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�; �^ <br /> , <br />''- 4 ''`Fa' � <br />�:_<; <br />��, , � � <br /> i,,� <br />�:�> : s � _ (1 �) �i f� J <br />��� <br />; ��+ TO TiAVE AND TO HO1.D the sAnte wito tite illortgngee, as herein pro��ided. Mortgzgor i•epresencs to, <br /> aud coeennnts t��ith, the Nturtgngee, tl�at the AiorLgngor has qoo�i right to sell and con��ey Said prrmises ; <br /> thnt tlie�� nre free from e�icumbrance, except as hei•einothern•ise racited ; that ihe ,lioi•igagor ���ill «�arrant <br /> und defend tlie same against the lz���ftil claims of ail personR ��•homsoe�'ei•. D4origagor l�ereby relinquislics <br /> � nll rights of homeste:�d, �ll mui•itnl rights, eithel• in la��� or in equity, aud all otliei• contingent interests of <br /> tlie 34ortgugor in and to the nbo��e-desetibed piemises. <br /> YNOVIDED AL}��pys, 1111(� tllffiC pl'85017t6 1Ye C\�CUtC(� and delivered upon the follo�ving conditions, to <br /> R1tt <br /> Aioi�tqngor aqrees to pny tu tlie 11ort��agee, or ordei•, tlie nforesaid principal snm �ti itli intei•est from d�Ee <br /> nt tite rate of =;ight and Ch1e i3�1; pgr centum (ii . ;0`,"c ) per annum on the unpaid Uniance untit paid. <br /> 7'Ite snid t�rincipal and interest shall be pa�•able tzt the oijice of '' "-'=' r, F��uei 11 :a��in� :; and �:c�a:i <br /> � !1,^.Sc �' 18t �'� 01 1.11C0 11 <br /> �. ;n ;�'el,ras�a , or at such other place as tlie fio�c�ei o�' �(ie ni�te mny ��ewi�;nate in <br /> r <br /> writing deli��ered or mailed to the \1o1•tgagor, in monii�l�� instnllments of vne iiiuicired � ii ty ' .� � en an�i 02/l0U <br /> Dullars (S i J i • 02_ ) , cummencing on the first dny ot J:�nuar�,' , 19 ''7 , and continuing� on <br /> the first da}• of ench muntl� thereafter witil enid nnte is fiill�� i�aid, except thnt, if not sooner auud , thc tinai <br /> paytnent of priiicipnl and intei•est sliall Ue due �ind pa�•:+bie uii tlie lii•st d�}• of 7 � r �t: .,,' 20p1 ; all <br /> ? accurding to the terms uf a certziu prmnissory note of e��en date liere�siih exeuited b�• the eaid Bfort�a�;or. <br /> , The biortgngor further aqrees : <br /> ] . ]�e �ti�ill pa�� the indebtedness, ais hereiuberore pro��ided. PrivileRe is r�sercf�d to p�•epnv at nm• <br /> � time, �vititout premitun oi• fce, tlie eiitire indeUt�.dness ur au�� pnrt fitereof iiet l��ss th��n the �+mount of o�ie <br /> instnllment , or one hw�dmd dollars (5100 .00) , «�hichever is less . Yrepayment iu full shall be credited un <br /> the dnte recei��ed. Partial prepayment , other than on n�i iustnllment due dute , ueeci not �e cmdited witil <br /> the next fullu�v�ng instaliment due date or thir'tg dn�•s attec sucli prepuyment, a�hichever is earlier. <br /> �; ; 2, Tugether ���ith, aiid in ldditiott to, Uie tnontitl,v P�3'�n�Ilts ef pi•incipa► and iitterest pay':IUIC 1111�C1' <br /> � the terma of the note secuiv�d hereby, �tortgagor ��'ill pay t�o lia•Lg:��ee, as truster, ( under the tA�rms uf this � <br /> :' truat ns hereinafter statecl) on the first dny of eudi montli untii s,tid note is fuli�• pnid : <br /> � � � � � <br /> (¢) A stun e�unl io the growid rents, if anc, uext due, plus the �n�emiums that t��ill next become due <br /> nnd pa�•aUle on p��licies ot fii•e au�1 oihe�• hazard insurnnce co�•et�ing t}te niui•t�lged piropeetp, <br /> plus taxes .�ud assessments �test dtie o�i tlie murt�,raq�ad pi•uperty ( .ill as estimnted l}�� tlie \Tart- <br /> qagee, and uf �� hicli ttie \Tm•tqaRoi• is nutitied ) les; all stuns nlread�� paid thereior di��ided b�� <br /> - tlte number uf motiths to elnpsu ucfore oiie nionlli pi•ior to the �ltite ���Ite�t suclt aruuud re�its, <br /> prentiums, 1f\XC8 811(j :155C55111111�S R'III IJCI'Of11P delinquent, �ucli sums to be held b�� nTurtgaqee <br /> � in trust to pa�� said groiutd i enis, premiums, tas�s aud special assessments. <br /> ` �� ( b ) Tlie nggregate of the iunuiuits pa�•:ible pursuvit t�� subParap,rnph ( a ) ;md t-hose pnpnble on ihe <br /> note secui•ed hf:i•eb}•, ah;ill bc p<ti�i in n �in �le payment e.tcli muirth, to be applied to the follo���- <br /> � ing items in the order stn 'ted : <br /> ( t ) ground iriits, tases, nssce�meiiis. ure and other h �zlPij 1179U1'(1IICL' �11'!?lll1111119 � <br /> � ( tt ) iiitereat oii tlie uote serin•ed heirb�� ; and � <br /> `t ( nl ) nmortizntion uf the priucip,il ut said noie. <br /> <�n�� deficiemc�� in tlle ,uuount nf nu>� �uch nyrgreqate montiil�� p,icment 41ia11. uuless m.ide gvud I <br /> b}• the Alortgaqor prior Ln the due dnte ot the nest sucli l�acmm�t , c��nstilute ;ui ecent of ciefziult <br /> ;: � under this mnrtga�e. �t �[ urtga�!�ee's option, �IurtQaR'nr ��'il1 pn�• ;i ' 9nl�c chnrge" nut exceed- <br /> ina iour pei• cciiluiii ( I '''� ) uf �ui�- in�inll n�ent �ciieit paid more tlinii fifteeii ( li, l da��s at'ter tlie <br /> due dnte thereof ln cucer tlie extra exp<�n �c inc��lce�i in h�mdlin �r drlinqucnt pn��ments, but such <br /> " Inte chnrge" shall nut be ��a�•aUle out uf' thr procecds of �n�� snle made to satisf�� the indebted- <br /> ness secured hereb��, unless such pruc��ed� are sntlicient Lu disclun•ge Uie entire indebtedness aud <br /> all proper costa nud expenses secured tliereby. <br /> `" 3. lf the total of the pn��ments mnde b�� the 11ortRnRvr w�der ( a ) of pa�:�grnph l3 ��recedinK shall <br /> e excezd the nmount of payments nctually mnde by� the AturtRnqee, !13 Ll'UStfO, iin• uruund rrnts. taxes nnd <br /> ;issesstueitts oi• insuranee premimns, ns tlte ense may be, sucli rscess qhall be credited U�• the Aiortq:�g�� <br /> � nn su�seque�it payments to be ruade b�• the ,lfurtqnuor for sucli items or, at Bturtgngee's nption, ns li•ustec. <br /> r eliall be refuuded to ,\Iurtungur, lf, hon•e�•ei•, sncit mont.lily ��:i)•�ueiits sh;ill not be Quliiciciit i�� pn}• guclt <br /> items �vhen tlie snme sl�nll Uecane due and �iaynble, tlien Che Aturtqagor shnil tr�}' to the lfortKataer, as <br /> <; : frustee, ar�v nmotu�t neces9nr�• tu malce up the d��ticir_nc�� ���ithin thirt�• 1301 �la>•s nfler �criltrn uutice frnm <br /> ' � tlie liot�ttrus�ee s4ntinR the nmount of the de(ieicncy, �chirli nutice msi�• he t[icen bc mail. lf at anr time <br /> �' ' Che ilfarl;�ngor sl�all tender tu the \Inrt�a�ee. in nccorrlauce �cith the pro��isions of th�� nole er�+ured <br /> ' itereU��, full pnyment of the entire indebtedncss reP�•�'s�>»ted iherrb��, ihe �torl�.YaKee, ns trustee, �linll. <br /> ]Il COII7�7l1tlIlEL t�1C EUIlOUIIt OC 9IICI1 Ill(IfUtfflllf99, cirdit tn the account uf the �tui•tqagvi• 1n}• cre�lit b7llill)l'C <br /> - necumtilnted under tlte pro��isions of ( nl uf pnrn�'apli 'L liereof. ! f lliere a{iall be a def;iult uuder anc <br /> `. ui the prorisious of this moi�taaqe resulting in a pnblic aale uf the preiuises cocered herr.b}-. or if the <br /> "- Afortgaqee ncquirea thc ptroperty oHtern•ise ntter def;uilt, the 1lorlgn�ee, as trustee, shall al�l�l��, at thc <br /> lime of tlte eotuntencemeuC ot such proceedings, or at Uie time the propert}• is othec«�iae ncquired, the <br /> nmount tften remainivg to credit ihe biortgagor widei• ( n ) of pnr:iKi•aph 2 precedinQ, as n credit ou ihc <br /> interest ncerued nud unpaid und lhe bnlauce to i:lie principal the:i retnaiuii� impaid mi enid note. ; <br /> ; <br /> �I. The lien of tliis iitstruruelit sliull remaiu iii fuli fui•ce aud elTect durina 1m- poatpo�tement or esteii- " <br /> I sion of the time of pa>•meut of the iudeUtedness or nn� pnrh theiruf secured l�ereb}•. R''� ' <br /> a : L� i,. IIe �viil Z�ay all Krutuid renta, tnxes, 1sse�smeute� `��ater rates, nud olher fiu�•rrnmentnl nr numici- � . <br />�� p t t l c L n r g e s, 1 1 n e s, o r i n t p o s i iious, IPVI�'II U �)011 5�1(� �ll'BI1719L'3 IIIIC� tI1ffI: Il!? �ell� j1AC 7tII IIIYC9 IrC1�E�I VpUlt tlll8 � .. <br />� . � • <br />��¢ tuortgnqe, or the del�t secured Uiereb��, togeLher ���iUt nm� other lnxes or asseqsuteuts ��'hich ma�� bc lecied c�� <br />!��w ` tmder the ln��•s of NeUraslcn ngniust the 1lortgfigee, or the leKnl hulder ol' �nid Ul•incipal nu+e, on Rccount uf R� <br /> 4`= thie iudeUtedness, except ��•hen pnyuient fur all such items Itns ihrretufore I�ecn �unde undcr 1a ) nf p;u•a- <br /> e .: ., <br /> 4-;,L;� grnpli 'L l�ereof, and lie �cilt prutnpkly delicer ihe etlicin] receipts Uierefot• to th �� �loita�tree. In �leCaiult <br /> thereof the DfortkaKee mn�• ��n�' itie eaine. <br /> _ ��-- I— �J <br /> y <br /> � <br /> � <br /> . <br />