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,: . <br />�;, ( V��x� i <br />:s �.,,... ._ <br /> z�� � <br />�� <br />� <br />� ; 7f�- ��6'786 <br /> ntoaTcncs <br /> MOIiTGAGI's LOAN N0. L ZP�42� <br /> r KNOW ALL A1GN RY THGSG PRCSGNTS:7'hat Davi d J. Wetheri 1 t and Susan �. Wetheri 1 t each 1� <br /> : 1; <br /> his and her own right and as spouse of each other <br /> � '' Aturtgagur,whether one ur more,in con:idcratiun of the sum o( <br /> ` Twenty-one Thousand Six Hundred and No/100-----------------------------------------pol.�A�s <br /> lo�ned tu said mongagor 6y Thc liyuitablc Building anJ Loan Assuciation oC Grand lsland,Ncbraska,Aturtgagee,upon 216 shares uf stock of <br /> � said ASSOCIA7'ION,Certilicate No.L Z2 42] ,dn hereby grant,convey �nd mortgage unto lhe said ASSOClATION the(oltowing �� � � . <br /> describrJ real cstatc,situated in Ilall County,�Jebraska: <br /> 4.�����i � � . . . � <br /> LOT ONE (1), IN aLOCK EIGHT (8), OF <br /> ; KOEHLER PLACE, IN THE CITY OF GRAND <br /> �' ' ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />, � '; <br /> � ;, <br /> �:; ; <br /> togetlier with all the tenements,hereditaments and a�punenances thereunto belonging,incluSing auaclied tluur corerings,all w•induw screens, , . �� <br /> winduw•shades,blinds,storm�vindows,awnings,heating,air cundiiiuning,and plumbing and w:��er ayuipment and accessoria therero,pumps,stoves, � . � <br /> refrigeratois,xnS other tixtures nnd equipment now or herealter au�ched to or iued in coimec�iun with said rcal est�te. � .� . � <br /> And whereas ihe said mortg�gur has�greed and ducs heroby agrec that tiie mo�tgagur shall and will pay:�11 tuxes and asxssmentx;evied or <br /> �� anessed upon s�id premises and upon this mongagt and the bond secured thereby beiure the v�me shall becume delinyuent;to fumish app�oved � � �.� <br /> t� insurance upun ihe buildings un said prcmiscs situated in thc stun oC S PL�6��.0� payahle to said ASSOCIAI'10!� and to dtli�Rr to said , � � <br /> ' ASSOCIATIO\the pulicies for said insurance;and nnt to cummit ur permit an}•«�aste on ue about said premises, � � <br /> `t . <br /> In case uf default in�he perfurmance of any of the ieuns and conditions oC this mortgage or the bond ucured Lereby,the mortgagee shall, <br /> un demand,be entiiled w immediate pussession uf thc mortgagrd premiscs and the mortgag�x hereby ansigns, transfers and sets over tu tlie �. . <br /> y; � - rtrortgagee;�II lhe renls,revanues and incume to be derived from the mortgaged premises during such time as the murtgaga indebtednass shall rcmain � . <br /> r-�� ' unpaid;and the montiagee shali ha�•e the powrr to appoint am�agent or agents i� ma��desire for ihe purpose of rcpairing said premises and renting � - �� � � <br /> � the same and cullecting lhe renis,rerenues and income,and it rnay p�y out of said income all expenses uf repairing said premius ar.d nettssary <br /> g� cummissions and espenses incurred in renting and managing the same and of cullecting rcnt�ls therefran;the balance remaining,il any,to 6a � <br /> ' applied toward the disch�rge of said nwngage indebiedness:etie�e righis of the mongagee ma��be exerei:ed at snv time during lha existence oC sucl� <br /> '^ � def�ul�,irrespective of an�'�emporary�vaicer of the same. <br /> ���- � Thcse Presents,huwcrer,are upun thc Conditiun,"Ch;�t if�he said\forteagur shail repa} �id foan on ur be(ore the m�turily u(s�id shares by � � <br /> p�yment:pay mnnthly to said ASSOCIATIO\uf the sum specitled in the 13und sacured hercoy as interest and p�incipal on said loan,on m betorc � . <br /> the TN'enticd�day uf eacti and cvery munth,until s�id luan is I'ully paid;pay all taxcs and asscssments levied acainsl said premises and un tliis�lurtg�ee . <br /> i _ <br /> �. and�he 13ond secured�here6y,befure delinquency;fumish approved insurantt upou tlu buildinEs diereon in the sum of 5 �1 (��.Qn payable . � <br /> tu s�id ASSOCIATIO\:iep�y tu said ASSOCIATIO\upon demand all muney hy it p�id lur such t�ses,aUessments and ms�Ir:+nce w�rth interest at � � � <br /> � the maxinmm lagal rate thercon from date uf pa�•mcnt all ol which�tor�gagur herchy ag�ees tu p�y;ycnnit nu waste on s:iid premises;keep and wmply . � <br /> �- with all the agrecments and conditiuns of the E3und(or S 21�6��.00lhis day given bq tht said 11ortg�gor to xtid ASSOCIATIO'�,and comply <br /> e�iih all thc requiremcnts of thc Constitution and i3y�Laws o(said ASSOCIATION;Ihen these presants shall btcome null and eoid,u�henvisc they <br /> shall rrmain in Cull furec�nd m�y be(orecloscd at Ihe oplion uf thc said ASSOCIATION aftrr failuce iur three monlhs tu make 3111'OI SJII� <br /> -� payments ur be three mnnda in arrears in making said monthly payments,or to krep and comply with the agrermrnts and conditions uf s�id Bond; <br /> . aud 9lorte�gur agrers to fiave a�ecei��er appuinted fonh���i[h in such tureclusure proceedinGs. <br /> . I(tlierc is any change in u��•ncrship ul tlte real csta�e nwctgaged herein,6y ulc or othcnvix:,then tha entire remaining indebtedness hereby . � <br /> secured shall,at the uptiun uf The fyuitable Uuilding and Luan Aswciation of Grand Island,Nebrasl:a,become immediately due and payeble withwt <br /> � further notice,�nd lhe amuunt mmaining duc under saiJ bund,and a�ry other bund for any addi[ional ad��nces made the«undor,shall,from the <br /> , dalc uf ezercise ol said option,bcar inlcrest et thc maximum Icgal ratc,and this nwngagr may ihen be foreclosed to satisfy the amuunt due on said <br /> bond,and anp o�her bond(or additional ad�ances,together�aith all sunu p�id by said Tht L•yuitable Building snd Loan Associatiun of GranS Island, <br /> � Nebraska fur insurance,tazes and assessments,and abstracting extensiun charges,with intzrest thereon,Imm date of psyment at the maximum <br /> legal ra�c. <br /> � As provided in Ihe Bond ucured hereby,while ihis munFage rem�ins in eftrct the mortgagee msy heceafter ad�ance additioual sums to the <br /> �; makers of said Bond,their assigns or succcsso�s in interest,which sums sh�ll be within the security oC this murtgage the same as lhe funds originally . <br /> wcured�hereby,�he total ar.iount uf principal debt nnt to exceed at any time the ori�inal amount of this mortgage. <br /> '� D�eCd u,ts 2L,th �a�y r Ilovember ,�.n.,t�'i 6 <br /> , ��>�. _l.: <br /> Da�d J. e herilt <br /> w'Ir.if7;n �`. /{%r'7-�rc t l �l� <br /> Susan L. 4letherilt <br /> STATE OF NC•8[tASI:A,�ss. On this 21yth ��Y o� November 19 76 ,beforc me, <br /> COUNTY OF NALL .:;,i . �_.; , <br /> �. the undersigned,a Notary•Public in and for said County,persunally came ' ' <br /> David J. Wetherilt and Susan L. Wetherilt each in his and her own right and as spouse of N � <br /> L each other ��"��� dre personallyknownto } ` <br /> K <br /> me to be the idcnlical perwn S ahose name S are a(fixed to the abav � strum t as mortgagor S and the,y severally q� _ <br />��.. �� acknowledged Uie said instrument ro be thei r �oluntary act and deed. � � . <br /> h: �. �'f,C��ERAt.N(1fA�`���r$t9115�!a�d and Notarial Scal[he date afo�esaid. . �? <br />'�`G^-_'.: Ej 'r�����t�1y"lomliiiesion xpires ��C/ �r� <br /> ,n*�'.�r�••v #'ry i.ortr�.t: ��r. / \i C%7 <br />�� � � ----� / j Notary Publ c <br /> � �.,.z„R� -`�� � �' �� 7 � � <br />_ � g �� <br />; � / — � <br />``�� <br />