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' � 4. <br />� � +� <br />�� <br />� .T� . . . . . . . .�i� � . <br />�:. � �:. . 76- t� tJ 6 '7�41 <br />�� � � MORTGAGORS MAY MAKE PREPAYMENTS OF PRINCIPAL ON ANY INSTALLMENT DUE DATE. SUCH PREPAYMENT SHALL BE . <br />� APPLIED TO INSTALLMENTS LAST TO BECOME OUE 11NDER THIS MORTGAGE. PROVIDED THE UNDERSIGNED ARE NOT IN DEFAULT � <br /> AND ARE THEN THE OWNERS OF THE MORTGAGED PftOPERTY, UPON REQUEST OF THE UN�ERSIGNED, OR EITHER OF THEIA, . � <br /> PAYEE AGREES TO FURNISH TO THE UNDERSIGNED 100% OF SUCH PRINCIPAL PREPAYMENTS, UNLESS ADVANCEMEP7T IS PRO� � � . <br /> HIBITED BY THE REGULATIONS OF CHARTERING AND SUPERVISORY AUTNORITIES THEN IN EFFECT. ALL SUCN AD4ANCEMENTS � <br /> . . . SHALL BE SECURED BY THIS MORTGAGE IN THE SAME MANNER AND EFFECT AS IF NO PREPAYMENTS HAD �EEN MADE. � � � � <br /> � THE MORTGAGOR rURTHER COVPNANTS AND AGREI3S : <br /> 1 ' <br /> 'Ph�tt thc M1furt�t��ur will pay ihe ind��6l��dnruy :�� heminbrfore pruvided. � � � � � � <br /> � 'I'lu�t Ihe Dinrlgagor ix the ownrr nt s�iid pruperly in foe simple and hns 4oud ri{;Id and luw(ul nwhorilv tn srll :md � , � <br /> ,� , { � � iymc�ry the same nnd th�it lhv .nme is frre rmd cle+v u( itny li��n or ��nrumbrnnc��: :�nd thpl Alurtp;q;ur �vill i��arnint �+nrl d��f�aid thc• � � . <br /> ' � � ` tiUr �u said pmmises nqainst the claims u( all pereons whom..orvvr. . . <br /> {: ; I <br /> . . '1'u pay inm���:li:dely H�hen due :ind pay:ible tdl general luxes. specit�l tiues. spreinl :�ssi��<mrnls. ieal��r rhnrge.v, srwor sere. . � . � <br /> . � ice ch�irges. and uther t:ixes �3nd ehurg��s eig,�inst �aid pruperty. aud :ill laxe.n li•vied uu the Jeht so<•urrd horeLy, and lu furni�h the . . . � . <br /> - �1or(„^agee, upun requi�st. H•ilh the uri;;inul ur duplicnte roceipfs th�•rrfor. 7'hi� :11orl�;agor ngrees th:rt �hen• shall he addrd in . . � - . . <br /> �mch� munthly payment myuired hereunder i�r undrr the e��ideuce nf dclrl srcured hi�r��by an nmount r..lim:ded bY the 9lnrl�;a;:e,: . � . . <br /> +� ' to be sufTicienl fu ��nable ihe \1urfRagee tn pny, ns lhep becnme dwr� nll tuses, as,r:smonts. �mel ,imilar �•I�arRrs upun th�� prem� . <br /> ise, subject therelo: amy drlir.ieucy becaihe o( the insutiicicncp of sucL additiomil payment, shall be forllnvilh depu�iled 6�' thr � � . <br /> !�inrlga�nr wilh lhe �inrlg:��;ee upnu drmand by the :\tort�;n�ec. �ny de(aull undor ihis p�va;;raph Yhull Le do��mrd ii Jrf.udt in � � . <br /> r poymi•nt of I.ixi�s. a,..�.smrnls. or similru• char�rs rrquinvl hcmundrr. . . <br /> Y f <br /> . 7'h<� \lurlg+�Rar a;;mvs thnt Iherr shnll nlso 6e :idded tu rnr6 tuonihh� pnyment ��( prinriP�d and inl�•m-t rrquired here- . . <br /> . �mJcr :m amuunt �•,limated by the. illartr.��:ce to be suNicicnl In en��blo thu \1nrt�nRec tu pay. ar. it hrivmes dur. lhe in,urance � � . . <br /> � Uremium uu any in,uruicr pulic�� delicen•d lu Uu• \lorlgn�re. :1ny drficirnc.� because u( thr insufiicirncy uf such ndditional pay- � � . . <br /> w�. m�•nls shull he forth�vith depusiled lir Ihr ilnrt��i�;ur �cith thv \lur�;;agi�r upun dt•mand 6y lhc \iorl;;;i�;e�. Anp drf.ndt unJer � his . . � � . <br /> para{;riph sh:d� Le Je��mrd a d�•Giulf in the pa}oncul. u[ insurance prrmiunis. lf t6e pulic�� or Pulicios depusi�rd urr such :is hwur. . � . . . <br /> � menei� or �dl risk policie,. and thr depovits nm insuflicient tu pny 11��� ��nlim premium. Ilir 11orl ;;z��rc mny apply ihc di�posit lo �. � <br /> �� pay preminrns un ri�ks r�•quired tu L�� in.urrd bp Ihis morignge. � � . . <br /> r` <br /> X- � . � Pa�•mvnta mad�� 6y thr Alorlgugnr under fha nboti�r pnrn�:r�phs may. nt the upliun ol lBe Alnrtgag��e, bi• hcld bp i� and � . . . <br /> ��: �•umminKli�tL wilh �othrr such funds or ils nwn funds (ur ihe pat'ment uf surh iicros. nnd urdil so applird. su��l� p�ipmen�s �ae h��mbr � . <br /> ��liviged ;as si�curily fnr thr unp;iid hnl:ine�� nf thc• murtgage indebi���6�c,s. � . . <br /> s <br /> '� 'Pu procure, dclivrr (u. and main�:�in fur lh�• 6rn��fi1 ni lh�� Uortra�;ce during thc lifo of this murt�:it�e. nrif:inul policics :md . <br /> rc•newals ihen�d. dclivered al le�st Inn dn�•, beture thc rzpiration of nuy .uch policic,. insuring agains[ fire :md olhrr iusumble � . <br /> hazanis. cnsuaili�s. and amtingenci<•s ns thi� Alurtgagee may rrquirc. m �m amounl rqunl !o th� indrbt�dness �rcunvl 6y this ' � <br /> �:: � Mo�igag��. end in cY�mpenie, iicceplable lo the 11otIKa�;ee. �s�ith In,s payi�bic cinusr in (acnr nt and in furm ncaeptnble to the \Inrt„a� �� � � <br /> ;.� . g�r. In the e��ent any pulicy is nut renewisi un nr brfnre trn dnys uf it. cspir,diou. fhe \lorl�;a;;r�� map prucum in;uri�nce on the � . � - <br /> � . improvements. Pay lhe premium there(ne :ind such sum sh:dl bec:mir immedia�t�ly dur ;md Payable with interr,t at thr rule �rl � � � � <br /> t. fort}i in suid nute unlil pi�id and ahnll Le si�currd b�� lhis murl�;nt;e. Pailure on thr parL ot (hc Jlor��;u�;or lu (urnish such rrneH�ids � <br /> ;: ns are hrrt�in requimd ur fr�ilure lu p:�y any =ums ndv;mcrd hen•undor 4hrdl. �� t tho optiun u( Ih�� �torlg�i�ir. runstitutv a dr•(ault . <br /> undvr lhe trrnis uf lhi. ntnrlg:t�;o. 'l�he doliw�rv o( such policie: �h;ill. in ih�� ,.��ent uf dr(aull , enn.iitut�� an ns>i;;mnrnt uf thr uu� . <br /> enrnrd pn•mium. . <br /> �� ' .\ny sums rrceierd b�� thr 1lurlhiigri� Ly rrason uf Inss nr d:un:µ:e insumd :��ninsl muv br rrLiinrd hy � 6e \lurt ;;aS�'�` . . . . .. . _ . . <br /> a�. and applicd luwnrd the p;p-menl u[ � he debl hrrrb7 srcurod. or. al thu optiun o( fhr 11orl�;ugee. snch sums either wliuily ur in � <br /> ? purt mny b�� p:�id u��cr tn thc \Inrt�;u�;or to In� usrd lo ropair such buildin�s or to builcl m•�c buildin�;s in lh�•ir plarr nr for any <br /> � . . ottu�r purpnse ur ubjecl cdisL•�ctury tu �h�• Mur�!;+f�;rr tirilhnut nlirrlin�; ihr li�•n nn ih�� murl �;t���� for Ihi• tull :nnuunt serur��d hcrr. <br /> hy br(ur�• .:urh paymi•nl ee.•r I��ik plua•. <br /> � <br /> 7'n prontptly n•pair. nrstora ur rr6uild any buildin„s nr impruv��ntenL. nu�v ur hrrrnfl��r on �h�� prrrni.r. whirh rn:ip 6r� . � � � . <br /> c; '. cumv damFig�•d or drstruy��L �u keep •aid prwnise= in ;;iH�d runditiuu :ind repair ��nd frer (rum :m}• m��ch.�nir's li�•n ur c,t6rr li��n ��r <br /> + . rinim u( licn nnt expresvly suLurdina(�•d tu thr lirn hrmuf: nul tu sufTer ur prrmit �tn}• unl�����ful usc nf nr any nw.:mn• lu r�ist un . � � <br /> �� ` ;nid praprrty nnr to pr•nnit �ciutr nn snid prrmises. nor to du any ulher a�•t ahoreby the prnpertp hrrr�Ly cunvrYrd ah�d ! beromr <br /> : I��s. �vlw�bic, nor tu Jiminish ar impair if, ��aluc Ly :m}' nct or omi,siun to m't: in r� �rnply �rith all mquin•rnrnls nf law- ���ilh rrsprat <br /> . tn fhr mnrl�;agrd premi,i•s nnd (he u.c�� thrreuf. <br /> ' 'I'Iwt should th�� prrmisr. ur �iup p�irt thrrruf IH� tukrn �� r dam;i�:rd b�� ri�u<�m u( nn}� publir imprnn•mrnt nr rundrmn:Niun <br /> pruci•�•<lin�;. nr undrr the ri�ht of rmine�d dumain, nr iu �my othi• r m:mner. the Uorl �;n�rr .hnll be ��ntitird �n :�II cump�•ns:uinns. <br /> i � ' nwurds, mid mq• uthcr Payment or rrli��f therrfoe and sh;dl bi• enUllyd, nt itz nphun. lo rummencr. npprnr in nnd yrusitiulc in ils <br /> � F own n:�me :mt' :m� ion ur pmcrrdin�. ur lu mnkc nny rumproinisr nr +r� lli•mrnt in cnnnrctiun �cith s�u•h takin� or d:�mn;;i�. r\II �uch <br /> ��_ � ��� cumpensdiun� awnrds. damages. righl n( aclion and Pruccrds iv�• h�•rrby assiy�m•d in Uie 1lnrlgn�er. ���hu mn>•, nf���r drductin� <br /> � �! ihrn•(rom :ill iLv esprnsnr. ndrntie nny muni•ys su rrcrieed Lq it ur appl>' thr �am�� on unp inde6t��dness riccnrrd hrreb��. 'l�hr \lurt- <br /> G' <br /> (. � gaRur a�;rce�n tu earculc +uch (urthrr a�si�:nmenls nf nny enmp��n.ntiun. �nrards. dnm��y;rs. nw! richh o( a��fi��n :md prorrrds u, tho <br /> .. A7urll:n�c�� mny rrquirr. <br /> '1'hat in casr uf (ailivr �u per(orm :�ny' u[ tlir rovi•u;mis hi•rrin. Ihi� \lurfRa�ri• m:�y dn un th�� \lnrt;;:i�ur'• Li•hal [ rrrn'Ihing <br /> � �,- � sn ruvenanlyd: that thc Rlurlgag��r may �iltiu d�� nny nrl it may d�•rm nci•��ss:�ry tu prul�•ct thr lirn thcrr��C thul th�• Nurlgn�;or will <br /> ' n•priy upnn drmand nnY mune�-. p.�id nr di�bueced b}� ihr \lorlgac��r (ur am• rd th�• ahnw• purpns�•+. :md .:uch mum�ys to�;riher with <br /> �. irdcrerl ther�mm �l Ih�� rali• providrJ in ..:�id nulu sh:dl brrunte su murh ndditiun:d iudoblydni•ss 6��rrLc .ai�ru «•d nnd mav b�� in- <br /> cludrd in any decme (ureclusing thie mnrt�;u�;e nnd Lr paid out nf ih�• mnfs ur pruceods o( .:dr nf <uid pmmi.��s if nut uth��nvisr <br /> � pnid: that if sh.dl not b�• ubli�;alnn• upun thc \Inrl�ngcr tu inquiro inlu thc vnliJil �� uf :mq li�•n. ��ncumbrnnca,.., ar elaim in utl- <br /> r . cancinK mnneya ux nbuv�� ;mthnrized. bul nuthin�; herein cunlained sh;Jl Ir• cnnstnu•d m rrquirin�; Ihr \L �rtFai:��e to c�dvnnrr anv <br /> � tnoncys (or any such purpave nur lo du any uct Lrn•undur, �md thal �iorlgn�c��� xhnll nnt incur :ui>� persnnnl linbilit}' 6rc:msr �d :im�- <br /> � � Ihing it mur dn ur umil tu du herrunder. <br /> � <br /> � In thr evrnl o( thr default bp piurlgagor in lhr ptrvntent uf um• ins�nllment . as r�°qiiirrd Ly Uu• Nu�p srcurrd herrhv. ur � . <br /> � in the performance uf th�� obligalion in lhis nmr�g;igi• or in ihr na�i• �ecured therrhy. the \lort�;aFei� sh:dl h�• �adilled fo drrlarr lhi• _ � <br /> � d�•bt srcured hereby du�• nnd pnqnbl�• wi �huut notice. :md ihe 1lorty;agre shull be emlitled at ils uption. wilhnut nnticr. i•ithc�r 6v itu4f . � -�r '� � <br /> � nr 6y n mcci��cr lu be :�ppointed hy ihc court lhcreuf. �ind wilhoul n•{;urd fo thc adcquucy n( any ,ecurify fur Ihr indeblrr6i�•ss �- . . ' ��� N , <br /> rured hereby, to enler upon aud tvke pa�u�svion uf ih� mnrl�;a�ed Prcmises, and tu rnllecl nnd recri�•r Ihc rrnts, i=.rucs rmd prnliLa �, . <br />' � lhrrcof. nnd apply tho s;ime. Icre custs uF upernlion :md cvllirtiun. upun the indebtcKlnes.ti secured hy this nwrt�;n�;i . .�id ront., ' a � <br />�v isYurs nnd prafitc Fxing hemby ncvigned to lhn I�iurl�;agce nx (urthrr securitp fnr thr pacment of all indr6trdnr.tic v�rurod hrn•bp. :� � <br />'� ��. T'he \SortFagre vlmtl h;o•i• lhe po�cer to nppoint nm• nticnt nr n�;enl � it may dr�ire (ur ihe purpin�� n( rrp:�irin�; suid prrm � SO . <br />`� � iu�,: renting the same: cull��clin�; tL�• reNa. rr.venurs �u�ci income. ;md it mnq p;iy uut nf snid incume nll esponsvs �ncurnvi in rrnt- � <br />�x- . ing imd managiul: (hi• samr and of enUecfing the rentnls theri�irum. �Chr bnhince rrmnininF. i ( am', sl�all br :�pplird inw:vd thr . . <br />+�� dicchnrgr ` of� tHr. m��rl�n�i• indohti•dnr�ys. "I'his nxait;nm��nt is to li�nninal�� �md Mrom�� null nnd ruid up� �n n•Irn�n � �f thiti m�,rlen�;��. . <br /> i:, <br />�i''. <br />� <br />=`� �y _._ - _. I <br /> r J <br />:`.; � <br />�� f <br /> ,:�. <br />.. � <br /> i <br />