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_, : : <br /> - <br />`r; ( �y; <br /> i^ y • <br />`^�''.3:� +. .....'xY��k <br /> i.�r'.1, � ,� � � <br /> t.; ��w <br />,� <br />,�.. <br /> s�3 NE,M ap� 76. n n��y�� REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE <br /> I <br /> ' hNow ni.4 n�rN uv�rursr•.��acssNis,m�� —liF,��'OTI—DII.l(�tdQIII�T---- �------__� ..-----�.._ <br /> �. and_ AllIAY R ,(Y1M(?IiTST ---- --------------- <br /> � ---'--'—�_..—._..—�___...—�--._------,hcrcin r.i11eJ AlottAagur,whrthcr onc or morc,has mottgugcJ, , � � � <br /> and hcmby nwn�a� POSTAL FII4APlCE COAIPANY <br /> ' �� --- ---------------------__.--------------- 3n � . � <br /> _ �t9RjNahraska Cbrpvmtion, . <br /> ALDA, IILDRAS3G1 <br /> liereinuftrr called AtorlgaHee,e•he�her nne nr muro,tlic fullon�ing described mal u�late and prcmites,siWatu in__.—.—'— . .. .. . . <br /> ' — }�I'I'��—__—_Cowit>',Stute ol'Nebr�ska,tu-u�il: ' . � . . <br /> �. , Part of Lot Five (5) of Aiinor Sut�division, Part of ;�l•!'.� of Section 26� Taxnsh— <br /> ip Lleven (11) AlorCh, fusnge 'Pen (10) �Jest Gth P.14. <br /> a'i�h all�lie improvcmcnts nnJ appu«cnanccs now or iterca(tcr Ineated upun Ihc prcmiscs;and\C�ffOpl fill'UIIC lU Ill'Illl'S;Illll'. Illl`Inlcntiun bcing � . � <br /> to com�cy I�crcby an a6salutc titic in�ie simplc,including all thc ri�lil�uf honicslcad�nJ dowcr. . . . <br /> �'. 1 �PO I18YC ilOtl IO IIOIII IIIL`E1RIItIVCS 9ltpYl'IICSCIlI7l'lI.\VIUI:III IIIL':1�l��Utll'ilJlll'CS Illl`[t`UI1�0 IICIUilt;lll�;�IIIIIU Illl`S811I ItlUflEO�;I'l'rtO191I1'lI 8I1V:1)'S.JII�Ull•SC � <br /> t; � <br /> �;�` presents are upon theecpresxcondi�ion Ihat i(ll�e saiJ mortF�l'ur sliall pay ur cause lo be paiJ to the said muclgagee the principal sunt ol'S?.p.�9t 7�_ - . <br /> :u�d inlerest lhetcon,accmding to the terms o(ttt ain pmmissory aote or notes of eren J�le Lercu•ith,signed by ihe mort�agor,the�inal payment � <br /> " '� November 17, 19�10 <br /> tlrercon bcing duc , . , <br /> 'flic murtg:igor fut�hcr eovunanls and agrcex lo maintain c�icndcd co�•cragc insurance acecpWbic lo,m�d naming as losx pa1'ce,the tnurlFagcc upun � � <br /> Iwuildings on xaiJ premites.'llm insurance shall bc lor an amount nul Icss Ihan the indebtednexs Jue thr mart�:aEee.Ihe nuirtgatior Nrther covenaNc � <br /> . .utd agrees tu kccp ihe premises in EuuJ repair and lu pay nll la�es and aucssments upon such prcinites before Ihc sam�bceurnc Jclinqucnt und iu - <br /> kccp�hc prcmiscs Gcc of uny lic�u or cluims a•hich might lucomc prior to lhc licn hcrcof.In thc evcnt ol'Ihc failurc ol U�c murt�gm lu do co,ihc . . <br /> murlgagee muy e((cct insuranee.ur pay sucl��ases,assessmenh ur other lienx:wd shall have a licn�ecutrd herc6>•for ihe ammm�qiereof��•ith interest . . . . <br /> - � � tl�crwn nt Ihc rulc coniractcd for nrtain promi+wry nntc nr notes uf cvcn dalc licrc���ith.h�additiun.�hc umrtF7gors grant to ihc mun�,a�cc�ri�lu. � . . <br /> �� i of entp'mrto the pnmius aha•e describeJ�o maAc aiq�tepairs nttesxila�ed by ihe mo�lgacors hrcach of the covenant lo Aeep Ihe pmmises in good � <br /> �� �rpair, �� . <br /> .; ; <br /> h�thc evcnl thc nwrigagor Jelaults in�hc pa>'mcnls of said inJebtcd��csx.causcc�castc upon thc ptemius,nr Liils�o pedomi Ihc olhcr cuvcnants . <br /> �.::�, unJ agtccinunts hcrco(,thr mort{�F����»Y fnrcciosc as pro��ided by la�v�villioul prio�noiicc o(cicction,�o Acclarc dic n�hulc dcbt immcJiatcl>' � . <br /> Juc and payablc;and it xhell bc I�lCPt1I IOf Illl'IIIOfI(;B�;CI'.US Jfl'I11S Of 3�IUfI1CS'S,10l'pIL`f IOlO e111I 0�1011 llll'.JI)UY0 tIl`SL'fII1CtI�Ifl`IIIIYCS:IIttI IU ICCCIVC . . <br /> all renu,issuex�nJ prolits thercof anJ the same«�hen collec�ed after Ihe dcduc�ion nf rcasona6le rspcuses�o be applic�cl upon tl�c indeb�edness � <br /> sccurcd hcreby,anJ ihc court�nc�rcin:m)'such suil is pcnJing ma>'appoint a rcceircr to cullrct said rents,is'sucx�nd profite lu 6c applicd on inlcrest � <br /> accming aftcr thc foreclosum salc,Ull'i:l\CS JI1li lI1C JIp011111�011lt(I Jlll'by cuch J�Yrcc;and as oftcn as any procccdin�.ma}•bc lakcn w forcrlose � <br /> � this mortgage,�he mortgagor ag�cex lo p�y to llltl IIIOf��:84C1':1�f0flll')'�ti Ices in adJilion lo other sumz due.�chich xhall he a ILriher licn secured hrtr � . . <br /> . b3'.Upon lhc duc payment u(siid indc6lednexc.and thc.p¢rYorm:mcc of olhcr covenantx and agrecmcnts hercof by die motlFa�:or.It�is murtgaFc . . . <br /> �liall bccome nu�l and��oid. <br /> �� � lhc morl�gor furthcr agrccs iha�ul�lennx and conJitions cuntaincJ hcrcin arc hinJiu�:upmi hia,hcr ur ihcir hrirs and�xsiFns(orcvcr. <br /> � � st�;�,�d udt_17tti_a;n•or__ I�ovember-------•i�_7_6 . <br /> :� ; <br /> ^ �n prc.x•ncc ur ,�,/—L`���/�7 . <br /> , , f �% e(1 � <br /> / � / �.�/� �c' � <br /> /��lL�t�teCo___`_ _— �//._Y.L.I.,[.—C f<.�i � . <br /> i ; / - • <br /> . `---�f/ /�`.�?'.�`— <br /> �, , �= .r.`=- ------ <br /> � ` <br /> '� '` Plebrasl;u }Inll <br /> sr,rri:or--- .c��unq•ur------------------• <br /> r r� <br /> t.:.,ror� rroor;�vzsT niv <br /> � Ifelbre nie.a nolap�pu6Gc�p�alilieJ fut xaiJ counly.Pe�sunallY came._.__—___'____ _—__ _—_--'_. <br /> IU�itY IIIAOI�QUIST <br /> ��.� . Anown�u me lo bc�hc idcnticai persun ur personc�eho siFncd dic farcguing ins�nimcnt and acknu�vicd�.cd thc c�rculjnlWtu����=4:s-'cr ur <br /> thcir valunlary acl and dced. <br /> �,i C'.�{.....!H';1:�Y ):�.I[i�IN[6iask:I <br /> 1Jovember 17 ` ' �`��` <br /> �ti7u�cLx ms'hand and nuiarial scal an ,�q_76 , , �,-:; I <br /> . _"_ �� jrj j� }.., .. <br /> 11Ycununi�sinncxpires:_ .1un�-�,1— .,I'I_.�Q-. ---- .. ��'� L7���arY1L61ir. <br /> q <br /> i� <br /> S�•�i i.,o�:___ Plebraska <br /> s'. Pn�errJ un mm�criral indc�aud IiIcJ for rrcurd <br /> Cuwrty F��l l � in thc Rcgistet ul'Uccds 0f4rc nf xaiJ l'uunl)'Ihc <br /> da>'o�_ .l')._. ol-- dduck:md__ minutcs_.._.\I., - � <br /> and recordcd in Bnok _nf at pagr �, N`�' . <br /> I a . <br /> ii���.�,r u,•.�i, J "r <br /> N <br /> m <br />�w, u7 <br />'�; ny_ _ n�����u. <br />�. . <br />�y: <br />�y;.; . . . ..__._.. <br />�� ��� � � <br />:.�� <br />:�� <br />: � <br /> � <br /> t <br />