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� ( � "�ti� � <br />:�. . <br />�: � ---� <br />:�� <br />�{ STe1TL�' OF NEBEtABSA, County o4 ....................................................: <br />�: : <br /> I'iled foz racorci ou ................................. 13...,, o'eluek ..........,...,......... hL <br /> nnd reeorded in tlio llcod Rccord I'+� u ��'�T�'�•iF.N1' al�rnr.NFs <br /> ................................ g ..,,....,...,....,.....,..,.. <br /> . .................... Ii�� ,....... ............. ,......,....... .,NE��g�..DOCUM�'NTARY <br /> ........ � M ...........�................�......�................ .,... ... .. <br /> Rogistor of lleede Depu4ti� B��Eisler of llce N STAMP TAX <br /> rCORRG�CTIVE <br /> ` 7 6- 0 q 6 r��4 S U R V I V O R S F i L P V V A F:R l�N T Y D E I� N O V 2 4 i 9 7� <br /> �[iY_.,.��� <br /> F.thel Mae Creemrood, singlh, ,horein callad tho grn��tur whetlinr ou�or mnm, <br /> ; in considarntion of Gift-Seven Thoueand and no/lOC�---------11�11are <br /> receivod from grnntoas, doos gxsnt, Uxrgnin, eoll conva}• nnd ennfirm unto <br /> � <br /> Delores Allan nnd (:eorge Allan, w�.fe and husband <br /> a aa joint tenunte �vith right of snrvivoiship, nud not ne tennute iu commou, thc follo�rinq desorib�d reai <br /> � ;' property in ........................Iiall.........,................... County,A'ebrnekn: <br /> y Lot �:ven (7), lilock Thirtv-f.ive (35), Orip,innl Town, now <br /> City of Grand Island, 11a11 Countv, Nebrnaka <br /> subiect to restrictione, reservations and enaemanCs of record <br /> r This deed corrects a deed filed Mnrch 1, 1976, recorded ns llocument No. 76-001057 <br /> in Che Office of Register of Deeds, Finll Countv, Nebraska <br /> To hnce nnd to Lold tl�o nUovo denarihed premisea togather �cith ull teue�ueuts, I�areditamenta _ <br /> und nppurtenancoa tharoto belonging unto tho qrnnteca nud to thcir nseiRn�, or tu tho heire nud nssiF!us <br /> + o£tho eur�i�•or of tl�em tora�ror. <br /> And grnntor does hetoby covennnt �cith tUo grnntcas nnd �vit� thair navi��a nnd «�itl� tho lxnirts <br /> ' uud aawigna o4 tUo survi��or of them thnt grantor is lu�vfully ncised of snid prumieey;tl�at thcy niro frcc frmn <br /> i�� � encumbrnnca � � � � � <br /> � <br /> �< <br /> i <br /> tLnt grantor hae good rigLt nnd In��•ful nuthority to con�•cy the yiuuc; nnd thut grtuitor ��•nrrnnts nnci irill <br /> �: defend tho titlo to Bnid prmnises ngninat tho lutisful clnimn of nll pereone �+•liemyoe�•er. <br /> It i� thc isstontion of nli partiea heroto that iu tho evont of tho dcath of cither ot tne grantee�, <br /> ihe entir� fco titlu to this reut propert�� phall ti•est in the nur��i��ing gruntee. <br /> Dsted Novemher 11, 1�3 7�� <br /> i `� ' � <br /> ..............................�....................................�,.�............. .C:.�'.Y.`..�:.f...��i'�3.:ti:�f.,...�-z�.<<'..:c1,�L,!c;`c7;t <br /> y <br /> " ` BTATL OF .......,N�hxmal�a.................................. County oe .,.....J�al.�.....,............,........................: <br /> �. IIcfore mo,a notnry puLlio qnnlifiod for enid count�•, peraunully emno <br /> � <br /> tithel Mae CreenWood, n sinp.le person nnd mother of <br /> grnntee Delores Allan <br /> x <br /> known to mc to bo tho identical person or poreuna�aho eignad thc foroguin�; iuntrumenk nua neknowlcd�+ed _r� , <br /> thc oxocution thareq n,hor or their voluntnry nct und dcc3. - <br /> 'f � ric n��ouiw,�it❑ N " <br /> LWith�e�i�S��ah�UYnnd tnrial ecal on N,CXRA1 A,F................................. . lU.....7..Ci...... <br /> � t i(n ..�'7 ��.. �t <br /> ' �-i��r; ,,. '. ,,.f:.. �......c.rn: ..... Nolury T'uLlic C. <br />� _. � ,,�� • ..,... <br />; f , n ,� ;� <br />, , .� : � ;_ y� � <br />� --.... . I�ty commidsiou azpirce.............��a...........�.:'............. 19...�t.......... <br />� Forni 4.° To Ue npproecd 6y \ehrnxlcn Btnte 13ar.>wsocintiou Felk�n A Wulf Q�•.IJnculn�ao��• <br />�:: <br />- �� � J <br />:`� <br />_i <br />