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�` , �; <br />,:;,, <br />-��;:: I ...,;���;�. <br />� �.t.�, � � <br />��: <br /> 3`. <br /> f V't:�������.f � . � <br /> n�oirrcncr: <br /> -- — - ----_---�— ------------- <br /> aioitrcncr:t.o.�N�o. l 12,432 i----- <br /> r KNO\1'ALL\1lirlfYl'lll?S(ii'ItLSi?N1'S:'Cl�at Gregory C. Rupp and Leslee M. Rupp r_ach in his and her o�vn <br /> 1 <br /> Pl9ht Sp0U58 of each Oth@I' p������,�Qi�r,�vhelheruneornwre,inconslJerotfonuftDeeuntof � � � � <br />' : ` Forty-five Thousand and No/100---------------------------------------..__---------- <br /> - —�-- -- ---- --- ---IX)1.LAR5 <br /> IuaneJ lu said murigagor by Thc I?yuitab�e 13uiWu�g and Luan Ass<uiatiun of(�rand I}land.Neb�aska,piurlgagee,upon Q 5Q tihures ol'stock uf � � � � � <br /> said ASS(H'IA110N.Ccrtiticate Nu.L 22,432 .d„hricby grant.��omev And murtKege unro thc said ASSOCIA1'ION Ihe 1'ulluwing <br /> ilesc�ibcd real esta�c,srtuated in II1II COI1f1I\'�Nrbr,�ska: . � <br /> LOT STX (6j IN KENTISH NILLS SUaDIVI5I0N LOCATED IN THE 50UTN <br /> HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF TIIE SOUTHIVEST QUARTER OF SECTION <br /> TWENTY-PIVE (25), TOWNSNIP ELEVEN (11) NORTH, RANG[ TEN(10) WEST <br /> � � OF THE SIXTN (Gth) P,M., IN HIILL COUNTY, N[�RASKA. <br /> i <br /> fi <br /> L <br /> t- <br /> :/. <br /> � � logethe� �viih all the tenemeNs.hercJilanunls:ind:I���1tIi1C118171PS llll'ICIIIIIU hcloueing,mdudinA aUathed fluo�o��rdngs,nll���induw scrcens. . . . <br /> ,� . �vinJu�r sl�adrs,blinds,slurm��mdm�c,a��mnks,hralinR,:�ir cunditiunin�±.and�Iund+m�!and watc�cyui�mient and arcestories Ihe�elo�pmnps,sfo�es, <br /> icliigeratora,and uther Ii�Uues and eywpment nu���u�hcrealter auache�l lu ur used in cannection�ci�l�saiJ real estate. � <br /> : And w6crras�hc said mor�µa�n�has agrccd anJ ducs hcieb��aKrce tha� thc mui�gakui sliall and��ill pay all taxes,mJ nssessmen�s Iccicd ut. � � . <br /> Y assesseJ upon said prriuises and upun dii,m�n�gage and the Uu�iJ secwed ihereb� bef'ore the same ahall Lecoinr delinyeenl:lo Cmnish appru�rd � . . � <br /> - insurance upon 16e builJings un saiJ p�cmi�es situ;itcd m thc sum o(3 Q5��QQ.QQ parahlc lu said ASS(A'IA'TION and lu Jellrer tu saiJ . <br /> ASSD('IATION�he pulicies lor s;iid insurance:and nat tu conuvit ar permit anp a•as�e un u�alwul said prrmises; � . � <br /> In oise�d Jcl'ault in�he performance uf auy ul Ihe Ienns and cuuJuinns uf thi5 mui�Fage ur�lie bund secured heiebp,tl�e morlgagee sI�a1L . � - <br /> r on dcmand.Bc ceull�•d to immcdiatc pusscssiun uf the mor��;agcd prcnuu�s �md �hc mougagon c��ebq assi@ns. trans(crs und scts urer �o �hc � �� <br /> muitgagec all dic rems,rerenucs anJ incume to Le dc�i�tid Irum thc mur�µa�ed piemi+cs during eu.h time as ihe murl�age indebledness shall remain . . . . <br /> ,S uupaid;and the mnrt fagee shall hace�he paa�er io appom�enp agcnt or a�;cros it ma�•Jesire tin�he pw-puse ot'tepairing said pietnises and renling . � . . <br /> s' the same and cnllceting thc rnus,irecnucs;md incume,and it may pay uut oi.aid inrume ;�II espcnses ul repainng said p�emises and necessaev <br /> rummissiuns anJ cxpcn�s incurzcd 111 Il`Illlil�!JII�ill8118�!III�UIC S:IOIC 8111I uf cnllectmg rcntals thc�clium: thc 6alancc retnxininµ,il'any,tu bc <br /> applied 1„�eaid tl�e disch;uge u(said mongage inJeb�edness:�hexe riEhls n�Ihe mur�{�a{!ee ma��be esrrciseJ at an)'tinte Jming Ihe ecislente u(such � <br /> Jcl�auli,iuespecii�r ul:wp tempuraic�rairer nf d�c xame. . <br /> � l�hcu�ee��cr,are upun thc Cunditiuii.I�h,�l�I Ilic oaid 11urtRapor<hall icp.i}viid luan on oi bclurc UIC 111810f111'U�5;111I SII(Ifl`S I)1' . <br /> ; �1��'illl'11�:�)�V I71�tI11IlIV It)S81tI l�SS(X�I.�I I�)N U�1�1C 1lllil}��l'l'1�1i`l�ill l�il`���III���Ct'iIICII IlCfl'Il1 IIS IIIICfCSI:II1tI��f1lltl�l�I 0tI S�III I(1.IIt�U11 U!�C�UtI' � � <br /> IIIC T\\CIIUNII ll:l1'UI C:IiII;II1lI l'PCI\'IIIIII7III.III111I SJit�IU;10 11 I11II\'�LIIII:�):1)':III l:l%CS�IIlI:61CSSiI1Cl113IC\'ICII:I�!�III51 SdIII�)fCI711SC3 9I11I011 1I115 Aturl:aKc ... <br /> .; and lhr liunJ secwed�he�eby.befnte delinyueney:hmiish appiu��ed msuran�•c iq�on�h��buildings theieun m the sum uf g 45����.�� poynble � . <br /> to saiJ ASSOCIA"IION:icp��'tu.uid Ati50CIA I IUN II�WII�ICI11811(I:III I➢OIICY(!\'11�t�1�I IOf SIICh l'JYCS.BSSC11111CI113 llI1lI 103Ufi111CC N'IIII IIIi2f0)I 8� <br /> . tlu 01:1%Iillllltl IC�'JI IOII'IIICfCUII�1UIII lIBIC UI�10p111Ci11 JII UI N'IIIIII Afoilga�;o�hcicby ayrecs w pay:�+c�mil nu���asteun said ptcutixcs;kcep nnd cumplc � <br /> . ��'U�l 8II IIIC BKICfi1lClli5 e111I a,ndiliuns ul thc 13unJ fur� Q5�QQQ.QQ tlus da� y.i�cn bS Om said 1luiikagm tu said;\titiOCIA'I�ION,auJ eumply <br /> .. wifh all�he reyui�cmcn�suf thcl'oiuG�wiun:md IS���I_a�esal'xiid ASSIX'IA�IIU\;Ihen Uic�c picscius diall bceume null anJ��oid.u�henvise thcy <br /> � diall rcmain in liil�fuicc;md may hc I„rcrluscJ:it Ihr upliou ul thc saiJ AtiSlx'IAflO'� allcr liiihuc I�,r threc ownlhs W makc any ul'said � <br /> .. payiucnlv o�be iluee munlhs in:nicau m makink.:iid mumhly�+:iyinen�s,or lu Recp;md cumpl\'\PIIII IItL•;IVICI`Ilil`IIIS 811tI flI11I11101151t(SNIII BOII�I: <br /> . and Atungagur aFices tu harc a«eci�c�appuiulcd Ii�rtliwi�h in suih liric�9usmc piucrcJiuRs. � <br /> �i�IICfC IS 8111'l'II:III�C 10 tlN'Ol'ISIII�1 UI IIIC IC:II C5181C Itll!IIK�(;l`�I IlflClll.Il1'tiBIC u�o�hcneix.Ihcn�he cnlvc�cmainin�;inJcbtcdness hcreby <br /> . uc�ucJ shall,al the oplinn ul 71ie lfyuilable Duilding uiul Loan AssoeiaUon ul Ciand Islaml.NdnasAa.becuuu immedlalely due and puyuble wilhoul <br /> . fml6cr nu�ice,aud the amuun� icnmining due under said Lond.und any other bunJ(ur�mq additiunal adr�uces ntade Ihercunder.shall.liutn Ihe <br /> . Jalc uf�cxrrcisc ul said uplion,I/l•8i IIIICJI•S�:II IIIC IIIA%IIIIUIII IC�,B�f8�1'.�Ill�IIIIS I11Uil�?N(:C IIIJy II1CI1 I1L`Iittl•CIUSCII IU S�IISiY IIIC eI11U111111IIIC UII SOt1I <br /> �. �)UI1�.8111�811\'Ul�lfl F11)Ii��lti 8�1�111U11:1�J�YJIiI'l'ti.IU�;CI�II`I\\'ll�l e��Sllillt�)811��11'TBi����IC�:t�11118��C�Ill�l�lll�:011l��.Uill(�tiXUI'1811VI1 U��rl3ill��S�fllll�, <br /> �`iC�)fJS�J IOf 111111t:itllf.IY�C)OIIII�SSCt�ilil`IiIS.811lIeIt5�f8C1111KC\1CI151i)Ill'IIIIf�:C3.1VIII1 III�CIC51 I�ICfCUII. �It11i1 1�:IlC U� �);1)'111C111 :II��IC 1118XIIIII1ii1 <br /> : �l't:�l�I.III'. <br /> � As piuvided in Ihc fSund scemeJ hc�cby.�ahile Wiv nwutiuge icmains in cfli•cl Ih�•mu�tgagec mav hc�raller JII\BpCC OI�IIIIlpI18I SIIIIIS(U Wc <br /> m:ikers ul'said Bund,Ihei�as�itpis or�uiy in inte�rsi.�vhich sunis shnll be�vi0iin tlie secwiiy uf ihis muilg,ige the same a.�he IunJF o�iKinally <br /> SCCllll'lI IIICICL�)•,IIIC�t1i�ll 81IUNi11 UI��IIIICI�/JI IICI�I 11111 IU CSCCI'lI el:1111'IIIIIC Illl'.OIIEiI11lI.1I11U11171 VI IIIIS OII�1�K7};f. <br /> : t�ai u��s 7,th`� d:�y„r November n n..i�,76 <br /> '� t ��C%'r�_��;���"_,�.5._ � %7 <br /> `.� -�-regnr`y d Rup'p �`',-�;— ------ <br /> x�1�17�r� j:1� f+-��.��,,. <br /> Leslee M. Rupp ' <br /> 5'fAll:OF NI3BRASKA, <br /> �t. Onlhis 1]th da��of November ��76 .bcfu�rmc. -,� <br /> CbUN1'Y OP IIALL} <br /> ' .. ihc undcreiy.ucd,:l NOWf)'Pu61ic in:md fur said I:nunty,pervnuallyeamc � N � � <br /> Gregory C. Rupp and Leslee M. Rupp his and her own right and as spouse of e�ch � <br /> oCher "n�� eisunall� nu�vn lu <br />€.' ( ; a re '' � , ,�, <br /> me tu br thc idcnllcal persun5 wliusc nume5-��.•dPQ -�—a11Lte�i�u�i1,��i,�,�-o���su��„rn�Ts,,,o�i�:�ko,s ,���a they sercrully tti <br />�'�' acknuwlcdgeJ Ilie said insuumenl lo be the i r :',,n����:��,,������d u�d, � <br />�'.' �� <br /> 11'I1Ivh5S nty hurid anJ�utanal Je�il.die di�c aforesaid.: . �,. <br />���.� � pi��(:ummissWn cxpirc� F � � , ,r, ' <br /> . ,.� - <br /> A f ' / � <br /> �� ' ' -� i .,i � i.• f'• '',�:, �� <br />�' ..._._ �� �i<.l w_._ . <br /> - --- <br /> � ' `�r1,uy I'nlrlic <br /> ,� � <br /> r,.ls�f IU . � � . <br /> � <br /> �k <br /> f <br />. ¢ <br /> i <br />