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.. , <br />�' - .� <br />;, � _,._,,�r;. <br />'`� —� <br />� � <br /> s��' 7b-OU6851 <br />�... <br />�_ . <br /> �,o��,�;���. <br /> - - -- =:----Q._-�-,--_-_.�.-L`—�_,.-_----��2;4:39._�------� <br /> ?�tORTCAGG,LOAN N0. <br /> ' hNOWALL�tI?NUY7'IIESGPRHSIiN1'S:7'hutDdVld H. Rogers and Ruth N. Rogers, each in his and her <br /> ' � own right and as spouse of each other, <br /> ' , , Afartgugor,whrtlirr ona ur murc,in considerntiun o(the swn uf <br /> ` ` Thirty-one Thousand Nine Hundred and No/100---------------------------------- <br /> . -----..____.__. .---- I�OILAIiS <br /> IUBIICII(U S811I IIIOfI�,B�'Uf�Y�I�IIC I:(�I111:1�I1`I�UIIIIIIIg�I1lI I.1t811 ASSUI'IJIIUII ll)CitBlll�I<IJIIII.Nt'�1185A8,��Uf�K9KC�� 5�1811•S��f�UC}:U� � � . . <br /> seid ASSOCIATfON,l'crlilicata Nu.L z2,439 ,,iu n�,��t,y F�am,cunccy ;md murtgagc untu thc suid ASSOCIAIION lhe folluwing � . . . .. <br /> Jesc�ibed«ul estate,siluatcd in ilall Cuumy.Nebrusk;c <br /> LOT SIX (6), SCHEEL'S SUODIVISION 4EING A TRACT OF LAND COMPRISING A <br /> PART OF THE 50UTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER (SEi;SW'a) OF <br /> SECTION 7HIR1'Y-T4J0 (32), T04lNSHIP ELEVEN (11) NORTH, RIIfJGE NINE (9) <br /> WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., NALL COUNTY, NEaRASKA. <br /> �` <br /> � <br /> - . togcthcr �vill� all Ihc �cncmcnls.hcrcditamcuts und'J�1�)U(ICI181111'S All'ICIIOIU L+clun�;ing,including uttadied Iluur�Yiccrings.all winJu�v snttns, .. . � . <br /> � windux�shades,blinds.stunu wiudows,awnings.hea�iug,�ir cemdi�ioning.and pluntbing and watereyuipmen�wid accessurics Ihrre�u,putnps,sluves. . <br /> refrigcra�ors,and othe�fialwes and cyuipmcnl nuw ur hereulter aUathed�u or uscd in eonncc�imi wilh said�cal estale. <br /> ��.. � .. Ail{�1\'IICfI':1)Illl'S:IIII IllUll(;:I�Of II:I5 J�'fffll JIIII lIUC5I1Cll'I)V B�fCI'lliat tl�c murtgagnr sh;dl anJ WIII��J1`11II I:IXCS�OtI tIS5C5SI11CIlIS IH%l'lI 0! � <br /> �. as.essed upun mid premises anJ up��n Uiis murtgage nnd lhc bund scr d J�I}{•el,}�, �elbre ihe same shull becume dclinyucnt:to 1'umish:�ppwved . <br /> insurancc upon Ihc I1Il1I(IIIIKS ull SJIII�)ICIII�SCti SIIl�BLI`lI III�Ill`SIII7711I S���7ub.U� pa��ablc tu s�id ASS(H'IA'1701 und w delivcr to said � . <br /> �,. � ASSCH'IATIOV thc policics fur suid inswanre;and uot tu.ununit ur permii any waslc un ur�Loul said picmius; � <br /> ' III l'J5l'll�tIL'I:Il1Il I(1 Illl'pe�fnnuance UI ilp)'O��Ill`�l'(IIIS BIIII l'Uil(IIUUIIS UI IIIIS OIUf��;J�;C ur thc bund srcurcd hercby,lhc morlgagee siiall, � . . � .. <br /> on dem;wd.I�e entitlod to inuneJi�tr po�sessiou ul�I�c mort}�a�ed premises and the mungaE;ur I�emby assigns, hn«slers ;�nd sets ocer lu the �. . � <br /> �a�. nwrlgagce all Ihc rcnts,rcvcnucs and income tu be Jciivc+d Irum the nwngagcd prcmises during sud�time as�he murltiagc indc6lcdnrss ihall remain � . � <br /> ' UI7�J:IIcI:8111I Illl'tl10flFe�;CC SII;III I18YC lI1C puwcr to;ippuint any agcnt ur�k;cnts il III:11'lIl`YIIC Ibr thc purpusc uf fCF181f111�Si1lI�1ICI7115C5:tllll ICIIIIfi�' .. <br /> � ��� llll'S:IIIII'JIIII l'I�IICI'llll I�II'ICIIIS.iP\'fllUl•1 Jlll�Illl't)Illl'�;117�Il I71:{y�fg}'t)Ill U� l:ll� IIICI)Illf :1�� l'��CI111•S U� IC Jlflll S811� <br /> r,� E p�.. K picmiscs:u�d nccessuty . . . .. �. . <br /> cummissiuns and espenses incuncd in renlinF and IIIJIIJ�;III�;IIIL'S:II71C Jlll� u(collecling renlals Ihere(runr Ihe 6alanec rcmuining,il anp,lu br <br /> �� 8�1PIIClI 10\Y�III Illl'lII5CI18IFte nf said murtg:ige inJebtednrss:�hex iitihls ul ihe murtgage.niay bc exercised at any iimr.during qie esislentt ul'such � <br /> - - del'ault.i�tespecliee uf any Ient{��rary o'aiver ol tlic sante. <br /> "f hese Piesents,huwever.arc 11�)UII Ilil'CUI7(IIII011.I IIJI II Illl'SJi��IUf1�;8�;Uf SII:III IC�I�V ti:111I Ioan un oi bclure Ihe matutit}'u(SBIII SI41f05II\' . <br />� t � �1:IVIIICI11:�):1,}'I1IUIIIIII}'�U 1�ItI i\55()(��1���U�lt�I�II'SIIIII ti��l•l1�il'l�I�I l�ll'��Ullt�!l'illll'tI II`.'fC�t1'�5 IIIlCtC1�:II11I�1I111C1�1JI llll f811I IU8I1�t)fl UI�)C�t11C . <br /> 1�1C�T\VClilll`��1 1�:11'ltI[•11CI1 AII�l'\'L•f\'II111I11I1.1I1111I SJItI IU;lil I)IlIII1'F1:IIlI:�18V:III 18\Cti;IIIII JT�C1)IIII`I115 IL'YICII B�;;I11151 S�III�11CI111SC5�IIII UI1 lII1S�IUIl�;BKC . .� <br /> - Jlll�l�lt�)t1111�5C1'llfl'l�(�lCll'�))'.�l'�Iill'l�l'�IIIt{UCfll'1'��IIIIIISII:I�t�lill\'l'IIIIISi1lJilll'll�)�tI11I1CIt111IlIlI1K1lI1CICUI11111Ii1`511i11U��j 3��9�Q.00 �):1)':1�1�� <br /> � �U V:fl�l�55()���/�����)�:Il•�:11'IU SJI�:��5()(��i���IC)�LI�JUII IICIlI�I1lI�II Illtllll'\'I))'Il�1:IIlI(Uf SIIIII l'J.\l•5.J1SCti�iill'lilS:II1tI II1titIf8I1CC\\'1II11111C(C)l dl <br /> ' ��IL'III�!(IIIIUlII It'�;JI I:IIt'llll'It'lil IfUlil�I;IIC�)I��:1}'111Ci11 JII U�1VIIIlI1�It1fIF:l�;tlf Iil'il'I)1'J�;II'l'Slll��:1}':��l'fllill llll N';ISIC llll S:l1�I�)fl`ItllfCS:F:CC�1 JI1S l'UIIIFIIY . <br /> � 1\'lII1:lII IIIC J�,fit'flil'i11Y�1111I C�IIItllll(lil)l1I Illl'��t/ll��Uf 5 3��9QQ.QO1�1IS 1�d1'kl�'t'll�)'l�ll`SJI���ttflFBhlf l�l l:llt�i�StiU(��i����);���II�lU�lljt�)' <br /> \1'11I1 8II Illl'fl'(�IIIICI11CI115 UI IIIC C�UI7111I111111f1�IItI HV�LIIN'S lI)�I�AtiSU(�IAI IU1:I�II'il I�1CSl` rll'SCIIIS S�IJ���l'iUII7C IIU��BIII�VUI�.Ul�lCf\4'llC I�iP)• <br /> )�I���Il`III:1111 III�11�� �illil'�Ill� III:11'�tC�Uft'l'�115C1��11 l�ll•U�)II�II l)�l�ll'S:III� /�Sti(x.�r���()1 :1�1Cf �III�UII' �III I�IICI' I11UI71�I5 lU I11:I�1`JI11'��S�II� - <br /> paqmrnis ui IIC(I11CC IIIUIIIIIS IIl UIICJIS III II17BI11�;S:IIII I�IUIIIIII)'F:11'i11Ci�U,UI IU I�l•C�l and cumply�vi�h the ag�eements and cunditiuns of uid OunJ: <br /> and Atu�lgagur agtces lu hacc a�cccircr.ippointed livth���ith in such frnceluswe p�ueccdings. <br /> '. II ihc�e is any change in ownciship u('the mal cstate murtg:igeJ salc ur uthen�'ise,lhcn the cnti�c«meining inJebtcdnese hercby <br /> � xcurcd Ure opliun ol"fhc I:1�111IJI/Il'Bl11I1I111�:8111I LU]II AStiUI'IJIIUII O(I.�18111I ISI811tI.NC�)IJSI�:f.I7l'1UI11C IIIIIiII'tI18lCI1'IIIIC 311(I�18}'�II�C N'iIIIUUI <br /> �Ilfl�ll'f Ilt/l�l'C.elll� I�1C�I11�IUIi� fCIII:IIIIiII�;l�U�IIII�CC SJiI��Ulll��llIIII:III)'UlI1Cf I1�711(I IUf 811V BlItI1l1U11;1I:IIIY�iII'l'S 171:I/I�I�II`Il'l1IIlIl'f.fI1�II,�fUII11I1C <br /> _ � JB�I•t1I l'%CIIISC O�$Jl�U�tlltlfl,I)l'Jf IIII('fl'SI:II Illl'III:I!(117711111 Il'�',�II f:lll`.3111I IIIIS IIIl1II�;iI�;C III:IY�Ill'il�Il'IUfCI'IUYCII lV 18115�Y IIIC:IfllUllfll t�lll'UII Y81� <br /> . I111I11I.:1111I:IIIV lllliCf I�UIIII�l)f Jlll�llll)IIJI:III\'JllCl'Sr lU�l•llll't 1VIII1:III Sllillti�1:II�I I)\'SJIII�I IIC I:t�lIllll�llP I)IIIIIIIiI(;A�1lI I..VBtI ASSItI'1'JIIVII UI I�IJ(IlI ISId111I� <br /> . �C�1:11k;!IUf IItSUf:llll'C.IJ!(l•SJIIlI85til'551111'lll).JIIIIJI?S�fJI'llll�!CCIL'1I51l�IIlI1:ItACS.11'IIII Illil`ICSI I�ICfCUII. �IOIII ��Illt t1� ��:IV'Illfill 'JI I�IC II)J%IIIIUI71 <br /> �l'�!:1�I:III'. <br /> . As piuvidcJ in Ihc Bund scnucd hcreby,whilc this nwrl�;agc remains in ctlicl I�IC IIIOII�'9Kl'l'II1J�'Ill'fl`llIICf dlIV9tICC JtItIlUV118I SUI115 W lhc <br /> II1;IkL'Iti l��5�11(��)Ilil�.��ll'II i1S11(;f15111 Slllfl'tiSl)15 tll IIIIC(('�I.N'Illl'II 1UI11S tiI1JII�l'\1'11�71i1 l�ll'SCl'1If11Y U���115 Illl)1��;��;C l�ll'1�Illl'�5 l�lt�lllll4 UIIk1I1J��V <br /> til'l'UtCII Illl'fl'�V.IIIC IVI:II�III(fUll�UI(1f111(I�1:II lIl'VJ�Illtl IU l"ICCC�8(JI1V llillC lllt 1111�;1i1JI JII7Itlilll UI II11J IllUfl�'y'I�'C. <br /> Cr�� /, l <br /> i���a u��� 29th �i;�y�,r Novem6er n.u i�..76 <br /> f,F.%+�'�`A�J/r1ttV:t.�"�' �rh I�li /J/ ��"lr �.I �' <br /> �avi� g s ---- ut i . . ogers <br /> ;`' <br /> STATI:OP Nt:DRASKA, yS �������is 29th day ur November 17 76 .hcforc mr, <br /> . � COl1NTY Of I IALL� � <br /> � thc undcrsi'lIC(I.p A1UIllf}'PUI)IC 111 BfIII�Uf SllIII COUIIIY.4��f5O118II),•illllG <br /> David H. Rogers and Ruth N. Rogers, each in his and�iier own rig�t and as spouse of eacli � �� <br /> other ,�i�� are i���s����uy��;���,��,w } , <br /> �� me io be thc idrntical persun S �rhou n,unc S aY� :dfixeJ to�he,ibuvc iushumrnLesmo�tgagor S ���� theY t�.�•crnl�y � . <br /> �' <br /> acknowledged lhe said mstrument tu be thei r vulunlary act anJ deed. (/ ) �•' � i. <br />��_ ...._.__.._._-.....]17T.UI.SS-o�y-i�e�J�nd Notarial5cal thc da�r afomsaid. ` ' i-� � ^/ � <br /> sa„ �� [r (t�l 1I�.. v I I.!L.Lr I � �A � , � <br /> I 1:� �ty�uninnssim�c^cpires � . . <br />+,r- . ... .�.��..��, -�� �,/ � , . <br /> I `.. , ._ it, ��y � � — — — �-- ����`�—'�`�� <br /> 4L� 1 .n.i:iM N� .� . . .. ._..._�.✓��-,f" / `. _ � nnlar}I'ub4c i <br /> Y� �' G_.- ;r %.�7 �,' <br />- � � <br /> , °'R'�- I� J <br />` � <br />_� <br /> t <br />