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1 [ ,' <br /> )� <br />�;. � , . . � +Y�yt <br /> ST!. � . . ]`' ' � . <br /> .�. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . � ..��[Ur . <br />�i � �' <br />�.� . <br /> R <br /> STATL OP NLBRASKA, County of ....................................................: • <br />' ; Piled for record ou ................................. o'clock ........................ 5I. <br /> m'iATEtr1Li4I k17ACFf��> <br /> aud recorded in tha llecd Record ................................. Pugo ..........................,.. <br /> , NE(3RASKA QOCUMENTARY <br /> , ' ................. liy� ................STAMP TAX <br /> ..............:.................................................... ..,............................................ .................. <br /> • ltegister of llecdn Deputy l�egister of Uecds <br /> r No� �� ,9�6 � <br /> 76• ������ SUR�IIVORS]HIP WARRANTY BE I�C�:� '� . <br /> $/'"—,���BY '--�.f, <br /> r <br /> Timothy J. Cameron and ➢onnie J. Cameron, Formerly known as Donnie J. Fegter, <br /> Flusband and f�ife , herein called tho grnntor whether one or more, <br /> in consideration of Twenty-One Thousand Nine Ifundred and DO/100 DolIars <br /> received irotu gruntees, does grnnt, Uargaiu, sell convey and coiifirm unto <br /> Tirtathy L. English and 5helley A. L•nglish, Husband and Wife, <br /> vs joint tennuts with right of survi��orship, and not us temints in commou, tUe following descrihed real <br /> � . � propertp iii ............../f.dd.l......................................... Count}•,\'ebraskn: <br /> Lot Four (4) in Block Ten (10), in Gilbert's <br /> Second Addition to the City of Grand Isiand, <br /> Flall County, Nebraska. <br /> (THIS DEED TO CORRECT NOTARY EXPIRATION DATE ON FORMER DEED RECORDED, <br /> & DOCUd1ENT k76-006183.) <br /> To ha��e nnd to hold the abovc descriEc3 premises tugetUer �sitl� all teuements, hereditaments <br /> ! und appurtennnees Lhcreto Uelonging unto tLc granteea ¢nd to their assi6vs, or to the heirs und nssi�ms - <br /> of tlie survivor of Uiem forc�•cr. <br /> And gruntor docs 1�ercUy covenaut n�ith the grnntecs und with their assigns und «•ith the heim <br /> ' and assigne of the sur�•i�•or of tltem tUat grantor is la«•fully seised of suid prcmises;tLat tl�ey nre free from <br /> f>"• <br /> � eneumbranee except easements and restrictions of record. <br /> �;: <br /> thnt grantor l�ns good riglit und ltncful +iutl�ority to con��cy tlic �;une; ai�d that �rcuitur �c.�rrauts uncl �eill <br /> defend tl�c titic to said premises a�ainst the lnt�•ful claims of;ill persouti �sl�om;ocvcr. <br /> € It is tlic inteution of all pnrtics I�ereto that iu ttic e��cut oC t}ic denth of eiUier of tlie grnt�teea, <br /> tl�c enlire See titic to tliis �ral prn����rty �hall �•��sl in �lie sur�•i�ing gruntec. <br /> t+ Datcd November 9 19 76 <br /> i , �J��,,7 <br /> : .................................................................................... `.��/Gl.!�...�(`�..�4FL�/�../.L:licu„�?,r..�................... <br /> � .� .................................................................................... .���:7���.�.�...L..1.C�«:4�.G�'.fi�.�.. . <br /> � STATE OF ...Nebraska...................................... Count�� of ..........Ifa11.........................................: <br /> Before tue,a notnry public qualificd for said cuuntp, personully enuie Z'imothy J. Cameron <br /> and Bonnie J. Cameron, formerly knoc✓n as Donnie J. Fegter, husband and wife, each <br /> �:' <br /> in his and her own right and as spouse of the other, <br /> known to me to be tLe identicul person or persons���ho signed thc foregoing instrnment nnd acknoti��ledged , (. ,,.; •. <br /> tlie execution t]iereof to be Lis,Ler or tlieir voluntary iict nnd dced. r���` <br /> N <br /> / � Y. <br /> L • m hnnc�a notnrin sr� on .... .. '. .....�. .......... .._...., 19 ..:...... I ' � <br /> ` �HARON l. BAKER � � <br /> , <br />�h � ��-nE�AL .t0i�:y ........ ....:.... ...�..... ........ ;:_....:.:..... Aotur}•I'nUlic i� <br /> � � n, Scr*e i� � � ' �� � .. - . <br />, ..:... . .. . . . <br /> a rrr�r t, " � ; 1fy commisn�on espires . .'.:.....,19 <br /> r I;�.T.- r <br />�. ' ..,_ti �. ...�........., ....... ....:...... � <br />;� T�ocm �{�-To be approeed by X��Lrnska State ll;ie.�;soeintion Feiton&Wolt Co..Linwln.Nebr. <br />� . <br />�� � <br /> ` � <br /> � <br />