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::� � �� <br /> ,� � `'�� <br />=?a �:.w_ r � <br />�`F''"�.,3e � M1fORTGAG£—Savinq� a¢d Loan Form—(Dtrec1 Crodll Plm) 255•1 (SpoclaU <br />�ix, . ..,................�...........�..,....»...............�.....,..........,,.,..,.. .......�....... ....................... . <br /> ' ...^^.•... ........,...,...... .� <br />�s'�;. <br /> � � 76_ MOitTGAGE <br /> �1UG�40 <br /> Loan No <br />� .- � 741 h 1 <br /> THIS INDEN7URE, made tht� day ol NoVF?InbC3f' 13��,by and bet�vem . . <br /> DALE F. BECKMAN AND KARL[EN I<. BECkf�tAN, husband and wifo �ar.h in his and her orm riqhi <br /> r 3 and as soouse of the other, AND KAREN A. MC('OY <� �innln per��on <br /> 3 <br /> � o�----- � �ia�� County,Nebraaka,aa motlgago�=,and Homn Fudcral Savinqe and Loan Amoclatlon ol Graod Lland. � � � �. <br /> � a corpomlion mgonizod�and exlntinq unde� the !aw•�of Nebwe�a wt16 Ile pcindpnl olllce and placa o!6u�lnce�at Grand Ielwd.Nebm�ka, � <br /> m mongagee; . � � <br /> }��' 3 WlTNESSE7H: 71ia1 eaid mortgaqor 5, !or aad In conelde�atlon ol the eum oL______._ _ � � <br /> `'' t THIRTY-TY�O TNOUSAND LIGhIT HUNORED AND NO/100 ------------------- 37 App,pp <br /> S.� . ` ----_--- �ollan (5__'� �, <br /> . Ihe.retolpl o! whfch Is horeby ocknowledged, do^ Ly Il�oea p[e�anle mort9ago and w��mnl unlo eald morlqogeo, Ib �ucceeeou and . <br /> aaeigm, forever,oll Iho loUowinq dnx�ibad mol oetalo,eituuled in tho rnunty oL ���'7��_ _ . <br /> � and Stalc ol Nebmeka,lo•wiL• � � <br /> e <br /> ,�� � <br /> _ � <br /> LOT FIVE (.5) IN BLOCK S[VLN'fE[PJ (17) IN KERNUHAN ANU DL"CKER'S ADDITION TO TNE CITY � <br /> �� UF GRAfJD ISLAND, HALL CUUI�TY, NEBlZASKA � <br /> , � <br /> ti <br /> ;i <br /> � � <br /> : � <br /> r, $� � <br /> s� �� <br /> �S Togefher wi�h all hoatinq, Iiqhtinq, and pl�mbing oquipmonl and fisiuwe,mcludmg atokaro and burnere,eacone.awninqe,atorm windowe � <br /> and doon,ond window ahodes or blindn,uwJ on or in conneclion wilh eoid proporty,wholhet lha eamo aro now locnted on aald propetty t� <br /> . �� ot hatealtei pluced Iherean. f <br /> t�� �, S� TO IIAVE AND TO HOLD 71IE SA1dE, Iagelher e•ilh oll ond eingulat Iho lunemonla,horedilomenls and apputtanancce Iharounlo bclonq� $S <br /> '� inq,or in anywien appertaining.(orevcr,and warwnt Iho Illle lo�ha oamc. Said mottqagor_i hamby tovonanL_ wilh anld mor�gaqeo tt? <br /> � Iha�_�ha._`�- �lf-P_,at lhc dolivor heroal.ILn. lawlul ownc�_,t.ol Ihe y 7lI"�_ t <br /> t Y p�emlece abovo conve od anS daevibed,und._.-= 3 <br /> ; £s acixed ol a qood and indcleaeiblo eetala of Inherilance theroin,lrco and clear ol al�encvm6rancce,and Ihul r�lte_�wlll wv[tvnl and � . . <br /> dclond Ihc lillc Iheraro lorever aqainet Ihe claimn ond demanda ol al�pnrsune whomeocver. {S <br /> 3 S <br /> . + PAOVIDED ALWAYS, and Ihis instrumenl fa uxecuted ond delivewd to nocuro Ihe puymenl of Iho eum of t � <br /> ; -_.Tt11.RIY-T�'9_T1�U�I�.NLLC_LG.LiLti�li�i�IiER1tit�D Ncl/I n s:' gpp i)p F <br /> �—_------------- nallare l5—,.u--- i• S <br /> {E wllh intemet ihemon,loyelhet wilh euch chatyce und udvancea aa may bc Jue and payablo lo eaid mo�tqaqcv undor ihe lamu and S � <br /> • conditfona ol tho pmmioeory nole ol evun dalo harewilh ond eecurcd heroby,ezeculod hy naid morlgaqor.5_lo eoid mo�tgagea payoble � <br /> �= ou uapreeend m eoid noto,and lo eecure Iho pedarmanco ol all tho Imms und cunditloni conlained ihocaln. The te�me ol sold nola aro { <br /> hereby inco�pomled hr�ein by 1hL tefe�enrc. S <br /> 1 <br /> - �f 11 In Iho intenliou and agteemanl ol lhc patlice herclo that�hia motlqage nhall aleo eocuro any lulwe advancee mado lo eoid <br /> f1 <br /> ji mo�tqayor_.�'_ by ea1J morlqaqce, nnd my mid all Indebtednaee fn oddlllon lo tho amounl alwvu nlatod which eoid maNyayou, vr any <br /> #� o! Ihcm. may owu lo eald tno�tgagae,hnweve� ovi�encod whether by nole,book ac[ounl or olherwieo. Thln marigage ehall ramain in lull <br /> s lorco and elletl belwean ihe partlee hemio and �holr helre, pereonol ropte�enlalivna, eucccenora and oaeiqne, un1i1 all amounl� oocurod <br /> ? hcrcundcr,intlading futuro advancee,am pald In tull wilh Inlorcel. <br /> � t The monqagor=how6y aeaiqa_lo eu[d morfgugeo all rent� and Inmme arielnq al any and all tlmoe !rom �nld pmperty and <br /> f� he�eby dulhorixe said morlgagao ot II�agenl, �! ile oplion, upon dolaull,lo lako ci�orya ol ea1�S propetty and collect�II tenle and lnromo +� <br /> j� Ihrrol�om aud opply 16e eama to Ihe paymenl ol Inleteet,p�indpal.lneuranca promiuroe,taxea,aeseeemvnts, repaire or Imp�ovemente necns• <br /> f sory lo L.eep wid ptope�tY h� icnanlnhla condllton.or lo other chargoe or poymonle p�ovldod(o�he�eln or h�ihe nolo hemby encvrod. Thf� <br /> y{� tonl aneiqnmenl ahall tontin�e in lorce until ihv unpald bolan[o o� e�id nolc le lully pald. Tho Iniclnq ol poeso�alon heteunder�hall in no <br /> j mannar prevonl or retard eaid moqgagee In iho rollecllon of eald sumn by lotecloeum or olherniea, <br /> j� Tho Iniluro ol Ihe motlqageo Io a�en[t any of !le riyLb hereundet at any Iime ehall no�bo centtrucd Qe a woiver ol Itn dqhl to o�sert <br /> +� �ho aamc al any lotcr timc,and to Inniel upon and enlomo�I�itt compllancu wllF� all Ihc ta�mn ond provfeione ul aaid nolo and o! Ihla j <br /> ; morlgago. $ <br /> jj If iofd mortyago�_i ehall eawe lo bu pald lo eald modqaqev �ho onll�e amount duo it hrrounder,and undcr tho�orme and prorblocu <br /> ' �S ol eaid notc horeby naNred.lncludlnq fuluro advoncve,and ony exleneions o[ renowals IAercol 1n accordanca w:lh lhe torme cnd provfalom <br /> V �; Ihoraol.and if wid marlqaqor �_�hall mmply wflh oll tho provldone ol�ald nole and ot�hb mo�lgaqa.than Ihmo p�ceonl��holi ba�ald; <br />'�'='� t oihenvise�o remain In Iuil lorce and olloc6 and eaid morlqaqaa ehvll be entltled lo ihs po�soulon ol ail ol said propo�ty,and may,al IU <br /> 7 opilon,dednre ihe whalo ol wld nolo and all Indebindnen repre�entod Ihoro6y to bo Immodiotely due and payablo.and may(orncio�e ihf� , j . <br /> � +j mongaqo or tako ony o�hor leqat¢ctlon to protoa ite dght,and Irom ihe dale ol euch default aii I�eme ol Indob�ecinen .ecurod 6oraby <br /> �� �= ehall drew Inloreet at�%I�e.j annum. Apprafeomenl walved. � - "N�,.", <br /> 1tj thls morlgaqe�hall 6o�bluding upan and �hall�nun to Ih� b�nelll ol �he heln,e:ecuton,adminL�caton.�uccen�on md ai�iqn�ol � � } � <br />!���.f ( �f tho w�poctivv partis�ha�clo. � CL . <br /> ,} W�WI7NES4 W}�AEOF. wid :�to�lqagor�60�'�' h�munto �et ��h�'�� �and_ths day and yra�Ilrel ahove ¢ <br />�'`re. S wr�ua� � r`' ,. <br /> , <br /> ' � �� /Z � t ,/ l� <br />�,�. _ �. c rit��-�� ����4-� ��� i���•�-�, , <br />�.� . D�le F. �eckfn�n _ ,6, ---- t„�ren A �fct.`cy � <br />. ��y.�}� `—'- �-i�G C 1 1'Vi.l� 1t� <br /> 1i.3� Karleen K. iec an ------ <br /> :.;� �� ..��.. �`.`......`. .`..�.��`..`::.� <br /> `l� � � <br /> : <br /> � <br /> r <br /> : <br /> � <br />