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<br /> �6' 0064R,6
<br /> A90RTGAGL•
<br /> p10RTGAG8L0ANN0. L 22,36Z
<br /> KNOWALLh1F.NBYTHLSEYRGSENTS:7'hat JOflfl Nd90P5R1, Jr. and Connie J. Nagorski, each in his
<br /> '` and her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> Mortgagor,whether one or more,in censideration of the sum of
<br /> `` ;' Twentv Thousand and No/100---------------------------------------------------------�ot�nes
<br /> loaned lo said mortgagor by The @quita6le Duilding and Loan Associution of Crand Island,Nebrasl<a,Atortgugee,upon Z�� shares o(stock of
<br /> said.ASSOCIATION,Certifica[e No.L 22,362 ,do hereby grant,convey and murtgage unlo the said ASSOCIATION the(ollowing � �� � � � .
<br /> described real estate,situated in Hall County,Nebmska:
<br /> NEBRASKA.
<br /> �; ;
<br /> : �
<br /> together witli all the tenements,hereditaments and appurtenances tlierewuo belonging,including attached tlour coxerings,all window screens, , � . �
<br /> �ainduw shades,blinds,storm windows,awnings,he�ling,air condi[ioning,and plumbiag and wa�er equipmen[and accessories thereto,pumps,stoves, � �
<br /> �; reGigerators,and othrr flxtures and rquipment now or hereafter attached to or ured in cunnectim�with said real est�te. � . �
<br /> � And�che�eas the said mortgagor has agreed and dues hereby agree Ihat the nwrigagor shall and will pay all taxes and a:sessments levied or
<br /> " � assessed upon wid premises and upun this murlE;age and Ihe bond secured thereba befbre the same shall become delinquent;to furnish approved � � �� .
<br /> t insurance upon the buildings on said prcmises situated in�he sum of S ZO�0��.�� �8{'BbIC to said ASSOCIAT(ON and to deliver to said
<br /> i�� , ASSOCIATION the policies(or said insurance;snd not to conunit or permit�ny�vaste on or about said premiser, . �
<br /> g� � ' In casa uf default in the performance oC any o(the terms and conditions of this mortgage or ihe bond secured hereby,lhe mortgagee shall, � � � �
<br /> F..���� un dcmand,bc enti4ed to immediatc pusses:ion of thc murt@aged premises and the murtgagor hereby assigns, transCers and sets over to the - � � �
<br /> � mortgagee all the rents,re�•enues nnd income to be derived(rom the mortgaged premises during such time as the murtgnge indebtedness shall remain
<br /> . unpaid;and the murtgagee shall have the pow�r to appoint any agent ur agents it may desire for the pur�wse oF repa'uing said premises and rcnting �
<br /> the same and collecting ihe rents,revenues and income,and it may pay out oC said income all expenses uf repairing said premises�nd necesmry � � � �
<br /> ' commissions and rxpenses incurred in renting and managing lhe same and o(collecting rentals therefrom;the balantt remaining,if any,to 6e �� �
<br /> '� applied toward the Jiuharge u(said mortgage indebtedness:these rights of the murtgagee m:�y be exercised at any time during the existence u(such �
<br /> (�.� de(ault,irrespective of any temporary�eaiver o(thc samc.
<br /> Tliese Presents,huwerer,are upon the Condition,'fhat iC the said Atorteagor shall repay�aid loan on or beforc the maturity uC said shares by �
<br /> paymenr,pay munthly to said ASSOCIATI01 uf ihe smn specified in the 13ond secured hereby as interest and principa!on said loan,on or before
<br /> �� the Twentie�h day of each and eeery month,until s�id loan is fully p�id;pay all tases and assessments levied against said premises and on this lfortg�ge � .
<br /> ��� and the ftond securcd thercby,before delinquenq�;Cumish approved insurunce upun the buildings thereon in thc sum of 5 2O�QQQ.QQ paya6lr
<br /> r� �o said ASSOCIATION;repay to said ASSOCiAT10N upon demand all muney by i�paid(ur such tases,asseismenu and insurance with interest at �.
<br /> 3'� � the m�ximwn legal rate thereon(rom date of puyment all of which Afortgagor hereby agrees to pay;permit nu waste on said premises;keep and comply �
<br /> y- with all the agreements and ronditions o(the Uund(or S ZO�QQQ.QQ this day given by the snid Aturtgagor ro said ASSO(:IATlOY,and wmply �
<br /> = tivith all the reyuirements uf ihe Constimtion and Iiy-Laws oC said ASSOCIATIDN:then these presnnts shnll 6ecomn null and��oid,othenvise they �
<br /> "� shall remain in full Corce and may be Ibreclored a[the opiion o(the s�id ASSOCIATION alter (ailure for duee months to m�ke any of said
<br /> '� payment�or be ihree munihs in x�rcars in making said munth(y paymen�s,or to keep and cumply with the agreements and conditions uf s�id Qond;
<br /> and�tortgagor agrees to have a receiver appointed forlhx�ith in such foreclusure pmceedingt �
<br /> If thcre is any change in ownership uf�hc real esiate mortgaged herein,by sale or othenvise,then the entire remaining indebtedness hereby
<br /> : secured shall,at the uption o('fhe Lquitable 8uilding and Loan Association of Grand Island,Ne6raska,become immediately due and payable wiqiou[
<br /> ' furiher notice,and the amuunt rcmaining'duc unde�saiJ 6ond,and any other bond for any additioral advances made tl�ereunder,shall,from the
<br /> �_ date of exercise of said optiun.bear interes!at the m�ximum legal rate,and this mortgxge may then be foreclosed to satisfy the amount d�e on s�id
<br /> ' bond,and any other bond for additional advances,to@ethar v.�ith all sums paid by said The Lquitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Itland,
<br />� s: lebraska for insurance,taxes and assessments,and abstracting estension charges,with interest thereon, from date o(payment at the maximum
<br /> >,:. ' legalratc.
<br /> ��-�� As provided in the➢und secured hereby,�shilr�his mu�t@age rrmains in e(f'ect tlie murtgagee may herealtu advance additional sums to the
<br /> . makea of said�und,duir a:signs or successurs in interest,which sums:h�ll be within ihe ucuriry of ihis murtg�ge the same as the lunds originally
<br /> ucured thcrcby,thc tota!amount of principal debt nm m cxceed at any timc qie original amount oC this mortgage.
<br /> eea u 6th d;,�1 October � 0..1��76
<br /> �� �C � '� _� e �, t2�i�•,ri1�._1�.
<br /> 3'i�tier.l.�'
<br /> o n Nagorsk' Jr. Connie J. Nag s i
<br /> STATC•O�NEBRASKA,ju Onthis 6th dayo( October 19�6 ,beCoreme,
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL J : �
<br /> � the undersigned,a Notary Pub6c in and for said County,perwnally came � � "���,�•
<br /> John Nagorski, Jr. and Connie J. Nagorski, each in his and her own right and as spouse of N'':;:
<br /> each other, ���10 are personallyknuwnto a ;
<br /> lme to be the idenlical person 5 wliose name S fi2 affixed ro the a6ove ins)�a murtgagor 5 and th2y ,sceerally �„f. �
<br /> acknowtedged the s��d mstmment to be thei r �'oluntary act and deed. � � � � � � ��,
<br /> � ---WI-T�FE53-m};hand and Notarial Seal the date a(uresaid. � �( ; �
<br /> �` -.tFu rt , :i: �. / .. /\
<br /> � � � .. ;Mv Commissi n expues ,� �'c' /��
<br />� ! __, i,;, f �,.:. ..._. 3 ����(�. � /�l� � 11i--1:� .
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