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<br />��'"'�� MOR7GAGE—Saving� and Loan Forw-1Dltect Cmdll Ptaa) 255-2 (Spedap � . � � - � �
<br /> �,.....,.. , MORTGAGE
<br /> 76-Q0654:�
<br /> . . .. � � . . . Loan No � � .
<br /> rtns irt�errtune,maaa u�. 9th a,,.,o� November ,�B 76 by ana 1»iween 1
<br /> ���
<br /> LARRY L: OSSANA AND CAROLYN F. OSSANA, husband and wlfe, each in hfs and her own
<br /> � right and as spouse of the other
<br /> � � oL � �H8 I I - � County.Nebrtuka,aa mortgnga S�d Home Federal Savings and I.oaa AaaociaUo¢ol Graad Ielaad � � � �
<br /> � .o corporatlon organi:ed�and aristing undor the law� ot Nebraeka with!ts pr(ndpal ollice and plaee o!buainea�at Grand Ida¢d,Nebmakc. � � �
<br /> m martqagee: .. �� � . .. � � � . .
<br /> � � WITNESSETN:� That sa7d.morigaqor�� !ot and in tomideration of thn eum of . . . � �
<br /> ' TWENTY-EIGHT THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100 -------------------notlau (5 28.500.00 i,
<br /> �tho�receipt�of which in heceby acknowledged,do_by theee preeente moetgage a¢d wanant unto sald mortgagea, l�e �ucceaeon and . � � �
<br /> anaiqne,toraver,all the lollowing describad real ealaie,dtuated in the county ol Ha�� � � . � �
<br /> � - and State o!Nebraeka..to�wiL•- �� � � � � � � � . � � � �� � � � � �
<br /> ' S �
<br /> �
<br /> � 5 S�
<br /> s` ;
<br /> �
<br /> �:. ,
<br /> ; ,� � �
<br /> 7 :
<br /> � �
<br /> �; ;f Togethor with ali hoatiag. Ilghting, and p1�mLtag equfpment and llzturea,includmq atoken and bumere,eaeem,awninqs,slormwindowa � � �
<br /> ; ' +j and doore.and window ehadee or blinda,ueed oa or(n connedion wi�h eaid propu�ty,wbether the eama a�e now located on wld property � � �
<br /> `: f ts on c�realter placad thereoa. � . � .
<br /> i. , y
<br /> t� TO HAVE RND TO HOLD Tf�SAME,together with all and einqular Ihe lenementa,6eredltnmante and uppurtenancee thoreunlo belong• �
<br /> $� ing.or in onywine appertaining.lorever,and warrant the titie to t6e eame. Scid morlqagor S Lereby coveaaa�with eald moAgaqeo � �
<br /> �
<br /> S# that tha_�L a�e ,at the dapvery hereol,the lawtul owner 5 of the premlaae abovo mnveyed and deacribed,and are � . �.
<br /> sf seized al a good und indelaasible eetato 01 inheritance themin,lrea and tlear of all encumbr¢acee,and thot t he�wlll wanmtt�d �� .
<br /> SS deland�he titie theceto forever againsl the claims and demande ol atl pe�aonn whomeoevoc .
<br /> ? t#
<br /> ':: 3 PROVIDED ALWAYS, md thle 'uutmment ie exetuted and delivered to aecure the paymeal ol tho eum o� .
<br /> t �� T4JENTY-FIGHT THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100 ---------------- nollare !s 28.500.00 �,
<br /> wilh inte�eal thetean.together with such cha[gee and advancoa m may be dua and payable to sald mnqgogee under tbe terau and
<br /> {, , condltion� ol the prominwry note ot even date Lerewith and necured here6y,e:ecuted by eald mortgaqor S to aaid mortgagee.payahle
<br /> �� � 3 as ezpressed in aaid noto,aad lo necure the perlormonce ot all the terme and coaditiom comained Ihe�ain. The terma of edd ao�e aro
<br /> t hereby incorporatod here[n by thts relarence.
<br /> f
<br /> � fl Ia tho intentioa and agreement of�he padics hereto thm Ihia ma�tgage ahalt aleo eecvre any luture advancea medo to said �
<br /> � morlqago�5 by sdd moctgaqee,and any and all indeAtedneee In addltton to tho amount above etated which said mortqagora,or any .
<br /> at them, may owo�o eaid mortgaqee,however evidenced whether by ao�e,book accouat or otherwiee. Thts moriqaqe ahat!remaln!n full
<br /> torce and ellect between�he �III�B horoto nnd thuir hnire, pereanal tepreeentativea, eutteespte and meignn, until all amounts ee�ured
<br /> he�cunder,1ndud1¢g lutura advmcee,ara paid in 1Wi with inlereel.
<br /> � The moc�gagor�S hareby autgn_to eaid mortgageo all reate and income arlaiag at any and all tlmoe !rom said p�ope�y.and
<br /> . haceby authoriza eaid mongaqoe or iis agent al ils oprion,upon dafaul4 to take c6mqa ot eaid p�operty and crollect aU renta and lncome £
<br /> ILewkom and tlpply Ihe aamo to�6e payment o!intare�t,prinripal,iaeurance prnmiume.ta:e�,a�aeaewenb, repairs or improvemenl�nece�• �
<br /> �; eary to�eep said propeny In tenantable condition.ox to o�her ch¢rgen ot paymaote pioWdad!or hereln or in tha no�e 6e�eby�ecvred 7hla
<br /> $ rent aseignment ihall continuo!a lotu until Ihe unpatd balanee ot eaid no�e fa lully pald. The taking o!posaeseioa hereunder ehall la ao
<br /> � $, manner prevent or ratard wid mortqagee in the m1lecNon o!vaid�um�by forecloaura or othernLe,
<br /> Y
<br /> t The loilure al t6e-morlqaqeo to aaeert�y ol iV dqhta he[aundei at aay Hma ehall not be conalruod ae a waivor a!!b dghf lv aasert
<br /> �, $� ibe aame al any Imer tima and to laeiet upon and enlo�ce etrtct rnmpllance vri�h alt the te�ms aud proWelom o! eatd note and o! this $
<br /> � mortgage. $
<br /> It said mortqago�S ehall cause ta be pafd to�aid mortgagee the enllra amount due tt herounder,and vndar the to�me aad provieton�
<br /> � � ol eaid note hereby eecured tncludlag luluro advaacas,aad any eztensioai or cenewaL thereo!In accnrdanae wtlh tLe !e� �d prorieWea
<br /> � thereol.aad i!�aid mortgaqor 5_ shall eomylp wlth all the provLioas o!safd note and o!thL mortqaqe,thon�hese presenV eLall be vold;
<br /> , ��� olherwiw�.lo remda 1n!ull lo�u:aad eUoct,md said m�tgaqee ehall be eatttled to ths poue�eloa ol all ot�a3d proportp,m�d may,at(t� �
<br /> f� optlon,dxlare the whole of wld nots and all iadebtedneu npoe�enled iharoby to be Immedf¢tely due and payabte,oad may fo�eclom thL
<br /> mortgaga or take�any�other legal actlon to proteet 1ta dghb and kom the dab ol�ueh detault all i�em�ol ladabledneu�ecurad hareby �� p-.�
<br /> � �� ehull draw interest vt 9,���r,�aum. Appzaiwmant walved. . r•.:�, �
<br /> {S 7a
<br /> � S� Thi�mortqaga�hall be btadtnq upon and�hall anut�to ths b�nallt ot Iha heln,ezacWon,adminLtrator�.�uccauor��d aWqm d N
<br /> j$ �ho roayectirs partls�.beroto. .�� a
<br /> � �$ IN W17NES4;Wf�AEOF,.aald Mortqagor 5 ti^ Ve,heraunlo �et the�� ti��tho day and year Ii�et above � �
<br /> � �T wi�tlea � n
<br /> �� � �l / n, � tn�
<br /> . �'/ .4'litl �j/ (�!7 - �''l.0 1/,r � � , �
<br />�• arry . Ossana Carol. n F. Ossana `
<br />:�
<br />>`.I
<br /> � � J
<br />