � � . <br />����T ^ `.� t ` ' `4(' � > �. � �i�, ,.`. 4 '(. . . . . ........ _ . <br />,���. <br />��, ... ............. .... ............. .... _. .......... .. .... ........ <br />;n.;��: <br />-�:,.- � �,;�-.� <br />�;,�;•. SELLEFt PLEASE NOTE: F <br /> f�?� Upon tcrmination ot Scllcr's insurnnce ut dosing, Scller sftould insurc all persnnal property remaining on the prcmises prior to N � � <br /> , delivering poesession. . y <br />, � � . , , , , . � <br /> LL,� Sellers acknawledge receiPt nf accepted agreenunt this '....:.... .. dny o( . i . � . � . . . 1 ' .. , _ `. ,�. . <br />"Y ` <br /> r � � f <br /> � � <br /> � y' .r-._` h „ . . . /..l...L F.... ...�. 1 /. . ... ..... .. . .. .. _ .... . .... A <br />`','�.'.: . l j � . <br /> N <br /> . ........... .... .. ..... ... . . _. .... .. .. ... . . _ .. ...... . ._. _. ... .. . . <br /> � ;:� NItA: i'A72 Appi uvcd ticlr - � I n lic �Ito� . As�sni. i ition I !�i2 ' <br /> •`,f�. � � � ?� � . . <br /> ;'t . , . __ . . . <br /> �.4�N . . . � , � � � <br /> > . r <br /> `'A �� � J <br /> i <br /> : '. <br />