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�? . � � ,,,_::� <br />;�� �. <br />:; <br />;�Y. <br /> i..'. <br />� 51'ATP OF NLIIRABSA, County of ........................................................: � <br /> Filed for recurd �iud enterad iu Numericul Indea <br /> 7^ ' NEEil2AS!<A DOCUM[NTARY <br />� on............................................................nt .............. o'clock ........,....... 11[., 5TAh1P TAX <br /> and recorded iu lleed Roeord.............................,Pago.......,............, <br /> k ......... <br /> ' ............:............................................... �y ........................................................,... N OV 3 0 1976 <br /> Cottnty Clurk or I)eputy Couuky Clerk or � <br /> � � Registor oP llcede Depul,v lte6ieter of Uceds �;a ..�n �Y—��—�= I <br /> 7b• [1068''�:) WARRANTY DEED <br /> "��r��nar.�� � <br /> � �'.7ry�r.. .. <br /> J. D�uiel Cnce,y und Timoth,y J. Ca�ey, as ,joint i;enants tiith ri1?ht of sw^vivarship, �xnd <br /> uob ris tenants in commc.�n , l�eroiu enlled tl�c grantor whether ono or m_•:re� <br /> in considcrntio« of twenty-tko thotasand und t�o/].00 dollur3 <br /> � recelved from grantee, does �rant, barguin, sell, con��cy nnd cunFirm unto Norm3 R. Kehnt, a aingle <br /> �.... j!8T'90tl� � � � � . - <br /> �'. ? <br /> hereiu eniled tl�c grnntcc whethcr onc or niorc, thc following dcacribed real property in <br /> 4 ;' .13;i.7.�.............................................................. County, Nebrnska: <br /> All of' the lr'esterly 'Pwo-thirds (472J3) of Lot Two (?), iu Block Sixty-ei�,hb l6fi), <br /> in the Orif,inul Town, now CitS� ot' Graud Isl�nd, Hall Couuty, �aeUruska, , <br /> 'i <br /> f: , <br /> � 7'o h;���c nud to hold thc a6ove descriUcd premise� logethcr with nll tonements, hereditnanenta <br /> nnd nppuctcuunces thcretu bclonFiu�; unto the grnntc� �iud to grnntec's heire�iud nssigus forevor. <br /> ' Aud thc gr�uitor doca LcreLy co��enavt �vith thc gr.ititce aud ��•itli grnutec's licirs nnd ussigna <br /> $ thal gr;inlor is l�wfully Seised of BAllj �11'CIIIISCN� that thcy nrc free frmu cncumbrnncc ����Pt euseuirnta <br /> j" <br /> and restriction� oi' recerd; <br /> �i;. .. . . .. <br /> tlu�t qrantor hns good right nnd l;u��ful nuthority to cmivep ihc samc; uud that gruntor wnrrunta and �vill � � � <br /> defend the title to �;ii�l premises ngniiist the la�aful claims of nll pereons�cliomsuceer. <br /> f <br /> Dated i•:o��cmher J�' ]9 �ri � � <br /> 5 <br /> ....... i�.a,.,�,t,��:�. � a1..�....1.`.�":..c.�.�.: ... r�,.:. ���.�.�.. �' ..�.. ' . <br /> .. . <br /> : ��� � � /.,_ .. / . .. .................... <br /> , <br /> - ,• i �� / � � <br /> . . / /� <br /> ; ..........:.��.).`'v`.f•.,.c,.:,,.. I..,.....��...1 a�lL L/ r.� � � ��! <br /> . M.. .......... .. �,r.:..l... 4 ..,_i. l c.............�.... <br /> t <br /> �'' � -- % <br /> � _ <br /> ` ti7'.1'PI,ql� tilit3RASIiA,Couuty of..Hn:�.�:..............................................: , , <br /> 13et'orc mc, u nutitn� �,ublir qunlil'icd fur said cnimt�•, persmu�lh� c;une <br /> J. 1?uniel Cuse,y 3nd t�larsha J. Cuse,y, hucUand ,tnd wi1'e, �ind '1'imol:hy J. C'u�e,� and Bumonn . <br /> K. Ca:;ey, fntsbund nnd wii'e, <br /> 2 <br /> � <br /> luin��n tn iuc lo be the idenlical pet�sou ur peryons ticho siKned t}te <br /> . <br /> fnreHoiu� instrtunent +uid aclntoo�led�•ed thc esecutimi thercof to Le Lis, ! <br /> , _,��_ Lec or iheir voluntnr�• net nnd deed. N ' <br /> � � <br /> LT � <br /> L l ytli}u nl�7ebt. . ... ......... � <br /> ��: uC;� � 6i, R'ilncs9 m�� hand �uul uot u t�i n�al on � /�(? 7 i�'� :r , � l <br /> � I`s .ti``"�r�a�aa�. �,�G,rc,i.^ti�I!'P,7 ( I ...... � <br /> "'_""""------ .. ?'..:�.k.. ./�.��:.! ......., t.t.;�.«........... Ivotxry Yublic � <br /> :.. � .. . <br /> ' , �. <br /> , � <br />� ' ' <br />` 1Iy commission espires ..........,'.,..:.,:�.::......................... 19:.��'.:.�.... <br /> i�"> <br />"'� P'nrm �2 Approved bv Nebraslcu S�ntc i3nc AssoclnUun t'dinn a woir a..tdm.,i�,N��.. <br />;i`� � I <br />_ Jn l� J <br />.,� <br />