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'�� � ( �'y` t <br />�_ �":,,�_, � • ,...:,.�. � <br />� °` <br /> . MOATGAGE�ving� and Loan Form---(DIceN Credlt�Piaa) 255�1 (SpeciaU � � � . � � <br /> �`�� MORTGAGE : <br /> 7b- �l(?6'7 8'7 ��No <br /> � � rtns iwnerr'tvxs.maae �W. 23rd aay of Novernber ts��6y�d be�we.a l <br /> ROGER G. PAPE, a single person <br /> , <br /> 3: <br /> � oi �H��� � County,Nebraaka,m mortqagor—,and Home Fodeml Saviu9s and Loaa AsaoelaUon ol Giand Idaad - � � . . � <br /> a corpotalfon oeqani:ud and ezlatiag unde: the lawe ol NeLimka with lle priudpal olfice aad placa ol bwineu at Gmnd Idrmd,Ne6raska, .- � - � � � � � <br /> �. m mortgagoe; - � � . . . . . <br /> � WI7NESSETH:�That eaid mortgugor_. !or�aad In coaeidoratlon ol Ihe eum ol , � . . . <br /> R' TH I RTY-TWO THOUSAND ANU NO/I 00 ---------------------`-------- noua�e (S��LJ OOO.00 �, <br /> � Ihe roceipl ot which Ie.horeby acknowladged,do 85�by theee pre�onta morlgoge and wmrant unto �a1d mo�tgaqce, ile �uccoaaon and . � . <br /> ��' � aeslqna,lorever,all the lotlowing donrribed :eat eetato, eituated Sn !ho county ol___ F�3�( � � . <br /> x, . . . and Stale ol•wit:-� � � " . .. � . � <br /> ti LOT THIRTY-FOUR (34) IN BLOCK "D", IN PARKVI[W SUE3DIVISION, LOCATED IN 7NE <br /> NORTNEAST QUARTER (NEi) OF SECTION TWENTY-NIN6 (24) AND THE NORTHWEST QUN�T[R (P�Wu) <br /> OF SECTION TWENTY-EIGHT (28l BOTN IN 'fOWNSHIP GLEV[N (II) fdORTH, RANG[ NINF (9) <br /> { WEST OF THE 6TH, IN HALL COUNTY, NE[3RASKA <br /> �� <br /> z' � <br /> � <br /> 1 _ � <br /> s <br /> , � <br /> ' � S <br /> r {{{ <br /> _ ;3 Toqothar wl�h.all hont[ag. 1[ghtiag. ond plum6iag oquSpmnut nad iixW�ne.includlnq etoken and bucnen.ecteone.awNnqe.alormwiadowi � . . .. .. �. <br /> " and doom,and window nhodea or blindn.ueod on or in connection wilh eald propotly,whalher ihe�amo ara now located on taid proper�y $ � <br /> g� �. !i or herealter placed lhereon. � <br /> i <br /> $ TO fIAVE AND TO ItOLD 71iE SAbSE,together with all and ainqulat Iho lenamanla,dmedttaaenls and appu�tonances thoraunlo belong• <br /> tinq.or in anywiac appe�ta(ninq,lorever,and warrant Iho litle to iha eame. Said moctqagor_horehy covenan[.�_with said motlqagoo . <br /> � tS?� �hat__�e——�5 .at the dollvery hereoi,the]awlul owner_ol�ho p�emieoe a6ovo conveyod and doecribed,and_ I S � � � <br /> j� � '� scizod ol a good and indcleaaiblo cetato o�tnhedtancc Iherein,ftco and deav ol all encumbr¢nce�,and that_—ho_will warrant and � � - <br /> � $t dclend Iha lille Ihereto focever againel Iho clalme and dcmande ol all Potsone whomeoevor. � � � <br /> ? fs YAOVIUED ALWAYS, and ihts inelrumenl le executed and delivemd�o eocuro the puymont ot tho num of � <br /> � � _ TH I RTY-TWO THOUSAND AND NO/I 00 -------------------------------nollan �Z 3?.000.00 � <br /> =� wilh in�ereel Ihe�non,loqelher wilh euch charqea and advancas an may be dua and payablo lo naid morlqogeo undor �he lorms and £ <br /> ' mnditiona of ihe promlaeory oote ol evon dato herowith ond aecured heroby,execulod by�ald mortqagor—lo sald modqaqoe.payable � <br /> " q� ao o:prceeod in eoid noto,and to eccurc Iho pedormanc¢ol all tho torma and comlitiom containud thototn. Thu locme ol eaid noto nro � <br /> �` � f hereby inrorpo�alvd he�ein by this referenco, <br /> �. 3 <br /> II b�ha Imen�ion nnd agmement af �he pariiee hereto ihat thie moriqage nhali aleo eocvro ony lutwo advancae mado lo �atd <br /> � mor�gagor_by eald moxlqageo, and any and all indobtednees In addltton to tho amount abova etatod whlch naid mortgaqoce, or any <br /> i � ot Ihem, mny own to eaid mor�gagoe, howevor avidencod whathor by notc,book account or mherwisc. Thle mortgagc ahall romaln In lull <br /> lorce and elleet betwoan the pa�liee hornto aad thefr hetra, peraonal �aprceontalivoe, nucceeeora and ansigna, until all amaunts xcured <br /> - hoccundcr,tncluding laturo advancen,a�e paid in lull wl�h intore�t. <br /> `, �� f Tho mortgaqor_ho�uby aeNgn 5 to wid moctgaqeo all rente and Income arielnq at any and all timae Irom �ald property�and yS <br /> �. # hereby authod:o �aid mo�lqagoo or iis agent,at Ile optlon, upon defa�lt,lo lako chvtga ol eald propeNy and collect all renU and Income ji <br /> t thete��om and apply the eamo lo Ihn paymenl of Inloted,pdneipal.ln�uranto promium�, la:e�,ame�emanb, tepafn or Improvementn nucot• <br /> �� � aa�y to keep eaid p[operly tn lenantabla rnndltion,m lo other chargan or paymenb pmrided fot hoteln or in Ihe noto hareby eecvrod. Thb � <br /> �' �enl aaeignmenl ahall wndnuo In lorte unlil lhe unpald balance o!eaid nole ie lully pafd. Yho taklnq ol posseetlon hcreunde�ehall 1n ao <br /> mannor pravont or rolard�atd mortgagee in tho coiloctlon of eaid��m�by loreclwu�o or oihe+wieo. <br /> �. � Tho lailure ol �he moctgagee ro a�ecrt any of its tfghle hneunder at any tlme ahall nat be cowWed ae a�+nivar of it�right to aesmt <br /> ' j� the same at any laler time,md lo Imbl upon�and onforce slrict compllance wilh ali Iho tarme and pcovbiana ol eald note and ot lhL j <br /> y , $ mortgago. � <br /> S <br /> . $S� 11 eald mortgaqor_ehall causa lo bo paid to �aid mortqaqeo the ontlro amount duo il heroundea nad undar tho mrau and proviaiona <br /> � ; ol eald nole hvreby�aciued Includlnq lutura advancee,and anp exlensloa�oc mnewala Ihereol In accordanco wi�h ihe term��d pravldoni <br /> �� 3S �hereoL aad 11�ald mortqagor_�hall comp�y wllh all the p�ovi�lon�ol�ald aole md ol thfs mortqage.Ihan the�e pte�anit�hall be�old; <br />. � �, o�heowiaa lo remain�ln tull(orce and safd mo+tgaqee ihull bo enW4d to ths poueulon ol all ol safd property,and may,at fu �� <br /> option,dodare�he wbolo ol w1d aote md all Indebtedneu repre�ented�hereby to be Immedlately due and payable,and may loraclow tlil� <br /> � mor�gago�or lake any other loqal actlon to protect It� dqhL and lrom�he dale o!�ueh delault all I�cm�ol lndebledneu�ecurod heroby � � <br /> �� �hail draw Intere�t at��f pqr annum. Apprabom�nt wabsd. , pj...,;.,�_', <br /> �� I b . � :.:. . <br /> L � Thb mortgage�hall be btodlnq upoa aad�Latl�nun to 1he b�nefi!o!the hdn,executon,adminLtrator�.�ucco�wn and mdqns d <br />�. Iho ro�poelive pnrUs�hereto. <br />��,g _ = IN Wf7NES9 Wl�AEOP..w1d Modqaqor ti�S h�nunlo aN- fl I S eaad_!he day and ycar Ilnt above ti <br /> 4 <br />� t wrlllen. (�i. . <br /> lL7 <br />'�,""+ � _ " )`L�-'n c � �_'�j."1:. __ <br />� <br />�. Roger ' . Pape, a singl� person <br /> f <br />; � � � <br />