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'�. i �a� <br /> y,:�f � <br /> � ,., <br />�� � <br />,;c�: <br />�!�� <br /> ��}— ���1E1������ <br /> . �IORTc;A(71? <br /> � _..------------------ <br /> ,: ---------__.__._.__—.___.._....._..------..._.--...__.....___..----.__---'--_._.-- <br /> �unrrc,u.e i.onn no.�-_'�,44Z__MGI C <br /> h�vo���nu.n�eNo��nn?si:i�itssi:Nts:rn:,� Richai•d L. t�ourne and Shirley J. Uourne each in his and <br /> � her own right and as spouse of each other <br /> ` �luilµagoi,whr,tliet une m mu�e,in n�nsidetaliun ut the sum nf <br /> ' 7wen��eight Thousand Ei_ghC I�undred and No/100_-_-_--_-_-----_________i�rn.t,nia;; <br /> luaned�o said mnrtgagur by'The 1[yuilable lluilding an1 Luan Assuciatiun uf C:iand Island,Nebiaska,\Iu�INagee,upon j�� shares ul stuck uf . <br /> �iiJ ASSOCIA'IION.Ce�lilicale Nu.1,22�4�2 r�cre�lu lic«by grant,cuure� and muuga�e untu tlie said A950CIAlIf)N Uie liillu��•inq <br /> dcsciibed nal eslate,zHualed in Ilall Cuuutt'.Nebrasha: <br /> LOT LIGHT (S) IN DLOCK 71iREE (3) IN WESTER- <br /> FIUrF'S SECOND SUDDIVISION, t3LINf, A RLSUUflIVT5I0N OF <br /> 4 <br /> 7HE 50UTH HALf' OC (3LOCKS 3 & 4 AND TH[ NQRTH HALF Of <br /> nLOCKS 5 & 6 WLSTCRNOFP'S f'IRST SU4UIVI5ION IN 7N[ <br /> ' CITY OF GI2AND ISLANO, HALL COUNTY, NEBRlISKA <br /> r. <br /> � <br /> � Il!fC��IC� \\'il�l tl�� I�IC ICIICIIIL'If15.�Il'Itl�llilllll'i11S:IIftI;IG)�)IIf�Cfl:llill'1 I�ICICIII7IU�7C�1!Il;'.III�',Illl'�III�IIIC N��1ll'�ll'l� ��l1Ui'l:Ul'CIIII�S.8��\\'1111�UN'Si1Pt'i13. '. <br /> � H'1111IU\1'1IINlICS,I)Ilil��c,SIUIIII\1'lI11I111Yc,:1\\'iI111L'l,IIC;1�1i1�!,IIIf 1Ui11II110i1111};.811tI�IIIIIl1I111IK Ai1lI\\'1111't t`1,111�1i11C111(1111I:ICII`55UIIC9 Ull'fCW.(+umps.stuarc, . � . � <br /> ` reliigeialors.and uther lislwes:uid eympmenl nu�r ur hereaile�altachrd tu m uced in cunneclien tivilh said real es�sle. - <br /> ; ' <br /> l�i11)\Y�ICfCeS I�II`3:IIt�Illtlll�'�1(;�)f�1;15:fCICCI�:Ilitl l�ilc'S�ICII`�)Y BKICC l�l:ll i�ll'IIIUtI'L'll!1)(S�III�)Blll�\\'iII�t;l\'ilII 1:1\CS 8111I HSSP54I11P7147 IC1'IPII 0� � <br /> � aszesscd upun•uid piemises and upun this wwtKaet and the bond srcured theiel��� Leli��c dic same sl�all Le.come drlinyueoC lo(umish appro�rd <br /> a:� . inwumce upuu��ic buildin�!s uii said picmi�cs siticucd in iin sinnul'�Z�j.$(1Q.QQ p:�caLlr lo said AtiSUI'IAlll);� and tu dcli�uc tu saiJ . . <br /> ARSOI'IA110N Ihe p��licirs lur s:iid insumncr,and not w cummil or pennif anr�raste nn�.q al�uut said piemises � . � <br />- �;; . In casc�d�dclsuU in Ihe peilnnn,mec uf anr uf�hc tc�nu and cunditi�ms ul this moil��acc m the I;und serured hereb��.the muitgagee sI�aIL � . <br /> , un dcroanJ.bc cmiUrd tu immedia�e po��essiou nt ilie m��iiga�ed pirmiscs and if�e moilcogor herebe assicns. tianefeis avd sc�s u�ri tu lhc � � .. <br /> 111uf1�C11KCC eII�I12 R'i11S.Il'Pl'l1Ul'Y IIII(�iucume lo be deri��ed Irum the moiit�aped pffI111SeS tI11I111R 5l1CI1 UItlC 8S UIC ItlVil4f1�!l`1111Ie�Ii(IIIPSS SIIDII lCI712117 <br /> _ unpaid;and dic niortgagec sh�ill hace Ilic po���cr io a��pouil mq-apant ur nEcnls ii tm�)'dctiie lin th�•�mipuse ul iei`aitine ssitl piemices,md ientine � <br /> - ihe same and eulleiliug Ihe tents,ierrnues and income.and il inay pay oul nl s:dJ incume all e.�pense: uf repuiring s;!id preinises m�d neczssar�� . <br /> ' u,anni�d�ius aud eapenecs inonicd in icmin.v,nnd mana�in„ihr}�mc and nl eollceiins �cmals theiclr�nu; thc balance icniainin�,il anr,tu L•c <br /> . applieJ lu�v;ud Ilie di<.ihaife ol.iid mnrlpn!e indel!tcdne;s:thrse iicius nf Ihe mnn¢a�ce ma��I�e exeieised ni an�•time durinc the esistence ol such <br /> . Jclauh,nicspcdi�e ol anc icnq.nram�eair�r nf thc sawc <br /> lhese Ymsenls,ho��� upun�hr Condiiiun.fh2t i�Ihe caid\lun�;a�sn�vhall ie�r.i� aiid I��an nn�ii Leh�re lhe m:Uwitq ul said shates hy <br /> ��a�'tnetu:�'�:n'inumhl)'I��said;15511C1:\TI01 nl Ihc rinn sperified in�he B�niJ cermeJ heieliv as inlereet�md�nincipnl on�nid luan.un ur beline <br /> ihe'Iaemicihda�vl cach:ind trcic muntli.umil saiJ In�n is liillv��aiJ:�r;��all ta�es and n�sc;sincnts Iccicd againsi uid ptemises andun lltis!�1vr��.aec <br /> � andlhcBmidunntd�hucL�.hcfwcJcliropicnc��:huni.hy.�wccduu�uanecu��nuihrDulldinesthetcuninthc�umul4 2�,���.�� {�ayablc <br /> I��caid ASSOCIAIlO� iepa}�in sald AJSU�'I 1'l l(l,y upnp d� ull mvne��I�r u p�,iid I��r sueh tutes,asscistuents anJ insurance���illi inleres�ai <br /> � Ibe ni.;itinmm IcRal r,tic Ihetrnn I�wm datc ul pacment nll et��iiich\1�iilgac�n I�richc�ieie�,s��.�pa�':pernut no waac en caid pirntises:keep and coml�lv <br /> - �cilh,ill tlic a4�rcturnls and cnudiliuns nf Ihc Bond 6�i 52a,���.�� �hi�Jac kicen bc�hc said\lo�i4a��u�to caid;1titil!l'1:111(7�,anJ a.imVly � . <br /> ; \YIIII IIII�Ilt 7C1�1lill`IIIC�lIS U�Illl�_UIISUIII(II,II,IIIII B1�I.Iqc11i 581�,\SSOCL\I70�,�hen thrsc presen�s�hdl bei�.nur null and��iJ,uihenvise thc�� <br /> . +hall rem�in in lull li�tce and ncip be Int�iloceJ,u Ih.ep�inu��I�he SnJ :ItiSIN'1:111U1 ;dle� L�iluie I��r Ihtec mun�hs t�. mal.e am nC said <br /> � �mynienlv m br Ilnre montli�m uieeis in suid nwnthl��pa)meniv.ur tu Aeep�;utd o.nuph��cilh�he ae�e�mem•and cmidihum ul said 11ouJ: <br /> : ;md Aloit�!a�ui,��iceti lu 6.rec a�ri dp��vinlcd lurth�cilh in surh li�recluc�nc ptuo�ediues. <br /> If Uicre is:my��hankc in u���ueiship ut the ical csiale�mn�eaKcd herein.I,q�alc oi ��Ihei�vise.�iren �hr entiie icmainine indebtednest lir�eb�� <br /> j�.� c�cwed xhull.�t Ihe optiun nl 7�he f��uilablr UuilJine and Luan:1;��.!ci.iliun uf l�iand Islnn�,Nelnaska.becume innneJi;�trh'due nnd paynL+le�cithuut <br /> �� � Ihnhci nutirr.and Ihe ann.nuu irm;iiume dur wiJer said hond.and ane ulhci h�.,nd lu�am-;idditioual ad�;�nces madc�Iie�cwiJcr.shall.l�nm ihe <br /> 7 dale nf i•�eiei�e ut caid upliuu.brai Illll`ICYI 111 I�IC III�CIIIOIIII IC4�1I 111IC.;1111I�IIIS IIIU1IL't�!l`nia��d�en be IinceluseJ lu satisl}�ihe atnntnn dne un said <br /> 6nnd,;md an��ulhcr bund(or addiiii,tial adcanres,�oecthci�citli alf sums yaid L��a:uJ�1 hr If��uilable Buildin�:nnJ L.uvi;lssvciaiion ul Giand IslanJ. <br />� - \rbraska Ini iusurancc.laxes and axscssincmi,anJ nLstiactinF es�encion clr.�rges.�vith imciest dicrcun. 6om datc of p,n�nx�ni at thc matmmm <br /> leg;d ialc. <br /> �: <br /> _ . ;\s pio���deJ in Ihe Uund secwed heiehr.�chile U�i�tn��rlFaKe ientsins in elled Ihr mutl¢uFce mnc Ireieaftei aih�ance addilional sums lu the <br /> . IIW�CtS III ti011I BIIIItI,IIICIf 8551�IIti OI SIICICStDI51i1 Illil'll`S1.1\'IIIIII SlIlI15 SI1tIII I)C�1l��1111 llll'Sl'1111111'��I (�11c IIIDIIK�_RP Illl`samt�as Ihc lund<,uriKiu�lly <br /> s; vrcurcJ tlm��c mL•d amuunl nl piincil��l dch�noi tu cccrcd al an}•timc tlic oriy;inal�mumii ul ihis mui��:aee. <br /> r ,;�r,��,a�t��s 3ULh � a��.�,� �Jovember , ��.�., iG <br /> �r (R i cl}njr—�-'i�—Bo i,ne� 7 —"=------- <br /> � _" .i• =i: <br /> Shirley J.' 13ourne <br /> � ti1'A7li OP N(:�RA56A, « 1)n this .��t�l ,i;,,�„i� Novcmber I�� )� ,before me, <br /> COUNTY OF 11ALL� <br /> i� the unde�sicned.a Nutmp PuLBc in and lirz said Cuunly.i'eisnnally came �- <br /> E ' ftichard L. Uourne and Shirley J, aourne each in his and her own riqf�t and as s�ous� �� e�ch a <br />. ____ ���� � ��, � ��,���� �, .. <br />.A> I a�kte r�Z��. are i���� � . <br />�� Aie��i l e���e'�Qei{�c�T{�crvnn S �vl�nsr mm�a s are eII1kC(I IU IIIC OItUVC II151f1101C111 0S IIIUfIF+KCtS �nd ��le� screrallv I <br />�� /! �i�k±liiµl���td j(f�,r`didl�nstrumcnt tu bc tih@7 r ��nl�udai��ncl m�d dced. � . <br />!'y.�,?`..� . �� . � i � l�l�h1�5 nn•hand and Notarial Sc:il Ihc datc afu�csnid. <br /> i�fl <br /> t <br />���. . iI ��� `�;��If•(Pqnnlssiunexpires C�(�c�r.rJ�Li.w���,'�/j/•�1 . ` �� — . . <br /> .� i� . ..... <br />� .r ' �1��.�:L���•,� �-}—�- ' 1�==— <br /> , , /' ' "�:,iw«i����,i�� <br />�y r t aiult! . /: <br /> r. <br /> 4��� <br /> ?� ��.� � � <br />_,.� <br /> f <br /> s <br />