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<br /> 910RTGACE LOAN N0. ZZ,GLh
<br /> �.�.owALLDi[NIiYTHESEPRESGNTS:Thst Ronald E. Nilger and Shirley J. Hilger, each in his and
<br /> � her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> � ; . Atortgagor,whethtr one or more,in constderation oC the sum of � � � ��
<br /> Twentv-two Thousand and No/100--------------------------------------------------- �LLaas
<br /> � loaneJ to said murtgagor by The Equitable Duilding and Luan Association of Grand Islnnd,Nebr�ska,Aiortgagee,upon 220 sh�res oC stock of . � �
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Certificate No.L �2_d�6 ,do hrreby grant,com�ey and morteaze unto the said ASSOCIAT(ON dta following , � � . � �
<br /> described real eslate,sili�ated in Hall Cuun y,'N'e raska: � �
<br /> �: :
<br /> x..�� tugethrr with all the tenement:,hereditaments anJ:�ppunenances thereunto beloneing,induding attached iloor mt-eringt,all window scrtens, . �. � �
<br /> t
<br /> ���indow shsdes,blinds,storm windows,awnings,hnatinE,air conditiuning.and plumbing and w�ater eyuipment and accessories themto,pumps,stoces,
<br /> refrigerators,and uthr�fixmres and eyuipment nou•or hereaftzr at�ached w or used m connection with s:iid real estate. . � � �� ..�
<br /> .`��;:�� And whereas the said moncagor has sgreed and dues here6y agree th3t the m�rtEagor shall xnd will pay ell taxes and assessments I:tiied or � � � � �
<br /> as>essed upon said premises and upon this mon¢ace and the bond secured thrceby 6efore die same shall bemme delinyuent;to Curnish approved - � � . �
<br /> insurancr upon the buildines on s�id premixs situated in the:um of 5 2��QQQ.QQ papab)e to said ASSOClATION and to deli��er to said � �� �
<br /> ASSOCIATION the pulicies Cor said insurance�nd not tu cammit or permit any waste on ur abaut said ptemises. �. - . ��
<br /> in case uP defuult in the performance of any o(ihe terms and cunditions oC this mortcaee or thr bond secured hereby,the mortgaeee shall, � � � .
<br /> on Jrm�nd,bc entided to immediate possession oi thc mo�tgaced premises �nd the morCg3cor hereby assigns, Uansters and s:ts uvrr to the . � �
<br /> - . mortcteet all the rcnts,rev�nues and inmme to be deri�•ed Gom the morteaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain � . �
<br /> unpaid:xnd the mortcagee�i�ell luvic ehe puu•er to appoint am•agent or a¢ents it may dasire for the purpose of cepairing s:id premises and renting - �� � � .
<br /> i,.: the s:ime and mllecting the rents,revenues and income,and ii may p�y uut of sxid income all expenses of repairing said premises and nt;,essap• � � � � �
<br /> � cnmmissions and expenses incurred in�enting�nd man�gine the same and of mllecting remals [heretrom:the balance rcmaining,if any,m be � � � �
<br /> �:? applied tuu�ard the diseharge o1 said mortgage indebttJness;theu rights o(t}�r murteagee may be exercised at any time during the existence of sucl� � �
<br /> default,irrespecti�n utany iempor.vy w�i��er of chc same. � .
<br /> �),�,� Thesc Presents,howerer,are upon the Conditiun.Th�t i(thz said lfurtgagor shall cepay said luan un or betore the m�turity o(s�id shares by � �
<br /> 't��� payment;p��•monthly tu said ASSOCIATIOV ul ihe sum specii3ed in the 8ond secured h:reby as inceres[and principal on said loan,on or before �
<br /> tlie Twemieth day of each and evcp•month,until said loan is tull}•paid:pa}�sll uxes and assessmonts le�ied against said premises and on this\tortgage � � � � �
<br /> 4� . and the Dond secured thereby,6efore delinyuency.[urnish approced insurance upon thr 6ufldings theroun in the sum of J 22����.�� P�5'�b�� �� - �
<br /> t �o vid ASSOCIATIOV:repay to said:�SSOCIATIOV upun demand all monev by ic paid for such txxes,assessments and insurana with interest at
<br /> �{. � the mazimum legal rate ehrreon frum d�te u(payment all of tshich�fort¢agur hereby aerecs�o p�y:permit r.o waste on saiS premises:keep and comply � �
<br /> �t
<br /> u�ith all the agreements and cunditiuns ot'the Bond fur S PZ,OOO.00 ihis dxy gicen by ihz said�tortgagor W ssid ASSOCIATION,and comply . � .
<br /> with�II the requiremems of the Cunstitutian and U��Laas ot said ASSOCIATIOV:ihen these p�esznts shall become null and void,othera•ix they
<br /> . shall remain in(ull(orce and may be forecloud at the option oi the said ASSOCIATION after failure fur three months tu mske am�of said � - �
<br /> payments ur tx threc momhs in arreaa in making said mm�thly paymcnts,ur to keep and wmply u�llh the agrcemer.ts�nd cunditions of svid 6ond;
<br /> ' and Alortg�gur agcees to ha��e a receieer appoin[ed forthtcith in such foreclusure proceedings.
<br /> F'
<br /> � If there is any change in uwnership o(thc real estate mortg�ged herein,by sale or otherwise,then the entire remai�ung indebtedness hereby
<br /> � sewred shall,at lhe option ut The Lyuitable Building and Lo�n Assuciation o(Cr:�nd Island,Ne6raska,become immediately due andpayablo without
<br /> � (unhet notice,and tlie amount rem�ining due under said bond,and any oq�er bond for any additional adv�nces made thereunder,shall,from the
<br /> ;� . dam of exercisr of said option,bcar interest at the m�ximum leeal rate,and�his morigage may ttten be Corecloud to satisfy the amount due on said �
<br />� i bond,and any other bond for addilional ad�ances,together with all sums paid by said'fhe Gyuitable 8uilding and Loan Aesociation of Grand Island,
<br /> Ke6raska for insurance,tases vnd asseuments,and abstracting extension charges, wi�h iNerest the�eon, from date of p�yment at the my:imum
<br /> j. legal rata
<br /> r' � � As pwvidrd in the�ond xc�rcd hereby,H-hile this mortgage rnnains in e((ect the mongagre may heroafur adrance additional sums to the �
<br /> makers of said Uond,their xssigns or succeswrs in interest,which sums shall be within the securiq�of thir morteage the same as the(unds originally
<br /> securrd thereby,the total amount o(principal debt not to ezrred at any time tl�e original amount of this mortgage. �
<br /> ���za,y�s 1��5th a�y�i November :�.n.,i��76
<br /> �j/�<.:G_��/.�-�'��(/lr 1�t:. s.r'� . ���'�:cv
<br /> —Ronal-d—E—ATe�. S—Tii r el y J.,hTi7ger �
<br /> r �
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASIGI,�� On this 15th dav o( November �)�6 ,beCore me,
<br /> CUUtiTY OF HALL (
<br /> Ronald E. Hilger and Shirley J. Hilger, each in"�°is�'�n�'�ie`r'D4lll��t'19�1°�tan�da°s°sp�u`se°aot`�'m` ^' �, �
<br /> 2dGh QthQ�'.� �eho are person�llykr,ownto � >
<br /> L `��' � � � a
<br /> y � :�.fie,to 6e thy�ideqtica(puson S w'hux name5 dP2 aCfixed to the abore instrument as mortgagorS and they sn•erally .3
<br />,�,�.� - ackttowle'dged tha�said�strument to be thei r eoluntaq�act and deed. �
<br /> SD
<br />��: . � � . . , �� 1V7Tti�'S$my hand and Notarial Se�l the date aforesaid. , � 6(1 � �
<br /> . . . .�AfyC'b�missionexpifee���3\ � rJ �. \ . _ . .
<br />�� . �� ��.� �� L .
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