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: <br /> �''�; <br /> ia � ' ,w�a� <br />``µ;� � � <br />,.:�� ��a- c�oc:�c�E� <br />�; f3r.,ai, �,xnT� rsoxTGncr� <br />�� <br />;� � <br /> , RI�Kri4 ALL hiCN JlY TH.ESI; PR�SENP5: TRAT tie, Dall��s V. Gl.uze aixi Camille G, Glr�ze, <br /> liuslxirxl arxi wife, of IIa5.1 Courityt arYi Stato uf Nebruska, in con�ideration of the sum <br /> of ]�.even Thouaaml FivQ l�urr�ed llollar� & no�l00t;h� ($11,500.00) i.n hnni paid, �lo <br /> heroby S�LL arx9 COIdV.�Y unto Jeun A. Iietm� c�n unrernarried widow, or i,he survivnr nf <br /> tier� oY fia11 Cuunty� StaLe af Nebruslce� tlic; followin�; described }?re�.se� sii;iiated in <br /> � f H�11 County� �txi Stute nf Nebraskn, to-irit: <br /> L��t Seven (7)� arxl the 5ou1:h I�a1f of Lot l�ive (y�� in Dluck <br /> Ttiaonty-fotu• (2I+.)� in Co11e�o Addition to Wesi> I,amn, .in the <br /> �, , <br /> City of Grncgi Islarxi� Hull Cousitg� NebrA3ka <br /> The intontion beir� to coirvoy hereby un absolute title i.n feo simple, itir,ludit� all thQ <br /> ri.ghts of homeatexd aixi dower. <br /> TO FL1V� AA'D TO HOLD the prenrises rabove descrlUeci, irlth all tho appw�tenances <br /> thereunto helo�vin�, unto thc: sttid nartPagee(:s) �rri to hir�, her or their heir;� airi <br /> .i ass3.gns furot*er� provided a7.Hc�y�, ami these presents zire upon the expres� rondii:ion <br /> 's ' i;h;it if the aaid mortgagor(s), liis, t�er or Lheir heir�, esecutors, administr:�tars or <br /> � , assiQnS shn11 g.�,y or cuuse to bc� paid i,o t}ie sxid mort�a�ee(s), liis, her or thair <br /> �;, ` hei:•s, �xeeutors, administral,ors or eissigna, i,he principsl sum of $11,i00.00 iaith <br /> ��. ; <br /> an interest rato of $ 1�1�v payaUle �.3 rollows, to-wit: <br /> �, �: yq7.99 per monLti begitining on January 15, 1q77 atxi a like <br /> timount on the fiStoenth of enc}i atxi c�vr;r3� month Lhereaftor <br /> � until. fuLly pnid. <br /> Totnl amount of ii�ebtedneas to be paid in f�tll force on <br /> �' <br /> or befare Jt�nivary' 15� t997. <br /> - �,rith intere3l; uccordii� i,o ttic� tenor ii�i eftect of t.he murt�;agors ;,rit;ten prornissary <br /> noLe beurir� oven dut� wii�h �hese preseni;s �ixi csI1a11 pay ��Ll 1,axes aTxi assessments <br /> levied upon said real estui;e� t�rxl �ll ol:her t,axes� lrvies r�rd asserismenta leviEd <br /> tipon tlu.s mori,ga�e or i:he not�y which tliia mort.g;�;o i:t sive�� to aecure, bufore the <br /> � same Uecomes delitx�uen{:, ,irr3 kecp the buil.dingo oii sc�id premisc�s insured for i:he <br /> '` ' sum of $1'3�000.00� lose, iT aciy, payaUle to the said m�rtg�,;ee, then i;hese presents <br /> to Ue void, other��ri�e i;o Uo arxi rertuiin in ful1. Sorce. <br /> f,�, � <br /> TT IS Fi1Ci.Tl� AC3tEID (1) 'Phat� i£ the stiid mort�a�or shall fail to pay such taxes <br /> or procure such in�ur�r�e, the said mort,Pagee m�* pay ,uoh t�es r�rri procurr. such <br /> _ it�urance and tho suu7 so advaT�ceci, �oith interec�t at nine (9) F�er cent, sl�11 bc repaid <br /> � by said mortg�or, rarx3 tJu:� r,iort�;�„e sliall sCa�x9 as �ecurity for samc. (�) Tltst a <br /> fail.iu•e to pay arq- of said n.oney, eitlier principal or intereat, Hlien 1;he same becomes <br /> � duc�,or a fail.ure t.o comply with t�r�y of t.he teregoir�; agreemants, ahall �attse Lhe �.hole <br /> , sum of money lierein secured to become �luc acxi coll.cctible ai, o�e at th� opbion of the <br /> rnortga�ce. <br /> Sibned this :';;��µ� d;�,y UI lv r����n�i C Y i l.`���J� • <br /> r,�n presencc of - _ <br /> �: ��� �, � � . , <br /> � , , � ,.���.t���_ 1� ����,� <br /> � �•} Dall,�a V./Gl i e ' ✓-'.`�; <br /> r � <br /> � � ,,� ; <br /> l C'a� >c t L�'(� *^�, . {.r f�' �� <br /> �andlle G. Uluze ' � � <br /> � <br /> S'.Pn'PE OF ;� , Coun y of <br /> t3efore mo� rt notarx public quulified for s�id couiity� peroor�l.l,y came D,illa3 V. <br /> � Glnzc atxl Cat�ri.11o G. Gluze� hu�batxi arrJ wj.fe, I:norrn to me 1,o be ishe ideritical per�ot� <br /> who sixned the foref;oir� ir�ti�ument, nrxi richnow].ed�ed i.he r�;cecutiun t.hci•eof i.n he their <br /> voluntary act nnd dc�ed. <br /> Yti�t�s�s rt� hand arxi notarial seul on 1l1 C,' � ,,, 1, ' `� i <br /> OI ti r_. UEOc, <br /> t. �< i ;rry.�t te�r y.�. \ ..1 J <br />�� � �,�.�� td)�v�mmis,lon L �;tc� <br /> A�c mmtasion`'���ilr°�;� � , � � -� t2ot Pub c ( <br /> � . i <br /> � <br /> STA'PE OF l;nt:ered nn numerical lydex und f:Lled .for N . <br /> I� .,.,. record i.n the Itegioter of Decds 01'fice of ��, <br />� ;. L County 3aid County t.he da�• of � :'t <br /> h, : <br />�-�. 19 � at o'cl.ock arrl �ninui,ea _D1.� aixi rrcorded in F3ook of 4w� <br />,,�s.:; <br /> st page <br />=�+ <br />;�; <br /> ns <br /> R��F;'1.ster o£ l)ecd�, <br /> � ��. � <br />'� ._ <br /> •} <br /> f <br /> 3 <br /> 4 <br /> � <br /> { <br /> f <br />