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� �...:.v.x� <br /> tti; �„ � <br />'�; <br />�``� ��' S�I�C��7U't <br />� <br /> y'�, �fORTGAGG ---- — — � <br /> �f01iTGAGIi LOAN N0. �����__ <br />' KNO�S'ALL rIGN UY THISG PR651iNTS:That Wi 11 i am T. Larsen and Esther A. Larsen each i n hi s and <br /> ' � her own right and as spouse of each other <br /> _- '. Mudga or,whcihcr one o�mure,im m�sideration of the smn a! � <br /> Nineteen Thousand Two Hundred and No/100----------------�------------------------ <br /> --_DOLLAILS <br /> . I0317C(I IU 5:11(I IIWII�'8�'Of I7)'�I�iC I:1�111I�bIC BUII(III76 SI1lI IAJII ASSUCI�UJII U�C:rnnd lsland,Nebraska.�tongagee,upon shares ol'stock uf � . <br /> . said ASSOCIATION,Cer�ificale Nu.L 22,440 ,��>he�eby grant,cunvey �nd mur�gage umo the ssid ASSOCIA't10N the following � . � <br /> described real estate,situ�ted in Hall Cuunty,Nebraska: <br /> 4'. ' <br /> . }: <br /> THE WESTERLY HALF OF THE SOUTHERLY HALF OF THE EASTERLY <br /> z TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY FEET (270) OF LOT ELEVEN (11) VANTINE <br /> SUBDIVISION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL <br /> COUNTY, NEQRASKA. <br /> j <br /> � togad�er with all �he �enuwents,hercdilameNs snd�ppmtenunces therewuu brlunginq,induding attached Iloor cuctrings,all�cinduw scrcrns, . <br /> ^ . �eindole shudes',6linds,swnn windows,a���nings,hr�ting,ai�cunditioning.and plumbing�nd���ate�eyuipment and acceswries ihereto.Pumps,stuves, <br /> i' <br /> ft'Ifl�`Cf:1lUf5.:ItIII l)Illl'f�I.IIUftS:lllll CyUI�)I77211�f7U11'ilI Ill`fl':IIICf JIIJCIII'lI IU U(ll]tlI 111 L�Illll•CLIUi11\'IIII)�III fC�I CS(�lC. <br /> � And x'herc�s�hu said mungagor has aereeJ und Jucs he«by ug�ee ihat tlic mnn,;agor shall and will pvy all t�xes anJ assessments Ievied o� <br /> asxssrd II�UfI S:111I rfl'I111S1`5 JOII Il�Uil 1I11S I110f1�'JCC 8I1(�Illf bUOII sccwcd thcrebv be(i�re thc SBNI•SIIllII I1Bl'OITIf(ICLfII�UtIII:(O IUI(IISII B�PfUVPII .. . <br /> � insurancc upon thc buildings nn said prcinises siivalcd in thc sum n(S 19�2��.�� p�yabk �o saiJ AtiSOCIATION and to deliver to said � <br /> � ASSO('IA'CION ihe policies(or said inswance:and nut ro conuni�ur pennit any���xste un o��buut saiJ pnmises . <br /> � In case of default in tlic pedomiancr o(any ul the terms and couddions u(tfus murtEage ur ihe bund secured hereby,the iuurtgzgee shall, . <br /> f- � on dcm�nd,6e entillcd tu inuncQiute posscssiun of the mortgaged premises mid lhc uwrtgagur herrby assigns, tran:tcrs and uts uvrr tu thc <br /> � �. murtgagee all the rents,revrnues and incume tu bc derivrd frum the mu�icagrd prcmists during such time as the mor[eage indebtedness shall remain . . <br /> ' p11hJIlI:8I1(I(IIt IIIUII�:11;C2 SIIflII I7J1Y llll'�)UUYf Ill 8�1F>ollll;III)'agcm o�agents i� may desirc fur ihe purpuse o(fC�)]IIIIi6 Sel(I F1([I7115B5�Il��cnting . <br /> 3. 1�1P tillllC�fl�L'UIII'l'llll�Illl'IC(ILS.fl'\'CIIUI'S:1IllI 111[0111�.8(1lI 1l Iil'J)'v3\'Ulll U� 5:11� II1ll11IlC e�� L'\�HIISt`S U� ICPelflll�'S:III� �fCI171SC5 dlll�11C1'CSS:lfV <br /> �UI11f111S51UI1S;IIII�c�renx�incwrcJ II7 ICIlllll�;:II7�Ii1;lIl:IF111�',I�IP c:lllli`]Il� I)� CU��i`CIIII�; fl•fll:1�S I�iCfC�IUfil: (�IC �18�eIlCC(CI7191I1IIlE.II �Il}'.[V�P <br /> � apVlicd�uu�ard the Jisch��Ee ul said murigage uidebtednrss,ihesr ri�;h�s uf�ho mong�gee may ba rxercised�t any time during the existenec oi such <br /> . dclatdt,irzcspccticc ul any tcm{wt�n�����rvet uf thc sanu. <br /> � '�hese Prescnls,ho�screr,sre upun�hr Cunditiun.11iat i(ihe said\longaFur shall rep:�y said loan un or bci'ore�hr tnawrity uf stiJ sharcs b}� � <br /> paymcnt:p�y nromhly to said,�SSO(7A�CI01 uf thc sum speciticd in thc 8ond sctured hurby as intcrest JI7c�Pllfll'1�8I OI7 S311I IO�O.OiI Uf F)C�OfI' � <br /> . l�li`�N�l'1111C��1 1��1'U�C:ILIi:IIIII L`\'l`11�II1l1IlIII.11I1l1I]JIII IU;1111ti�l1II\'P�III;�1:IY:III IJ%l'S:fI7lI:I151'c5171CI1I5 It'\'IC(I:1{;JIfISI S:l1lI�)!t'i11t)CS illl(�I1(I IIlIS�I/1f[E;1�C <br /> anJ Il�t I3unJ secuicJ�lieich��,bcli�re dclinyucucy:lmnisli approrcd insur�nre upon ih.�uildings thr�eun in ihc smn of S 19�20Q.�Q {��YJbIt` <br /> If�tii�i�55U��:���0�,fl'�:11'ltl):fll�r�5��)���r�TIC)�U�1�/il t�l'I11JIIlI:III Ilil)Ill'1��l�'11 FtJI��ilf SIICII lA\C5.1SSl'SSII1Cf1l5:lllt�IfISIIfJIIL'[K'11I11f1ItIL•SI�l <br /> IIIC I71:!\III7lilll IC�!:II IJII'Illl'll`�Iil IIUIII�:Ill'lll�1!\'llll'ili JII t)�wliieh 11i��tFagor hr�rby�a};recs tu pay:�ermit nu waite un said prenuses:l.eep and comply <br /> u�i�h all the a�;reementS:mJ wnditiuns ul the Ilond tur C 19�200 00 this day g�ren by�he x�id 1lurtgago�tu said ASSOCIATIOV,and comply . <br /> N'IIIi 8II IIIC fl'(�lIIlCilil'IlIS 0�IIIC COIISl1�U21U11 3111I IS1'�L:111'S U�SJIII ASSOCUI'IION:thcn �I�ese prescn�s shail bccumc null and vuid.uthenvise�hry <br /> ti�l���Il'111J111 III �ll�� �tJfiC JII�I11:11'�>P(Ufi•I:�US��:11 l�lC U�Iltlll ltl I�IN S:III� i�55���r���U� �lit`f �:f1�Ufl' ��1rf l�lil'C IllUlll�l� (V III��:I':111)'UI S;III� <br /> . �1:1\'1112I115 lll I)P fllil't'I11�IIIIIS 111�Itl';Itti III fI1:ll:lfl�'1:11�IIIUII(III\'�):1V'Itll'1115.�If lU kCl'�1:II1L�l'111I1(lIV ll'IIII IIIC:I,L'I[l•Illl'f1lS;111�CUI1lIlliUflS UI S:tIII I�l)IIII; <br /> � :md 11oi1}:�gur agrees tu h�ee a iecerver appuinted forthwith in such fureclusun•piuctedintis. <br /> `� � If d�cre is any changc in owncrship ul thc rcal es�aie nwr�g�ged heccin,bv sale u�u�hcnvisc.then thr entire remaining iudebtedness heicby <br /> � � sectued lhe upiion o�The L'yuitable Building anJ Luan Associatiuu ui GfJ11tJ ISI811lI.NCI)f3SA�,I7tCUilll'lillllll'l�l'JICI)'tIl1C Jlil�N8\'BLtII•W1�IlUUI <br /> �Ufl�ltf IllJliCl'.�II�I�IL':IIl1UI111i Il'1I1J11Ii11�;�IIL'UII�L`I)JIII�UI7lI.�I1fI:111\'UIIICf�l)flll IUf:IfIV:1lIdlllUflJl:it�\",Illl'Cf III:II�I'llil'iCIl1lllCf.SI7:III.II�III�I1C <br /> i�alC Il�l'XCf['11C ll(S:IIII U�/f1U11.�l':I(Illlt'tl']I'JI Illl'I11:i\III1lII71 Il'�;:fl I:III'.:IIIII 1I1�5 IIIUtIC��:C Ill�l)'l�1Cf1 hC�U(PC�UStI�(U Sl(I5�}'I�IC ilfilt)ll(1I I�UC Ut1$JI� <br /> Uund,and any uihcr bond fu�BII�Il1Ut18I BlIb:111L'CS.IUFI'lllC!N'Ifll dII 511I115�1�ItI Lt1'5:11O IItC I:quiiable l3uilding and Loan:lssociatiun uf GranJ I�IsnJ. <br /> � Nehraska for insurance.t:�ses and�sxssmenls,and alslracling eslensiun chargcs.with interest thercmi. Itum date o! payment �t the m�simum <br /> �l'�;7�IJIC. <br /> A <br /> i�5�1fOVI�Ct�III I�ll`I�UIIII St'Cllll`lI Ill'fl`�)'.\\'IIIII'IIIIS IIIUIi�!��'L'fl'I11�IIIY III C��l'Ll I�7C filUfl�:I�CI'Ill�y'IICfc��ll'f:1t�Y:ltl�l'BL�IIIIlUI18I SUl715 fU(IlC <br /> ; . I11:II:l'R U(Se1lI IS1111tI.IMCII�SSI�;IIS ttf Sllli'tSSUIi Itl Illll'IC�I.��'Ilil'Il SUI71S SII:III�C\\'ll�llll I�IC SPillflfl'O)1I11S filUllFB�C llll`S:IIII[:IS[I1C IUII�IS Uf1R111JII), <br /> . secwcd Ihereby.Ilte Iu�al amuuN�il princip�l dcht nul tu excecd at airy�ime�he uiigin�I nmouni ol this murtgage. <br /> n�«a u,�r pgth d�r.�� November ^ �'•�"76 <br /> ��� � ' , <br /> ��!Zf � r�['G- <=�ut�C.%, <br /> .�;'r 1 iam r. Lar,sen ; <br /> !• i <br /> �' Esther A. Lar en <br /> STATIi OF NGDRASKA, °Jtlt day oj NOvember i e76 ,n�r�«�„�, <br /> s�. o„w�5 � <br />+' � COUNTY OF IiALL� i . <br /> r�,. • <br /> � thc undcrsigircd,a Nutacy Public in and fur smd Cuunty,pr�sonally came . �, <br />� Will9am T. Larsen and Esther A. Larsen each in his and her o�vn right� and as spouse of each a <br /> other "'� �re persunally known to <br />� L « � <br /> me lo be the identical penon S �i•hose name S dP2 alfixed to the abuve inslrwnent as�twrtgagor S and they se�Trally <br />� ¢' <br />� acknou•ledged thc said insuument to bc th211' �oluntary ac�and dced. � <br />''° R'ITNF..SS�my h�nd und ho f18I SCdi flll'lI9IC BI�UfCSBW. � � t11 - <br /> � <br /> �ty Commissiun cxpires� ��, !, { r � ' <br /> w � ��L. �, .��� l�-ir +1,y:7�� . . �('�..�(:r,>c-�C-c.�� <br />�.� � � . \riail'Public <br />`"� 5.1�:51 NI <br /> ^� � t� J <br />'.�,'� <br />.:,.} <br /> tt <br /> A <br /> i <br />