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.r . . _ . _ _ _ . <br />���;,.�,. � � •, �_ <br /> Is`? ��y .l\ <br />:;: _ t :.: <br />?i;,. ' . , , , ^�(„t� <br />�, ' <br />� , � 7c�7- Dd66C� J � <br />��` � � MORTGAGORS MAY MAKE PREPAYIAENTS OF PRINCIPAL DN ANY INSTALLMENT DUE DATE. SUCH PREPAYMENT SHALL t3E � �- <br /> y '- � � APPLfEU TO �NSTALLMENTS �LAST TO BECOME DUE UNDER TNIS MORTGAGE. PROVIDED THE UNDERSIGNF.D ARE NOT IN DEFAULT � � . <br /> � AND ARE THEN THE OWNERS OF THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY, UPON REQUEST OF THE UNDERSIGNED, OR EITHER OF 7HEM, � � <br /> PAVEE AGREES TO FURNISH TO THE UNpERS�GNED 100% OF SUCH PRINCIPAL PREPAYMENTS, UNLESS ADVANCEMENT IS PRO• - � <br /> � HIBITED BY THE REGULATIONS OF CHARTERING ANU SUPERYISORY AUTHORITIES THEN IN EFFECT. ALL SUCH ADVANCEM[NTS �. . . <br /> � SHALL BE SECURED OY� THIS MORTGAGE IN THE SAME MANNER AND EFFECT AS IF NO FFtEPAYMENTS HAU pEEN MADE. - � <br /> TH� ;140RTGA('.AR PURTHER COVP•.NANTS AND AGREF,S ; <br /> " . . � . . 7'hat .fha� �4orlga�or will pay the indebtrdn<•ss �rts hureinlK•fore prnvidrd. - . . . : � � . . . <br /> ' � � �. � � 'I'hat the Marfgngor i�; Ihe owncr o( said prnperty in [eu simple� �wd hns �onJ rii:hf. mid lawtul nuU�unt�� tn Scll :md . � � . � <br /> ecmvey fhe same and lhnt the smnr. is (reelind elear o( Fmy lien or encumbranee: :md Ihnt. �torlgat;ur will v, nrran�. ;md de(rnd the . <br /> -� I - . � � litle to�. ruid premises ngninst YLe. claims pt�. rill persony �ehomsnrvc•r. . . � � � . . <br /> � _ - �To pny immrdintely when clue and paynbl�• nil genernl tazes. specicd �nxrs. specinl nh.,es:;ments, �rxirr charge�. �ei� er srrv� . . � � . . � � <br /> � �+ . ice chnrges, and �other t:�xes tmd chargcs alp�inst naid ptoprzrlt�, nnd nll ta�es Ievied un tim drbl srcured . hc�rrbp, nnd tu furnish the � � � � � _ . <br /> � '. 1-lottgagee, ul�❑ reyuest. with ihe uriginal or duPlicate ma+ipfs thrr� tur. 79ie AfurtF»gnr n,:rer:a Uvii lherc� shnll Le added to - � . � � <br /> ' ; each monfhly P;tyment � reyuired lieret�nder n� undi�r ihr rvidirnee of di6t s��cured Lerehy :w amount e,t�m.ued Lc t6e iltorit:��f;ee <br /> . � �to he su(iicienl to r,n�ble tho !�4ortgagee to pny, �u lhey becu�n�r duo. aIl taaes. � �issr;srn�nts. ;ind similar cliargi�s upon the prem- . . � . <br /> iu=t; tiu6jecl thrretu; nnY deficiency h�•causr. uf the insuflicienc�� of :uch �II[II�IDf1ill �IflV'filBfllS sh;ill hr, furtln�ilh dep�,si�ed 1>.v t}��. . . . � <br /> " �� i�fo�tgtigur wilh thc A7orlguger upun drmnnd . hv thr lfory:flgee. Any defxult undcr this pnragra �ih sh:dl b�• dvemed u defnult in � � � <br /> � . paqrnrnl n( Inaes i;se.c;m��nts, or sirnihv char{;rv w�qufred hi�renndor. . . � . . � <br /> �' '� . '�� � � . . <br /> .,�., } . 'I'h�� T1ort,ay;or agrers tlrll lhere ,hall ;�Iso be :idd��d tu i�ach monthl}• �nn•meui ��( prine.ipal nnd inten•.I reyuired herr- . . . . . <br /> .. . c � � under an umount estimutrd 6y the \ta�lgager tu br sultir.irnt tu ruuLle lhi� Mnrl;;agce in pny, �r it b��romrs � Iw�_ ihe inaur:mce � . � . . <br /> . :�,. i . Premium on cmY in;urunec policp drlit�ered io ihr AturlgaFae. Any drlicieuc�� bec:m.<.o n( th„ in.u(licivncy a( such additional pnp- �- . . . . <br /> -.' i menLs sh�dl 6e forthwith depn,ited 6�• thv �inrf;;�il;��r w�i[h thr �lorit;agoe up�m dem:md Ly th�• \lurtt;a;;cr. Any� default under this ' � . . <br /> �, �-. { pnragn�ph shnll Lc drenu•d a di•(uult in tlio puqmrn� ol' inxunmcc prc�iniums. If ihe �x�lic�� ur pnGvies drpo<iird are such ns homr- � . . . <br /> ownets or tdl risl, policie�, nnd the deposits tare insul6c�rnt to pn�� th�� ��nlir�• premium. tho Slurl�ngre nrry� npply Ihe de�u;it tn � . � . <br /> ' � yay prcmiuma nn n�:kv requirrd In b�• incurcYl by thi, nmrt;���;��. �. � � �. <br /> � <br /> � " ! PuymonLc made Ly thr Atortgagor unrier the :aLiwe p;imRr.ipiis muy. :it thr o�rtiva of tl�� :�Surf�;agre. b�� hrld irv if und � � . . . <br /> °� � � cnmminAled �+�ith oih�•r surh [unds or it, u���n funds for Ihr p;qanc•n� ut such i ���ms. ++nd unlil =.o npplird. ,uch pnym��nf, are h�•mb�• � � � � � <br /> .� '� pl��l„ed us srcurily for fhe tuip:iid h�ilanc�• o( th�• murt�ag�� indohlednrsn. � � . . . <br /> ��� � ! Tu pmcure. Jelivar lo, and mainlaiu far lLe bnnrfit o[ the Atnrl�a�;ec duriug tl�e liir nf tl�i, mnrt�:i�'e uriginal pnii�•io; :md . . . <br /> ` t � renewaln thercof, dr.liverrd at 1�•ast ten days brforu the ecpiralion o( any �uch puliei�•s, insurine a�;uinst fir[• �ind ut)i��r insureihle � . � . � . <br /> harnrds. c.�sualties. and coNingencirs n; Uie :�TnfIFP�'Ce tn8y requir��. in ❑n amount c•qual tu the , ind��ht�dness socured 6c tLis . . <br /> 1lortgaq��, and in companies acceplable tu the hlort„^nger. with In;s p:aynMe cl.+use in (neor of and in form acceptablr to thr, Atnrtga- " � . . . <br /> i : FF�'. In the ��vent nny policy ir not. renewed on or brfure irn 4;ias nf i�, rxpirafiun. lhe �luri �agre may prucum in,urancr un tlir � � � <br /> '' ; i <br /> impruvemenfs, puy lhe premium iherufur. �mci such ,um shnll bc•c:m�r immediutnic dui� nnd pagablr �cith inl�•rr�t. iri th�� rale• sel : . - . . <br /> ��:. � 1 (nrll� in saicl notr until pnid �mJ +tudl Ix• sreured 6y fhis morlge�:e. Fuilure. un the part o( thr, Aiortgugur tn fumish such rrn��w�ala � � � �� <br /> � <br /> ,. :' � nv are hercin required or failurc lo pay iuiy sums ad�•nncrd hemunder >htdl. at tLe oplion n( ih�• blort�;:a;:���•. c:�n=titutr• a d��tau�t . � . . <br /> . . .3 under the ierms o( ihis mort�a�u. 'Che dolicery ni such p,.�licicti .sh�ill. in the evrm o( d�•LiuIL. run.:ti� ut�• nn �a.�.i;;nmrni nf thr um . . . <br /> .� � c;irmxJ pmmium. � . <br /> � �j Any sums r��cciecd hy thr \torlFogc�c bp reason of losc or damn„c in;urrd :�R:�insl. muy h�• r�•taiurd b�� th" \lurt�a{:rc . ' . . <br /> ": . .. ��nd :applied to�rsrd th� � puymi�nt uC the debt 6rr��b�� scrurrd. or. ril Oie upliun uf �Le� �1oriR���cr. ,uch sums rithor H�holiv nr in . . . . . . . � . <br /> � ; prirt mny b�� pnid ovrr tu dic AturlGa;or t�, Ix• u.od tn repair such Luildinks nr in huild m•�v 6uildinc, in th��ir plarr nr (ur ;my � . . <br /> � . � i other purpnse ur uhjrct s:�tisfaclnq' tu � he Alnrtt:n���r wiihnut u[l'�>ctin{ thr li�•n on th�• mnrtgngi� F��r thr (uli :mmun� .��ru :��d hrrr- � <br /> i � . .y 6y b��fun� surh pacment e��er lirol: placr. . . <br /> d`�.. : : '1'�i pt'urnptly repi�ir. r!.Klore nr r��Luild uny Iwildin;;- or tmprvmmant: uow i �r h�� n•n(tar un thr prrmia��s u-hich nmy br. . <br /> � ; cnm�• duma�;ed ur dr_�truyrd � � krep =:iid prrmi.i � m c�wd conditi�in aud ri�p��ir ,md frrr irom anc mecLnnic'. In n ur uthvr lirn nr � . <br /> �' � i clnim uf lien nol � apm.,h� snbnrdin.urd tn thr lien hrmul : noI � n :ufier ur permit .un� utdm.�tul a<r n( nr ,int nui=:�nc�� ��� ocist on � . <br /> ' � ; � ��id prop��rty ror in p�•rtni[ �s:ut�• nn s:iid prrmiso:. nnr t �� do ;urv other nrt �ah��roby� th�� pmpen �� t�i•reby i•nucrped shall IN�cumo . . . <br /> i less valua6le. nor �o dirnini��h ur imp:�ir it_a cfdur by nny nc� irc nmi�sion to �rt '. n � cnn;plc H�ilh all rr�ywn;mrnic ��i irra• x�ith msp,rt � <br />. � . . i to th�r mnrtcagcd pfemi:e; and ILc usc ( Lcrcu(. <br /> #. i <br /> ?' � 'I'haf ehuuld the prrrni=��s ur �ny p;� rt Ihrrrnf IN• t.ik�m or �latnnged hr r��n<un nl nn�' ��u61ic iruprovrmrnt ur ��nndrmnation - <br /> �( � <br /> . pr��,cer�lin�. ur uuder t6�• riSht of rminrnt dnm�in, ur in any� olher mnnni�r. thr� \iun4nr.rr �hnll hr �ariitl��J t�� :ill rnmpi�inatiunc, <br /> E . � � :nvards. �nd ainy ot6or paymrnl ur rrliel there(ur. and dlisll 6�• �-niitf�-d. nt n.; ��piinn. u, n�mrnvnce. apprar in and pn�=ecutr in its � <br /> k' ' nwn nnme am• nclion or Nr�xr��din;. ur tu m:�l:e nn}� rnmprnrni�e cr ..rttlemrnt in cuuurrfinn �si� h sur}� inkin;: ar damu�e. All sutrh . <br /> i <br /> compensation. nw�irds. dnm�+;;v., riRht uf uction and prrn•ritii, :vo h��rrL�� un;i�:m�d t„ tlu• Aturt;;;�przr. �vhu mnv. ❑fter de�lu�tin� <br /> h.�. the�efrnm ;�II its expopse•e. reli•nsr any �tnnneys ,=,u rec��ivrd b�• it or :i ��pir ILr -iunr an any indrblr�ineas s�•rurerl h��re6}�_ 'Ch�• \turt- . <br /> !'� R+�I;or agrecs fn execute su�•h fur� h��r xsvi�nmenls nf nn}� cr.mpen .ation. atic:ird.. d nnu_rs. anrl rixhla r.! nr� inn and pro.rorls ;i; tl:e . <br /> �! . i Dt��rl;;ti�e�� mny rcyuire. <br /> f � � <br /> 'i Tha� in cas�� o( f:iilure lu prrfurm at�c a[ iLe eoecnnuts hrrrin. ihr \inrt4n::rr nuq� Jn �.ni th�• S1i,rl�::�znr's bi�h;df ��ven�thing <br /> >o cuvennnted; lhut the• hlorlf:���re m;�4 :+1!:u du nnV nrl il m;i�' dr��m ncin�� rv �� � pr��b•ct thi, li��ri � L��a�r_-�f: that t !i!� :�inrt�;a�or a-ilI <br /> ; re•priy upon Jem;md nny monry, pe�id or di..buned b�• f6e :�turt�ac���� (nr any nf fh�• nhoc�• purp����•�:, aud �w�h mon��ps to�:ether w�ilh <br /> �� interi�st lhrreon nl lhe rat�• pr�rviJi�d in said nolc s.h:ill h�•rnm�• �n mui�h additinn;tl indeLt��dnrns h��rr1+�' •��rurr�i unrl mav b�� in- <br /> t'� <br />� �� � cludal in uny decrec forectosing LLi; murttin4e �nd he paid uat af thi• rrnLti ur prun���d.; n( sal�• nf :nid premi»eti if nol nth�•ncisr <br /> ;�.. pnid; ihaL it tilmll not Ix• ubliga�ury uP��n thr Afurlca�rc (o inquim intn Ih�� �:� liditc n( nnc li�a�. �•ncumLruncr>, � �r rt;um in nd- <br /> crmcinF muneys us ubore uuthnrized. Lul nuthin,^, hrrein cnntain��d shall M� vun.;trued :i; r�•yu ! nn� tho \l� �rl ::n;;i��• ta :uh:inc�� any <br /> ?' � � ' moncys far any such pur{m.� nnr to Ju nnc act h�•mumi�•r: nnd tliat \]nrt5n;:rr ahnll n��l incur nnp ��n•rs��n��l lixhilin� 6erau=u o( nnv. <br /> G � lhint' il. may du or nrnit In do hrri•undre . . <br /> In Ihc e�•rnl nf lLr d�dault bp Dlurlgatior in Uir p;�cmrnt ul uny' inaallment . u= rv�quirr+l b�� tLr N•nr s�-rurrd imtrby. nr <br /> � in the perfnrmancr uf thn nblig:ition in � his mortgui:e nr in ih�� not�� w�cured therrl�y. lh�• ,Al��rtu:�;;uc sh:dl hr entiH��d t,� Jorlarr Ihr <br /> debt necunvl hrreby dui� nnd p;ryable without noticr. nnd �hr pinrt4aF�'r shnll Li� r-n� iHed :ri it: nption. wilhuut nuticr. oithvr by i�urlf <br /> or b}• a mceiver tn M� �ippuinted I�y tLe cuurt thrrvnL :md �cithnui n•;;:�rd to tiir adrquacc uf :�ny �r�curit�� tnr th�• ind��bfednrss se- � <br /> cutcti hemhY. to enler upon and Like p�:ssession of lhc murlFaecd premicec. :md tu cnllcet nnd n���i•ivr t6r rrnt;, is�u�•s :�nd profilv ' � '•'""a' "• <br /> t}�rreu(, im�l nppi}' I.he �:�me. 1�•ss c�A ts uf o�nrrati��n and �v�llection. upon th�• indubt ��dnrss s��cun•d hp thi, murtt;a�;e: v�id n•ms, . N ��' <br /> � � �� iti:ues rmd proGkc }x�in� hrrrby :u.itinivi to thr �tnrtgn�er ns further si�cunty (or the• Pay�mrnt nt :+II iud��htrdnr,s :�vured hrn•by. , � , <br /> 'CLc �1ortRngce shall hn�•e the pou,rr �n nppomt .iny akcut nr t�tirnP; it n:.�y di .ir.� G:r thr purP�nr uf rrpainnk: said prrm� � '�' <br />� ` - . ixes: renLng Qie �ume: cullrcting lhc rrnl�. rev�nucti nnd inrumc. und it may p.i}� u�n � d ,:iirl inrunu• nll ��spen:rx inrurn�l in rrnr n � <br />�• � ing and man�iging the sacne nnd ot colleclin,e tFe rentnlx Iheri�Rum. 'J'hi� b;J;mca mm:�inin4. it :my . ch:ili h�• :ipplir�i t� nrard thn . �' . <br />� �� ' . div�hnrKe n( fhe mort�;ake indobtrdnews. 7'his iusi4nment i. tn ierminatr and In•r„mr mdl :md v��id u�x�n ml��n�r uf thi, nn ,rtcar;r. � . <br />�x <br />.�. <br /> � � . . . ... . . .. <br /> � J <br />`•� <br />, ! <br />