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i 4� <br />�h�'... " I .. ,�t'• <br /> :�.i <br />�'�� � <br />,��p..�� <br />`zY" � <br />'�`' � • NE(iRASI<A UOCUMENTARY <br />'iy" �TAM P TAX <br />_�, S'PATL UF NPI3ItASILA, Couidy of ....................................................: c <br />:;# <br /> r.° <br />�� Filed tor rocord on .................................,............ �,���o�k .................,,.,..��V 3 0 1976 <br />�� , <br /> uud recorded in tlio lleed Rccord ................................. Pug� ......,...............,...... <br />. $ .SU gy�._.._�� <br /> ". ....................................... I3y .............�..........�...................,.........�.^�+*�*m^^mTa—........ <br />• °' ................................Regieter of llecds Deput�� Regiater of lleeds <br /> I 76�(706 8 f;� SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY DEED'°r�'•""` "rr""'�," 1 <br /> LARRY L. OSSANA and CAROLYN F. ASSANA, husbond and wife, oach in his <br /> and her own right and as spouse of eanh other <br /> � , ,Lerein culled the grantor whuther one or more, <br /> � 4 00.00 <br /> in considcration of THIRTY–FOUR THOUSAND NINE HUNDR�D AND NO/l OQ �$3 ,9 � <br /> X ` received from grnntees, does grant, bnrgain, sell ewivey sud cunFirru unto KIRK D. H�LRINGA <br /> and KATHY S. HE�RINGA, husband and wife <br /> �� ns joint tenante with right of survivorahip, uud uot ns tnnsnts in cmnmou, tl�e following aescriUed reul <br /> �`: . property iu Hall................................... Couuiy�Nebraskn: <br />� i:.��', ' � � . - . <br /> � ., <br /> $ ' Lot Five (5� in Hlock Two (2} of Harrison's Subdivision of <br /> �� ' Southweat Qua�ter of tho Southoast Quart�r (SW�-SE�¢� of <br /> '` Section Ei�ht (8�, in Township Eleven (11� North, Range Nino <br /> � ' (9� W�st of the 6th P.Dt., in Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> �: ; <br /> c <br /> 5, ; <br /> �, To l�ave und to Lold the abo��e descriL•ed ��remises togetlier �vitli ntl tevemeuts, hereditnuienty <br /> 4: and nppurtenances thereto belonging uuLo tl�e grnntecs aud to tlieir ll851(�115� or to the Leire tmd assi�ua <br /> ' of tho survi�•or of tLem foroecr. � <br /> ? Aud grnntor does hereLy covcuant «•ilh tLe �;rantces und �citli their nssigns and witii tt�e heii� <br /> nnd assigns of the survivor of them that grantor is]n�efully scised of said premises;t6at tliey ure frce [rom <br /> enmimbrance except for easements and restrictions of record <br /> tLat grautor has good right and lu�chd aulhority to cuuvcy iLe �nmc; in�d thad gruntor �varraut� :wd �'�ill <br /> �� deYett3 the title to said premises aguius� the latcful eluims of ,�11 persons �clwwsoeeer. <br /> ; lt is thc iuteirtiou of all parties ]icreto tlint iu tt�c ceciit of the dc�itli of citl�er of tuu gi•:tutc�rs, <br /> ihe eutire fee title to t6is re;�l propi•rt}• �hiill �•eht in Ihc surcieinq grantec. <br /> .:: <br /> ° Dated ` J/ t) <br />: ; / �, �� � . <br /> � r'. <br /> 1J <br /> ' ...��. `( �..:..�����.,� ..�����.P�.�:�'(................... <br /> .: ...................I.I... . ................................................ �rry�'Cf's ana <br /> a � <br /> ,. /!� ��} �--�-� <br /> � ...S�z:r.,�..��r.,::i :,,,./. 1.�r1�.:Kr..::................ <br /> � ......................................................... 3 .......,n........ <br /> � <br /> ........................... ��aroL�n �`. C�'ssone <br /> ; <br /> ' Nebraska H311 <br /> : STA'PL•' OF .............. Couuty uC ..................................................._.......: <br /> Before me,n notary puUlic quulified for said cuunty, persouiilly cume LARRY L. OSSANA <br /> and CAROLYN F. OSSANA, husband and wife, oach in his rand hc�r own right <br /> and as spouse of each other <br /> known to me to be the identicul persou or persous��')w signed tLc foreqoing instrtuuent und nckno�rledgcd <br />� . the execution thercof to Uc Lis,l�er or their vohuitriry xc6 c+i�d decd• �--;r`';.�- <br /> . . � l � N� �.-�� <br /> " TIM PIXJ�tnesa my hund mid notnrial seal ou...........�� m... ...............,l�..�.., 19...�..7.... � ': <br /> L GENER�L NOTARY � / <br />�t. / �(,� . �'. <br />�' Sfate cF Ne6resl:n � 6::..`.r..'................�......�...�........................... A�otary I'ublic �, .. <br /> ................ <br />�: My Ccmmiscisn"cY^irr,s �-? '7 -7;- � <br /> tt� <br />�` Odob•�r 17.1i:) �IIY COillillltl5l0I1 ezpires........4.::..��...�..1.................. 19.l....,1...... •� <br />� Fnrm 4.3 To Le uppror•ed by \�•braska St��ke Bnr.lssociation h'elWn A Wolt W.4nooln.NeLr. <br />::,^;� �� � <br />;;_� � <br />�, <br />��� <br /> Z <br />_ � <br /> _ <br />