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, �: <br /> � . . ��i.�=, <br /> d7'•:� • � �v'- <br />'�'� � . . .� .w rS�� .. <br />.'vr � . . . . . . .. <br /> a" � <br /> a � STA'1'I, OP NLBRASKA, Couuty uf ....................................................: <br /> Filedfor rccurd oi� ................................. 19........nt............,.............., o'cduclt ........................ DL <br /> aud reeordad in tha Decd ltecard ................................. Pagu ......,...................... <br /> , .................................................................................... ��• .................................,............................,........................... <br /> liegister of .Dceds lleput�� Hegi�tr.r nf lleeds � <br /> �� r 7b. ac�r�o� <br /> SURVIVORSHII' V'VARRA.NTY BFEP <br /> ': ItENRY 0. OBERtJ�IER AND KATIiL�N SUli UB�ItA�EIEH, 43USBAND AtdD t'fIFr� F.ACH IN f{IS AMl IiE�. <br /> 0�4N RTGfiT AND AS SP011S� OI' EACH OTkiIIt, <br /> , l�erein colled the grnntor���hethcr onu or iuore, <br /> iu considerution of THIRTEEN THOUSANll T'IVP: 1lU1�NRED AND ?v0�1U0 °JOI.LARS <br /> s <br /> recei�'ed froru grnutues, does grimt, burgnin, aell euu�•oy nnd confirm unto <br /> HAN.LAMI �. HItOEGER AND �LI:11N01� B. RHOEGER� tiU523AtdD At�'D �III'�, <br /> � < t�s joint tcaants with rigl�t of survivoryhip, ciud uot as tennnts in emnmon, the follo�ving descriUed ronl <br /> ,' �roperty .in ............EIA�L.......................................... Com�ty�Nebrasku: <br /> >� I,OT FOUR (li) IN BLOCK SIXTEEN (lfi) IN RUSSN:LL VIIiEEI,II3�S.AllDITIOtt TO 'P!{E CITY OP CRAND <br /> ISIJUVD, HALL COUP!'PY, NEBF?ASKA. <br /> � � � <br /> e : <br /> �. ? NEfiRASKA DOCUMGN7ARY <br /> . t STAMP TAX <br /> . � <br /> c <br /> v��r�� NOV 2 G 1976 <br /> � �'� 7,-� <br /> � ; <br /> �p�C,`� � / •�S BY �'r <br /> , : <br /> To ]ia��e mid to Lold tl�c aLove descril,ed premires tugiihcr �viHt ull tenements, ltcredit.itnent� <br /> � suid i�ppurteu:inces Lticreto Lelou�;in�; unto thc Fruiitecs uud to tlieir ussigns, or to tbc lieitv twd assi�;u;; <br /> '`' of the surcivor of thew fnro�•er. <br /> x; Au3 gruntm• docs hcrebp co��cuuut �cith tlie �r;uitecs uud �citli their nssi��e nnei ��•ith the hcii�:; <br /> � > �uid ussiqns of thc surci�•or of them tLut grantor is lan•fullp nrised ot�;;iid prunisca;t6ut they nre frec 1'ront <br /> �: ' encumbruncc I��CEPT EASP�IEI3TS AND RFSTRICTIOPIS OF f2EC0I?D <br /> y. <br /> iliat Fr:mtor hns qood ri�ht nud I�tticful uuttiority to conee�• thu •;;imo; mul lhat �:r:wtor tr.trrnnts r�ud �sill <br /> � � dcfcud 11�c litic to s,ti�l prmuisi�s aRninst thc lm�•ful cliiims of:ill p�v�sonx �cLomsuccer <br /> 1t i� thc intentiun of ;tll particy I�creto that iu t.hc ecmrt of tlic denth of cithcr nf thc gr;udecs, <br /> � th�� entirc fcc title. to thiw rral pru�v�rt�• �hnll cr�:t in Ilie survirinR�;rnntca <br /> f ' <br /> . : <br /> D,�t�d �1�vu-����._. /�- ts 7C, <br /> • . _ <br /> ,; <br /> �.<�.ny,�;� �1;�,���,�t.�i!,tii,:�. <br /> .................................................................................... ............. <br /> ,; �........................... ........................ <br /> :; ` !IFiJRY 0. QALH�?,�:IEE2 �1 <br /> ; ' ................................................................................... ..�C�.:�,:�;�.�:�:,�;1..:;:.)�,!.R..�.�.Y.:�.Illx.y,�.\.4.1t.... <br /> � h,4'PHLI:EM SUE �!?r1iN�IER <br /> STATL Ob` ...l.�L:.�:G..�.��r:.f�..^..�.�-.............. . Couutp ol' ....:�`�r::�./...,...................................... <br /> f' ' I3efore we,n notnr�� public qualified for suid cuimt��, perxowilly cumc <br /> ; ' H1:?JRY 0. Oi3Efitd�;IER Aldll IiATHI,EEid SUE 09EKf:�,IER, 1?USLAN➢ A?dD IYIFE, }:ACf3 I."1 1iIS �1i�iD HLR <br /> OYf3 1tIGIiT AND A5 SPOUS� OF EAC?i OffiFR� <br /> Itno�vu to me to bc the idctiticul pertion ar pervo»s�vLu signed th� foregoin{; instrumenf �md �ickno�cledHed - � �,,.; <br /> _ thc execut.ion thercof to Ue Lis,l�cr or tliei��{�}�t��ry� ;ict nnci dcud. ` N � <br /> 1 <br />• ,:� p 5T: <br /> I � ...... <br /> \Vitness wy hnnd iuid notas�'0.1c�c4J.bft i F�:'. �`"�.'......�G:............................ 19.�.�'. J � <br /> . � ✓ . � ��{ �., - <br /> � �. .� �- ---_ t� <br /> • ' ��� �1...� <br /> � ' ,G.��(,Sr.:....... .cc:S�:w::.. 1oGirt• Yuhlic <br />. • - � � ; t pFA.•V' . � <br /> � '� ! <br /> � ..IO;J � ' • . <br />� t '4i1� �ynpmie�lon ezpires. Slr....f.:{:E.`,........�........... .. 1J..�..�...... <br /> . , �t <br />;, 1•'nrm d:� '1'0 lic approvrd b}• \�bi i4(iA'ti`hil.�.Nnr:�a�oi�Si��iou t u��d��u a,.,u��t��.x.i��... <br />�,: �. <br />�1 � � � <br />:.� _ � <br />