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�� � � .�,�.�� <br />:�: .... <br />�' ��,._ r � <br />�• S'I'dTE OP N�BRASK.1, Comity oP ....................................................: <br />� <br />�..�., 1'iled for recor�l ai ................................. 19........nt............................ o'elock Dl. <br /> tiud recorded in thc llecd Itecord ................................. Pnge ............................. <br /> • .................................................................................... �y� ....................................... <br /> ................................................... <br /> IZegister nf lleeds lleput�� Hegistor of Deecls 1 <br /> ` r ��. 006941 � <br /> SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY DEED <br /> {.` ' Edvrard R. Jenkins and Charlanne ni. Jenkins, Husband and .�Jife, each in His <br /> and Her o:vn right and as spouse of each other <br /> ,herein called tLe gravtor whether ono or more, <br /> in cons;durntiot, of Forty-nine 'Phousand F1Ve 3{UTldred 1�'ift,y-three and 59/10U--- <br /> `.. i ----(��9,553�58) -----------Dollars <br /> ,�' reccived from grnutces, does grnnt, Lurgnin, sell con��ey nud confirm unto <br /> llennis A. Hardman and Lila D. Hardman <br /> as joiut tenants �vith rigl�t of eurvi�•orship, imd not us tenants iv common, the folloti�•ing described renl <br /> �` ' property in ........,'t,i311 ................................ Coimt}-,Aebrusku: <br /> �, : ................... <br /> Lot Thirteen (13) Centennial Uardens 5ubdivision, an Addition to the <br /> City of Grand Island, Hall County, Plebraska <br /> ' (VEBf�ASKA DOCUM[NTARY � <br /> 1 r, STAh1F TAX <br /> � 1,, (,���G�� <br /> DEC 1 1976 <br /> Dth'��.;;. � <br /> � SS:�O gY���—`= <br /> T'o hn��e nnd to Lold tlie ubovc descrit:ed premises tugether �cith ;ilt tenements, hcreditnmeuts <br /> � ;mct appurtenn�ices Llicreto belonRin� unto thc �rnntces and to tl�cir +issigns, or to tlie heirs und assi�us <br /> of the snr��i��or of them forc�•cr. <br /> ' rlud grantor docs hereby� corenant �citli the �;riivtces itnd «•itlt their ussigus nnd �t�ith the lieits <br /> und assigne of the surcisor af tl�em t1taL gratrtor is ]a«�full�•sci�ed of said premises;that titcy nre frec from <br /> enenmbrancc except easements and restrictions oz record, <br /> t1�aL grantor lias�;ood riqht anr,: la�ti•ful �iuthorit�� to con��c�• tlic �amc; and that �:r;wtor �c:n•rnnts and �rill <br /> - �lefend thc title to said premives n�iiinst, tlie lu�cful eluims ot ali person.ti �choinsnecer. <br /> , , iL i.s thc iutentimi of all partics heretu ihnt i❑ the c��enL of tlte dcu1L ol' cither ot the grnutecs, <br /> ih�� ��ntirc feo lillc to tliis rrul pro��rrty �h;ill crsi in thc sur��i��in�y;r:�ntcc. <br /> '+ D:�t��d July 7, 1�76 <br /> , <br /> ; .................................................................................... .��.... � _............,:... <br /> ..,.... ......... <br /> ...... <br /> ndti��ar r?" �e , ins <br /> . <br /> ' 1.;� �1.:�..: `�: � ?� i' � <br /> J .................................................................................... �harTanne''.:i-�...... e'rilcins'.;..�. c �.... <br /> .� S�r.��r1; oi� ..l.dL3}?F�,SI�A.................................... t'ount�� of ...liall....................................... <br /> � Before me,u notary public quulificd for suid cuunt�•, pereonall}� came <br /> i:dtivard R. Jenkins and Charlanne l�i. Jenkins, iiu�oand and <br /> lJife, eacn in fiis and lier ovrn riE;ht and as spouse oF each <br /> other, <br /> s <br />"� ; � . <br /> Icno�eii to we to bc thc identicnl penon or persons�rho si�ned thc forc�oin� instrnment aud acicua�vled�ed +"f��� <br /> thc c�ecutinn thcreof to Lc Lis,hcr or their��olmriary :nt and dced. N = <br />'''' ( 1Vihicss mv hamd nud notarinl seal on .......,.7���I.,.G..,�....��......................... /19..f..�... � � A <br /> kc� .. _..---- _.....__ . �,��,,,�'��i<...� � .. <br /> _ ...._, <br /> I — �� � <br /> ' .,.'� f ........... ..........................:... ....-10�llC}' ��11�11C Lfi <br />�' <br /> ...,..' <br /> ... <br /> � .... <br />� � i <br />�.:�. . ��..,� . . . — � <br /> _:_. _ ..� 1[} corntnis5iott ezp�res............f...�....�..::r�r.Z.�.....,131...j..... <br /> yt __ — <br />- I�nrm !:"fn I�o :i�i�,rot�rd b}' XrLra�I:u Statc (Snr.\.co��iafion Fdtonl:R'aifl:�..Liumin.Ne4r. <br />_�fi � �J <br />'-� <br />_ t <br />:'� <br /> l <br />.. � <br /> s <br />