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<br /> 7fr .006474
<br /> D10RTGACE
<br /> AIORTCACE LOAN N0. 22+416
<br /> KNOWALLAfGNOYTHL'SBPRF,SC•NTS:That Randall Riessland and Jill Riessland each 111 h75 811d
<br /> r
<br /> , her own right and as Sp0U58 Of @dCh other �tortgagor,whetheroneormore,inconsiderationuf[hesumof
<br /> ; Thirty-four Thousand Three Hundred and No/100------------------------------------- no�taRs
<br /> loaned to said murtgagor by'!he Equitable Duilding and I.oan Association of Crand Island,I�eb�aska,Aiortgagee,upon shares oC stock of
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Certificale No.L 22,416 ,do ltereby grant,cunvcy and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br /> described real estate,situa[ed in Hall County,Nebraska:
<br /> �:
<br /> j:�� together with all lhe tenements,heredituments�nd appurtenances thereimlu belon�ing,including attached Iloor cuverings,all window screens, �. � � � �
<br /> ` window shades,blinds,s�urm windows,awnings,heating,�ir condi[ioning,and plmnbing and waterequipment and acceswries thereto,pumps,stuves, � � . .
<br /> f' re(rigerators,and other fixtmcs and equipmcnt nuw or heresfter attached to or used in conncction�vith s;�id re�l estate.
<br /> _ And whereas the said mongagor has agrced and does here6y agrec that lhe mnngagor shsll and will pay aU taxes and asseuments levied or . . . �
<br /> uussed upon s3id premises and upon this murtgage anJ the honJ secwed thcrebv br(ore d:e same shall berome delinquent;to furni:h approved
<br /> inwrance upon the buildings on said premises situ;��ed in the smn of S 34�30�.0� payable tu said ASSO(:IA'fiON and ro deliver to said
<br /> ASSOCIATION lhe pulicies(or said insurance;and not to cummit ur pennit any waste nn ur a6uut said premises; � � � . -
<br /> !n cast of default in the perForm�nce of any of the terms and conditions of this mo�lc:+ge or the 6ond secured hereby,the mortgagee shall, � � �
<br /> on demand.be entided to immrdia�e possessiun of the muneaged premises and du mangagur hereby assigns, trxnsfers and seu over to the . � � �
<br /> murtgagee ali U�r cents,reeenues and income tu Ue derived from the mortgaged premises during such time as du morigage indebtedness shnll remain . .
<br /> unpaid:and the mortgagee�liall liaec the po�eer tu sppoint any agent ur agents it may drsirc fur the purpuse of repairing said premises and renting � �
<br /> - - the sarne and collec�ing the rents,re�•c�mes und income,and it may pay out of said incume all expenses of rrpairing said premises and necesssry � . � .
<br /> �' commissions and expensez incurreJ in rcn[ing and m�nnging the same and of cullecting rentals thercfrom;the baiana remaining;if�any,eo 6e � � - �
<br /> �'�� � applied toward thr dischsme of said mortgage indebtedness;these richts uf the mortgagee may be exercised at any time during the existence oI such � � �
<br /> . de(autt,irrespective of uny cemporary waiver u[thz same. � .
<br /> Thex Presents,ho���c��cr,are upon the Condition,"Phat if�he s�id lfong:+gur shall repay s�id loan on or beiorc the msturity of said ehares by � �
<br /> g�� payment;psy monthly to s�id ASSOCLITIO\o(the sum specified in Ihe Uund setured hereby ns incerest and principal on saiJ loan,on or before - . . � �
<br /> the Twentietli day of each and every month,until said lo�n is tully paid;pay all taxes and asstssrt�ents levied sgainst said premites and on this 1lortg:tge . .
<br /> il�� � and ihe f3ond securrd tliereby.before delinquency:(urnish approved insurance upon the buildings theceon in the sunt oi 534,30�.�� pa��able � � � �
<br /> x� �o said ASSOCIATION;rcpay to said ASSOCIATIO\upon demand all money by it p�id tur such tsxes,assessments�nd insurance with interest at . � �.
<br /> �`��� Ihe maximum Irgal rate thereon frum date oi payment all oE x�hich Atortgagor hrceby aerees to p�y;prrmit no waste on said premises;keep and comply � �
<br /> f
<br /> ; aith all the agreements�nd conditimu of the Bund fur S 34 000.�� �his day gi�'en by the s�id lfortg�gor ro said ASSOCIATION,and eomply
<br /> s'r wi�h all the reyuirements of tha Constitution and lly-Lan•s uPsaid ASSO(:IATION;then these presents shall become null and void,othencise they
<br /> shall rcmain in full force and may be(oreclosed at the optiun uf the s:lid ASSOCIA"(fON a(ter failure for thcec months tu ma}:e any ot said �
<br /> pnyments or be ihree mon�hs in arrears in making said monUily pa�anents,u�tu keep and comply with ihe agreements and conditions of said Dond; � .
<br /> and AforiQ�gor a@rces to have a iecei��er appointed forth���i�h in such torcclosure proceedings.
<br /> i� � If there is any change in ownership of d�e real estate mortgaged herein,by sale or otherwise,then the entire remaining indebtedness hertby
<br /> €� ucured shall,at the opiion of The Gquil�ble Uuilding and Loan Association o(Crand Island,Nebraska.become immediately due and payable without
<br /> ' further nolice,and the amount remaining due under said 6und,and any other bund for any additional ad�ances made thereundec,shall,from the
<br /> . da�c uf escrcise oC said option,bear intcrcst�i the maximutn legal ra�e,and this murtgsec nuy then be foreclosed to sa�isty the amount Jue on said �
<br /> V . bon�,;�nd any uther bond for addition;�l�Jsances,tocether K�ith all sums paid by said The lyuitable Building and Loan Aswciation o(Grand Island,
<br /> ,�,.�. ' Nebraska for insurann,taxes anJ�ssessments,and abstracting extensiun charges,wi�ft interest themon,from date of payment at the maximum
<br /> - Icgal rate.
<br /> As pro��ded in Ihe llund secured liereby,wl�ile this murtgage remains in eCfect the mortgngee msy herea(ter advance additional sums to the
<br /> � nuAers u(said Bond,thtir assigns ot sureeswrs in interes�,which sums shall be within the securily of dtis mortgage the same as the(unds originally
<br /> �
<br /> � secured themby,the rotal amounl of principal de6t not to exceed at any time the urigin�l amount of Ihis mortgage. �
<br /> Datedthis gth . '�°>'Of November ^ °�•��76
<br /> i?
<br /> �')�i�%�GA4.(���j_��nn.�r,�:.�/
<br /> Rapd��l.�Rless and
<br /> l''`��,r ��ar.�lr�,ti�r�
<br /> JiT�I Riessland
<br /> STATE OF NEDRASY..A.�ss. On ihis ath Say u( November 19�6 ,beforc mt,
<br /> the undersigned,a Notary Public in and fur said Counry,personally came . .
<br /> Randall Riessland and �ill Riessland each in his and her own right �nd as spouse o# each N :,
<br /> other W 1O dN2 P«sonal y known to ? .
<br /> OC
<br /> l � )t��hCipp tZson 5 whou name S are affixed to the above instrument as mortgagor S ���� they ��'e1�1Y d
<br /> � }°uo��i�t�qHt�ie�e�� in � ment lo bc thei r wluntary act and decd. n �
<br /> i! , �
<br />�,",'�*� - �5�17.NPS y hand and Notarial Seal the date aforesaid. 1 . �y
<br />�� :1 ` V.!y1 y C�t$ sion axpires �}j, '�1�0 � J�t I� ... .
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