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��. , <br /> s ' ( �`'' <br />^' ,-;�, <br />�. . =: <br />� � � <br />:s';.- <br />�' STATL OF NEBRASKA, Cutuity of ....................................................: <br />� <br />: Filed for record ou ................................. 19........ nt............................ o'c(ock ........................ ;�f. <br />� und recorded in the Deed Record ..............................., Pugo ............................. <br /> ...:.......................... ... ................ By� ............. ...... ..... ...........,............. <br /> � ............. ............... ........ ............... .................. <br /> Register of lieeds Deputy Register of llceds � � � <br /> � 76- OOs'733 � <br /> -- SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY DEED <br /> Ernest W. Brinkley and Darlene L. Brinkley, husband and wife, <br /> , }�erein called the grautor n•hether one or more, <br /> ;� ' in cousiderution of Thirty-Six Thousand 7tvo Hundred Fifty and 00/100 Lbllars <br /> receiced from grantees, docs grant, bargaiu, sell con��ey nnd confirm unto <br /> Max E. Peery, Sr. and Ila I. Peery, husband and wife, <br /> J...� . . ' . . <br /> .�s joint tennnts with right of survivors6ip, and not as tennnts in cmnmon, the following described real <br /> ' property in .........Ha11............................................. Count��,\eLrasku: <br /> NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY � <br /> Southerly Sixty Feet of Lot One (1) in Fractional STAMP TAX <br /> - BZock Eleven (11), in Arno1d and Abbott's Addition NQv 22 �976 <br /> * and its complement, to-wit: Fractional Lot One (1) O�s„ ��� � _ <br /> i; � � $�BY-,�'—!t'-6-�— <br /> in Fractional BZock One ffundred Nineteen (119), in <br /> � . <br /> 4' ' Railroad Addition both being Additions to the City y-ipTEMENT A'TTACNk� <br /> of Grand IsZand, Ha11 County, Nebraska. <br /> { <br /> To hnce and to hold the abo��e descriFed premises together `sith all tenements, hereditaments <br /> and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the grantees niid to tlieir assigns, or to the heirs nnd assigns <br /> � of the sureivor of them forecer. <br /> ' Aud grantor docs herehy co�•enant �rith the �rantces nnd ti�ith their assigns und with the heirs <br /> � : <br /> i ` and assigns of tl�c sur��icor of them tl�at grantor is la�afully seised of s�iid premises;that they are frce from <br /> :f ? zncumUranee except easements and retrictions of record. <br /> x <br /> t.liai �rantor l�ais good riFht and la�rful t�uthorite to con�•cy the samc; uud that grmitor �ti•arravts and �s•ill <br /> s ' defend tl�e title to said premises u�;�iiust tl�e laticful eluims of all persons �rLomsoccer. <br /> f' : It is tl�e inientiou uf all partics hereto that iu the eceut of the death of cither of the gravtees, <br /> th,� rutire fee title to this ri�al praprrty �hall v���t in the surcicing grantee. � <br /> : Dated 1Jovember Z8 19 76 ,. ��� <br /> c � J / �7 <br /> . - }� ��' �� <br /> ,� •�-r'•-''-_ - /d ��2e � l C;1 <br /> c <br /> � , , <br /> .................................................................................... .r........................................... ........................ .... <br /> r: ..� <br /> , � /'1 . � ,�l • <br /> ; �� � � <br /> ;, ..�.CG:2��'..;�;.,� " j.�11.lL;s;,C <br /> -, : <br /> ; <br /> , : ................................................................................... .,�.,.�. �..........�:.k�:............. <br /> i' <br /> � Nebraska � Ha21 <br /> S'P 1Tli OF ............................................................. l;oun[p of ............................................................: <br /> �' , <br /> F3efore me,u uotary public qualified for saiu count�•, persoually came Ernest W. ErinY.ley and <br /> , Darlene L. Drinkley, husbsr.�d ar.d wife, each in his and her cwn right and as spouse <br /> of the other, <br /> knon�n to me to Ue thc ideuticnl person or persons n•ho signed ti�e foregoin� instrument and ackno�cledged � � . <br /> the ezecution thereof to be his,l�er or their��oluntaty �et and deed. ,�`� •� <br /> ' N ., <br /> � /.� � } , <br /> ( Nitness my hnnd uud notarial seal on........`..l�..`.�:.`l.i'"`.:� �f., 19......f�. J � � <br /> .... <br /> ... <br />.z � . � <br /> p CHARLES E.DeIARAt ��'�• Cl • ' h ' <br />' r1 Gcrazir,otarrs� ....... .,.�•Fl�t�s7....�......... L:.�<.G'.i�........... ATotary' Pnbiic � , <br /> - ' Pdy Commission[xpires , . <br />�� :: :: A ril 17,1978 � � / ` � <br /> _ p liy commission espires..........�:IC��.......�.,<.....,13.,�9..1... � <br />�. <br /> }'nrm {'? 'Co hi� n�,proti•ed b}' X�•bra>lui Stnle Bac:1;sociation e�tm� •ou a..u���.t+���. <br />` � � J <br />