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rn�. -: <br /> ;7 a�..__..,, ! .-�'�'� <br /> ti��� �. � --� <br />`� <br />:;; <br />�:��� MOASGAGE--3uvinqe trnd Loaa Form--(Direct Crod31 Plua) 255•2 (Spectal) <br /> � ........�.,..._.K_........._.,._.w..�....,..�...��,,........_.,...�.._��...,_......,�._�._..�.._.....,�....,.� �.-�-�-�,...�� <br />; �µ <br /> � ��L:oG9s� �tQ�Rr�a�� <br /> �� <br /> z.��xo__. �� <br /> j �s <br /> .?nci t'�ecFrb�r 7! 3 <br /> ,; i n,�s rn�o�+s:,�ae tkle dcy ot —.19��by med be�wcen # � <br /> r <br /> � i� IIAT.E W_ N:CCOt (�D 7i,�A.'�'E D. :tCCOY hust>ani ^nd wife eaclt in lti& an� i��x oc:� ripht -nd S� <br /> ; �t 3 <br /> ` }f as spouse of t}ie otl�er ' <br /> > S <br /> ; .. <br /> " �' o{_____1{811 County,Neuraal•a,�mortqaeo:_5 and fleme federal Savingn artd lamn A»snciction o!Grend Te7end, �� � <br /> i �. i{ o mcporarion eiqcni=ed and exietieg vn@et �ha 3nars et Nebraeka avith ite principa]oifirn and ptace et tueinese et Grr.nd Telmad.Nebraeka, £ � <br /> $� an mortgaqee: �i . . . <br /> j� r$ <br /> \YiTNF.SSETH: Y'haf eafa mortqagor 5 to: and tn coz+eideratien aF ta�eum ot_.______-- _— �F <br /> q. $� r. <br /> ; $ _��RTl FQUR THCIUSAA`D EIGIiT Htil'llRED A\D N0;100-- -------_L4:llars (S_._:�+�00_0(�---�• r$ <br /> . �� <br /> � � �he tecnipt of u-hieh ic hereb}•acknawiedqed,de_cy inerse preeente mortqaqe and a•arrr.nt unm sai8 mcr,tqaqee, ite e��cccwsere crnd (� � � � <br /> $$j masiqna,forever,alt�Ae felloa�nq deacnbed renl eetate �NNed in tha couhip ol _ �;a11 _ _ ___ . __ ff <br /> , f and Stme ot P8 f t� C° �A'� _S C,i �.��-?i�I;r : '-,. i _� � ,.. I S I' � . .� <.. ... �h c2. i3 � . <br /> �,i�utt?w�st Qu�rter '�orti^<ea,t (!uarfier,SecCicn Tiirc�•-c�ao (32), To��*�tship l:l.even (Ii) :�orth, $� <br /> �� Fange \ine (9) tdest o. the 6tii P.�S, more parciculnrl�� de �ribed as corrm2ncing al a point $; <br /> F� on ihe east liiie oi the St. .Joe and G, T. F.ilroad ri;zh� oi=G�a�•, �:here L,ic =anz intersect3< <br /> ri the north line of s:,id I.ot 3; thence east an the nc.rc8 1�_ne or lhe se.:tioii lG roas; ;� <br /> � �� thence at right a�icles south par�ilcl �.•ith tlte ��. t scction lira 10� reds; t;lence at �` <br /> 1 �s <br /> �± riglit angles west parallel �:ith tl�� �uth =ecti�n i.ine 16 rnds; th n�e ae ri�ht an�,les �� <br /> north parallel caiih the east �ection lir.e lU2 rods to the place o: ieginniiig, UuC � <br /> $� ezcepCing tiiat porti.i�n of the nortti �ide ��nc=.yed to the Stace oi �ebra5ka foi- road �$ <br /> Y �»rposes nnd l.imitin� access b�- 3eed .eco:dea un i�oof. 135, p�ge S1, it� t=.e Re.:;ister ui= rf <br /> ` $F t�e3s office, and cunt�inin� U.� �cres, a i.ittle r:ort or iess. �$ <br /> .$ <br /> .i� �i� �rS � . <br /> #� (` <br /> ;�, $z $ <br /> � <br /> ; . f <br /> ` ` f�rs <br /> �� Y� <br /> �s ToGethtr u�ih rsil heniing, iightir,q, end plumbinq nquipment or.d fiaturee,ir.c:udir.q sroten a-id L•,a«minGe,stor.n v.indaa� ;� � � <br /> i %y v�d rioo:a.aad t4:ndair sh¢dee ot biinds.uxd on er im m�r.rction with emd prcpeny,ache�her L:e naae nre new icca!ed on eaid proFenp �� � <br /> �� or hereu(tc�r ricced thereon. <br /> .1 i0 i�Al'E A\D PO HCLD 'i7iE S.SMF..teGe:hes aith all rtnri ninau?nr 1ne ter.�mentn.hereditcmente end apFunenar.ces thereitnto M3cnc� <br /> i; <br /> _ F<$ �Y <br /> j ine,ur in anF�wiee n}�erteinir.G.lerever,end macrant the fit!e to 1he eome. :yoin mortqeqor_`—herecy m�rr.caL.—_a��th ecid r.txcaeee i$ <br /> �(S that_._L�c:--`�t�—_—_m t!,e 3eSn�ery hereut.�hn lua�ful C�ner`_ r.f 1hn pr�!ee aMve ronre}'ati�:d cesrnk_cA_cnd.._._fli'[ _ +} <br /> ! ' $r reizri cl a ck�d nnd inaMeonible eetufe el mherinmce thc-em.frw!end cicvx o!cil en vr�bsmcee..:.^.d 1^et . i._h��__��-�il avna^.t cr.d <$ <br /> f �$I 3eltnd Ihe N11e 1herMo torever aceinnt the daims ar.ti�ieraar.a.ol cil}rr�ene n'nomroe��ec •r <br /> f! i� <br /> �l fF0\'IDLD A7.\�A15. �nd tkiz instmr..eni is csert�ted and daiir'ered tc eccu�e the ra}-n:ent o!�hrt aum��i__—___._—_ ._ +; <br /> �£ TtiIhTY FQUh Tl�OuSA\D xIGi�l' 1ti3NDRED A:�ll \0'100__--------_--."_��:n q :0(?.UO � $F <br /> � F< wilh�r.tPr�nt lherron.Mcrihcr��i�4 r�ch cnorer_ar,d atinr.ce5 m m�S Le dve enu �x.}'nh:e tc r �a re:�c�4� u�aer thr terr.0 r.�d rf <br /> S� cnnai!:or.n ot fhe promineorp nure el e�-en ca�e 6erea�th and securcu hereL•�-,erm�teu hc caid mortg yc� ema me;tc�-:aco,pay-aUte (� <br /> � �<� ue ecpmaned in saia note,anc to eecure the pertortnence o!oil the trrms und ro.^.d�tionn ceatained t�<rein. ihe tnims e! emd r.ctn an <br /> 1� here�}-incvcporvte,i herein by lhie reterence. $� <br /> � r. <br /> $ i1 Ss the intentioa and ncrn+ment nf the partiee heceto�het�hia malcaGe shall .iisu ee�vrn onq futore cd�vecee �»ace fo ea�e �� <br /> ev <br /> + meitcaecr-_LF• eaid me�tGc:qee,rsnd unq anu nll inA��btednena in edd�Noa N �he omeunf nbtre e'ated .a�h�c5 Raid r�crtqeqen,rn ant� $ <br /> F .�(ihem. map oa�e ta t¢t3 menGaSee•hoa�er�rr evidenc.d, w�hether by nete.h.t�k oc�unt o�cthPia�ew. This moitc�aP e?�oil r�mein in{ii'1 �r <br /> � r !orce and eltect bela�een the pnrti�+hemW �nd the(n c�irs.penonnl repreeenmrieP�. nvnesaen and �nsiGnt. iir.til �!t zmcunb eeivted `r� <br /> � � hereundnr,includ:nq luhtre adattnces,ttte paid in iull with Sntereal F <br /> The mrntmraor5 6erebp veeiqn—tu euid aeeelgacee oil renM and inrcme unninu at �np cnd uil timee from eoid �.;cprrtp nnd ` <br /> here6y eu�honr.e emd moi�qm;ee er tte caent.ul fis eption.�pon deiwl6!u telr chaxee r!eRi3 p�oi�ettq and cr.11n.t nll ren�e ur.d ircrtne �� <br /> • � ihecnirem ond opplp thr ersme tu ihe pa}-menl oJ intereet.p�inripal,Sneurance ricmfuma.Mme ceerennenls. re.pmn er �...rtr,vem�nta neroe- $+ <br /> . $ eu�y tu krep eaid F;ropeiip in tenar.tabin veditien,oi tu eth�r c7!oiven or{>urr+ente proWdcd f+r hrre 1 ei i;t the r.�te herebp em�ttd. Thie <br /> j � rert aenivnmeet theil cvntimio Ln terce vnli]the ur.}vtd b¢lance el eutd ncte�a fu?I}•ryHd llte t�Yirq eS�±c�seeeicn hereunder ehetl in r.o �� <br /> ': � S precont or n.ard emd moitcaqee in Ihe celletticr e!tuid numa F.T�OTKIO!u1C CC f1I1PtR'1lP. ;� <br /> � <br /> : �2 Thc IciSure et {ha mottsnrqee fo ¢aeert acp ol 1tt riqhte 6e�xundar M any 5ime nhnil not be rnnswed ca c�.+r.dtrr rf ite eiqht to aecett $f <br /> .�� � �S fhe eume�t nny tmer time.ur.d ro Sneist upon and eaFerct etrtd mmplie»ee Ki�h �II ![•m rrine a�d crccieicae et F�id nern end e[ Ihia �F <br /> rooNqaqe. �� <br />�•. � ii enid nonca5or_-nhalt cuvee tu ha}��Sd to eatd mnrtcaqee the enitre ameunt due it firreunder.and under ihn te:m+and prcrieiens �� <br /> SS� ol eaid noh hereby eecured.[ncludinq future vurvnwa and nny eztenesoae or rnnewnla tLereol i� acmrdance a�ith 1he te�a vaS pmaiaiens t <br /> :' thereof,and it eaid monaaqor_§._ebalt mmplq aith ail�he pnn�[eicnn of eald nete and ot�hte ncrtceqe,then theae pmeema Rhnli te veid; �$ <br /> �S mherwiee to remasn ia tuli forrn and epect,und Emd moctaagsa ehail be en�itled to the poeaeeaton et all cl eaid prcpoi�y.and n+ap.a�tie .� <br /> option,dectnrc Ihe a�hole ol eaid vets and cll tndebtedncea npreeented lhcrr.6p lo he immediatelp duc nnd mop furecle.•e th3f � <br /> modqaee or toke anr ether loqol action ro prete�ct ih Heh1,and irom�he dute of euch detault all itrme oi indnbtecncew eecared hemhp `F <br />��'�.� $ ehal!draw intereet at 8"s�per annum. Appmfrement�.viRwl. i� , ry � <br /> ( ThSe meitqaqe ehnll L•e L•tndinq upon nad�hail enuro ro�he beneill ol�he heln.e:ecutore.vd.mir.[etcnro:e,eucceeren und eneicr.e ef +� *y ' <br /> � � j �he renpMi�v paritee herclo. �tS � <br /> ( 1R 1Vi12'LSS 1Yf�liE6F. wld Mortgaqor5—hn�'� herevnfo �et_._ t17�11 __r,;yd=�he da}•and yrar lirei uMre �i � �� � <br />�' t mt�ten. h . . � � �F ,� <br /> r 1 ' F! it�� <br />�'� �`-..ii.�-{='�,J�.y �-ti'h"�1 -- �..-"� ,t . `� <br /> � <br /> , . J. ,_ . .;� ..' <br /> ' �le W, r;cCov , ' -�leane 1. �c�^�Co�� t�— <br /> r ---5-- ,� =—: ��..,-�—=--- ' , <br />.n•� " ' � " �� <br />:.�g �� <br />..�:i� ----- -- \� -- — ------�—�---------------------- }� <br /> :S! <br /> ;� ��.�.-_..,_....._...w........�..�.._..�._.....,..�...�...,......_..�__..�...�:�1.-.......�:.�:...�:.............�._............... � <br />_ � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � <br /> 7 <br /> f <br /> £ <br /> } <br />� J <br />