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„,..; i :,�> <br /> .:�:,.:� <br />�: � <br />`3� <br />�r� � <br />�:� <br />�� <br />^�` ib� 006"1�5 <br />� <br />� �, ncxi;rMLn1� rois snr.r: n.�n i>uRc��:�sr or i,� <br /> r <br /> r 11�e undersigned,Communil'v llevelopuient Agencg hereinaftr.r caJ.led Seller, and <br /> I Jose & Severa Ramirez , herei.nafter called Purdizscr, do hereb�� agree tu ,e11 <br /> and purchase the fullowing described renl estate for the price and upon dte terms <br /> und cunditions herein cel- fortli. <br /> 1, 94ie 1egn1 descr.ipCion of Che real est�tCe is: <br /> I <br /> Nurttt Nalf (N'�) uf LoL-s Seven and $ight (7 � S) in ])lucic El.even (11) <br /> LamUert's Additiun L-o the City of (;raud Isl.and, Hal.l County, �eUraska <br /> r : <br /> 2. Tlie purchase pri.ce is _Ei�lit Hmtdred I�iLL-v and no/luo i)ollars ($850_� <br /> i. <br /> 3. 11re purchase price shall be paid as follows: <br /> A, $ 35.00 at the af Che execution of tliis agreemen�, Cu be held <br /> in escrow and credited to Che purchase price nt the time of, receipt <br /> � a�hereof is acla�otaledged by Sellcr. <br /> B, 1he balance of $ 7G5.00 _ _ on Closing �i�r.e. ' <br /> ,� . � <br /> } <br /> 4. Form of Deed. '11ie Seller slrall. ceuvey to the Purchaser CiCl.e to che nroperty <br /> � i by lJarranty P,eed, hereinafCer called "P.eed”. �ucl� Deecl ,ha11 l�e f.ree. a.nd <br /> clear of all l.iens, encumbrances aud easements ottier Clian cUose of recerd. <br /> Should be a �iefect in CiCl.e, Sellcr sha11 1?; � reasun�ble time to n+:!ke Che <br /> ' Citle mercl�anCaUle. !teaeunable dr_la�� in perfectinf; i:itle shall uc;t excuse Pur- <br /> �: : <br /> cliaser from p:�}nnent of t:he full purcfiase ��ri.ce, e::cep� tlial 3 reasnnaUle sum to <br /> be agreed r.o by tLe parcics uf CLeir atCurne��s may be �escro�red pendine r.itle <br /> : clearance. 7he ccei��e}�aiice and Citle sl�all, iu addition co the pre�;isions of <br /> SecCion 8 oP rliis Ac;reemenL aiid a1_1 other ccnditio�is, cut�enants, attd re- <br /> sCr.icCions sct fortli ur t'e else�ahere i.n Cltis ?,greement, be subir_ct to: <br /> 1. llic Retie�aal Ylan <br /> 2. L:ts�,r.:ents cind re,�ricCicus �,f record �nd!ur c-;cepcions as fullo��s: <br /> i <br /> f,, ` 5. I'urdiaser eliall 6e enCiLlcd Ca I,u.^;sessiun ot thc pi-opci-t}� �ipon tl•:e c1o^Si1r. of <br /> chis transacti�n �ind Che clusin¢ si�cell he un or helere Idavetr.ber 22 , 19 7b, <br /> �ahicli is herein called t:he t'lusin�, 1�aCe, i.t citle cnn Le cenve�•ed �.i Che ccn <br /> dition ?-�>quired here�.itider on saiil date. <br /> G. 1he Selier �ai11 suppl�; che Purchac;cr n �nerchantable i�L•r.tract of 1'i: !c ri.ther <br /> before or afCer Phe canvercmce tu e.he i'urch��srr ��non the requesL oi t:he !'ur- <br /> cltaser ;�nct, in the e�•ent tlie :lbscr.�cC is C�� be f�!rni,•Led prinr co t.'�c �_i.:•��;�, ;�f <br /> Che L'eed, the Seller shal.l l±e ❑Llo�.:ed a rr.a�o•,able Lir�r Co ��,-oc��re !-lec� ;r.,•:t,�.+cC. <br /> ' 7. Se11er sl�all pa�- the )n ].1cu uf ,�ener;+l resl est;:rr_ ta;r_s !or t_!;r. ; car !" 7,�j_- <br /> < . <br /> � Lor Che ��ear tdA sh:ell te �,zor�ted :u �hr �'.:�.� of cln;ir�. � irctia�er <br /> tvi11 Ue debiLed on Lhe SCeCtne»C c.f S�le Lhn i,:ounL nt iu �.ieu ol �:�:ce t -em <br /> tlie closing Jatc Cu Srpce::iber 1.^..t. Srlier �.ai11 t.lier. n;iy Che Iu ]?au of e:�zes; <br /> = for Cl�e veur __ NA_• See aCl-nclnnenl- `"A" <br />, ; i . <br /> � E3. 'I1ie 1'urcha�er a�;rees for Itse1 f, it, .,�cccssor^ :�!�d ,...��issns, :u:d evrr�- .�.�ccc�'so�� <br /> in ineerecl co Chc ��ropert:}�, ur :ine �,arc tl�crcoC, .�nd tl,e ]+�c,? •;hn11 ccrt;,;n <br /> cocenants on d�e part of clic 1'�n.•��haser tor itsrlf, its �ucres��o,-s and ,_�:iE�ns, <br /> thaC thc purchaser :i��d it:s succcssnrs ar.d ...s?,^!is sh.:11: _ <br /> x ' <br /> -; !.. Uevute t(ie !'roE•ert�; on11' Io and ir. .iccord,,�,ce ,;.�ti, Llic �:rse>� ri,c„�ificd in <br /> the lrb:,n Renc�;.�c,i i'lan; :ind <br /> .. I . <br /> A. ?;ot dis�riri±n;te ':pun Chc� L;�sis of .acc:, cnlor, �r.t i^•i:,r, ,c,.: or .,..•+or.a1. hj <br /> - I orl�in in tic �e 1.rns� or �ett .1 or in tL i. ��� o i _ir c nt r � <br />��� Fi pc•rt-, or t . ':c rnts lo_..t��d .,i tc f r c � 3 ;,r ��•irt � <br /> � <br />�� tl ci.��c�i. r.. � <br />�r- <br />'� � i <br />'r.x: <br />�1 <br /> a- <br /> ti- <br />:Lp� <br /> � <br />_ ( � <br /> . _ _� <br /> � <br />- , <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � ---- - <br />