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� 5. <br />:: . . � `L,�[r. <br />`� . . . � ..�.���� <br />� � � <br /> 7�" (1n`7r.1 <br /> n�oHrcncr: <br /> —G-- - _`���tORTGAGI?LOAK N0._L ZP,Q33__ <br /> I<NOWALLMIiNl1YTIiLSf:PRL'SEN7S:'Iliet John C. Allen and Uolores Id. Allen, each in his and her <br /> � own right and as spouse of each other, <br /> 9lortga�tur,whcdter one or murc,in consideratimi uf the sum oC <br /> Fifty-eight Thousand and No/100----------_----------�-----------------------_=ci>o��nris <br /> Iooned lo sald nwtlgsgur by Thc liyuitablc 13uilding and Luun Associatiun uf Grand Islaud,Neb�asku,�turtgagce,u�n .ri8� sliara uf stock of <br /> said ASSOI:lATION,Certifica�c No,L 22 433 .����,�����s�Nrant.convcy �nd tnorlgagc unW d�c said ASSOCIATION�Lc Cullowing <br /> described re�l es��tc,situated in 11;+11 Cuunty,�ebruska: <br /> LOT SIX (6) IN BLOCK TWO (2) IN NANN'S SECOND ADDITION 1'0 THE <br /> CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NE4RASKA, EXCEPTING TIiAT PART 7HEREOF <br /> CONVEYE� TO OWEN J. OWENS AND JOSEPHINE OWENS, BY WARRANTY <br /> DEED RECORDED IN QOOK $1 AT PAGE 689 OF THE DFED OF RECORDS <br /> OF HALL COUNTY, NEDRASKA, uEING THE SOUTH 8'fEET OF THE EAST[RLY <br /> 60 FEET Of SAID LOT 6. <br /> �w o <br /> LOT TWENTY-FIVE (25) IN BLOCK TWO (2) IN SOUTHERN ACRES, AN _ <br /> t:;' � ADDITION TO THE CITY OP GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEDRASKA. <br /> * i�igeihcr wiih all Ihe icnements.hcnditamenu 801I:1�1�1UftCilellil•5 IIICfCUIllo bclunging,including attached Iluur cu�rrings,all windo�r sctcens. <br /> N'IIII�UN'5�18�CS�ti�1I1�5�1l11fi11\YIIII�U\\'S��N'f1111�;1.IIP�l111F.JII'l'UIl(IIl1UI1�11�:.:lI1lI(llUlll�lll�`JIIII IY�ICf l`l�lll�)111CIIl�IIII�i'l'C�SUfICS�IICICiO�pumps.rioces� �� � . � <br /> fC(I'1�`Cf811115.�IIt�Ol�il'��I\111fC5�Ilt�Calti()If1C11�IlUlt'0!�ICfC��ICf 81171'�ll`lj l0 UI IISI'l�IIl l'l1IlI1Cl'Iltlli\\'ll�l 5911�!l':1�CSI:1(C. � � � . <br /> � AnJ�ehcreas thc said mortgagor has agrccd unJ Jucs henby a�;mc Ihat thc mu�lgagor shall and will pa��aIi�axcs�nd usussmrnts levicd or � � � . <br /> aucsud upun said picmixs and upon this uuir�g�gc and d�e Uond SCL'llfl`lI lI1CfCI)\'�C�OIC thc<����c shall bccontc dclinyucnl:tu fumish appru�rd <br /> IIISO(BIICI`U�)OI1lI1C VUIItIIIi�;SUiI S:IIlI41fl'iI1151`SSIIIIHICII l�l IIICSOI110(S 5$�00�.�� p��•;�blc �o said :\SSOCIA710\ and �o dclieor ro sxid " � � � <br /> ASS(X'lA"fION�hc�101il'ICS�Ut S]IlI II15Uf8i1CC;BIIII IIUI IU CUIIIIIDI UI�iCllllll�IIC R'JSIC lIl Of:I�tOU�)9IlI�lll'OIISI`5: <br /> in case of de(ault in ll�e pedormance o(uny ui tlie�erots anJ condiliuns o(tliis mur�gage o� �he bund ucured hercbp,lhe nwrlgagee sh�ll. .. � � <br /> on detnand.6e entiticd lo immediate pwsessiuu uf U�c mo�tga�;cd premiscs and the mortgugur here6y assigus. Iransfer5�nd sets ovcr tu thc � � � <br /> mortgagee all dic�en�s,re�•enues aud income tu be derived Gum the morigaged premises duriug such timr�s the nwrtgugr inJebtedness shall remum � � <br /> t: �. unpaid�9IIlI(IlC ItlOfl�::l�`l'C SIItlII IIUYt lI1C�)U\1'Cf IU JrnUlili 10\'J�;CI1�U(8El'i11S II I71'JV tIl'YIfC lur Ihe purpuse u(repairing saiJ p�emiscs and renting. � . �. . <br /> flll`S�IIiL•BI7lI l'UIICI'Utl�;�IIC fl'f1lS.11`YCIIIICS JIIII Iill'Ullll'.JIIII tl I77I1)'E18y UIII of uid incume ;ill espenses of rcpai�ing s:tid ptemises uud neca�ry - . . . <br /> •:`�` ; couunissions and e�penses ineurreJ 111(Glllil�;JII�I11�11:141f1�;IIIC SJlill'8111I uf collec�int: renlals therel'rum: the �alance sny,to be . . . .. .. ... <br /> applicJ w�card the Jiuha��;c ul said mort�:agc indch�edness:these nghts ul the mun�:aF:ec may l�e exerciscd�t any time during the esistence ol sudi <br /> .. dcf�ull.irretpcc�ivc ul;my tcmpurary��•aircr ul tlu samc. � <br /> The4 Preunts.ho�rever,are 11(1011 II1C CUOlI111UI1.I Il:ll II 1�11`JJItI�IOII}'.J�;Uf SII:III(l'�l�\'S81(I I08I1 UIl Uf I}CIUfI`lI1C I71910I1IV OI 591tI SIIAlCS L)' <br /> �y.� ��aymenC pay munthl��lu s:iid ASSbClATfO\ul�he sum specified in�he Buud ucurcd he�eby as inte�est and p�incipal un said loan,un ur Ue(urc . . <br /> �. I�IC T\YCI7lM�I1lI�)'ll�f.11'I19IIlI l'\'CfY I17JIIlI1.UfIlII)AIII IU71112�UII1'(7;IIlI��l:l\':III1�\l'S:II1lI JtiSCS�I11CI115If�'IClI9�;:1111S1 c;�III�lfl'II11Sl`5 e11lIUI11I1t5�1IOff(;;l�C � � <br /> :mJ dic Bund secured thercb��,lefurc Jrlinyucnc�:funiish�pprored insurance upon dre buildings die�run in tha sum ul 5 58�Q��.Q� paya6le � � � - . - <br /> tu�aid ASSOCIA'f10.�' iu tiaid ASS(H'I�\'iION upon dcmand alI m�mcp hy 1(F[II�I IUI'SUl'II I:IXI`5.8)SGSII7t1115:III(I IIIS0I0f1[C\\'ll l I11lCfCl(iI � � � <br /> y� l�it`III:I�IIilUlll IC�AI IAIC IllCfl'llll If(II71�e�C l/I Ft81'ilifill 8II U�\\'IIIiII�It111K7�!U(IIPfCU\'e}!IL•CS lU��;1}'.(�CIITIII f1U\1':ISIC UIl SilIII�1ICI1111C�:I:CCP�Ild�UI71�]I): <br /> � l\'llll:III�IIC 8�,(Cl`II7CI11]:Ilit�CI)fIII1�1U115 UI lI1C I�1/i1(I�t)I.UH�0��.00 1�71)t��V�1\'CIl I>V II1C 5811I�It�fIfOKUt lU S:f11I��5���.�7���0�.dlll��UIII��}, . � <br /> .. 1\'11I1:III IIIC I�tyUlll'lI1CI115OI llll'(`U1151111111U11:II7lI IS}'�I.8W5 U�S:lll�AS�O(�IA I IO�:(Ill•I) lI1CSC�ttCSl'I1lS 5�78�� hl'l'l)II1C illl��8I1�\`t1i�.tII�ICt\\'ISC lhC)' � . <br /> � shall rctnain in lull I'urcc and m:�y bc IurecloseJ at ihc uptiun ul dic said ASS(XIA7lON :dlcr failurc for threc nwnths to maAc anq ul said <br /> paymcnts ur 6c Ih�cc months in ancais in makin�;said tuunlldy p�ymrnts.ur lo kccp and cuntply��'ilh lhc agtccmcnts aud cundiliotu ol said llund: <br /> and 1lortgagur agrces lu Icrvc a rccci�rr appuinlcd lorihwilh in sucli fu�cdosurc prucccJiiiF:s. � <br /> ' � II IIICfI`i\BI1V l'II'JO�;C III U\Vlll'ISIII�U�II7C ICJI CSIJiI`I11UIlK8�l'II I7CRI11.�Y ti:IIC VI'UUICIN'I$C.lllCll lI1C COIItC ICi1781f7111�;II1llt�/ll'tlflCi4 I1fIfVV <br /> '�.��. . Sl'CUICII SI19II.8l(Ill•ll�)�1UIl U�TIII'liyuitabic 13uilding und Luan Assuciatiun ol'G�and IslanJ.Nchraska.bccome irtuncdiutcly duc and payublc e•ithuut . � . <br /> ��. . I'urdici noticc.anJ thc JI11UUfll fl'O7:IIIIIII�}lllll`unJci 5:11(I VUI1tI.JIIII:10\'JIIII'f�1U111I�UI 8111'���IIIOI7�I��1'�IICCS I11�tI1'lhcrcundcr,shsll,frum thc <br /> �� �BII'tl�l`7(tfflSC ll�5:11���11011.�[:If Illll:fC)I:Il I�IC til:i%IIIIUiII�l'�;8�f�lll',dll�1�115 IIlt1IIj;7�;C I71�\'I�ICfI�C�l)fCC��SC�1�SB�1S�4'I�IC�(1WUIll�IIC VIl 5:111� � <br /> ��. })UI7l��BIIII:III)'UlI1Cf I1U111I COf 81I1I111U118I JlI\'8111'CS.IU�;I'lI1C(1YIlI1�II S111115�1:IIlI Lt\'S71(I Tlll'I:1�1111��IC BUIItIIIIK i111I LU:111 ASSUL'I:IIIUtI U�CifJI1lI ISI:117/I, <br /> .. nC�1f:I5IC3I0f IIISUf:II1CC.1�\l`S;IfItI:ISSI•\SITI`I1�S.817/I0I151fHClII1Q,C\ll'IISIOfII'IIBI�'C5. 1\'11I1 Illll'fl`5� I�ICfI`11i1. �fUlll l�9IC Uf��;Il'i11Pf11 at thc muximwa <br /> Icgalraic. <br /> . AS�1fOYiticd ill�Ilc Botld SCCufCd hctl'�V,��'hilc�IIIS RIOfI�;:l�l'ICO7J1115 111 L'��l'CI Illl'II1U(I�;�KI'C lil'Jy IICfCO�IC!RtIY�fICC lllllll(lUliBl SUII75 l0 lhc � <br /> � fI1:lAfIS U�S]IlI I�UIIII,lllClf�SSI�f1Y�1f SUCI'iSSUfS 111 Illll'fl'Sl,N'Illl'II SUfI1S SII:III I)l`\VIIlllll(I1C Sl'L'l1fII)'/1�1I11S I110�IF9gC IIIC S:II11C 8S IIiC�UI1lI"u Uft�j1i18��)' . <br /> ; ucurcd Ihcreby,thc tuL•d anwun�o(principal drbt uul tu csccrd el any tinu the u�iginal amuunt ol thix roortg�gc. <br /> ������,+� 19th ��:�>'„� November �� �'..�" 7G <br /> i'.i <br /> �e��,p,_�.. __ :.t��—,�-..�:.,.,:;,�Ji !%rl�,,,�; <br /> oin . `t�n Dolores M. ATTen— <br /> { <br /> ' STATG Of Nf:ll}tASI'v\, ss. On this 19th d�y�>r November I�>76 ,befo�c me. <br /> counrv or�iint.�� <br /> thc undctsikned,u Nutary Public in and I'ur said County,prrsonall c�mc � � `" <br /> John C. Al1en and Dolores M. Allen, each in his and her own right and as spouse of eac�i \� N `:� <br /> �, Ot�1.�'��'�"-`�="`�';� �viw porsunally knuwn tu . } , � <br /> - t� f�tcl;r.;�� are a <br /> tpr.�vh�tFrtidatta�y,ttiujson S +rhuse natucS are nCfixcJ to thn abuec ius�nnnenl as morlgagur S ���� they scvcrally <br /> n <br /> L ;. ti...:, � <br /> �.'nckpbwledged Ui�sifqt ins�ument lo be the�r voluntury act and dced. n <br /> � ��;N IN����ny hand and Nulurial Scol Ilw dalc afuresaid. . . � . <br />� �� � ���� � <br /> n�� om�{�Ission ex ires � j <br />�' � . +� � P v,c1(�� � �� __-{�--`.—k:,' ��� ��Ls�% <br />} � � � i � ' �—Nulary Public <br /> 3•' <br /> y�� 6.L2MRI ..�,� .��� �`� <br />„� �'• �. <br /> �� .._. - � � <br /> � <br />. � <br />