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.� - � �r,�q 1: <br /> i �k <br /> ���S �.F�. <br />„* � <br /> x�'^(j <br /> ...�..�...��..�..��'��..�.........�.�-..•.�..�.. <br /> t+`�'T <br />��� STA'19's OI' Nli131iASI{A, Co�uii,� nf ....................................................: �EI?(iASI<A DOCUMIiNTArY <br /> e�'' ' ST'AMP 1"AX <br />:fi� <br /> s�' l�'iled for rr.curd on ....., o'clock <br /> � ........................... .......... ............ i�OV 30 1976 <br />!,. . ;ind recorded in the llced ltccord ................................. P,igc ............................. ,-" <br /> .............................. ... ................ 1 ............. ....... . ,�' ��'.5.�S py��� <br /> _�� . ,�,.,�,�,,,m--- <br />, ................. .................. ........ .............. „....�,,..�..,..,m <br /> lii�RisLer uf lleeds U��putc 1{egi5tee ol' 1)cede � <br /> � l)l�l:l:�.l,.l ��n•.rv•R�n�� n^f�/1/Y.1nw <br /> ��' SURVI�t'ORSHI�' WARR�N1'Y B�E� <br /> Orin L. Iient and Paulelte A^. }{ent, I'.usband and 1Vife, each in his and her own ri�;ht <br /> and :ta 9I)OU6C of eacli nCher , lierein called 1Le grriuior�ct�etlir.r oue ur more, <br /> iu cuusideration of T�veuCy-Lhree `Ciiousand, 1 ive I-lundred and No/100 �$23, 500.00) Dollars <br /> recei��ed from �ravtees, does grnnt, b�u�gain, sclt con��e�- and confirm unt.o <br /> ]2oiiald ll. Ro�nanelc aiid L1i•enda J. Rotnanelc <br /> ` ,�� joint tenantR ��•i11� riglit of aur�•irotxhi�>, and not. �s i�uauls iu eummou. tlii� COIIU\5'li1R desuriUe�l rcal <br /> il � <br /> � = I-fall <br /> '' , propert3• in ................................................................ l'ount�•,\ebr,ixkE�: <br /> � A tract of land.lucated in tl�e Northeast quarter (Nrl/4) of sectiun l���enty-one (21), <br /> T ' in To�vnehip eleven (11), North, ran�;e uiue (9), West ot the Gth }'',nl„ nwre <br /> G <br /> particularly described as follo�vs: <br /> �. `. Com�nenciiig at a poinC oue liundred-ten (l 10) 1'eeC due NorCh of Clie North�vest r_oriier <br /> � of lot one (1), in \1'illiam I ranlc Additiou lo Hic City of Grand 1�land, Nebraslca; runninG <br /> thence due I�orth alonK and upon the liast line of California Street, � distanc:e nf <br /> fi£Cy (50) feet; thence due Last a distance of one hundred forty-eiqht (148) teet; thenr.e <br /> riue Soutii a distance of L'ifty (50) feet; aud tlie�ice due \1'est to tlie paint of begiianing. <br /> � <br /> 'Po lince �3�td to Lold the, ��bocr, d����ril•,e�l ��remis��s In�eUier ��•ith nll tc�nemenis, Ireredil;uurnl9 <br /> and appurtennnces ti�ereto I�clon�inR ttnto the �r;mtrrs nnd to tLr,ir assiRny, or tu tltc heira ��ud assi�ny <br /> of Ihe cur��icer oS them forecer. <br /> ? And krantor dues hemli�� eucenant �cith the Rrnnt es nnd ��•ith their na5i�my nnd `sith the l�nicy <br /> �md a�si�;ua nf the�}in•vicor nf fl�ew thrt�ranfor is I•��cfn�l� �oi;ed of�sud p�emi�ea: Ihat iLe�•nre 11•ee frmu � <br /> eneumbranee except easements and resCrictions �C record. <br /> that {�+rantm•han Ruo�l rirlit �imi In�cfnl �mthoritc tn r��u���� ilic •:nm��; mi�i thal irnntnr ��arr�tnfs �uiJ ��ill <br /> dcl'end U�e fitle tn r,ai�l premiti��s n�;aiust �hr In�cful rlaiws �if ,iU p��rsnn� �chumcoecrr. <br /> Il i: Uie iulentiun uC ull �ru•ticv herrLn Uiat iu �he �ceut uf tlie dentli of ci[her of 11ir er;mtrea. <br /> Ih�� ��util�r fi��� iill�� In tliiv rrnl �u�u�,��rl�- �hnll ����sl in Ih���.m�ci�ine erinl����. <br /> . <br /> I)atc�l 19 � I � <br /> , <br /> , <br /> . � <br /> . �� � <br /> .�, <br /> ; <br /> , . .t.,,:�..,.,,.�...t..�.....::.�.?.,.,...... ,....,t:...... '..:. - .rG!.1�.;. � �'...... <br /> . ...,.. ....................... <br /> (�riµ L. Ke�nt ` <br /> � �, _.. , . <br /> �` � � i, <br /> � :: • ; <br /> : , <br />� : .................................................................................... ...:.�:.:,s.:..:.:.:d,....��.....:..,...�..�.._�....r.�.....,,.:.................... <br /> � Plulette A1. 1�[•ul <br /> , , � <br /> 's: N7'f\'1`I� OP ............�ii'r����i�.il�.............................. U�nmtc nf ...........�IAL!, <br /> Defore mr., tt iiotarc pnblic qua�lified for nnid rDIlI11C. �1�I'SOIIitII4' CIIIItP <br /> ' t <br /> Orin L, l�ent and PauleCte nt, 1<ent, llushaiid and �5'ife, eac11 i» liie aud her o�vn <br /> riKht and as spouee oi each other <br /> j <br /> 1cuo�en to inr fo be thn irirulicnl persi,n or peraons ��•hn si�•nFvl Uii� fornRoinc iuslnttnent nud aelo�o���ledeed - � � <br /> Ihe �acrulion U�ercot to 6c hi�, her or ihcir �•ohminr}• m�t and dced. '�'°�", <br /> N .. <br /> ` . <br />.'. I 1Cifness m}�h;uul+uid ualnrinl srnl au ....... .0 .i:i:.:.t�.:�.::!,:.1 .-::.r.:......, ]9.. ....�Jr. � � <br /> t ie �;1LGf3 B E � � I � � <br />��. : � f -.��r,l i� �I�. .�.f'ELr. (...L.t..�...L...L.::...o.:? � ��: <br /> � t ( : 1 `nl«r�' Pul�li��. <br /> .. � <br />{�, � t���I.rrnt t ss r t f..pip:g ��� <br /> lt7 <br /> s.y; � ,;�` (lpril 2?,1n7:! ... . . . ,... <br />'°�'w Dl� ��nnun�vc�nn ezpireq � 1 L.�.� 1� I i..i..1.... 19.. <br /> . .. ...._.... <br /> �� P�nin I.i: 'fu b�� n�i�rrn�e�l bc \�6rn�lai �t:itr Itni :\csnrinlinn ����„c w�ar�,..n��a��.i+.i��. <br /> Ly� 1 I <br /> a".��' � J <br />.���-,.��� <br /> � <br /> � <br /> t <br /> � <br /> � <br />