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� , �. <br />;r "�,�. <br />�:' ' ( . _y� <br />� . � <br /> � <br /> ` F� RST <br /> ��!0.D, �/���� SAVINGS—INpIVIDUAL <br /> LIi,CV�� DUE ON SALE. <br /> �' _ FonM� iN.,...T�i Lnan Number_..3�4�1� ----�. -.1F�8 _ <br /> ; � .. .. . . ' � � . . . . . ' ll��nth ' -TyPe . . <br /> ` 76- 0066'79 <br /> � ; SAVINGS MORTGAGE <br /> ; _ <br /> � �I . <br /> ` 7'IiIS h1C)R'1'GA(31i:, mudo nnd execnic�d this ....� �.._....diry nf..._..17..R U..e r._�?e+'_.......A.D., 19_ r�.....I�hveon <br /> i Timothy A,.;_Beilke.',and.Kuren.G..,,}3ei]lce.,,huc}�and.,end wii'e.,_each in his,and,her. orm..individual <br /> . ; right, spouse..of tlie.,other,_Joint.l,{d severally . ........... . ..... . ._. ._.._:.._ . <br /> '` oI..... GT'�I1d.ISlflYld.... . Caut�ty ot : ..11all. _...., Stnte of.. NebPeSka. ...... ... hereinnh�•r retrrred <br /> i to ns lhe T�iortqaqor,vnd FIRS1'PP.DliRAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ABSOClA'S70N OF LINCOLN, Nebrnxkn, its succexvure <br /> nnd nssigns,hcrcinufter ri�ferred to ns A1orlgagee, <br /> ::�i . . \'VITNGSSGTH: 'fliat ihc sniJ Mortgagcir, for mid in cnnaidcrnliun ot the sum nf . . . � . � . <br /> ; TIi�R7;X...QI`�. TIiOUSAND FIV�.HUNDRED AND..N0�100 -_- . _ -.-. --- .(�31:.5..00..00 ....... ......) Duuar�. <br /> �uiic! hy s�id riortgngee. daa hereby aell +md•cy unin I IRST I 1.D1•.RAL bAV1N(S ANU LOAN ASSOCIA7'lON U[� <br /> ";' .I.1NCOLN, Nelirnyka, ne Mortgutieo. �Is �uccesanre nnd awigns, llu� (nllm�'in�;descri}x�d R��ul lie4�te. sihuated irc fhr Cnw�ty n( � � � <br /> t ' IJebra�lca <br /> ; .....:........HaLl.:. . ._... .._.... .............. Stutc ot ........_ _...._ _..,....._._. ......... iu-wiC <br /> c- �,. . . . . . <br /> `c,..'# . _ . . . . � . � � . : <br /> ��.' � . . . . . <br /> ; <br /> Lot Four (4) in Block Twenty-Four (24) in Packer <br /> ' i <br /> & Darr's Second Addition to the City of Grand Tslund, <br /> Hall County, Nebraskc�. <br /> ,#: <br /> ti <br /> s�.. <br />, E <br /> �. <br /> �. <br /> t <br /> �. <br /> 'I'O HAVG AND'PO f(OLD the;ihuvr drycri6�Y1 prv•miee,fur th��uso.�Lrrcin.�•l G�rtli�ind lu>�•cure prr(orm:wce of tlu� <br /> - ohligudunx corduiniv!herein, f��gclher wilh all buildin�:s. impn�vemenls. listures and npportrnnnceti m�d till en�emenLv Uu•reunla <br /> FN�longing. und it is mulunlly eovennntiYl nnd n�;reed by uud bet���een the V+�rlies heretu Ihnt nll plurnl�ing, �;as, vlectric nnd <br /> meclmnient fixWres, appliunces, equipmenl. muchinery :md upp:�ratus.Ilour env.�ring+,slorm windu�+:4 und serer.ns,nud s�cl�utL�•r <br /> gncxl.s anJ cLuttels:md pcnonul pruperty ns nrc c��or furnished Ly a�nndlord in L�tting ur upernlin;;nn unG�rni�hod buildiu�;,vitni• . <br /> l�ar to lhc onc nuw un c�rcn(tcr on.r.�i<I prcmisca,which ure ur yLali bc allnehed lu s:�id building in utq• numocr ���hntsa���cr. �n�c <br /> � nnd shnll Le de�mi�l lo be tixlures w�d on;�ccessiun �o the fm:•hold nnd:�ptirl of!hc realty as Ixl�rern!hr Fmrti y I�Crrtu.(Iielr <br /> hrin. oxecutors, ndministrators, �uccevms ur:is+i�:ns, nnd:ilt pervons claiming Ly, throul;h or undrr Ihem.und sh;dl hv Jw•me�l <br /> . tu ta,:i�wrlion of lhe securilq(or lhr indr6tedno�.s horrin rneulionrd�uid In br cnv�•nvl hy Hii.mnrlRnce. . <br /> .� <br /> - � 1'RQVID6O Al.,\VAYS, �mel thc�e prescnis are�execuled.:md d�divi•rrd upun �hc (ullu�.�in�; c�.rnditiunv ngrnrm��nt, :mJ � � <br /> N <br /> ohligaliony�d thc 11o�IC.+l:���'+�. ta�tvil: . � � <br /> l.L 'l'Le M11ortu.ngor n�;rece!u p:iy tu ihc htnrtgnger.or nrd<�r. ihi• prinripul�wn u( THIRTY OP� THOUSAI1m FIVI: ,�. <br /> n � , <br />. HUf'(�RLll' .11ND,;N0�1�0--_.�_-� ... "'..'...____�_ . ..�-,__ .._____ ________(G 31�rj00.00_...._ . . _1 hnllucc, � <br />��� � � pncublu us ryruvided in a noli�rzecidrd tmd deli�•crrd amcnrronilY here•.vith. thr tinol pu��mrnt uf prinripnl, if n�,t .ounrr puid. � - � <br />�' 2009_.. <br /> x. o� ei�c..._.first...... .......d��y :�t ...... December...._.........__. _ . . �i <br />- � Caaulpn11965 h1 Rrtl iedorel�arinR�nnE lo�n ll�+oclallon d ilneoln,thrcoln.Netrasla <br /> �� � <br />'y� <br />.� <br />