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'`.'r� .. � ...."si��• . <br />��� �.._._L. , � � <br /> x�, 1( <br />� �6��.�68b� <br />��; <br /> MORTGAGE <br /> ��oa�rcnce�o,�N vo.L 22,443 <br /> ' n�vownL�n��N�YTHESEPRESL•NTS:That Kimbal S. Dabcock and Charlotte R. Qabcock each in his <br /> � r <br /> and her own right and as spouse of each other <br /> '�.��; , M1for�gagur,whether one oc more,in wnsideration o(the sum of � <br /> Fourteen Thousand Six Hundred dlld NO,�IOO------------------------------------------ DOLLARS <br /> ' luaned lo said ntorlgagor by The Equitable Building and Luan Assuci�tion of Grand Island,Ne�raska,Ato�tgagee,upon 146 shares uf srock of � . . � <br /> said ASSOCIATION,Certificate No.L 22�443 ,do hereby grant,convey and mo�tgsge untu the said ASSOCIATION the tollowing <br /> describcJ real estate,sittwted in liall Cuunty,Nebras};a: <br /> d'.. ' � �. . - . <br /> � ;; LOT SIX (6; IN aLOCK ONE HUNDRED THIRTY <br /> x '; (130) IN KOENIG AND WIEBE'S ADDITION TO <br /> G <br /> THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, <br /> NEaRASKA. <br /> � together with ;dl dte tenements,liereditamenis and appurtenances thereunto Ueloneing,including attaclied tlouc cuverings,all window urans, �� <br /> window shades,blinds,sturm windo�vs,a«�nings,he�ting,air conditionine,and plutn6ing and water eyuipment and acceswriet[hereto,pumps,stoves, . � . <br /> rcfrigerators,and other fistures and equipment nox'or he�aafter attached to or used in cunnectiun u�ith said rcal estate. <br /> '� � AnJ���hcreas the s�id murtgagor has agcecd and does Lereby�gree that the morteueo�shall and will pay all taxes and esses:mrnts levied or � � <br /> � �ssessed upon said premises vid upon diis mur�gage and ihe bund securcd diercbv beioro the same sh�il btcume delinyuenC lo iumish approved ,. � <br /> insurance upon thc buildings on said premises situaitd in the sum uf S 14�6��.�� p�yable to s:�id ASSO(:IA'f10'� and to delirer to said <br /> �- ASSO('IAiION Ihe policies(or said insucance;and nut m cummie or prnnit any waste on or aUout said promises � . <br /> . In case of Jefault in the petl'oun�nce u(any uf the ierms and conditions uC this mongage or the bund secured Itere6y,the mortgagae shall, <br /> � uu dcmand,be entiUed[o immediate possession uC thc mong�eed premisrs ;�nd the nwrtu�gur hrreby assigns, transfers and sets over [a the � <br /> mortgagee all lt�e rents,revenues and ir.come to be deci�•ed from the mortgaged premises durirg such time as the murtgagt indebtedness shall remsin � <br /> unpaid:and tlic mor�cagee shall have the puwer tu eppoint any agent or agants it may desirc for the purposa ot repairing said premises and renting . � <br /> - the same and colleding the rents,rcvcnues and income,anJ it m�y pay uut of said incorne all esprnses o(repairing said premisrs and necesury � � � <br /> � commissions and expcnecs incurred in rcnting and managing the same and ul cullecting rentals dierc(rum; Ihz balance remaining,i(:�ny,to be <br /> �. applied toward ihe disct�arcr ul said mortgage indchtedness;them riglus uf�he murtg�gre may be exercised at any time during the existence of such <br /> default,irrcspective of any tempomn�w'aiver oC the same. <br /> � . These Prcsems,hou�evar,arc upon the CunJitiun.That if the said�turtgagor s6all rcp;+r ssid lu��n on or befure Ihe maturity of said shams by . <br /> paqmcnt;p�y monthly tu said:1SSOCIATtON o(the sum speci(ied in thc Bund securcJ Lereby�s inrerest and principal un s�id loan,on m belure <br /> " � Ihc Ta'entieth dap uC cxch and eren•nwnth,until said lo�n is fully p�id:pay aIl taxes and�sv_svnents leeied aeainst said prcmius anJ on this lfortgage <br /> € <br /> and ihe Bund sacured Iherc6y,before dehnyuency;tumish approved insurance upon thc buildings therron in the sum o!� 14,600.OO p�Y�bla <br /> . to s�id ASSOCIATIOti;repay tu said ASSOCIA710N upon drmand�I!nwney by i�psiJ(or such taxes,�ssessments an1 ir,suranez with inmrest at � . <br /> �. the maximum Icgal r�te thcrcon tmm date of payment all uC���hi�h 11ortE�cor hereby agrces tu pa�•:permit no w�ste un s�id premaes:keep and comply <br /> ! . ��•i�h all the agreements and condi�iuns uf the 8und fur 5 1Q�(OO.00this d�p gieen be�he said lfortgagor ro s�id ASS(x:lAT10\,and comply <br /> � with all the�eyui�emems of dic Cons�itution and Uy�Laws of said ASS(X:IATIOV:then these przsents shall becume nuU and�vid,othenvise tliey <br /> ; shall remain in full lurce and may bc luredoud at the option uf thc s�id ASSOCL\TIO`� efter (ailure tor duce nwnths to make any of said <br /> � p�ymenu ur be three months in arre�rs in making said mmuhly payments.o�to keep xnd cumply�vith the agrczment:and mnditions ut said Bond: <br /> . and�torlgagur agrees tu hare a rcceieer�ppointed torthwi�h in such forecloswe procerdings. <br /> ��" I(ihcre is any changa in uwnership of the rcal cstatc murigaged hemin,by s�le u�othcnvise,ihen the entirc rcm3ining indebtedness hemby <br /> ; � secured sLall,a�the optiun uf The liyuitable[iuilding and Luan Association ui Grand Island,�e6rasAa,berome immediately due and p�ya6le u�itlwut <br /> f unher notice,and the amom�l rcmainine duc under said bund,and anp uther bund(or any additional advances made tlicrcunder.ehall,frum the <br /> ' darc ol excrcisc of said optiun,bcar imcrest at thc maximum legal ratc,and this murtgagc map then be ferecloxd w satisfy the amount due on said <br /> - bund,anJ�ny other bond fm additional adranms,together with all sums'paid by said The Lyuitabla E3uilding und Loan Assuciation of Grand Island, <br /> lebraska lor insurance,tases and a�ussmenu,and abstractinc extensimi cha�ges,���ith interest tl�ereon,ftom date u(paymen[ at tlx maximum <br /> � Icgalratc. <br /> As p�ovidcd in the$unJ ucmed hcceby,while this mortg�ge remains in eflect lhe mortgagec may hrrra(rer advxncz additional sums to the <br /> � nukr�s of said Bund,tlieit assigns or successors in inte�est,which sums shall 6e within the security uf this mortgage[he same as the lunds uriginally <br /> ��, secured thereby,the�otal amount of p�incipal debt nut io excecJ�t any timr the uriginal amuunt of this mungagr. � <br /> �. <br /> D��ed this 30th ����� November �� ��•�"76 <br /> .� < � �_ � <br /> � , a �'.�'�coc ., <br /> `� yc i <br /> Charlotte R. Babcock <br /> STATI OF NEUItASKA, Ss. On this 3�th day o( November 19]6 ,be(ore mt, <br /> �� COUNTY OF HALL} _. I . . <br /> � the undersigned,a Notary Public in and fur said County,personally c•rme . . '��..._,y';�`��. <br /> Kimball S. Babcock and Charlotte R. Babcock each in his and her own right and as s�ouse of N`;, <br /> p �� �� who personal v known to <br />�, � each other are � <br /> me to be tlic identical person S u'hosc name 5 are affixed tu the above instyunaut as mortgagor S and they se��erally <br /> �3 <br />`�a . acknowlcdgod Ihe said instrumcnt to be thei r voluntary act and deed. (� l �� I� � <br /> y'. 159TNti5S my hand and Notarial Scal the dute atbresaid. \ j A/J %�/ � <br />�`��s �__�l}Commiui�� i�es ����. / �-'� .-. . .. <br />�' _ , ,_,. ��-.r-i. _ i L �' �=�7i1 <br /> /� r(�. � ��cr.� � <br />� ?�' ///��! � \otary Public <br />`�.,� 6.1 iM Ill ., .� "i1y ' ".T% ,..� ,�"..7 l <br /> �i"q. �__ ..__.'__ <br /> � � <br />_ � �� <br />::�� L� <br />:.` <br />_ [ <br />' � <br />'� i <br /> � <br />