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; ��. <br /> , , <br />�.:. . . � � .. �f��'4�.'.i. <br />,y�;, <br /> yx'^-., � � <br />� 7G- �(?6631 <br /> n,o�trcnac <br /> -- -------------------------- <br /> ' �+oizrc�nc;r:�.a,�n no._L_2�,9�fi_______— <br /> nNo�vn�l.��eNi3vrin:sr:�>it��seNis:�i��y;ruce G. ilheeler a�id Sheila M. ',dheeler, each in his and <br /> � her own right and as spouse of each other, <br /> A{urige@or,�vhelher uno or murc,in cunsideretiun of tlte sum o( . <br /> ;:;' Thirty-seven Thousand Nine Nundred and No/100--_-._------_�-`__-___= lloi.t.nns <br /> IoaneJ tu snid murigngur By 1'he liquitable IiuilJing and Luon Assucietiun nl'Grand lsiand,Neb�askn.I�tott�aFee,upun 3�y shares uf stock uf <br /> taiJ ASSOCIA?ION,Certificafe No.I. ZZ�4za ,du heicby grm�t,cuncey and murtgnge untu the aaid A590(:IAIION the followine . . . . <br /> � Jeseribed reai cslute,situated in Ilall l'uunty,Nehtask;c . � . � � <br /> LOT SEVEN (7) IN ULOCK TIiREE (3) IN SECONU ADDITION <br /> TO HOLCOMB'S HIGHtJflY NOMES SUUDTVISION, IN SECTION <br /> �: ` TWEN7Y-EIGHT (2t3), TOIJNSHIP ELEVEN (11) NORTH,(2ANGE <br /> `, '. NINE (9) WEST OP THE 6Tfl P.M., IN IIIILL COUNTY, NEDRASKA. <br /> � ; <br /> � ; <br /> �' ; <br /> wgelher �cith all the tenemenis,heu�Jitnmenls and sppunennnces�herewnu belaneinF,including yltached Iluur cu�•eiings,ull�einduu•screrns. �� �. � .. <br /> uindu�e SIIUlIC9�blinds,s�urm���inJu�vs,,n��ninet,hr,uing,ni�conditimiing.and pluniLinc nnd w:�ter eqnipmentnnd acceswrire lheieln,pumpe,stu�es. � . . . <br /> relFigeruturs.;md olhet lixlures and eyuipmrnl nurc ur heir,dier altached t�i m used in cmmeetiun���itli s:�id ieal estale. � . � <br /> ���...'r :1nd e'heiene ihe nid muilgnFu�hes s�rccd and Jues hcieby akrcc thnt tl�e nnn��eagm sliall und�vii�psy all tases and assessmm�is leeied ur � .� . � . <br /> ;tssessed upun cnid premiscs anJ upu��Ihis tnurtFaga mid dic bunJ srewed Ihrnb�' bcl�.�re the?ame shall beeume delinyvenL'tu tmnish approced . <br /> Insu�anre iq>ou tl�e huildinFs nn snid premises situnted in thc sum nf 5 37�g�0 �� p ivnLle w said ASSOCIA7'ION and tu drllver lo said <br /> `� Ati50C1A1'IOt�Ific pulicirs foi asid inswuncc:and nut lu conunit oi pcimil any wnstc ua ur abuu�taid prenucrr, . . <br /> hi cuse ul defaull in thc pe�lurmance uf aur ul ilie trnns and cunJi�iuu5 of d�iv mm��aer ur Urc bu�id secmed he�eby,the murtgagee siialL �� . . . <br /> un demand,be eniitled�o inunediaic puscetsiun ol Il�c mu�lea�;ed prcnu�es �md ihr muite:iEm hereb}� assigns, trmufers and tt�s uver w Ihe � . <br /> � murlg:�gce all the renls,rcrenues and incumc.tu hc dcii�ed fium thc nwrlpaFed prcmises Jurin4 si�ch tinm as�he nw�tgage inde6tedness shatl remxin� . . <br /> unpaid:nnd Ihe nw��pagre shall hace Ihe pnu�e�w nppuint nny aEenl ur aecn�c it mar dcsiic lur Ihe purpuse u(�epuiring s�id piemiss mid ren�fng . <br /> ii�e came and colleclu��:lhe tents.rerenurs and incente.nnd il inay�aay nut uf said incmnr all esprnses uf�epniring snid premisea end necessnrp <br /> - 1O111I1i1551U113 OIItI f`{�)CIISI'S IpCU�ICtI in�cntine anJ nranaEin��he same nnJ ol i�ullei��ing remals tlicrcl�rum:tl�c hnlance rcmuininc,if any.�u be . � . . . .. � <br /> ` �pplied�u�vnid d�c discliarec UI t81II IllUil�!8(:l'IOIICIt�CtI11C55:llll'SC fll!hls ol-�he muneaFre m�+y 6e exrrcised at anc lim�llliflif�;lI1P PRISlP11CP U�SUl'Il � . <br /> ���� ` del'auh.iirespeclirc u(nuy tempur�re«�ai��er nf�he s�nie. <br /> r .. 1-licsc PICSI'l11S.IIO\YC\'PI.{IfC tl�)�111 II1P COIIII1�lUll.I IIB�II IIIC 5�111I A�lI11i:ICU1 cliall IC�IH�'S,IIt�III:II!UII tl(�CIIIC lI1C II79UIfll1'OI said sliares Ly � <br /> µ. , payment,p,i} muuihl��tu ssid ASSOCLI1IOY of ihe s.nn sperifird ut llic Hund securtJ hr r6) as inlerett:md piinapsl un sniil I��au.un i�t heli�iro <br /> IIIC�I�\4l•IIIIClI1lI8\'III c;�rl�nnd ecen�montti.unlil said luan is lidh�p:11tI:�t➢l'8II 19XCS 21IIlI LS:L'S1111CII15 IPIICtI OY.HIIISI 591(I�liCi➢ISP4 9IIII UII lIlIS M1�111C8CC � <br /> �::` ' and the Buud seaued theicb�•.�eli�re deliuyuencyt lumish upprured insai;wce upon ihr buildinLs�herem�in the sum uf 43]�9Q�.Q� pa}�ublr � . <br /> �:: �n said AtiSOCIA1l1)PJ:iepup tu�uid ASSllCL41lON upun demand all nwnr��Irc it paid for such tases.;�s=essmen�s nnd insurance�ciih interesl at � <br /> IIIO IP7XI�1111111 IL•f7I 10�1'II1CtCul1 IIUIII�JllfC U���9YII1Cill eII U(�Y�IiCI1\Ia1lCfl�ut IIPIeI�Y eL1erS f��p(1\':�1BI II11UIn weSIC oll 59i�plPlillu4:Y,teN�nll Culllply . <br /> wi�h ull Ihe;iFrrrmznls and cnnditiuns ul Ihc Bund Ihi 5 3��y�0.�0 Ihis day eiven b���he said Muil��gui tu saiJ ASSOCIA'fION.nnd rmnply <br /> �eith;dl the ieyuiremenls of Ihe CunstitWiun and B)'�I.81YS III SOIII ASSf)CL1�IlUNt Ihen il�ese prcsen�s sli�ll Lecumr null and roid.othencise they � <br /> shail remain in lidl lirrec m�d II1HY I)C IUII`lIVSI.�al Ihe upliun uf il�e cyid AS.S(H'L�'11UN aftei I'.iilmc fui ih�ee muulh� �o mnke uny ul sai�t <br /> .. p;iy'menis ur 6e Ihrec tnunUis in aneats in m:+king s:�id ntutuhlp partnrtnc.iu lu I;crp;md�umply H�ith the oereements snd cunJiliuns ul suid ltund; � <br /> � aud A{u�lFago�aHiees tu hare a iettivei nppuinied lurlh�cilh in sncl�fureclu;ure piuceedin�s. <br /> � � If�heie is auy ch.wge in un•nriship ol Ihe real esLite mmlk�iµcJ liairin.l,c s:de w utl�ei�rise.Ihen Ihe enliir iemainin�indrbtednees heieb}. <br /> � �ecured shall,al lhe upliun uf'llic ISquilu6le Iluildiu�aud Loan Assuciutiun u(ilrmd Islsnd.Nebieska.Lecume inunedimel��duc unJ put�able wiU�out <br /> '' � fwlhe� nutice,mid Ihe amnuN iemainin�.due undc� said buud.nnd sny uiher bonJ(i�r auy sdditiunal ndreucet msde ihereundrr,ghall.lium ihe <br /> � � dalc of exeici�e uf said uptiun,benr inlcies�at the marinmm Ic4a1 t:ite.and this murtiaFe ntay�hen I;r Ii�rrcluseJ Io suiiei�y dre auwunt dur an ssid <br /> _: bund,snd�uty olher bund lin additiunat aikmices.tut�ether�vilh all sums paiJ b��s:iid�I hr i�.yui!able BuildiuR and t.uun AssuciaUon ol Grxnd Island. <br /> Nelm+ska Ibr insurance,taxes:and NSSI•SSIIICI119.0111I OI15lI.ICIiIILP%ICIltilllll l'I18IFPS.W1�Il inteirst. iheirun. I'inm dsle uf pacment s� lhe m:�xinium <br /> �P�+:I�Iil(C. <br /> , As piuvidcd in Il�c Iiund secuicd hcicln�.n�hile ihis ninrtFa�;e icinsins in rlli�ei �hc nwrl�ngec muy hrie�ller�dvance nddiiional suma tu Ihe <br /> mal;eis ul eaid Bund.lhei�assi¢us oi vuecetsins in in�riesl.�el�ich sums shnll be wilhin Uie sri�urit��o(Ihis m�.rrlgnµe�lie��me HS lllr liinds uriKinslly <br /> " tecwed U�ereh��.Ihe Wtul mnowit ol piincipul dehl nut lo exceed�t am��ime Ihe uiiFinal amuunt of ddc morlFupe. <br /> ! <br /> Daletl lhiv 1 jth. Juy�r November• �1.n..�" �(7 .. <br /> (� I <br /> �, , ( i � � <br /> i� ' _�, ".�:�il!"r,'+�� . �. �'�-��r[G:fa -- _ :.1 ,..�i�..- 1__,_�}� �1 r,.l �'L-' <br /> c _' ? t.�4 <br /> � 6ruce G. Wheele� + Siei a �t. Wliee el r• <br /> S7'A17iCFNL�IZASKA. 5�. nnlhis 1�th �.layuf ���ovember �`��6 ,I�r.fineme. <br /> COUN'fl'01 IIALL� <br /> Uruce G. ',lheeler and Sheila M. }'heeler, ea�h in`�iiss�and°Vier'ovin��ii'gtii��"an°��asp1s`jiduse o`i1°m� � <br /> , `'^--a�: <br /> ' 8AC�1;..8r k12�'.f 1°I��� dYP_ paison�lly'knowntn LV ��;.. <br /> me'tu b'�41iP����pd��'i7e(son g }tihuse nome5 are offixed to Ilie sl�uve insliwucnl es murtga4'��� 5 and they �"-�'<<ally � <br /> � l �("''4 .,S <br /> �tickltur'Iedgedlh¢.'vpiJlh ;umenl lu bc thei r ruhmlery act and derd. h <br /> ' �' ,:� �MI`NNf;S ny hnnd nnd Nuterinl Seal the dnte�luieeaid. _ <br />, � . : �, ( <br /> . t .� r . ,�Ir�S Unt�� sion expires �,�_.�..� ,{� .zJ� �l�'�,�, � � " 1 G . <br /> • <br />� i� ; • � ` � - -..__—�—,._._ a.�y'�-4-Ar N�-- — <br /> � ; � / ria�y Nitl�lic <br /> � ��i�;lf.Nl i �,� ' I <br /> .°�:�:�_ . -i <br /> � '.,�t L�1 ��lYl= .,;' <br /> �� � � � <br /> � <br /> � <br />