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�i . . . . , . . .. � �C . . . <br /> . . . ; . . � . ����;�.. � . . <br />� �.,. , ' �— . <br /> � . � . <br /> MOATGAGE-3aWng�.and I.oan Foim—(Dtrecl Credlt�Plm) 2552 (Spadd) � <br /> `��...�.....,.. .».........+.�...�....,. <br /> �,i <br /> 76• ,O t�Fi���� MORTCAGE <br /> �w xo <br /> ��' THIS iNDENTUHE,made �. � 12th ,, , � November 76 <br /> .� ^Y o 19�by and betweea . <br /> l� GREGORY B. UHRMACHER AND DOROTHY J. UNW4FlCHER, husband and wife each in his and � <br /> + " } her own right and as spouse of the other <br /> � Hall <br /> S a� �ounly,Nebranlca,as morigagor S aad Hama Federal Snving�and I.oan Aasociation of G[aad Ialaad, <br /> .a corporation organlzod and ezieting under Ihe laws ol.Nebcaaka w!!h Ite priadpal oHtco and ploce o!busiaeen at Grand Ll�d,Nebmsta, � <br /> � '� ae morlqagee: . � . . <br /> � WIiNESSETH: Thal eaid modgagor S!or and la wmtderat(on of Ihe eum of � <br /> x $ TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED FIFTY APlD NO/I00 ------------ oua�, �s 25,350.00 , ' ; <br /> �. $ �the recelpt oi which!e hereby ackaowledged, do_�by theae preaanta moegaga�and wmrant unto said mortqagee, ita euccos�on md <br /> '; $ . aseigna,forever,a11 the lollowing daecclbed xeal oelato,aituated in the covnly of Ha I I <br /> � �and State ol Nebraeka,to-wiL• � � <br /> E �� <br /> i � <br /> � LOT FIVE (5), IN FRACTIONAL BLOCK FORTY (40), I�J CHARLES WASMEP.'S ADDITION TO THE <br /> CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> �' j, - <br /> � <br /> ; �� � <br /> i <br /> Y �� <br /> S � <br /> ?� <br /> f. <br /> 1 + <br /> �� � <br /> ' �3 i� <br /> � #� <br /> ��j�; s �� <br /> ;y Yogother wilh alt hoatinq, Itghtinq, nnd plumbing oquipment and li:lurea,includinq atokere and bumen,acreeae,awnl¢qe,etorm windows <br /> y ;S and doore,and wlndow shadea or blindn,ueed on or(n coaneaion wilh eaid pwpetty,whether ihe same aie aow located on said praperty <br /> �1 or herealter placed�hereon. � <br /> � t <1 <br /> ;. {3 TO HhVE AND 70 HOLD THE SAhIE, together with all and einqular the tenemonts,hemdllamenU and appurlenaaecs thareunto belonq• ? <br /> 3 j <br /> � � $` ing,or in anywi�e appetl¢inlaq,forever,vnd warrant tho tiUe to the eame. Said morlg¢qor 5 he[ehy coveaan�with oald mortqageo �it � <br /> ,S <br /> : ST that�he_� ��P at the delivory hereof,t6e lawtul owner 5 ut the premiaea abovo conveyed and deecribed,aad are t <br /> � �f seized o!a good and indeleaaihlo eelate of inheritance therein, Iren and dear ol all encum6r¢acee,and Wat T ho�w[Il wmrm�t mfd f� � � <br /> �� defond the title therelo lorever agoinsl iLe cJaivu and demands of all po�eons whomsaevec S <br /> � I <br /> � �f� PAOVIDED ALWAYS, and this instrument !e eYecuted and delivered to secura ihe paymeat o�tho eum ol � � <br /> i �� TWENTY-F l VE THOUSAfJD THREE HUIdDP.ED F I FTY AND (v0/I 00 ---------- nol�ara ls 2�.350.00 � �� <br /> :i f� wilh inleteat thercron,togother with euch charqee and advancoa as may be due and payablo lo aaid mortgageo undor the termn and $ � ' <br /> i <br /> $� condi�ions ol �he promissory noto of even date herevrith and aecu:od hereby,oxeculed by naid morlqagor S to eaid moztgaqoe,payable { � <br /> �1 as expreaaed in said mto,and ro aecure the perloimancu ol all tho terma and coaditiom caatvined thetein. 7he lerms ot evid aota uro F <br /> £; hereby incocporated herein by thla ieturence. 5 � � <br /> � <br /> F{ ❑le the ln�entton and aqreement of the partics hereto iha�this moqgage ahall also �acure any Iuture advancee made to eaid <br /> t <br /> SS mortgaqor 5 by aaid mo:tqaqee.and any and all indebtednaee in addiiion to tho amount above emmd whkh eaid mor�gagora, or aay S � � <br /> 3 0l them, may owo to satd mortgageo,however nvidencod,whethar by note.boolc account or otherwlse. Th[a mortqage ahall remain in lull } <br /> f� lorce and ef:ea 6etween the partica heraro aad thair 6eire, porsonaf representvUves, cuccenw:s and aaalgns, unul all amounb accured � � , . � � <br /> S� hereundev,iacludinq lutwo advancee.are paid In lul!wlth intoreat. � <br /> S2 7ho mortgagor S hereby aaaig�_to euid mortqagee all teat�and Iacome arialnq at any and all timee lrom w[d property and � <br /> i: $� h?reby authorize enid mo[tgageo or Ils ugent, et itn optlon, upon doloul�,to take chergo ol iald property and collect all rente and lncome +� - � � : . <br /> �herefwm and apply the samo to t6e payment of lntorest,prinapal,Saeur¢nce premiuma, ta:e�,aianenmenU, repaira or lmprovemente nocee- f <br /> z �f aury to kcep mid propony in tennntahle condition,or to olher chntgee or payment�p�ovlded!ot hereln or In ihe nota hereby eecured T}ila # - <br /> tt' cem asntgnment ahall rontlnuo ia lose untll the unpald balance ot eaid no�e ia(ully pald Tho taking at poaseeeion he:nunder ahall!n ao � <br /> S� manner proveal or rotcrd said mortqagee fa the callectlan o!aafd eums by torecloeure or otherwlae. � � <br /> 73 <br /> j� The failure of tha mortqagee to aeae�t aay o! !ta dghV hareundar at any tlme ehall mt be conntruod as a walver ot Ils rlght to aane� j � � <br /> j' the same al any Ivter tlme,and to lnalat upoa and ealorco�trlct mmpllanca wllh nll the Iorma md pcovisiom ol aoid note ¢nd ol thia j � <br /> $i mortqaga. j . <br /> 1� <br /> $S �I eotd marlgagor S ahall eauso to be patd lo�dd mortgaqee tho ontlre amount due It hereunder.aad under the rorms aad provivon� i$ . . <br /> $f ol eaid note hereby secured,ineludinq futuro advancen,and any ertaneioa� or renowala �hereal fa accordanco wlth tha terma �d proWatoa� � . <br /> ��# thereol,and if eatd monqaqor 5 ahall complq with all the provfafoae ol eaid no�e and ol thli mortgage,idea the�e pre�eati�ha!!be odd: � <br /> � olherwiae to remafa ta!ull lorao and eflocL and amd maztqagaa ehall be enUtled to the puueulon ot alI nt�aid propany,m�d may,at lta { }� <br /> $� option.dedare tbe�vhole ot�afd aoie aad all tadehtedneu repre�ented thereby to be lmmedlately due aad payabio,and may forecloso thf� F � . <br /> ? mortgage or take any olher legat actloa to pzolect fb dgh4 aad!rom the date ol�uch delault all ltemi ol iadobtedaeu�acurod ho:aby � �� <br /> =S ehali draw�Intereat at�+J(��repmnnm. Appral�emeat waived. ���.�N <br /> `�� S� Thb�mortgaqe��hall be btnding upon¢nd �hall enuro to Ihe b�nsllt ol the hsin,azseuton,adminLt:atorn.�uaeuor�and aeaiqca d I � a <br /> i� S Iho ruepective paztfs�herela <br /> L f <br /> f�s IN WI7HE53.YJF�FIEOF,.wld Diottqagors�_ hs:eunto �st ��1e I� �'��an�the d'ay and year(tret abave - r` <br /> ). writle . / ) � j ' i , 'W <br /> '� ` —� B 1 C�Lv�-�; _ a� ; i � � � ,';Y�� f �` <br /> � � / h .�t <br /> L � Gre ' ry Uhrmacher oro n,y :! rmac er <br /> $ 'i <br /> i — <br />_ � � � <br />�� <br />