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rr;' � .�'�;•; <br /> l .:•c,��x <br />�� �_». r_ .-� <br />� <br />��,-' MORTGAGE--Savinqs ond Loan Pom�--(INrM Crodl� Pian)255_2 (Speeal! � .� <br />,� . ".:w:�x:`;»`.H:c^�.M.."+....^,.M".•..w`�^.`n�:,.`.,�.`...w................»�..w.`^..�."'�`�......,...�C.C�......., .-................�,........»��.,,..,,..,,..«..K_.^^^.;�.,:�^:.r <br /> �.. ,��"QQfi�;�� I1At)(2TC'sA►Ca� <br /> �� . �� � � ..�._�I-oanNo�._ � ..�. � � � . � <br /> � � <br /> ttns Itm6NruxE:'m�1nu_ !�6th aay ot--- N��vemL•ec _.i�_�':.liy�,d beiwcan <br /> � �� P4IGNAEL� J �P�CL.5UN ANI? LAURA �J. NELSUN; husbami ��nd tvffa, e.ach in f�i5 �nd her ��wn � � � � <br /> ' �3 r i�ailfi and �s speuse vfi tiiP oTher <br /> ,� ` $ <br /> tia l l } <br /> oi__._.__ ._�_.__._.County,Nebrvekn�,ae inoit9agor__,and Romo i'ederol Savinge and Lmn AesoclatSon ot Grand feland, � . � <br /> o cciiporation erqvnized.and exiafinq under thrt lawe ol Nobroetn.adth!ie principal otflco and piaco of 6u�faeea m Grend fnt�d,Ne6m�ka.. ��� � � � � � <br /> aa mbfiqagvr,; � - �+� . . <br /> !� �WiTNE53�Tti: ThM eaid mrntgngar-.�_. lex and fm m�nideratton ol Iho eim ct--- — �'-- $ . . . <br /> ` r� TlV(NII-NIPdL 'T1i0U5AuL� E4LN_HtJND�CQ Af�D NUr'i00 ------------ _.'9 �n.UL� S <br /> ._.____ —�.._'___'_�.°ollare (S - —.__—). <br /> 7 <br /> j- . $ ihr. recc:pl oi which ie helebq ocknowlednr,d,do_.:_6y theae presems�!Rogo ond wrmanl nnto.nrrid morigvqna, Sis euccensan Qad # � �� . <br /> 4a i I 'j <br /> oesiqne�, [orever,oll Ihe lollowing doacril+ed reol eefnio,eimnted in tho rounly ol____._.___' �i <br /> � �iud Slale ot Nebieckc,1o��aIL•� 5� <br /> +� '---'------'-�-----"-- , . � . <br /> � <br /> ?t� � <br /> l + <br /> 7 <br /> � � <br /> � $� <br /> = �� l(`T F�JU1�. (4) I N Ill i!�;I( i)i�df (I; I�v Iv,1.���L"i�!_f, ',i;�?C�I��1'��101d 19 l NF i;I�i 1' i3F GitAP10 I��AFID, ,i <br /> {� 'F t.i:L�i'�ASfU1 jf <br /> ; � �, <br /> : <br /> r $ <br /> �` <br /> ; i it <br /> ,; ,� � <br /> �� i� ;S � <br /> � ,S <br /> S �� <br /> �, ,� <br /> �( %# <br /> .f <br /> ; << ; <br /> , �( S� <br /> . . �� Tr.gethcr �o�!th nll hon�fny. iiqhllnq, nnd plur.tbinq rqvlpmnnt and 14xtutee,ir.olndinS stekere nn3 6urnen,nacnnn.owninga,stoiia v:indnvro �f � <br /> and doon.and rvindoir nhndce er Llinda. nxd cn or in cc.nectfon with naid prepeny.:rdrther lhe eeme ato r.ow ltcoted vn said ptopettp t� � � . <br /> °'� � �S cn c�ieoltet oluced lhe�ean.. � . . . . . <br /> q. . `{ ;� <br /> � 7} TO HAVF. iiNV 7t7 HOLU 7lIF.SAD1E. Icqcthnr rvlth all mid 91Rqtl�p!Ihe fenr.mente,heted!toments cmd appu�lnnancen 1he�eunto beirr.q� rs . <br /> � +r <br /> �' � �� tnq,ce ia ony�atee oppetlnininq,torcecr.nnd a�artant Ilm!!Ile tv the namn. Sntd tr.eilr,¢qcr_`_>_heicb5' �ovenvnr__-e�1th svld mcrlqvqro �� <br /> �'. r o-n �f <br /> j; ii ih�l...__11tc�'___.- 'j�� l!ic delivc�y hemcl.fhc la:•;fut a m r__==r.(Ihr ptcr.i!a•.e obovc cnnvoy-nd and dncM6ed, ..ed...._'��_ ty . <br /> ; �� <br /> i��. S4 -�.nized el n a^ed rr�i Indelrnsible eetnte o!fnhed�rsnce Ihrtem, f� o vai c!^vr o! nll encvmhmncen,end thot_.{ 1�� ,_... n-iH warxml mfd �f � . . <br /> f� delcnd 1h[ IIIIe tl;c�.to 4oicver coolmt the rin1:�!a nnd r�rmand! nl nl!r.rscv x�homsocrvr. /: <br /> �e <br /> � �� t'itOVt?�'U :AI�1 AV9 nnd t11s i.n4rum rl L et ut d o.d i_IS ef cd tn s utn Ihe pocment oi tho r.•im c! ;f� � � � <br /> k � '( TW[_fll"Y-I'alf4L 111GU ,1tl�J �EVrCf� �{��NO�lP 1rv(� ��(� lil(1 ----------- ;'�!J,nn , <br /> . ; !S ._ _.-- ---- --- -- �. __ .. __- - � --- "itcrs �.. _ -__! ;} <br /> !r �vf�h frl�cel ihn���n,toaMhri �rillt sucfi ch��qce r.nd nd r .a n tro} F,c 3�r and pa}eh!e te �a{d ro�ttqaoco nndeT h. �ntm. end �$ <br /> : � �� rd Ihe Fre.^.�tesmp r.ofe nt rvnn d�to h^tc:Hh ond r_c�red hereby rsrc•ited 6q rsotd metteeqcr_�.tn amd mmtqeq. ,paya6le �} <br /> " �t• nn expmneed 1n said na!e,and to aca�re the pedmmar.ce r_�all the tenas nnd ce��lSHeae mntnlned Ihetein. 11i� terten o1 �:Jd� mo � <br /> {i � (� h�tcby inc^rpomfed hnrcln h��thia trletence. � � <br /> ? II Ln the Irtentivn m:d avieemenl of the pmHee heie!o Iknt 1!iis m^xlqaqn nhall r.leo r.ecurn nny t�:ture adve�ccl made fo ra11 �I � <br /> f �r friortnnaor;> . !�}• r.ald maifqegce, and ¢ng o!td all !ndeMnd�eee 1n oddllSnn!o Ihe emoum abcve sla�ed lvhith .:aid r.icrl4cqa�e, et a�}• S� <br /> � #1 .f Ih^n. mo��r,n•A M enid motlqaqee, liowrvet ev{drnc�d. v�hMhnr hy not� �rnk ncccunt ot olhetwt�^. Ihl�m^ttqr,v�ehall romnin In 1u11 t$ <br /> 1� f :cc and elleot H.elroeen the pmtt�e hernlo ond 1h^_ir helr, retsr.nnl ropte+rntottrna. avcmr.eoia and nxslvne unnl aIl e^r�unle recvred �� <br /> . y; hc�cuhde�,inrludSnq tuhee odvanren,are pvSd In ful!wflh Snteteel ; <br /> a q <br /> i <br /> p . ��. i'he enmtqcgar�—lmmbp aanfun__ � to ssid mcciovqro ail �ente and ieceme eNeSnq nt any c.nd vil times frmn eatd p�opertp and i� <br /> h^irby an!lrori:e eaid notlqogee or ife <:qenL at 1ts cotlon, upon f�ke[h.vmn e!eoid J:teperlv mid collrcl ell rrnte end incom.e �� <br /> � { fhrmlrem nnd oppiq Ihe nmm�In Ihe pvym•nt ol Inlr.rei,prindpvl�,!neuivncc eremlume. taice.en�ensmonte, repafee oi Ictpsevemenle nacne� <br /> - �1 e•�*y 1c krnp naid ptop^Ny In tennnla6lo cr.:�ditlnn,r.r 1� c!her ch�:qee ot pavmenro p!ovtd¢d tct hetMn ct In the r.olo hn�ek+y r aired. Tlila <br /> ^ ', ;� inn!rrt�tanmenl shall mntinun ln force untll i9c unpcid 6olm+ce ct natd ncic!�!u!Ir p�1d. tho�eklea o!psnsv�eien heieundrr!.liall!n no �� <br /> � mannr� p�event or rc!n�d edld mottgoq-e In Ihc c�llectlon n! �nid nu:ny by 1o:rcfvsvrn ax c!hnrn!en. ; <br /> �� Th� Iryla�o ol Iho moitgngee 10 aeeeri anp o! �le righh 6r.teunder al any Nma ehal!nol F.e cenalrucd ax a r.crlvrr ol Ile rlqht to canetl �($ <br /> tt+ Iho eome el vny IoL•�r Hmo,end lo Ir.ninl upan¢ttd enlot[n ntdct cempllance wllh all 1Mc !erm5 and prnsialons cl noid er,lr. e1 Ih!i } <br /> � 7t( mctlgaq�. . 3 <br /> �� 3` <br /> � ❑ eoid Mo�loaqor��nhvll cavac ko 6n pnid lo eaid mertangne 11+a ontl�a emount due f�hetcuttder.and undcr the trt�me vnd prao{>>��e t� <br /> . J� 01 eoid n�te hern6y eecuaed,Includlnq futvee advoncce:ond ony exlenalone cr tonewoin theteo! in ncco:dan�e wi�h the lorma and pcovfeione � <br /> } t6ececl,and II eald mortqaqor__i ehall comptp mflh all 1ha p�oeleicne ef naid na�e and o1 thte mcrtoa7v;Ihon lheeo presente ehal!6c void: <br /> . 3s niMc�wlee lo iemakn�ln full lotce vnd otlovl;and eaid mmtqaqon nhall bc r.ntNlcd to thn ponaceelon ol all o����d p+opntly.and mag:nt pa � <br /> t� c¢4fon,dedate Ihe srholn 61 enid nvlo and ail lednhlednens rcpreeented lhetebF fo 6n lnaacdfately duc and pa�•ablv,rnd maq lo�ecloso Ihfs � <br /> } morignqe o� tako any olhei loyal vcflon to ptolocl Ite daht, nnd irom the dvte of euc!+ dntaull cIi 1!rmn et Indabledneer encuecd brtre6♦ � <br /> ; eh611 d�Qa Inteteei n!R?6 1pIetq ennum: Apptafeameal wabrd. '' <br /> ) 'Chid tnoilvaqe rhntl bd Ulndliiq tlpon and ahcU enite lo the hanellt at khe bofrs.e:otttota.adminletratcrn. eucroaa:rs cnd azalqne ot J � <br /> �+ j � Ihe lvepacline patUee Isetelm. . j 'I � . . <br /> � � t-Ii�,�i- ! .i; <br /> !ti WITtiES9 WltEREDF�.edd tAo�lqaq�r��he_�hereunio �et_ ti h�Ihe day and fear ll:et eL�re <br />� . i wrlllcn: � �� . . <br /> t n �, � <br /> , ��(}��-. , . .� 1 (j.�.,' :l`�c�fi'C'(� .lj/.-!:�— , :,'.<-1z' - <br /> i i_i <br />�; I1lchael J. Wels n � __� t .n,� fr'�s<�n <br />��� _._.,.,,........ .......»..... ........_» ......, ._.........._._.....__..._.....,....,...,_.__._._.._..... <br />-�`� ��rY I_ � <br /> � <br /> { <br /> � <br /> f <br /> i <br />__ I <br />