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��:. , <br /> ,. <br /> _ ��`�.Y <br /> I ..v.,`Y''.. <br />��_ `�... � � <br />��, <br />;;_ <br />�-., <br />.,���',+�� MORy7GAGE—Saving� and Loan Foµ--(Direct Crsdll Plaa) 255•3 (Spedap � <br />�,�s.. �,..,.,,, . <br />+� �� , MORTGAGE <br />��� ' <br /> 7b- ��E;R i:() ��No <br /> ' I30th �overnber 76 1 � <br /> ! TH[S 1NDEN7UAE,mada thl day oi 19_.�by and boteeea <br /> KIRK D. HEERWGA AND KATHY 5. HEERINGA husband and wife each in his and her own � <br /> 3 right and as spouso of 'tho other, ' <br /> �';.���" ol__ f�d� � � County,Nebraska ai mongagors and Homu Fodarat Saviage and Loan Amodat(on ol G�aud[elaad, . <br /> � a mrpomtion orqanlzod and e:i�ting under tho law�ot Nebroeka with lts prfadpal ollice aod ptaco ot 6unineea at Crand Id�d Nebraika, � . � � � <br /> i�. aa morlgagae: . , � � � . <br /> �� WITNESSETH: That eaid modqago� lo� and In coneide�ation ot the eum o( . � � <br /> � TH I RTY ONE TIiOUSANO FOUR HUNDRED ADlD NO/I 00-----------------------no��o�6 �g �I ,�100.00 �, <br /> � - <br /> G� �Ihe receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do_by �heee preaente mongago and wmrant unto aaid mortgagee, ile eucceaaon and � <br /> i, �� aaaigne, forever,all the following dascdbed real eelate, eitualed In the counry of �i`�'� _. � � � � <br /> 4� �.�and�State ot Nebcaeka,to-atit: � � � <br /> ! �� <br /> � t <br /> �� <br /> J �) <br /> { <br /> LOT F I VE (5) I N 6LOCK T���O (2) �F HARP,i SON'S SUE�D I V I S I CPJ OF TFiE s <br /> `� f i <br /> �; ; �£ SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE 50UTH[AST QUfifiT[R (S'r1u5[4) OF SrCTIOi�! &, # <br /> J� { # <br /> � <br /> I(J T01'JNSNIP I I tJORTH, RAh�GE 9 l�lEST Or TH[ 6TH P.ii,, II�! HALL COl!'dTY, iJFpR,4.s�CA. <br /> t . f� t# <br /> � <br /> t> �; <br /> S� <br /> �� � <br /> � �� f <br /> S �S � <br /> '����� � �� Togother with all hoatinq, lighttng, and plumbing eqWpment and listurne,includinq etokam and burncre,aaeena.awniaqe,ntormwindow� ft � <br /> °" � and doars.and window shodee or blinrL�,uxd on or in connection with eaid propo[ly,whethei tho a¢me ata now Ixated on aaid propotty �j �. � <br /> �� . rj or he�ealter placed thareon. � � <br /> tty; f, <br /> }- �. `� TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, �ogclher wilh all and einqular lhn lenemonts.ha�editamenta and appurte¢ances Ihoreunto belonq• js <br /> $� ing.or in anywiec appenaining,�orcvcr,and w¢rrant�he lille to the name. Said moriqaqor 5 horeby covenant.—with aald mo�tgaqee J� <br /> 2 '. ff Ihnl—jhe_�3�e—,at Ihe dotivcry heceal,the lawful owner_-o!thc premiscs abovo tonvcyod and donc�ibed,and '���' S$jjj <br /> . jj seized of a qood and indcleasibfe eetate ot inherilance theroin. lrea and dear o!all encumbruncee,and that the`�_wiil warrant m�d +� . � <br /> '�° � �' dclend the title iherelo lorever againsl Iho claime and demande a(all pexsone whomwevec. � <br /> t �# : <br /> PAOVIDED ALWAYS, and this inslrumeN is execuled and deliveied!o exura Ihe payment ol tho eum at S <br /> S� _IkI1RTY_Oi: "� � r. i iu,�nt�:n ar�n p�n/I�ln-------___----------a^llarn is �l ,::nn (�� 1. ; <br /> jwilh in�emm Ihe�eon,togother with ¢uch charqee and advonwe as may be duo and payablo lo aafd mortgaqee undar the terrtu and i <br /> : condilions ot iho romiswr note of evan dale he[ewith and secured he�eb e:ecutod b eaid moit a o:=to aaid mort a oe. F <br /> P Y Y• Y 4 9 9 4 Payable � <br /> � 3 ne expressed in aai3 nole,and lo eecure�he pedormance o1 all lhe lorms and conditlone containnd lhere[n. 7he �erms o! edd noto ¢re <br /> �I he�eby inco�pomled he[ein by Ihia reterenco. t <br /> I!is tha inlenlion and agccement ot the pai�ies hereto that thie mortgage ahall aleo eecuro any luture advQnces mado to eaid �S <br /> SSmortgaqot�by eaid morigagee,and any and all indebtedneas in addltion!a lho amount abovic etmod which eaid mortqogora, or any <br /> SS� o(ihem. may owo lo eaid mortgagce,howevei evidenced whelhar by nole,book account oc othmwieo. Thle mortgaqe eh¢II tomain in}ull S <br /> �# lorce and e�lect betweon the partlee hem�o ond lheir heite,porsoaal represent¢tivae, aucceasots and aaelqne. untit all amounta aecured f <br /> hcrcundec,induding lututa advancee,am paid in full wi1L(ntercal. # <br /> v � Tha mortgaqor 5 heru6y asniq�_to eaid moriqageo all reate and Income arieing at any and all timee liom aaid p[oparty md ; <br /> hr�eby authociee said mo�tgagee ot ite agent, at ile optlon,upon dolault,lo take tharqe of mid property and mllea all cenn and lncoms �i <br /> �' �� Ihewlmm and apply lhe eame fo the paymenl ol intere�t,principal,lnnuranta premiuma, lazo�,aeaeeemenln,repaits or Imptovemenln r.ocoe• � <br /> t f� sary tn keep aaid pcoperly ln lenantoblo condition,or to o�her chargee or paymanls ptovided lor hereln or in Ihe nole hoteby eacurod. Thl� <br /> s xent aseignment alwll conlinue in lome until Ihe unpaid balance of eaid note le fully paid. 7ho takinq of poseoanion horounder ehall in ao S <br /> $' mannor prevent or:etacd eaid mongagee in t6e collxBon ot aaid eums by lorecioeura or otderwiae. �� <br /> jt Tho lailum ot tha mortgageo to aseeot aay ot It� dghb heteuader at any timo ahatl not be conetrued cs a waiver ot ih right to aaxct � <br /> � ji �ho eame at any later time,md to Imiat upon and enloeco�trlct compllaace with all �ho �e:ms and ptovinlone ol safd no�a and ot thb j <br /> $� mortqage. $ <br /> # 11 eaid mort9ogo:S ehall cwec to bo pald lo eaid mortgaqoo the onitre nmount due f!hereunder.and under the tarm�and providoat yy{f <br /> . + ol eald note hereby eocured indudinq luture advancee.and anp eztomione or renewala �hereol In attrordaaco wlth tho tecma and pmvWoni j <br /> #S 2 <br /> f� Ihoreof,and i!eaid morigagorS_ehall mmply with all tha providone o!eafd note md o!thts morlgoge.Ihan Ihese p�ceenl��Lall be vofd; F <br /> y otherwiee to remaia ia tull lo�ce and olloct.and�aid mortqagea ahall be entltlad to the poucs�ion ol all ol snid propoitq,and may,at its £ <br />,��, �� option.dodare�he whole ol�aid note and all indeb�adneu repcewnted�hereby to be Immedla�ely due and payablo,and mny lorrclou�hl� S � <br /> � mortgaqo or take any other ix7al actlon to protect it� right, aad !rom the data o!�ut6 delaull all Ilem�of indebtednee��acured heroby 3 -�.1 � � <br /> ehall dra�v intorest at 9%pec anaum. Appmiaement waived S� <br /> '� � �tS� Thie mongage �hall be btndlaq upaa and �hall snure to lh� b�aellt ot�he helr�, e:ecutor�,admlatetralar�.�uccoe�ou and mdqn�d � N � <br /> I ii. �ho roepective partte�hereto. � � � <br />' ;{ <br /> �F IN WI WF�klEO wld MoNqaqor�ha ��� Sereunto �et the i r tiaa�S�6e day and ycar Ilret above '3 <br />�' f w�itlen. � ^� 1 ` � <br /> { / 1 C—, � / jS W <br />�. . �}. �, /I / � .' j . <br /> �, �l�/• < � � _��1e-A . <br /> ur hir . eer�nga —la n�eri�nga Z <br />'�� ---- u �((( <br />]A'i � � <br /> ��� {� J <br /> ''y <br /> a <br />: {[ <br /> t <br />- i <br /> 2 <br />