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h-`, <br />�.4� . ' n�?�'•� . <br />;4,i, :. � . . . ' . -:... x1'•.'.�67 <br />� . � <br />�� � <br /> � ��>._. . . . <br />§ ,� `� (� [� /s' rn� <br /> . f ��" lJ � 1,.? 'E '�� \J . <br /> 1�lie h4Srigageu mn�� �•oll�.�l a ''Inia rivet���" not. tn �•�cv�o�i � I�ir„ t`,•nrs ffir.) rnr �i�m�h �iollnr � $l .fN)) of ��r+rh ioi;d nionthl�' � . <br /> . . ��v+ytn.e7lt �mote thvn l :i da}'c in nr?•i�ai•� in nitrr tho ���irt r� prnsp invnl�•t�d v1 hnndlinfi deiinquenl flron�tn[a. � . � . <br /> , . � � Al� j�alm�entc madc u�t<t��r the }ia>visians ��f i�ii�; tnori�nl:�• ���' � i�� iinf.� h��rr{lY Fr`CIIIY4{. \t'I11PI1 may lic cnnsuv�+�l ns intem�t, �. � . � . . <br /> � �hnll � mh, in ilrr �-A�r�ete �i��er ihe teY�m� Ilirrrof, r�ir(vl ihr rnie Ilr:xt mav noa Iv+ ln�rfaAv i�+ntrncMd fo� ii� N�riiina�. � � � . . <br /> � . � � li is fnfiher egme:i ilisi in case flny� suil is lx�kun #o iorei�insc this mort.�npe, ihe A1�iet�;nrcr. . iis it�p�rsontnticen nr ndsiuns. � � � � . � <br /> �.hnll at rinivr ty� entlli�:d to 1h�� . �x�Evessiim nl sni�9 p�y�mims.� nnd ppnn . aPplicalioil the�vfor, Ihe �rou�i in k•hich mch eriinn nhnll � � . � � : � � <br /> . . lve Uronghl or. an5' 7�1dR�"�,[ ��ch �v�ui7, cither in term tim�• nr vac�tirm, is 8ernh}� authmizMl to appoint e rt=vre�mr t�� iake j>unnes. ' . � . . <br /> �ion af said pmmises, nr io <•,>ll��.�i. - ihP rents ihrreiivm. m�d fo d,i nnd parCornr}� nihcr ects :av me}� 1+� r,huimi Ny ihr order �. � � � � � <br /> ��I the ttwrt mAAing the n�i�toiniment; nnd � s�i�i \iorl�tn�nx hen•h�� wais'es nny ttntice ol . srtch applicntinn. end �vtnsents tn ihr ap• . . � . <br /> �iniMnieht �oi n rrcci�•er upon ihe pr�xiucti�i�1 nf Ihis mortunec u�fihont othrr a�i�i�ne,•, . . . � . . . <br /> T�Le �4ori+;eg��e shn�l be =nbmgrted tn nIi ot ih� �ights, piicil��ti��w, a�riontirv. mid �nauities ul nn}� licnhnider wt�os� li��m m�y � �. . . <br /> : ha�w lry-�it dischwY��d (mm� th�� �tr�xeMis ��t this loan. nr h}. . �Fup Punds iu��rh�� pnid or f�irnlplx�9 hr flir \4oiiKag�n. �. � . : . <br /> � � TT TS Ii1PItr5SI.Y AS,RG$D th:�t if the \1ortC2goc Phnll set{, eom�e�� nr nlirnste eni�1 pro�mrlp, or Anp pari �Ihrtrof, . � � <br /> . � nr nriy intereet themin, or Fhnll be di�r�t�i of hic title or nn}• intem=t thrmin iii nny mamiar i+r �vay, tvhritiri �roliintnriiy � or � � � � <br /> + invntantntiiy, �vifhdnC H �iiten �vnseni nf ihe Mmika�r.r IH+ing firai hnd and nht�nini�i. \inriy,^.igoe qh:rll ha�r U�e tiY-���. ni its opiion. <br /> tn dmfnre nny �indebt�slirras nr n}fli�eiions nw��r(vi hemBy. i��repn•t:i�r n( th�� m�+innLy dnce . s(xv7fiod in am• noio evidencinR lhe . � � . . <br /> s � � enme. immediatrlp due nnd �ixt•aliln tvilltnUt notirn, nnd n3id drbt s}�nit ihen�ulwn i��rome nt�olutr. li ih�+ o��mrrship of ttie m�irt- � � . � � � . <br /> j " �. - Ragal proprrty Ixtnmrs vosfE3 in n �x-�son olhee ihan Ihc \7orignqor. i.he ;1io�i�,af�i� may, ��ilhnut nniicr in ih� �4oNga�.mr, dtnl , � � � . <br /> «ith euch svcress�jr ur evr�rssore in int�n-st nilh rofeirmr cn ihis moNyage nnd Ihc d�•hi hrrr-liy ecta�n��i ns �vith the ?�4��riga�cuc <br /> and may foii�nr to sue »r m:�y extrnd time for the pa�-m�y1t of Ihr dcbi he�alip s��vn�{ �riihoui disriintging nr in nny «^�y niTrrting <br /> ihe IiAhility uf thr, �>riQinnl :�io�t���on c�reund�r or iry�nn Ihr d,4>l ��3yir.�9. <br /> . . ln ihis insirumenl. ihe .vingntae includrs th. plutnl nnd tho mnsiaiiine ineludez tbc femininr nnd the n�ui��r nnd thiv in� . . . . � � � � <br /> � s0-mneni xhall Sre himiinK upon ihr a+id��ai�nrri, hi� hrirs, par=on �+1 rrpr���nialivrs. sa�vv�asnrs nnd nx+igns. � � . . � �. <br /> . � 1 ;� \1T'f'\T:SS \11i1;RT?01'. irr have hrrr�mto cri :�ar hnndc nmi �ral, ihr d:�y nnd yrnr tn�si siw�tr wnUrn. . � . . <br /> f-� � hi ihe �irnsenrn �nL• . . � - . . . . . <br /> , . _ . .,,.: . . � . .. <br /> � � ' . <br /> , , <br /> r . � \:<::u.u` r � � -. ... ,� ' :�� � � *2:?k-.:_._. .. .. . ._ . ... __ _.....__ . ...... � . <br /> � N��� - i�1 {; 7.11� � �. � . <br /> f � <br /> , _. <br /> � � 1\ ' ,1 fYr � i '. . <br /> I <br /> t : � ��-t, � ", � �'�C � 1,�' � '!-��,� <br /> _ __ __ ._ _ _ _ _ ._.. <br /> .' -'iC'.Sl i+'e3P{; �I19Z �� / � <br /> r: . . <br /> i <br /> 5'1`A'i'G Ur NL:IittAS{iA � . - . � . . . <br /> ; <br /> , _ i <br /> . . <br /> i s�, <br /> : .. . . _ . . . . li3u.._... _ _. . S`ountc. ! . <br /> f: ; <br /> ' . �: . .; �, ' _ . � � . <br /> : ' O�� ihi: �..;' . .. _ . . . . di�y� of . . . .t,� .Q �-' (. o. . �J��y: . 19 . i i` IrC��n� m��, ilie undeisiRnevi, n \��inra 1'ublic. in nnd for aaid <br /> ' p� C�p�IIIP. pe1:Oi18��p c:ltlle... P� V. �_r.n�l.. l.�. . . ii;.91' i _Iir.Z . . 8ll�1 IS,GLCll. . �i¢31`,t, l!1L7. p . i1�1ii��1l11� .. c�ilU. � _f�� . . . _. _. . . _ . . _ _ . ._ . . � . � . <br /> pe�onall�� 6nu�vn t�i me lo I,r Ilie. idP1lHCill �1PI'?Vilp 1eIU)i? OH�71P9 Nlr` n(Tital ta lhr nlvvr nnd I�m�r;eina inslnimrnt. rts mnNa�+eurn, . . . <br /> � nnd ��ach ackno�elnl�rvl oaid inctnuvi•nt 10 la. his or I+er ��„hudnn� nrt snd deFd. � . <br /> �' \ \l°iin�ws ntc hmid and nolnrinl scnl nt _.. � :I':Qhl � :.1:111i1 � Z�L'1'd3li3 . . . . . <br /> � . . . . . _. . . .. . . _ . . _ _ . . _. ._ _ _. . <br /> � Ihr dnl� lnel alri��e ���rilt�+n. . . . <br /> �. <br /> � .. ._� _._ -._ .. ..._.� : �. - <br /> '1�� �' � � n �. t 1-i7lL£ _,.. �. ;?.:. ..1�:.C �;_ . . ._;-__. _ . _ . 4.:. v(.i... .. .... ... .. <br /> F ; .�t'i . • . , , .�. � - Nolan� Pvblir. <br /> t <br /> ' . . . . . . . . i . �. <br /> Atp �ti•mmisviou � � . �,�. ; , : ,r,,,,�,s � <br /> � I� � � . . _ . . <br /> i` � " _ <br /> � ti�l�[�7��: Ur _ . � -- '---- - � -- --'— <br /> `. _ _ . . . _ . . . - _ i R3, <br /> ( ' t�qUil�)' . . . . _ , .. . . . . . . . . _ _. . . . _ _ . . <br /> k l��ntered on uumeric�l indez aud (iled (or rci�ord in ( he 12eRieter u[ lleeds i)(lice u[ Faid Count.}• the <br /> ` _ _ _ _ . . _ . . .,.da1� ��f. . . . . . _. . . . . . . . . . _ . _ _ . 19. . _ . . . . , nt . . _ ._ _ _ . ,�'rl�x�]c and _ _ . minuir.a . _ _ . . . lf .. <br /> hn3 tt�c�c�rded in i3uok. .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. ._oC Atori �nRes nt pn�e . _ _ . . . _ . . ;��+ ] n.cinuuenl No. _ _ . _ . . . . . <br /> _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ . . _ . . . . _ . . _ . <br /> � ] i���. uf f)eeds <br /> ` «: i r , <br /> , 13� _ _ _ _ . 1?euut �• � , <br /> ' eV . <br /> 1CI�e1i recorded tu be relu� ned tu Flie �'� ' � � � <br /> , � 1�11t°�7' I•' 1'sDliR ,1L 4.11'INGS ANI ) LO.AN .AS�U (' 1 :19'lON OP I .LNf 'ULN � <br /> LINCOLN OFFICES: OMAHA UPFICFS � REGII)NAL QFFiCES : 'k <br /> h <br />� � �_� 1 :36 "N.� 5lreet � �1 '?'CG (=,u:iic St. ' l ". I ;!! I � ial 1v�.. h��amrv � . . <br /> � .] 1 ?5 N��. Culnprl+�vd. � . , - rl�r��n 7t3 r.dii l . <br />�'�" � � ( - I 2101 S� 1 <� d Sl. � � . l3 C tt ���1 , 1 a�H�wV -. <br /> -.r <br /> ft% . � � .� iUllt ;!•id "A' :iL � _1 9 =�1i Ni. uQlh St. !'h^n / < ° .ZQ� � <br /> � .� ."�4 ! Na. 11lh �heet I � 1 ! :133 til �lirr� ,� }i�l <br />�'�` � . � � 10'�^.U �\'CSIU��dFcNd . t'11.�� i � 2 � ? <br />{�.. fl�ipin dii �q�el " � I t :�. 11 RI n ,1vr i' � r(„ <br />.,,: � t �s <' ll � I'h�f� 5 �,:-q � , � - , . <br /> - � � � ri,,.��� ;, �, . � � :fn <br /> � � Crnulyhl 19F5 E� fl�fl frd.�nl SnH�te end leen �feeclellonnl Llr.rlrt, 11•.v�n. tletrnsln ..._ —. .� <br /> ��. <br /> � <br />