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NV II x��4 <br />�.a�4 . % ....���ar <br /> S � � <br /> 7b- ()()F8�0 <br /> ntou•rcacr•. <br /> n�oaTcncl:LOAN N0._ L 22,438 <br /> � KN0�4ALL�11iNUYTHESGPRLSGNTS:7'liut pruce A. Staley and Patricia A. Staley, each in his and <br /> "' her own right and as spouse of each other, <br /> Alurtgagor,wlicthcr une or more,in consideratfon uf the sum of <br /> '' < Twenty-two Thou�and Ttivo Hundred and No/10Q_______________________________________ uo��,�as <br /> loaned to said mortgagvr by'fhr Equitable Duilding and Loan Association of Grand Island.Nebrasks,Aturtgagee,upun 222 shures uC srock uf <br /> saiJ ASSOCIATION,Certiflcate Nu.L 22 Q3$ ,Ju Irereby granl,convey anJ mortgege unto the said ASSOCIA'CION lhe following <br /> described real estate,situated in tlall l'uunly,�ebraska: � <br /> LOT FOURTEEN (14) IN 6LOCK ONE (1) IN ISLAND ACRES NUMaER TWO (2) <br /> DEING A REPLAT OF LOTS 1,2,3,5,6, and 7, IN ISLAND ACRES A SUBDIVISION <br /> ii: , <br /> IN TNE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> ,: ' � <br /> r ' <br /> i�. ., logedicr wi�h all ihe tenements,hercdi�uments and BEt�pfIC118111'CS thcruunto helonging,incluJing attached Ooor covnrings.nll winduw screens, . . � <br /> ". R'II7(IOW SI78(ICS�6linds,sWrm winduws,a�t�ninEs,IIC8III7�;.81I l'OIIlI1l1U01i1�;��IIIIE)IUfIlt1111�;8I11I WAII'Il'l�lll�)Itltill'dflll�L'CGSSOIlB51I11'ftl0�pumps,stuves, . . . <br /> �� � . fl'�fIK2f810I5�:if1l�Ol�ltf�IXIIIfCi flfl�PQlI1pIlIC'Iil IIO\Y llf�IL'fl':l�lL'I 81I8L'�Il'l�(U Uf USC�111 l'Uillll't'l1Uil H'll�l S:III�fl`8�L'SlBll`. .. ' . <br /> x� � Ailll N'I1CIl`�S llll'$;IIII I11UflE8bU!IlllS:1�(Cl`(I 8111I(IUl'S Ill'fC�Y J6fCC lI181 Illl'IIIIIII�:IEUf SI78II JfIII WIII�8Y�II leXCS�Ill�8SICSSIiItfllS ICYIC(I 0[ . . . <br /> A- .�� assesud upun said premises and upon lhis mvrtgage and Ihe bond secureJ thercby beli�re the samr shall become dclinquen4 to(urnish approved . . � <br /> insurance upon Ihe buildinEs un said premixs situated in the suut uf b22�ZOO.00 p�Y8I/IC to said ASSOCIA'(ION �nd In delicrr ro s7id � � . <br /> }, ; ASSOCIATION tLe policics fur said insurance:and nut�u commit or pcnmt any W:IS(C OII Of B�OUI S$IlI�1fCI1115C5� <br /> In case uf defuult in the ped'onnance o(any of t6e lerms and cundilions uf this mortgage ur the bund secureJ heraby,Uir mungagea shall, . � . � <br /> on entitlyd to inunediate pussession o(Uie morlE:iged premiscs anJ lhe mortgagur hereby assigns. translcrs and sc�s orer �o the � . <br /> mortgagee all thc rents,«vanues and incomc tu be dcrived Irum thc murtgagcd premims during such timr as ihe mortgagc inJeUledness sliall rcmain <br /> �... 'j. Uf1�81(I:JIIII lli8 IIIOII���;CC SI18II I1JYl`IIIC�10\1'P(IO B�vOIIII 811Y 8F1'lll Of J�CIIlS il II1JV lIl'SIfB For dic purpuse of rep�iring s:�id premises and�enting � � <br /> lI7C S�I71C llI1lI l'OIICChils II7C Il`I1I5,ICYI`IlUCS BIIII IOL'Oflll',HII(I Il I710y n:lY Ulll UI S;IIII incomc all t%pC113G5 U�IC�731Mg S:SIS Uil'IIllSCS 9f1(I necrssuy � � . . . <br /> - cununis:inns und expenses incurted in renting and IIIJI78�II1�;�IIP S8fI1C LI11I of cullcc�ing renials dterefrunr,the balance remaining,i(any,tu be <br /> �- applicd toward the discha�ge u(said monEage indel>tedness:tl�eu rights of Ihe morigagee may be exercised ai any time dudng the rxistence uf such <br /> , del'auh.irresp�ctive of any Il'IflOOfBf)'R'.11Vtf O�l�ll'S8111C. <br /> ���IfSI'NIl'SCIIIS.�I(IN'CVff.8fl'll�lUf1 llll`CUIIlIIl1U11,�I II�I I�II1C 5:11(I AIUIl�B�'0�SIIHII Il'�):1\';:IIII IU8I1 UIl Of�)CIUfC lIl[f118lllfll}'UC S�IiI SI71fCY I7}• . <br /> - payment;pay momhly to said ASSOC4ITION of the smn sprcificd in the Bund secured hereby as intemst and principal on saiJ luan,un or 6eforo � . <br /> the"fwentiethd�y u(eacti and crerv IllOI7III.1111hI S811I IU�fI IS IIIII�'�:IIII:�8}'8II IJXI•S 8il[I85tiCSSlllI'IIIS ICYIClIB��lI1Sl 581(��1f1'i11I5C4 dI1lI UIl 1I115��0f16fl�'C � <br /> iand�hc lfund securcd the�eby,be(ore Jclinyuency:lumish approved insurance upun the buiWings dtercun in the sum u(S 22 z�� �4 p���able � � � . <br /> io said ASSOCIA"lION:rep�y to said ASSO('IA'170N upun dem�nd all muney by it paid lur such tases,asu�vnents and msdrance k�it t in�erest at -. . � <br /> the maximum IeEaI rate the�cun Gom date of paymem all uf whi�h Aturt�.agor hereby acrees tu p�y:permit nu waste un said premises:keop and comply. <br /> wid�all Ihe aFreements and wndi�ions uf the Iiond Im 5 92 2A(��(��iis day given by the said pturtgagor to said ASSOCL1TIOti,and comply . <br /> WIIII 8II IIiC fC/�UlRtill'I1lS UI Ull`CUIISUIIIHOII�fll�B)'•L:IN'S OTSJj/l ASSbt'A7'ION;thcn these�fC5C11I5 SI18II IICCUIfIC null and��uid,othcrwise lhcy <br /> j�. S�IJ��fCI11�1i1 1(1�ll���(IfCI':Illt�IIIJ)�bC��(l'CIUSI'fI�l lI1C U(1lIUf1 ll�II1C SeI/I ASSOCIAIIO� B�ICf �:t1�l1fC �Uf I�IICC fIlUI1l�15 (U 171:I�C ellY O�S.111� � <br /> ` paymenls or bc lllft•l'II10171I15 111 0Rl'8f51I1 I118ICII7�:3�1!d mun�i�h�paymcnts,ar tu kecp;md cumply�ei�h die agieentents and cundi�ions otsaid 13ond; � <br /> ��� � �nd hfoeigagur agrces�o haxe a recci��er appoin[ed fbrthwi�h in such loreclusure pioceedings. <br /> `' If thcrc is airy d�ange in uwnrrship of Ihc rc�1 estatc mortgnged herein,by sale m uthenviu,thcn the cntirc remaining indebtedness hcrcby <br /> � xcured ihe uption o('ihe 8quitable Building anJ Luan Assuciation of Grund Islund.Nebr�s}:a.6ecume inunrdiately due anSp:�yable without <br /> , , further nuticc,and lhc amounl rcmainin��duc undcr said bund�811(I 911}'UIIIC(hUll(I�Uf 80}'BtIdIlIUI18I:IlIY3fll'CS fil�(IC l�1CfCUlIIICf�shall,from d�c <br /> l��lC�)�CXCfI'ISl'0�5:11�O�11jOi1,�)L'Jf j171L'ICSI Jl I�IC R1A%IIIIUfII�l'F��IJIC,8I1�l�llf 117Uf��e�'C ittiY I�ICfI�C��ftl'�USCIl 10 S1IIS�y I�IC�I17U1111[l�{IC OIl 5:11[� <br /> bonJ�J11lI�ilY UIIICf b001S�W'�lI(IIIIOf18I�1IV811CC5�lO�;l'llll`f WIUI�II SUI11S�1Ji(I Il)'S�II�TIIC L1�111I86IB Building xnJ Loan Association uf Grand Island, <br /> �ihf85l:fl�Of II15Uf:lI1Cl`,IBXI`S 8111I:ISSCSSiIiI'f1lS,811II 8I11(fflCllll�'l'AlCI1SIl1il CI17f�;CS,\1'11I1 llllCll'SI ihcreon. Irom �BIt U�El'JVII1CIlI �l 1�1C Rifl\Iffllllll <br /> �CE;1�f:11C. <br /> As pruvided in thc Bond saund hcreUy,while this mor�gagc iemains in efl'cct ihc mortgugec may hereafter advancc additional sums lo ihc <br /> +'�- m�kers cl'said 13ond,their assigns ur sucecssurs in interest,which sums shall be within lhe scr.uriiy of this mortgage the samr as the fuuds originnlly <br /> uwced Ihenby,lhe tutal amount uf principal debt not m excred ai am•time Uic original amaunt of ihis murlg�ge. � <br /> u,i�a ci,;5 26th ,i,��� November ,� i,. �y76 <br /> ' �ce 'd eY . / <br /> § , � ,Y .� C >'-i�.(' <br /> Patricia A. Sta ey � <br /> STAT�Ofi NGllRASKA,1 26th November 76 <br /> 35. UII(I11S day o( I'1 ,befurc me, <br /> COUNTY OF 11ALL j ; � <br />� ' Bruce A. Staley and Patricia A. Staley, each:�}�°fl�`�"F�nd"�ier`Yown��`r�i'gR��ani�as°s`��use'�af`�m` ,, <br /> E'dCh other, whu d re persvnally known to '� N <br /> ( me tu be the idrntical per:on S - whnse�iarclo.6',!d1'2 affixed tu thc abovc insirumcnt as mortE•rgur 5 ��d they scecrally �, <br /> j,�� .� acknow•ledged t}ie said instrumCnl lo bo-�',ithe7_r_'':%���`nluntary act and decd. �� �� . <br /> W <br />� � N7TNGSS qiy IL�nd und NotanatSeal ifu datc afurtsaid. � . <br /> � � M1ty Commibsiun nxpires . ';i � <br />� �.�t �? ;r��c _��•� `-/ %r���l <br />�� . _ t- l.,r� :T <br /> a��.n!�tt Notary Public <br /> `� � I <br />.^Y t— J <br />:'.',� <br /> f <br />—F <br /> 1 <br />