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°��� f � . .mr <br />� � � <br /> a� <br /> 76- QOR�63 <br /> �10RTGAGG <br /> �+o�rc,ace to..�n�o. L22,429 <br /> x�:o����LLAaeva�'rHtstrrtesE�.rs:rt,��Laverne G. Tnroop and Dorothy F. Throop, each in his and <br /> �� 1� her own right and as spouse of each other, <br /> Mongngor,rvhether one or more,in consideretion nf the sum of � . � <br /> ' ' Twentv Thousand Nine Hundred and No/i00----------------------------------------- �;piLA� <br /> loan:d m s2id mortgaeor by The Equitablo fluildinz and Lu•rn A�sc�ciaiion of G:2r.d i.and,'�e6rzs}:a,Mongaeee,upor. 2�9 sh�rrs of stack of . . � � <br /> siid ,9SSOCIATIO\,Certificate No.L 22�4Z9 .Gu he:eby erant, ccnvri� and menvage unto the said.4SSG:lATlON��e tollowing � .� � � <br /> described reaf estate,situatnl in Hall Cuunty,'�ebnsl:a: - .� � . � <br /> LOT SIX (o) Ild BLOCK fOUR (4) IIV GILBERT'S <br /> ADDITION TO THE CITY Of GRr1ND ISLAND, HALL <br /> COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> };, ' <br /> ioeether u�iih all [he [enemrr.t<,herrdiiamer.ts�r�d-0�:+tt:n=_n;:s:h:recr.:c o:ien�ng,i:,c!ufline att::c�ed:3xrr.ncerines,_il u�indvw�reens. � . � <br /> w�ir��dow$iadec,blinds,sterm w9n:;ow•s_z�+�mr.e�,hr tir.e.•�r condi:iorunz.:n3 plumb;i:r�ad u;tec eqnipment an3 xcce>sori^s themto.p::mp:,siuves, � . <br /> �� :eCrierratort,sn3 etiiet fiatw:s und�t noH���heteei�e:xttadmd to�r¢s:d��cunr,::tioa u�ith�aid r:s!rs:aie. � <br /> And whete�s�ne said m�nc=cn:}:•rs�::.:eed and dues hereby egree ths; t;r mon�=or s5a11_nd uill pzy eil tezes aad xssrssme,ts In•ied er � <br /> .: ,sussed-anon saed Dremises znd v�:�,�v�is moncae^and the bn�:s�:ure�t'ter:�c'�:iore;'^.e ssme shzl!become de:'vlquent;to furr:ish app:ovad . � <br /> inswan:x vpor.�ht bliidu�es or:=id prems:s eituatrd m the s�m ef 5 2��9Q�.�1� p;?�;t�:e to sid ASSOi.lATIOS sad to deli�::to ssid � � <br /> .4SSOGATtOV�hr puliucs ior s�i�i iasurenc:;and nct to co�nie u�pr.�ai=.dP.�'R':SiC OL or_�o�ut s:3id pr:mises �� . � <br /> ' In::ue oi d:fault in thz prrioc:r;,n,e of sn}•ni i'r.e tarms and cor,duiuns ei;his m:�^^�ee ur t:,r bond r:ur:d he:ebp,the nen�gre s^sll. . � � <br /> on drm_n:1,b:e^!itled to imr.�rriiste pcss�:sion of:h�rn�+esecd i.remi�s and the ;ncnc:xor h::e�}� as:�gn�, tr2asicrs xr.d scts nv:r to the � <br /> rnonezett sll ihe�rnts,rerences znd ie�u:ne io be de:i�rd item�h:mon�ceti,rer.uses durmc such tane�s i�e mc2�ee Lzdebiedn:u shxll r:mzi.n <br /> unpmd:and ih:moneeece s}:nil h:i��e thr p.�u�er t.a„aint;m�=carn or=cents i :�a.d�sirr ior th^purnose oi:epzs;ae p�er.uses x��d rer.tir.c � � <br /> � the s�une and celle:7mc the rrnts,rrr:nuec ar,d invm:.and�i m3y par nut ei s:id ir,:�o,^.r. •��I ezcxas�s oi repairir.e�d p:r:tius sne ntasssry' � <br /> commissio.0 and eioeas5 i�eunee ia tenting_.c r.v�n�,ine the sa:ne�3 nf:,uLectir.e rcraa:c[aetefrom::he b.!za�:enuinine,if any�,to be � � � <br /> ` �' ap�L:d w���ard tne du:h.�-:�,a ui said mun_.;re indeb:eCness thcs^richts o±ihe;�crtcaeee m:,�•be ex•rdud at ar.��ti:::e durir.z the exine�:e�t s.:� � <br /> d:�eull.:rrespe:lirt ot a.-,r t;mnotzr}�a'ai��et nf the ssmt. � ' ' � � - <br /> � The�P:es:r.ts,hox�ee;t.are•.::+n.^.vt C�n;iitior,.T'rat u th:sa�d'�9or.c=,ot�:^.ii rzpai�s:id c;be`o:e:h::n:.�tWin•ni_�d s`v;res bc . <br /> pa��n:^t:pa�'mor.thk tu s:i9:1�SOCIATIO\oi�t:e se�:speei:ed is!he Fic:�d seraree hc::���:s imcre<i a.d pr��cipal en s:id lean.or,or!n;ere � <br /> ihe TMectiath d::��r.i exc_h zne r��:rr:no�;h.t:::u:;c.c iuxn n f+_�ilc p_:ti:pas�eli tzxe<zn:asses�menic i.��.�«�,�st�id p:emues znd on+hs 51or.e.:ee <br /> - . :r.d th:Bnrd x�curr�:t;ereby,be;�,ere deiir,yuwr::��:is'ni�h:ppro��ed i�sun�.t up.�.^.:i:e bu;ldir..s tr�:rur.i.L�:snm c C_ Z�,900.GO F+)'2:!= � <br /> � to s.�id ASSOCI.4TI0]::epa��m sa��ASSOC1A710\u�on?ea��,^,�nil nr�ntt�b��i:p;:d iot such:azei.a�srss^e::ts snd ir,scr_�ns u::n ir.temct at � <br /> ..,e m�r,:m�^_m lr:zt izte i.h.crron frcm�te oi narmeni a!i oi,rhi:^rdatgae�:r nere6��zc�e:s�o asc:p•:mi+ne u��ster.n said pr^m�s�s:kre�and co:np!}. <br /> �, uith s[i tha.creemems_nd a•�d�uors ci t}:e Bor��im S 2��9��.Q�t:us dac c;ven^r t;x Li1�:ottezeo:tc szid.ASSOCIA710'�.:md cumqiy <br /> •.:i:h xil ti�e rr�ui:e:e:r.s c�thc Cvnsci:uticn:r;d By-iaus oi said zS50(7AT10\:ihrn tnese i:cs:r,ts i:all hz;cme r.n'! °�d���id.o:henr�s::h:�� <br /> i}�I:emam!r.iu!1 ior.e snd m_� b�fcre.fosed u c�.e o*cior.of:he s.:�d .ASSOCIATIO\ :(ur :.:i;u:e fo: :hree :z:or,ths : ^�_ke st:r oi:ziG <br /> � ia�nt:tas nr b::;;rer months ir,_�rezte i;r.izi::r.c s:i:���n::}'mcnis,cr tu i:r:n z �n:r.p'.t�w';th:�:z::eetr,�ents_;C tnn�iticnt et"v:3 Eend; <br /> ::n:i 91c:tF::cot a.tzes�o::�r:::e,eirrr zppuro;r:l:onhu�i:ii:n such to:adnsure nrucre.iLae�. <br /> x <br /> I?thz�t is am�chzaec m o��r.ership ut t�:r:al es:_t:^��ortce::d hutin.oc siit u�ot!;rncis�.L::r L",e en!i:e;t^.tai�ile irdebttdness�crr�y <br /> � s-<ur:d s1:zll.a�tte optioa ni The f�Guita�'e Buii�ir.e sr.d La�r.Associ:ci:m o!i;:��d I�L%nd.\chrasl:s.b:;ame 6ue sd p:..:zble unhcut <br /> - � fcrthcr not�cr.zn9 tl;e xmoem :rm=iair.c dur u.^�dcr:_�d bcr.d.znd�:r u;her b..^.:d i:,r a:.��zdc:v��l;.;�J�ccs,ii.from 1n; <br /> � d;t:oi cxeins:ni ssid opt�on.S:zr ii�r:*:zstnum};��;;,e,st�d ths mone2�e rr_�-::7:n c:toreci�ud:o Luv.:thr amount du:on siid <br /> t . b..^.d.and zni�otaa hond io:.dditicnal;d�a:tu.tnceth^r u�uh ail s.uns pa;�be z:id Th:[.cui!zbl:Buudir:arid 1,o2n Asa:itio,^.otGrend 151asd. <br /> _ \'ebra;ka ior insu:.:n;e,t�xes znd a�_c:s:r.�rr.u.ind ahsva, ex!en�iun d�atees,x�nh :atetrst t'rmreor,. L•�ur dst: uf p���mer.: at the <br /> � 1:zat rate. <br /> � . As p;o��idr9 ir,th^_Bend s!�:ured'n;reoy,uhii;t1:u m��rt:ye:re:aass i^ciicct:�e nun._aet r.���y!:creait�r:c�;n.r=dei:ior_7 sums m tho <br /> m�ke:s o;s;w$ond.ihei:a�siczs o:�u::ss:�rs ir,ntttes:,a�hi.h r.:ms shell be w�:th�n the scccrit��o(i,is mos!.^.zce tt�e s::ae 2s[ne funde erici:.;llv <br /> uc��ec thueec,ihe tot_I xmoum oi ermc:n�.�l debt nm to es�r:d at sm•cine the oriura�:mour.t ei ttus r.,ortezee. <br /> " �x:a L�5 /.�7tn /•�3s�: l2ovember � � �° 7b , <br /> '/_. �. ��' .+J_�.: <br /> ���'.-�o..� r..i r�i", �._ �. :� •,�� , <br /> �,erne �. Tnrovp Dorothy F: Throep - <br /> STATEOFKEEA+�S}:.A.{Ss. Q�:kis i�th de�ot ��ovember iu%6 ,bejeresae, <br /> COL'�TY OF 3lALL j <br /> � t5e u^dersi�ed,a Vo!z��P::bli:in end ior ssid Count��.persuna!h�ceme ' . : . <br /> Lauern�.e.,�G{�.,.Tnroop and Dorothy F. Throop, each in his and her ewn riyht and as spouse of �� �" <br /> ��"'�""ti,_"q. x'.�o d Y'2 P=:sonal'ty}:nown to M <br />.s � iCf v ti � <br /> �;i�e t�b�:qe i� - *rson 5 v:'�ou r, S dre rf:�rd to the nbor�;asc:em>r,t as monc:gor S ar:� theV �ver!i�� <br /> ;;+�a�nou'h�cf8�fe.sid i�- a�:ni to 6e thel 1' i�al:u:t_n�ac7 znd deed. � . <br /> - l.'. S�.� . <br /> '. = �17Tti r.7•hand and::otarial Seal L':e d_te aforesa�d. , tQ� <br />� � ••�.C'o;�isvaa exp"ue:\�i``'� 1 i. � , Ua <br />�- _=:i.tet �� '.Ju.y�T� � . � . � <'� i�``���.�or;,��:c�: <br />.➢% •�.,;:,'��;� „ <br />~:� I <br />;`� ��� � J <br />'_�� <br />,_`�( <br />'-{ <br /> ( <br />