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'<�� . , ;: <br /> � ��.�,:: <br />; � � . �::� <br />�� � <br />�� � <br />,`-�� 7b- Ol) CBEiti <br />�, <br /> .. � � .i'hr Tiortga�ec ineg c��U���l n 'ya�i� rh�ira:e.. md Iu �� �n�rd Pi� a ('cnt. � ,tl Inr o,�rh d�dLir I ;: L�tiH o( o;�cA fot:�l munlld�� � . . <br /> . � ,:tynivut rnrre th;m Ib d;�y.a it� ;a•ro:n� I�� r�.�rvr t6r vsirn rc � •vu=�� imul� roi in bnndli��+: d��lin�iuonl nr�vwil�. � �. <br /> . A11 J7atmruts m:ulc imdor d�o proeisiw�: o( (his �uorp;:q:r v.t I6o. u�d�� hc rc.ltc sro�n<sl, �chi��l� i1111\' �tP. C��O5O'll!'�! tis inirtr5l� . . .. . . <br /> � �h+di nnl , in ihi• nr:Kn-P..dc ov��r thr 1o�7�i Oicrrol , .��rood Ih�• ral �� Ih�N mxv no�e br Im��lnlly �.�ntr:�ctoJ for in �rriiiriK. � � . . . . . <br /> ll is (wlher ;4:rei�d tlud in cnv�� :�m *�oit a b<qnut ra ia� vcl��:� . ihw m�,riF µ.o, 11ic 11oi� n�:r�r, il, mpn•::entnl���c� �rr awsiGne. . �� . � . . <br /> ' � � :�h�tll :al unn+ b�+ vntlllod in thr ����ss«xion of s.uu pre� and u�>on ��l��rliraucu U�erefor. � la �-outt in �rt�irt� :mch ndim� whntl � . � � � � . . <br /> � b�� brnW:ht ��r anS liid4;o .,f surlt i•��int, �rilh��r in tvrm timr ��r ��ac:dion. i. hnmi�y auli�orit�+d lu npp��inf :i mcr.i���rr i�� IaAr p1�;y�n� � . � � � . <br /> . � r:ion a! s:iid prmniee,. or to callert Ih�• renls therol�riuu. :md ti� dn nnd ��erlonn such „Ih��r ac.tx a� ma1�� I�o e�v��tired hV th�� nrder . . � �. . � . <br /> ol Ilie cuurt makinR thr :ipp�iin�mr�nt : m�d x:rid ni�vli::i�;or 6e[vb�� �e;ur�=x anv itntie�� af such Applirnli�m. and ronnrrtte t�i Ihr ap• . . . . � . . <br /> p:•inlmrnt ot 7 r���x�i���r upon il�n pnnh�cli�m cf ihi. marlt�a4c�. ailhnul otMrr ��vidrnre . . . � . <br /> , <br /> . 'l�hv \iorl;;ag„r �Lnll be wbrui:;rtrd in all ��( ihv ri;:hiy, I! i'1\'IIQ4�".S 1!I7UCIi1Cn. 81qI rquiUen uf nm• li��uhol�lrr wh�rni� lirn may . . <br /> . hnv�• h�•on �iiscMnr�:�•rl hvin U�o In��H�ccdv uf fhis i�>au. ��r h�� nn �' I'nnita hrn�l+y paid or (nrnixDe�i by H�r \T�m4<anco. �� � . � . . <br /> � i . � Cl' I3 1'sSl'liliSSi.1'� A(iR �;.l:D � lhat i(� ihr �lurt�;:i,.or sh�dl •��II, iv�ucr•c nr :�iirnafc =:�id pmpe�ty. �ir ntq• p;irt lh��n�?f, . .. <br /> � ot an)' inicm�t Ih��n+in. or +.h:dl I+�r dicn,sl�vi of hi� liUr nr ;mt inirm�t Ihorrit� in :�iq snaimcr ur �cng, �vhcihcr eehuilacilV or <br /> , � . .� imvhmWrily, . ���iQ�aut a'ritlun ivnsent nl O�o Ato� l�'n���• l�ci�u; tirwt had :md itLl;�ine,l, 1lurtua�rr sLall im�r ihe ru<id�. nl ii:c uptimi. . � . . � . <br /> tn diK�laro nne indchirdnrss or ebli��nii�+nx �rcural Len�6v. inr=p�viivr u( ihe m:�tunt>• dnic spv��itied in ;mg m�lr oei�irnrinh Ihe � � � � � <br /> y ' 9AIIIC. IIIDI.MIi:S��+lp dao :icid p����:iL•le � �cil.huul nul �ce. :ind �aid doLl ch:dl thon•upon lvrronte niHelulr. ) f lh�, �ny�ict�hip o( lh„ tuoft�� . . . <br /> �mged propetip tma�nu�5 �� in a Irryon uthrc Ihan tlie AlortY.aror, th� nlurl � i;,'e�o msic. wiihouf. nolirn t,� fl�c Ati�rt�;:iGnr. � drnl . . . <br /> �eith cuch eurcessur nr sur���•vv�rra in inl��rext �� ith r��fcren�+, I�i this m��rt:tuco :uid t6i� debt h�•rrh> ��veu�rd :ef uilh Ilir \fartec�iroe <br /> �ud ma)' forhenr io nuv or ma}• esl�•nd tim�• (ur thr p:aptnraf uf Ihi• dohi he�>>by ��vvirrd �ciih�nrt divrlcu��tinK or in m»' ���n1' nfilttinq � . � . . <br /> flio ILtLilltl' ��f We nriFinal Alnrft-;tl:��r hrnnmdec nr �qxm thv JrLt ��r�ur�d. � . . <br /> In tliis in::lnuuont Iho niugulnr iw•lu�.l�.w Ihr. pinr:d am.t thn mascnline inelndov ilio Icmiuinr anJ flio nrutnr and fLie im . � . <br /> lt' ,:t ��imvnl ..h;+ll tH� I�indi�y: upan Uu� und�•rvi�:nrd, lus Leirv. Prr•�oic�I reprv•�rnlniiv� , =u.•ro..or. :m�i nur�ip�m. � � � <br /> 1I� \l'1'1'NR.�S �\'tll�RI'.OI�. �ee hnrn lirrountn s.�f a�n- hnnd+ nnd �nnl , thr dnv nnd vrnr lir:t nlsrvo r��riHon. � . � <br /> In fhe pnwi�n�ti aL' � . . . <br /> r . � ' /r � � _ � y., � � . <br /> A _ .L�.,� _.L.�� t.� L :x Y>�! _ /" �� �_} S.f-� ._ <br /> _ _ _ . _ _... <br /> i��i.1l.l am P . ��pp tl � <br /> , � � - - � <br /> r <br /> _ ��ctl-�. � G �..�-��. . �..��_ _ _ _ _ __ _. . <br /> I.'utricia J . Qpp 1,� <br /> J ( <br /> 1 S �,l���,�: ��Z� �V1'.���Z(��Il\/� � � � <br /> tf � l � <4. <br /> .. �. . '. . . .. . . Al�,l.a.._ __ _ _(.�r111i1y ' . . � � . <br /> � <br /> i. l)n �hi. . _ :.'��� _ . . da�� u( � 'c • -,:'• '•.�•-.•. l4 1��� ladonr mi�. fhr u �vl�•rvir.nal. a Nnlnry Yublic. in nnd fur n�id . <br /> t <br /> � . ' (',mnly'. Pereunnlly came _ . .. . SV'1�.a.:L3111 . �''. . l�j'p . �Il{� . �'���xJ.l' 1 :1 . a . . .L�)%j: � �lU���'�.lI1Cj. _ ;.113a. .S97..��C. n . ___ . _. . . . . . . . . _. _ . .. � . <br /> " � prr.-on:ilty kuo����i In m�� lu hr �h�� idrnlic:il prrso�ti-� �rlw,:o n;m����� iu�i� :+ilixc�f tii thr alh�cN nnd inro�oinR invtntmont , a5 ivottrtay;urv. � � � � � � � . <br /> �� ;md v��ah ncknu���LKigrd �nid imlrumi•nt la be liiu ur her r��lunfan� arl and de��L � . - <br /> ' lCitnc.:,� my hs�rl :md na�:vinl �o:�l �d _ _ G1�t1ti Sslatld . T'� ebi•:lslta . ._ . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ <br /> r <br /> � lh�� dirie lust nir�er writ�on. . <br /> f � IiUUERT O, f'IACZEK :' , . <br /> t , / r <br /> �. �i (iENEHAI NUTARY • Stete o1 Nsbr. f �= I:� / . r '��, � <br /> ' - ...i.i._ �ly CommbslW� ExPfnt . ,�1 .' ' _ '� . : ` ` ���. . <br /> � . . . _ . . . ...... _. _. <br /> �: +'n�*"� Nov[MOCn 2G , 1870 Noiarp Public. <br /> � �_. , <br /> . . � :' � � .�1(J�. . <br /> 4' � �IV f0111I11i4nio11 l' \{tifrv . . . _ ./ 1 .. . . ' . . . . . . . . <br /> <. <br /> �' S�rn��t; c�r _ <br /> .� _ . . . .. _ <br /> ' � �:�. <br /> _ �������,t�• _ . . _ .. _ _ . _ . . _ <br /> f:nfered un numericnl indes mid filed for rccurd in the HoRiHicr o[ I Icc�1a OHiic of ��aid C:uunt�' tLc <br /> .. _ _ _ _ _ _day of. . . . . . _ _ . _ . . . . . . . _ . . . , i `.). , nt _ . _ _ ��'cl�x•k nnd _ . . tninutcy . . . . _ . bt ,. <br /> nnd mcordcd in }3ook.. . _ -, - - . . . . _ . . . . . ,o( liurilinKes t�t �!a�:c . . . . _ _ , n�+ Imstrwn��nf Nn. . <br /> � <br /> ; _ _ . _ . _ . . . _ _ _ . _ . . . . _ . . . . _ _ _ . . . . . . _ . _ <br /> x Ita�;, nf Uccdc� <br /> �, <br /> - ' lit• _ _ _ _ Dep�ilti� <br /> �Yhen re�•otded lu he returncd � ci tlie . �� � �=,+ ` <br /> FIHS'I' I�F; DIit :\ 1 , ����` iNG � ANI) (.l):� N .1 �tiO( ' 1 ;1'1'IOti 01� I . INCOf.N � . <br /> � . . � L�N�O4N uf�:�� l� . ��hon� . , S.V�. � . � � �� <br /> C1 � : 35 ••1�•� `il�npl ' l Il51vn (:IIInP� ��1t�. L ..� l�ryl� ]Y.t� ' H" 5L C,�l )�..11 H0� l llf� SItF1� <br /> SP ' <br /> . �� ::Op WlnlhrnV Nd �..' � Cit� ruA vmr s� . � , <br /> Y�.. - ' pMANA UY( f<LCfr. Pl�nn� �. 'vi.Nl�lU �{My;� � <br />'x' � �_� P/VC I'�ul�c 9l `.� tP4 Yn. t :nd til . �- � ? ?05 No. 9JII� ,6 ��, ' li�p,'n W��u UcJp� flA. ^" . . <br /> J ' <br /> ty ' � HCG�UNALOI'FiCLS , C � lf :01b �IMr . hrenv� I. ._I . 1 ) 'i l�•rl. ini�l�u! y I. .iIA . . M ' YUar�. OrJ <br /> re�„�ezi�.z� i � i r . . . , ��� n. �: i �� <br /> �� � l 101 MAl�1 AV�.. Cr.v �.l J�: 7 I)a� IPu\e Pvr.. Ale.�ni.! �..� 1f1 ) I Wef\ i.�td SI .. I:und I.I�nn �. � '.: I Ilr ��nwr� ', 1. . <br /> ry� . PLa�mO:(•dJd9 Pbon� lriJ.L �10 cnc.��� 1�y .Cl7 :f 'b.�u� rl �t�• <br /> S ',��dRbl liltt8 61 finl lydenl S�vinq� snJ Loan quoslollen ol Un�uln. I l�cnln, IlPhr��le <br /> �:� �..1_.�.. . K � � <br /> `� <br /> : <br /> � <br />� <br />