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, :,:. <br />� _ :r�� <br />�, t ,' � <br />� ��;: r.-: .---�. <br /> -� MORI'GAGE�aviaqs and i.oan Form--(Wreet Cradil�P1�) 255.2 (Speciall � <br /> � MORTGAG <br /> 7�" t�����C�:: E <br /> f� <br /> � �xo ; <br /> 1; THiS]ND£H7URE.made�thl. 1�tkl ,�„�.a� November � � isZ nT�a b.n.a.n .. <br /> ; E��GENE M. DERR ANO F05E !A. DERR, husband and wife, each in his and her own riqht <br /> ,;� � � � <br /> � i and as spouse of the other <br /> t, $$ Ha i l s <br /> { �f' �of � rounty.Nebraeka m monqagor_.,md tiome Fademl Savi¢q�aad Loan Anaodafloa ot Grand Tilaad,� <br /> 1 � .a wrporation organizod aad exiatinq uader the law� ol Na6raaka.with ita pi3adpal otfice�d plaeo of buuneu at Grand lal�d Nebzaika, <br /> �,j m mo:Iqagee: . � � <br /> FWI7NF5SETH: That naid mortgagcr S tor and[a conaideration ot the sum ot <br /> `; '� TWEtJTY TNOUSAND TWO HUNCRED FIFTY AND tJ0/100 ----------------- u�� �5 20,250.00 , ' - .;: <br /> a • <br /> c�� �he receipt oi which is�hereby actaowledqed,do_by these preaents mortqage and wmrQnt unto nmd aortgaqee, ih euccemora aad <br /> . auiqna,lorever,al!the lollowiag desalbed :eal eetma, aituated in tho muaty ol Ha I 1 <br /> � � - and State o1�Nebrmka,to-wic � � s <br /> ` s <br /> '1 $I �t <br /> � �� $S <br /> � # i <br /> 1 f+ <br /> :1; S> LOT 5 I XTY—THREE (63)� I i; BUEivAV I STn SU3�1 V!S I 0!d� nld P,DD I T 10,"J T�� THc C I TY OF € <br /> i � ^vRr�ND ISLAtdD <br /> #� .� <br /> � # �i <br /> 3'3 <br /> f� 3 <br /> � t� '1r <br /> f <br /> �`1 f� �t <br /> { �£ �£ <br /> ' � <br /> `rt `_ � <br /> � �. , <br /> ; ; <br /> � i�� Togethcr with alI hcalinq. IighLag, and pl�.mhinq equSpment and tiztu:on,iadudinq atoken�d bumen,saeens.awniaqe,e�orm �t� <br /> ,s ond dooro,cnd w:ndow ah¢dea ar bLnda wed m ar la n+ miik said propeity.vhether the eame cre now loca�ed on xid propertp� S <br /> cr hnreat:er pl¢ced therma. i� <br /> �f I� <br /> � -� sf TO HhVE AND 70 HOLU TFiE SAhtE, together with nll md aingulat the tenaments.hereditaaeatn¢nd appurtea¢aces thoreuate beloaq- : <br /> � SS't inq,ar in anywise,lorevec and wnrsant tho tille tv the eame. S¢id mortq¢gor 5 heteby pvenaaL—wi:h a¢id marigcqeu i� <br /> S% that__heL_ �'fe ,ct�he delivery hereol,thc!ax•(u:owoer So!�he premises abovo mnreped and deaaibed,¢ad 3�" $� � <br /> *„ �! :� aeixe3 of a qood and fadrleasible estete ot inheritcnce thereir., free cad decr ot all encumb:¢acef.�d t�at?he_L will wvrr�t�d +j <br /> detead�he title theieto forever aoainsl�ho clnime aad demcx:ds cl al!persone whomsoever. f= <br /> Si f� <br /> � 3; PAOYIDED T,LWAYS, end t!ila instrumeat Ss eYecuted an3 delixe:ed to secvre the paymeaf o!the eum oi i` � � <br /> s �S _ TWEidTY THOUSAND TI'�0 HUhDRED F(FTY A'dD �d0/I 00 --------------- �uQi. �c �C,25p.pQ , .� <br /> �, w�th io:eccet ihe�ron.looe�cr with such tAaxqes aad¢dvc^tea as may 6e dcc ¢r.d payahlo to said monqagee uadcr the tcrm� nad �: � <br /> �� �� <br /> : mndiflou ol the promissory note ol even date herew�ith and accured here6p,oxecvted by eaSd mortgcgor S Io eaid motigcyee,p¢yable F . <br /> �� aa e:p:eeaed in aaid noiu,and to eecure the petlotmaate of nll the tor•aa ¢^.d caaditloan cataic:ed thexein. 7Iu teima ol aaid aote �e $ � <br /> � �; hereby inccrpoznted hcrcln by this reterenrn. - <br /> + <br /> $+ It ie iha intentioa and agreoaeot of�Se parties here�o that this motiqaqe ehall aho noaue cny lulure adr¢ncea r.wdo to said jj?� � � � <br /> �% mariy^aqcr_5 bp evid c1onqagee, oad any end al! indehtednena in addil:oa!o tho oaouat above ntated which wid�octqcqor�, oi�y �} <br /> � ci owo to s�id mortq¢qee.however evidented wTether by nole,book acccuat or otherwise. 7h:a mortqage aholl reaaia ln full }j � <br /> �r S lo:ce and eilret between the parNea herato and thoir heiza. peaaoaa! represe¢tativez, aucces�ora and enaiqna, uatil all aaounu setucad e� <br /> ,. j �' he�eundcr.indudinq fuwe advancea,me�d in!ul!wtth iaierest S �� � <br /> i <br /> < +t <br /> �+ The mmtgagar�ho:eby aesiq�_to emd aortgagee all renta and inmme ariaiaq at any and all tiaea Iroa aaid propecty acd �� <br /> �#. hsreby authovize eaid mongaqee or itn ita cptioo,upoa defaul4 to take chmce o}�aid propertp and cAllect atl reob aad inmae � � <br /> $� t6crolrom and opply the eamo to the p¢yment ot interea4 priaapel,laeuraaca p:emiuma,tazeti¢sseumeau, repa:za or ur.pmvemeata aeces• �� � � <br /> � saxy to keep c¢id propeny In tenan1a61m m�dit}on,or m other c�gee or p¢pmonn p[ovidod(ot hareln or fa the note hereby secvted 7hL f � � � � <br /> $$ tent asstqnment shaU coatiauo in lorce uctil the unpofd balanro ol eald acle is tullp paid The faHnq of pesaeuton hereunder�hcll Sa ao �� � <br /> fS aaaner preveat or retm.j aeid mortgaqee in the eelloctlon of aaid�uue 6y forecloaure or othenvine. <br /> $� The tailura ol the mongagea to aaaert aay ot SU righb hercuader m any rir�e shall¢ot be cronawad ca a a�aiver ot ite right to ansext SS � <br /> j, t6e same at eny lmer 6m¢,aad to lnsiet upoa end entorco stria camp0aace with nIi lF.o terms and provlaicm ol aQ1d note end o! tbia jj �� . � <br /> iSmortgo4e.� �I . � . <br /> ;f II aaid morigagor�5�hell�cwse to be paid to .afd mo»gaqee the entlre amount due It hereuader.aad uader the tersi aad pravfsioos �3 � <br /> '; o(acid note harehy se�vred,3nduding tuture advmice�,and anp aztemioai or zanewaL �hereol Ia accordaaa wi�h the tarme�d pzaviaton� � . � � <br /> ! h f <br /> S3 thereof.�d il iaid mortqaqor�_�holl mmply�vith all tha pravltleaa o!wfd note�d o!this mortqaqo,thnn theae pceaew ahdl be�oid: $S .. <br /> '� i� otharwise�o remain�in tuL lorc��d�dfoet..�d�d mo:tqagee ahall be entiQed to tbe 1.»wsseuloa ol all o!emd property.�d fts $S � .�) <br /> se <br /> •. ,�. optlon,declme�the whols of�d note aad all indebledaeu rep�eaaated thcreby ro be lmmedimaly dua�d pay¢ble,and may lorr.lone thla $t '`<� <br /> ;� nottgago or take any ot6er teqal action to yrotect!b r1qh4 aad lrom Lhe dab of such default a0 Items of indebtedneu asaured harobp li <br /> � St� ehall draw i¢ta:nt a�f.�6��aaaua. AppraLamsat waivsd . �-. N + <br /> S . <br /> �t� Thia moriqaqo�hall be bindiaq upoa aad �hall�aure tn ths h�uel![d tha haus,ezxuton.admtalstrafon.aucnuon�d auSq¢a d {� . � <br /> � �± Ihe re�pective.pnrtia heteW.... �� � � <br /> J � <br /> r �` <br /> �� vnit ��� �P•������4��ss k� �ehueumo ut �he i r F,,,,�5 �o��d pear li�ri abo�e . � � <br /> i$ ` � 7 � <br /> a <br /> R �j ,t.z-c-E� –t_, `�1' �i _ ,.,.',�< j l� ,���:,�✓ <br /> f' Eugen � . err ' �ose '•i-Lerr <br /> q 3� _ 3 <br />� � � � <br />:# <br />