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� �: <br />�.=.� . � .r�a,:� <br />�'c �� � -�o-� ��7_.�_•. e2.,,e�-.-� Q�.-�, iza. 7 — <br />�� (:II Foi ' ' r► <br />� ctav•. 3/2�/'�3 Ib- �u6 !.L� ' <br />� S11'I5FAC7'IOtJ U'r rt��a�cr,c�: <br /> y ? FOH V�ILUc' t::CEIV�ll, the undernignu�l FLUr:iLiL I���::�it���L ��)Icf�,nGi; A:;50c:IA7'I011, a� coi'porutian <br /> orgrinl�ud and exis6ing under 61�u Lius of tho United 5tat�a� does iwrob� curtify thut uyreul , <br /> eotate mortgago nou owned by it, duted August 16, �972 , made b� . <br /> �������r <br /> Lester M. and Dolores P1. Swett, husband and wife `" <br /> ae mortgagors, to • • <br /> Midlands Corporation <br /> uo morLgugoe� nnd recordud no Uocwnont llo. , in Book No. 158 � <br /> 1'ago No. 473 � in thu Ui'fice of t6o Register of Deeds Hall County, <br /> Stuto of Nebraska und thu mortN��nu iu, vith tho indebtednosa Lhereby <br /> nnr.ui•nd, fully pnid, ��iLLnfi��d +ind di�ch•irr;��ri, �ind Lii�� Register ot Deeds io <br /> f heroby uuthorizod und dlructod to reluuno und diuchurgo Lhu numo uNon rocord. <br /> ,j�� .� . . �. . � � � <br /> 1,. .: . . � .. . . . <br /> ` �, <br /> : " <br /> y <br /> r' <br /> �(��.. '; � � :. . � . . <br /> 54 ` <br /> 1!� 11ITt�ivS W}idi'u�DF, �aid FcUI:iL1L t1�1TIU1�i�L NO;QCAGii AS:�OCIA1'70N hu3 cuvoed lto corF�orate <br /> aonl Lo Ue horeto uffixad, rind h+iu cuuncd i6s narnr_ Lo bu ulE;nod to Lhuae pr000nta by ite <br /> An�lotent Vico 'rrouidont nnd uttu:iLud b� ita Assiatunt Socrutury ut Chlcu�;o, Illinola, <br /> y thle day of �CT �?2 "j�/� A.U. 19 • <br /> _. . <br /> WTTNrS5cll: F'EUEtiAL l7ATIOI�AL MOfG' AG��ASSOCIATION <br /> L �--��� ��.��-��� <br /> � - <br /> JO�IN C. DIEBEC �� � � <br /> It6 Aesistan -"i Pr� dent:.___ <br /> -, �;�,I <br /> Attes'tl ' ���'���yV <br />• y.'. i - ° <br /> E,�rti r�. a��r=orio <br /> � ; j7 j[p[ s� p <br /> Aaoiotunt Socrutur�j <br /> STATE OF ILLI210IS � I����L i i1QlLlfllt�1 ' ' , � �� , r ��`..� �� �_ �i;t�.J��tii���l I�1L I��L11��lU�.i1 <br /> p F �,,- ;; t � , <br /> � , <br /> coutrrr oF coox ) ,, ,� �,„n„� ,� �r ; ;I�-�;' ° �' <br /> .�V .:..._�a OF DEED�I�� ►���� L���;:, � ;; _: � � �; :;► f�.��l t,����t�[�. . . ... ... <br /> � <br /> I, �L"' a Notury Yublic i❑ and for uuid County ln tha Statn aforasnld� <br /> ; do hernby certify thut JO Ni� C. CIEE3EL p�.rsonnLly l:nnvn lo me to b� the Aeolatnnt <br /> Vica l�r�aid��nt of cc�Uc;F�1L 17,1'I'IONAL 1101(1'GnGr' ASSUCIe11'IUI�, a corporution orqunia�d +ind oxlst- <br /> ing undec thn lauo of the United 56ntos, und i.��:; i:, iILrGIcD poroon��ll� k,novn to,me <br /> to bo tho Aoniotnnt Socrutury of uuid r,orlwrntian, un�l pereonrilly Y,noWn to rae to be thn nume <br /> poI'oono �h000 nwuen uro oubncribed to the forc�;oinq inaLrument, uppnurnd Loforu me thls duy <br /> ln pernon anti aovoi+uiy acuu�•,•luJgecl ?hi�t u� ���ch ),nulet.nnt 'Jicn 1'rAaldnnL und AsoluLunL <br /> Secratury� thoy oigned c�nd delivor�d �hu o�iid inntrumont us ha:iiotunt Vico Prnsident and <br /> i AeelnLant Socrutury of nuld corporation, und cnuoad Li�u corporuto eoul of ouid corporatlon <br /> to be uflixoJ thoroto, pursu��nL Lo �tut}�ority qiven by tt�n �our�l of 1)Srnctoro of nuid <br /> Corporution an thoir fruo und voluntnry uct, nn�i us t,uo Crno un:� vuiun�uty uci. und doau o: <br /> eaid corporatio❑ for tho u000 und purp000u titaroin uet forth. <br /> Glven under oy hnnd nnd official n�nl �hio d��y of QCT c 2 ;�:]5 . <br /> 11/ addreua So 15� �outl� Wuckor Urivo, Chlca�;o, Illinoi� 6(l6Ub � r ' , � <br /> J f , <br />, t�(y commiseion oxpirno on J U L 211980 ��` ,,%� `� J� �.. <br />� � . � /'��—- " - � /`'' � <br />..n Z�.^_'?1B L�.C9 .1 1 1.t ' r �' <br /> w ' llotury Nublia ��k%'����:�t,°: ' � <br />� ., n' G n� u�i <br />� Thie form uu3 propared and upprov�d by ltoburt. J. St��utn�, Al.tornoy, 150 3outh '�x�e�cer Drive, <br />� Chlcngo, Iliiaolo 6Ci606. (Typo or priot Uolnv ull niLnnturun, the nnmoo of partioo <br /> ezecuting:thlo Snetrumont including tve notary public ��nd uitneusos.) <br /> � . � • J <br />::�[ <br /> � <br />