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� ..�� <br /> 5 <br />� � ,µt, b= (}_U6651__. _. .. . _. ,. ,_ , _ ! _ � <br /> _ __ _ <br /> . _ _ _ . <br />; � 106•B--Corpontlon 8urvivonhlp Werranty Deed (Rovbed 1D61) The}Iu/finen Oooe»1 5npp1T 1{oa�e,wncot�,xoLc � <br /> --'-?i-' ---_..._.___.�...�._..�__...�...�..._._ � � . . <br /> �! <br /> SNOWAI,LMEN$YTHESEPitEBEN'P�,Tht�t ��tmAon Lnn� CnmPnny, Cramd fnland� Nel�rnnlca� <br /> �; <br /> �' n eorporntion orgnnized aud eaieting undcr nnd bq virtuc of tlie lx�ti•e of tLc Stntq of Nr_Lrnskn <br /> ,� <br /> I <br /> � 3� in coaeideratiou oP rive Thoueand F.i.ght fitmdred k ifty llol i�re nnd No Cc�ntn <br /> ;; <br /> �I <br /> _; ' <br /> i! received from grnntee,doea grnnt, burgnin,sell, cottvay nnd confirm uuto � <br /> i' <br /> �j Leonard H. Conner nnd rlargflret A. Gonncr, HusUnnd find WiFr. <br /> li <br /> na joiat tan¢nta�vith right of eurvivoreLip,and uot ne tenants in common,thc following described real proparty tn <br /> Finll Couuty, NeUraeku , <br /> � ,i <br /> ' ' j? All of LoL 13 And crest ].7f.t of lot 12 1'leuennt Vtew <br /> FiLth Addition, to Che CLty of Grnnd Ielnnd, Ilall Counky, <br /> � � NcUria3kn. <br /> N[I3RASKA DOCtiMCNTARY f <br /> j; STAMP TAX <br /> ,� (dUV 17 1976 <br /> �r''[b�FNj A�^�� <br /> ; , <br /> � <br /> a i � /�./:�' 6Y��+/� <br /> To hnve nnd to huld t�e aUove dencribed premise�togethcr�vith ull tcuemente,l�ercditnment9�ind uppur- <br /> tennnces thereto belocigiug u�ito the grnntces i�nd to thcir n�si�ati, ur tu tLe l�cira nud nssiRnn ot tLo survi��or ot ( i <br /> � ', <br /> them forover. <br /> And gruntor for itelf tuid its Fuccessors docs Lereby covetu�uL n�ilh the�;r:uitecs uud t��ith tl�cir nssi�;ns xuS � ' <br /> with tho Ueits und nssigns of t�e survi�•ur of them thiat qruii[or is I.l�YIl1II}' SL'16Ct� of eitid prcmisca, tLnt tltt:y uru <br /> frep trom encumbrnucc <br /> ;� <br /> ' thnt grnntor 6ns goud riRht uud luwful uuthority to convcy thc s+unc;m�d tlint grantor����u•r��ntw nii�l n•ill defeud <br /> '� tLc title to said premises a�+tiust the lu«�ful cluiuis nf nll persous�rhomnoever. <br /> It is tfie intention of ull partics hereto thnt in thc cvciit of thc dcutli oC cillicr uC thc �;rnntecx,tlic entirc � �� <br /> fee simple tiUe to tLe renl estute siiull the sun�icin�grantee. <br /> ,' IL N1LIlC99 6'hcreof,gruutor liay hecemito ettused its corporutc scult.o bc nffised.uid t.l�enc prexcnt.e siRucd . � � . <br /> ;, { by ita Presideut. I <br /> k ,� � <br /> � Dnted'.�;'�,k/'" � �,� O ]97G I <br /> : <br /> . ��i;t'C�t; �. -1 ...Jnl�n�on I.�nd.�4mR1AY., <br /> � C ... ................ <br /> ' , i . () <br /> t ' �Q �� �v�d�e�v�-----...Presidcut <br /> Ry ... li:'R" 'o m'r.'on......... <br /> i .� ,.:.�.�. - <br /> ' ; �• . •�� <br /> ; ; STATE.OI"�.....N.obr.dak�........,County of...llall................: <br /> i . . . <br /> .• ;, ; ( ' <br /> � ; I3efbru��i}�s\no�ary public quulificd in suid couuly,personnlly cumc I : <br /> ,i '! I 1'residcut uf <br /> s i ' <br /> ,u corpurittion <br /> 3 known to me to be the President and idcuticnl person n•ho signed the foregoing inatrument,,aud ncknowicdu��<t tLc � <br /> execution t6ereof to be his voluntury uct ItR(� IICI'll it3 9UCII ufficer au1 tLe �•oluntnry nct,uul decd uf nnid corpo- <br /> �` ' rution aud thnt its corporute xeul w�us therelo affiacd Ly its nuthority. <br /> 7, �Vitncss my hnnd and uoturiul ecnl uu..........��..'".../..v... 19j('..... <br /> ,i. <br /> ` ��' p�RI11,MDTIUY•ShNolNebr. ......��,V.��....'.V:.1,4:-S�j°.�::�-..........Nutury YuUlic. <br /> � � '� IWBElR M.REIMAN �'�. <br /> =, � . . . I t'e . r � IJ <br /> ; �p�,Fjp,wa 6.w�o bfy cummisaion exp�res...........��:-:�..J..........,IOJ�.. , <br /> , ,� <br /> ' 3TATE OF............................. <br /> ; •�ss. - � i � <br /> ;� County ................................ <br /> � , � " ra .; <br /> y ' � Entered on numerical index und filed for recvrd in the Regisler of Dceda OFfic�� oY xuid Caunty U�c ;, � � <br /> li dny of......................19......,ut...........o'clocic und,..........minutrs ........ ..rl., I . � <br /> i; �' ,• <br />,.. , ; uud recorded in Book.....................of....................ut ptigc................. � <br /> : ;j I � <br /> ia;, ........................... ..... ............ j <br /> ..ltrq.of 1)ecds � <br /> S"t_r I <br />�.e,. I;y ................. ..... ........ 1)��nu��� <br /> ' , <br />� � � . <br /> Z .. .. .. ....._ ........ . ... _. ..... . . ... ..... . . � <br /> "4�• . ........ �. . � <br /> tr L- f � <br />�i <br /> � <br />